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laquelle, relat. pron. (m. lequel ; plur. lesquelles, lesquels) who, whom, that; (interrogatively) which; auquel, à laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles, to whom, to which; duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelles, of whom, whose; of which, from whom. larder, v. a. to lard, to deck, to adorn.

larron, n. m. thief, stealer, rogue. le, def. art. the; pers. pron. him, it, he, so.

leçon, n. f. lesson, advice.

ledit, adj. a law term meaning: said, before-mentioned, abovenamed.

lésine, n. f. meanness, stinginess. lettre, n. f. letter.

leur, poss. adj. their; pron. to them, them.

leurre, n. m. enticement, decay, bait.

lever, v. a. to raise, to lift.

lézard, n. m. lizzard.

libre, adj. free.

librement, adv. freely.

licence, n. f. permission, power. lieu, n. m. place, spot, part; au lieu de, instead of, in lieu of; avoir lieu, to take place, to occur, to have occasion; tenir lieu de, to take the place of, to make up for.

ligne, n. f. line. lire, v. a. to read. lit, n. m. bed.

litière, n. f. straw, litter. livre, n. f. pound, livre: an old

coin nearly equal to a franc, and containing twenty sous. In 1795 it was superseded by the franc. Originally, it was equivalent to a pound (weight) of silver. loger, v. a., n. to lodge, to harbor, to live or dwell.

logis, n. m. home, house.

loin, adv. far; avant d'aller plus loin, before proceeding further, before taking the next step. long, adj. long.

longtemps, adv. long, a long time,

a great while. lorsque, conj. when. louange, n. f. praise. louer, v. a. to praise.

louis, n. m. an ancient gold coin of France twenty-four franc piece; louis d'or, louis d'or. loyalement, adv. loyally, honestly. lui, pers. pron. (objective case,

plur. eux) him; (of things) it; (nominative case) he; flur. they; (instead of à lui, à elle; plur. leur) him, to him; her, to her. lumière, n. f. light, lights. lunettes, n. f. plur. spectacles. luth, n. m. lute.

M', contraction of me. ma, poss. adj. my.

See mon.

madame, n. f. madam, lady.

magasin, n. m. store.


magistrat, n. m. magistrate. main, n. f. hand; sous main, secretly.

maintenant, adv. now.

maintenir, v. a. to maintain, to uphold, to affirm.

maintien, n. m. deportment, bearing, carriage. mais, conj. but. maison, n. f. house.

maître, n. m. master ; maître juré filou, consummate cheat; maître juré was the name of the guild-master.

maîtresse, n. f. mistress, intended,


marché, n. m. market; à bon

marché, cheap. marcher, v. n. to walk. maréchal, n. m. farrier. mari, n. m. husband.

mariage, n. m. marriage, wed


marier, v. a. to marry; [se —],

v. r. to marry, to get married. marque, n. f. mark, sign.

marquer, v. a. to mark, to show, to point out.

majestueux, adj. majestic, stately. | marquis, n. m. marquis; donner

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malicieusement, adv. maliciously. maltraiter, v. a. to ill-use. mangeaille, n. f. food, victuals. manger, v. a. to eat; manger son blé en herbe, to eat one's corn whilst it is but grass.

manière, n. f. manner, way, mode; manière d'agir, behavior, way of going at things.

manquer, v. a. to fail in; v. n. to fail, to err, to commit faults, to lack, to be wanting. maraud, n. m. rascal. marchand, n. m. tradesman. marchander, v. a. to bargain for, to argue for.

dans le marquis, to ape aristocracy.

marquise, n. f. marquess, marchioness.

marron, n. m. chestnut. masque, n. m. mask, pretence,

pretext, cloak.

matin, n. m. morning. maudire, v. a. to curse.

mauvais, adj. bad, sour, disagreeable, evil.

maxime, n. f. maxim, belief, principle.

me, pers. pron. me, to me. méchant, adj. wicked, vicious. médecin, n. m. doctor.

médiocre, adj. mediocre, so so. meilleur, adj. (comparative of bon) better; (superlative of bon) best.

mélancolique, adj. melancholy. mêler, v. a. to mingle, to mix; [se], v. r. to meddle with. même, adv. even; adj. same;

(with personal pronoun) self. mémoire, n. m. memorandum, list. menace, n. f. threat.

menacer, v. a. to threaten.

ménage, n. m. house-keeping; faire un bon ménage, to be a good wife; to keep all things in the house in good order. ménager, v. a. to manage, to keep

on good terms with, to gain over, to humor.

mener, v. a. to lead, to take, to drive.

mentionné, adj. mentioned. mentir, v. n. to lie, to tell a lie.

mer, n. f. sea.

merci, n. m. thanks; Dieu merci, thank God!

mère, ». f. mother.

mérite, n. m. merit, excellence. mériter, v. a. to merit, to deserve,

to earn.

méritoire, adj. meritorious, praiseworthy.

merveille, n. f. marvel, wonder; grande merveille, most miraculous.

merveilleusement, adv. wonder

fully, marvellously, extremely. merveilleux, adj. marvellous, wonderful.

messieurs, n. m. (plur. of monsieur) gentlemen, sirs. métier, n. m. trade, business. mettre, v. a. to put, to put on, to lay out; mettre à couvert, to shelter, to protect; mettre en terre, to bury; mettre quelqu'un en colère, to make a person angry, to put a person in a passion; [se], v. r. to place one's self; se mettre à la raison, to be amenable to reason; se mettre en peine, to

trouble one's self, to grieve; se mettre en colère, to get into a passion; se le mettre en tête, to take it into one's head; se mettre bien dans l'esprit de quelqu'un, to get on good terms with a person, to ingratiate one's self with a person. meuble, n. m. piece of furni


meurtrier, n. m. murderer; au

meurtrier, stop the murderer! mie, n. f. love, dear, angel; ma mie, my dearest.

mien, poss. pron. mine. (Always

preceded by the definite article.) mieux, adv. (comparative of bien) better; du mieux que, as well as, the best.

mignon, n. m. darling, sweet child, pet.

milieu, n. m. midst, surroundings. mille, num. adj. (invariable) thousand, a thousand.

mine, n. f. mien, look, appearance, face.

miracle, n. m. miracle. misérable, adj. miserable, wretched, hard.

modeste, adj. modest, moderate. modique, adj. moderate, low, small.

moi, pers. pron. me, to me; I (emphatic).

moins, adv. (comparative of peu) less (than), not so much, not so (as); au moins, at least, however, above all things; pour le moins, at the least; du moins, at least, far more. mois, n. m. month.

mollet, n. m. calf (of the leg), fringe, valance. moment, n. m. moment. mon, poss. adj. my. (Mon is used instead of ma, for sake of euphony, before feminine nouns or adjectives beginning with a vowel or a mute h.)

monde, n. m. world, society, people.

mondé, adj. peeled; orge mondé,

peeled barley, pot barley. monsieur, n. m. Sir. (A compellation used in speaking of or writing to a man.)

monter, v. a., n. to mount, to rise,

to amount.

montrer, v. a. to show; [se—], v. r. to show one's self, to prove one's self to be.

moquer (se), v. r. to jest, to sneer at; (when followed by de) not to care for, to refuse to do a thing, sneering at it.

morbleu, interj. zooks! zounds ! mort, n. f. death; n. m. dead man; adj. dead, deceased. mortel, n. m. mortal.

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mouchoir, n. m. handkerchief. mourir, v. n. to die; [se], v. r. to be dying.

mousquet, n. m. musket. mouton, n. m. mutton, sheep. mouvement, n. m. movement, motion.

moyen, n. m. means, resources; avoir moyen, to be able. moyennant, prep. by means of, on condition of.

mûr, adj. ripe; serious, staid. muraille, n. f. wall.

murmurer, v. a. to mutter, to grumble.

mutuel, adj. mutual, recipro


mutuellement, adv. mutually. mystère, n. m. mystery, secret.

ne, neg. part. (accompanied or not by pas or point) no, not; (fol. lowed by que) only, but, alone. nécessaire, adj. necessary; n. m. an indispensable person. nécessité, n. f. necessity, want. négliger, v. a. to neglect. négoce, n. m. business, dealing. négociation, n. f. negotiation, transaction.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

nom, n. m. name.

nommer (se), v. r. to be called or
named, to name.

non, neg. part. no.
notaire, n. m. notary.
notre, poss. adj. our.

nourrir, v. a. to feed, to nourish.
nourriture, n. ƒ. food.

nous, pers. pron. (in the nomina-
tive) we; (objective) us, to us;
(reflective) us, ourselves; (recip-
rocal) each other, one another.
nouveau, adj. new; le nouveau
venu, upstart.

nouvelle, n. f. tidings, news.
noyer, n. m. walnut-tree.

noyer (se), v. r. to drown one's
self, to get drowned.

nuit, n. f. night.

nul, adj. no, not any.


Ô, interj. O, oh, ah, ha; ô ça, now

tell me.

obéir, v. n. to obey.

obligation, n. f. obligation, con-
tract, bond.

obligeant, adj. kind, obliging.
obliger, v. a. to oblige, to compel,
to engage, to bind; [s'-], v. r.
to bind one's self.

obscurité, n. f. darkness, obscurity.
observer, v. a. to observe, to
notice, to watch, to keep, to
look at.

obstacle, n. m. obstacle.
obstiné, adj. obstinate.

obtenir, v. a. to obtain.

occasion, n. f. occasion, oppor-

occupation, n. f. occupation, pas-

œil, n. m. eye.

offensant, adj. offensive.

offense, n. f. offence.

offenser, v. a. to offend, to shock;

[s'-], v. r. to be offended.

office, n. f. place, position.
officieux, adj. officious, kind, stren-


offre, n. f. offer.

offrir, v. a. to offer, to propose ;
[s'], v. r. to propose one's
self, to offer one's self, to


oh, interj. oh, O.

oie, n. f. goose; jeu de l'oie, the
game of mother-goose.

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