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A, signifies on or in; as a-foot, a-shore, a-bed; that is, on foot, on shore, in bed. After, denotes posteriority of time; as, after-noon.

Be, signifies about; as, besprinkled, bestir. Be, also, seems to signify for or before; as, bespeak.

For, implies negation or privation; as forbid, forsake.

Fore, signifies before; as foresee. Gain, is a contraction of against; as gainsay.

| Mis, denotes ill, defect, or error; as mistake.

Over, denotes superiority; as, overcame.
Out, signifies excess; as, ou do.
Un, before an adjective, denotes nega-

tion or privation; as, unworthy: before verbs it denotes undoing; as, unsay. With, signifies against; as, withstand: from or back; as, withhold.

Under, implies inferiority; as, undersell.


A, ab, or abs, from; as, avert, to turn | Intro, within; as, introduce.


Ad, to; as, adhere, to stick to.

Am, round about; as, ambition, literally, a going round about.

Ante, before; as, antecedent.

Circum, round; as, circumnavigate.
Con, together; as, conjoin.
Contra, against; as, contradict.
De, down; as, destroy.

Di or dis, asunder; as, divert.
E or ex, out of; as, evolve.
Extra, beyond; as, extraordinary.
Im, in or into; as, inject.
Inter, between; as, interwoven.

Juxta, nigh to; as, jurtaposition.
Ob, in the way of; as, obstruct.
Per, through; as, perforate.
Pos', after; as, postpone.
Pre, before; as, prefix.

Pro, instead of; as, pronoun.
Preter, beyond; as, preternatural.
Re, back; as replace.

Retro, backward; as, retrograde.
Se, aside; as, secede.
Sub, under; as, sublunary.
Super, above; as, superinduce.
Trans, across; as, transport.


A, without; as, anomalous.
Amphi, both, round; as, amphibious.
Ana, up, through; as, anatomy.
Anti, against; as, Antichrist.
Apo, from, away; as, apostate.
Cata, down; as catastrophe.
Dia, through; as, diagonal.

Epi, upon; as, epilogue.

Hyper, overmuch; as, hypercritical.
Hypo, under; as, hypocrite.
Meta, change; as, metamorphosis.

Para, near to; as, paraphrase.

Peri, round about; as, perimeter.

Syn, together; as, synod.

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denoting full (Artful.
of, abounding Plenteous.
in, or made Fatherly.
of; as,







denoting full (Wealthy.
of, abounding Methodical,
in, or made


of; as, Leaden.



like, or S Badly.

ward tending to Homeward.


state of

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Agger, a heap; as, exaggerate.

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Annus, the year; as, annual.
Antiquus, ancient; as, antiquity.
Aptus, fit; as, to adapt.
Aqua, water; as, aqueous.
Arbiter, a judge; as, arbitrate.

Archè (Gr.), rule, sovereignty; as, hep-

Ardeo, I burn; as, ardent.

Argo, the famous ship that sailed for the golden fleece; as, argosy.

Ago, I do; actus, dime; as, agent, re-act. Armo, I arm; armatus, armed; as, ar

Ala, a wing; as, aisle.

Alo, I nourish; as, aliment.

Alter, another; as, alternate.

Altus, high; as, exalt.

Amo, I love; as, amorous.

Angelos (Gr.), a messenger; as, angel.
Animus, the mind; as, unanimous.

mada, army.

Ars, artis, art; as, artifice.
Asper, rough; as, asperity.

Aster (Gr.), a star; as, astronomy.
Audeo, I dare; as, audacious.

Audio, I hear; as, auditory.

Augeo, I increase; as, augment.



Baros, weight; as, barometer.

Bapto (Gr.), I dip; as, baptism.

Battre (Fr.), to fight; as, combat.

Decus, grace or beauty; as, decorate. Deka (Gr.), ten; as, decade. Deliciae, niceties: as, delicacy. Demos, the people; as, democracy. Dens, dentis, a tooth; as, dentist.


Bayonet (from Bayonne, in France), a Despotes (Gr.), a master; as, despotism.

sort of sword.

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Cado, I fall; as cadence, casual.
Candeo, I am white; as, candid.
Cano, I sing; as, recant.

Canopus (Gr. Konops), a covering over

the head, as, canopy.
Capio, I take; as, captive.
Caput, the head; as, captain.
Caro, flesh; as, carnivorous.
Carus, dear, beloved; as, charity.
Carrus, a car; as, chariot.
Cavus, hollow; as, concave.
Cedo, I give place to; as, concede.
Celer, swift; as, celerity.

Centum, a hundred; as century, centurion.

Clamo, I cry out; as, exclamation.
Claudo, I shut; as, exclude.
Coelum, heaven; as, celestial.
Cohors, a troop; as, cohort.
Colo, I cultivute; as, agriculture.
Comes, a companion; as, count, county.
Cor, the heart; as, courage, concord.
Corpus, the body; as, corporeal.
Couvre-feu (Fr.), to cover the fire; as,


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Deus, a god; as, deify.

Dexter, right-handed; as, dexterity. Dico, I say; dictus, said; as, contradict.

Dies, a day; as, diary: diurnus, daily,
hence the word journey, &c.
Dieu (Fr.), God; as, adieu.
Dignus, worthy; as, dignity, deign.
Doceo, I teach; as, docile.

Dominus, a master; as, predominate.
Domus, a house; as, domestic.
Drus (Gr.), an oak; as, druid.

Duco, I lead; ductus, led; as, conduce, conduct.

Duo, two; as, dual, duet.
Durus, hard; as, endure.
Dux, a leader; as, Duke.


Ecclesia (Gr.), a meeting; as, ecclesiastic.

Egeo, I need; as, indigent.

Ego, I; as, egotist.

Elao (Gr.), to drive; as, elastic.
Emineo, I excel; as, eminent.

Emo, I buy; emptus, bought; as, exemption.

England, i. e., Angle-land, the land of the Angles.

Eo, Igo; itum, to go; as, exit, transition. Ethnos (Gr.), a nation; as, ethnography. Eu (Gr.), well; as, eulogy.

Eugene (from Gr.), well begotten; prop.

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Fidelis, faithful; as, fidelity.

Horreo, I tremble; as, abhor.

Field (from the Saxon fell), to cut down; Hospes, hospitis, a guest; as, hospitable,


Finis, an end; as, final.

Fligo, I dash; as, afflict.

Flos, floris, a flower; as, flourish.
Fluo, I flow; as, fluidity, flux.

Foedus, foederis, a treaty; as, federal,


Folium, a leaf; as, foliage.

Forma, beauty; as, deformity.

Fortis, strong; as, fortitude.


Hostis, an enemy; as, hostile, hostility. Hudor, (Gr.), water; as, hydrogen. Humanus, belonging to man; as human, humanity.

Humus, the ground; as, posthumous,



Idem, the same; as, identity.

Frango, I break; fractus, broken; as, Idol (from Gr. eidos), form.

infringe, fraction.

Frater, a brother; as, fraternity.

Frustra, in vain; as, frustrate.

Fugio, I fly; as, fugitive.

Fulgeo, I shine; as, refulgent.

Fumus, smoke; as, fumigate, perfume.
Fundo, I pour out; fusus, poured out; as,
refund, confuse.
Furo, I rage; as, furious.


Ge (Gr.), the earth; as, geography, geology.

Gelu, frost; as, congeal.

Genos (Gr.), kind, race; as, genealogy.
Gens, gentis, a nation; as, gentile.
Genus, race; as, degenerate, generous.
Gero, I
carry; gestus, carried; as, vice-

gerent, digest.

Gigno, I beget; genitus, begotten; as, genial, progeny.

Glotta (Gr.), the tongue; as, polyglot. Gradior, I go; gressus, having gone; as, grade, congress.

Grapho (Gr.), I write; as, graphic, biography.

Gramma (Gr.), a letter; as, grammar. Gratus, grateful; gratia, favour; as, gratitude, grace.

Gravis, heavy; as, grave, gravity. Grex, gregis, a flock; as, congregate, egregious.

Gusto, I taste; as, disgust.


Imperium, command; as, imperial, imperative.

Inanis, empty; as, inanity.

Insula, an island; as, insulate, peninsula. Intelligo, I understand; as, intelligence. Intra, within; as, internal.

Iter, itineris, a journey; as, itinerate.


Jaceo, I lie; as, adjacent.

Jacio, I throw; jectus, thrown; as, reject. Jour (Fr.), a day; as journey, journal. Jungo, I join; junctus, joined; as, adjunct, conjunction.

Jus, juris, right; as, jurist, jurisprudence. Juvenis, young; as, juvenile.


Kalos (Gr.), beautiful; as, calligraphy.
Komè (Gr.), hair; as, comet.
Kratos, strength; as, aristocracy, theo-



Lacer, torn; as, lacerate.

Lapis, lapidis, a stone; as, lapidary.
Lapsus, having slidden; as, relapse.
Lateo, I lie hid; as, latent.
Latus, broad; as, latitude, dilate.
Lego, I gather; lectus, gathered; as,
legible, collect.

Lex, legis, a law; as, legislator.
Liber, a book; as, library.
Liber, free; as, liberal, liberate.

Habeo, I have; habitus, had; as, habit, Licet, it is lawful; as, illicit. exhibit,

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Ligo, I bind; as, ligament, league. Limes, limitis, a boundary; as, limit, illimitable.

Linquo, I leave; lictus, left; as, relinquish, relict.

Logos, description; as, mineralogy.
Loqui, to speak; locutus, having spoken;
as, loquacious, elocution.

Lumen, luminis, light; as, illuminate.
Luna, the moon; as, lunatic.
Lux, lucis, light; as, lucid.
Luxo, I loosen; as, luxurious.



Magnus, great; as, magnitude, magnifi


Majestas, greatness; as, majesty.
Makros (Gr.), long; as, macrocosm.
Malè, wickedly; as, malediction.
Mando, I bid; as, mandate.
Mare, the sea; as, mariner.

Mars, Martis, the God of war; hence,

Martyr (Gr.), a witness; as, martyrdom.
Mater, mother; as, maternal.
Melas, black; as, melancholy.
Metior, I measure; mensus, measured;
as, immense.

Metron, a measure; as, metre, baro

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Pando, I stretch; as, expand.
Pario, I bring forth; as, parent.
Pastor, a shepherd; as, pastoral.
Pater, a father; as, paternal.
Pathos, feeling; as, sympathy, apathy.
Patior, I suffer; as, patient, patience.
Patria, one's native country; as, patriot.
Pello, I drive; as, expel, appeal.
Pendo, I hang; pensus, hung; as, pen-
dulum, pensive.

Pene, almost; as, peninsula.
Peto, I ask; petitum, asked; as, repeat,

Phemi (Gr.), to speak; as, prophet.
Pilgrim (Fr. pelerin), a wanderer.
Plenus, full; as, plenitude.
Pleo, I fill; as, complete.
Pluma, a feather; as, plumed.
Poetes (Gr.), a maker or creator; as,
poet, poetical.

Pompe (Gr.), a grand procession; as, pompous.

Pono, I place; positus, placed; as, depone, position.

Pondus, ponderis, a weight; as, ponderous.

Porto, I carry; as, export, portable.
Posterus, behind; as, posterity.

Primus, first; as, primary, primrose.
Princeps, the chief; as prince, principal.

Mysterion (Gr.), a thing concealed; as; Privilegium, exemption from any duty; as,


Natus, born; as, natal, native.
Nauta, a sailor; as, nautical,
Navis, a ship; as navigate.
Necto, I tie; as connect.

Noceo, I hurt; as, innocent, noisome.
Nomen, a name; as, noun, ignominy.
Novus, new; as, novelty, innovate.
Numerus, a number; as, enumerate.
Nuncio, I tell; as, renounce.
Nutrio, I nourish; as, nutriment, nutri-

Numphè (Gr., a goddess of the mountains; as, nymph.

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Proximus, next; as proximity.

Punctum, a point; as, puncture, punc


Pyr (Gr.), fire; as, pyrometer, empy


Quæro, I ask; quæsitus, sought; as, inquire, inquisitive.

Qualis, such; as, quality.

Queror, I complain; as, querulous.

Radius, a ray; as, radiate.
Rapio, I seize; as, rapture.

Rego, I rule; rectus, ruled; as, rector, regent.

Rène (Fr.), the strap of a bridle; as, rein.

Requiem, the accusative of a Latin noun, signifying rest.


Rex, regis, a king; as, regal.

Rivus, a river; as, rivulet, derivation. Rumpo, I break; ruptus, broken; as, disruption, rout.

Rus, ruris, the country; as rustic, rural.


Sacer, sacred; as, sacrifice. Sagax, wise; as, sage, sagacity.

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