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rb. D. W.


active vb.

neuter vb.

L. A. Waddell, Place- and river-names in the Darjiling-district
and Sikhim, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal vol LX
pt. 1, No. 2. 1891, 53 ff.

George Watt, a Dictionary of the economic Products of India.
Calcutta 1888-1896.


pag. 164 A, line 3 fr. bottom read size instead of seize.

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193 B, line 13 insert: nu- reduplic. of nyắt q. v. nú nyăt-lă about, close on;

nú-nyăt-lă mak-så lyan-ka ti-mă-o (she) is like to die P.

249 B, line 14 read "other" instead of "another".

256 A, line 11 read bi juk instead of bijuk.

361 A, line 11 fr. bottom read "other" instead of,,another".

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kă- 1. reduplication of roots beginning with k, k, g, and h see under kăr, ka, kar, kal, kol, kyår, kyer, kyok, kyor, krák, kraň, kri, kril, krek, klal, klóp, klól, klyák, klyal, klyóp; kok, kók, gák, gar, gal, guk, gül, gok, gók, gór, gryå, gryuk, gryo, glók, glyo, nur, har, hal, hor, hol, hruń, hryák; see kúí-, kúm-, pă-, fă-, etc. — 2. prefix. form. nouns; esp. names of beasts (birds etc.) and plants, e. g. ká-tyák 8. palpitation fr. tyak; kŭ-lut bare fr. lut; ka-lel bent fr. lel; kă-dyúk i. q. dyúk s. a spec. monkey; kú-ŭr-fo; kā-šo-kun etc. seo below; ka-kyo and kyo etc.; kāT. g-? soo kă-din T. gtiù. — 3. prefix. forming numerals see under kŭ-ků, kākyāk, kā-ti. — 4. prefix. i. q. ká-tí “ton” see ka-sam thirty, kă-fă li fourty, ka-kakyot ninety M. Gr. 110.; ka-kat id. from ten upwards kā-kat-să kat eloven, kakat-sa ka-kyot nineteen.

-kă, -ka-o postp. see under -a, -ă-o. -kǎ postp. see ka to be 1. form. the imperative (24 p.) with ta- prefixed: hum tă nón-kă let him go, see also -sď M. 48. - 2. affixed to one verb (or root) with negative after previous verb (or root) e. c. ti mă ti kā little and great, nyi mă nyi kă overy.

kǎ I. b. see ga, go, go, gum, to be, to become M. 53. almost invariably combined with a particle and refer. rel. to a neuter subject. kā gan if it be; kā gan-la tho' it be, nevertheless, notwithstanding; kā go-run altho' it be; who, what, whenever it be; to ka go-run whosoever it be; ka če-na it certainly is; ku-t it may be; a-re šu ku-te

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ka hortat., ka-yu nón-ka let we go. kǎ II. pron. 1. pers. inflect. see go T. ¿a. kā-sŭ gen.; adj. my, mine. ku-sú-sú id. ká-sú úyok-ka kút má-mat-tun-o do not interrupt me in my work; kă-sú a-lut re a-re gum this is my will; kŭ-sŭ lo-ka mă-nyin-ne it is not according to my mind; kă-sŭ tyak-ka zāk it is meant for me; kă-sŭ sok-ka fi-šo it will go hard with me; ka-sŭ riù mat-lün li or kā-su bon fut mat speak for me i. q. bon tróp kā-sú-să a-vo my husband P. kā-sům object. kā-sům pùn-jùm mat-lúñ li to speak against me; kā-sům lók mat-tā stand my friend. ka-su-ka dat., kă-súka nă tă-gri nă mă-nyin-ne indeed I have no male child P. - kă-sũ-nũn instr. M. 35. — ká-do myself, my own, ku-do bot-tun of my own accord, kã-do zón one's own family, companions or people, ku-do kã-sŭ my own, kả-do kă-sú tón-ka bam to be at one' own disposal. ka-dom c. inflect.; ka-dom bo-o give me my - ka-nyi we two M. 33, kā-nyi-do we two, ourselves, ki-nyi-nin instr., kinyim, kā-nyŭm inflect. kă-nyim bo give us two; ku-nyi-să gen. adjly. our two; kă-nyí nŭm-vóm byók má-bam-ne we two shall not continue united. — ku-yu pl. we; inflect. ka-yum; ka-yu-să gen. adjly. our. M. 34; 38; ka-yu mă-iun-ne or ka-yu mă-iun-năñ-nón-ne (said of trouble) it


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ka-yu i. q. kā-yu soo M. 40 abbrev. ka; ka object. kam (old Lepcha) now ka-mūm; instr. ka-nŭn; gen. ka-să (?) is more definite and usually denotes the number to be limited or special (opp. ka-yu). ka nóū-šo we'll go. ka-do i. q. ka-yu-do we ourselves; our own; object. ka-dom i. q. ka-do-mům.; ka-do zón⋅ a friend of us, one of our own people; ka-do-nun ka-do má-lük-nŭn-o i. kado-zón kat kąt mă-lũk-n ka-o.

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Compounds: ka-bo abbrev. of kāă-sŭ a-bo my father, father! ka-bo-să li my father's house. ku-mo (abb. of kă-sú a-mo) my mother, mother! kā-mo kù-sŭm bo-le give it to me mother. - ka-zón for a-zón or kă-sú zón s. younger sister-inlaw, my sister-in-law.

kā, III. ká, a-ká s. the hand, hon. *čők, *ryúk T. pyag, see also *luk; *lók; a-ká-sú tó s. a mark instead of signature T. jyug-rgya; a-ká ka vb. to lay hands on, to rest on. a-ká kům hyar tyap vb. to clasp hand behind the neck; a-ká kum-tul-ka bi vb. to give backwards. ká krok bent fingers, hand halfclosed. a-ká kā-gryá-la thin, skinny h.- a-ká có vb. to wash hands. a-ká jůmbam-bo a withered h. - a-ká jem adj. neat, Beatfingered. a-kú vb. to beckon nyu with hands to go; a-ká nyu bi vb. to point with h.'s. a-ká nyok vb. to rub the h.s. a-ká tin vb. to cut off the h. a kú te bam vb. to fidget with the a-ká tyát i. q. a-ká tin. a-kú top han vb. to sit leaning on the h. a-ká fap vb. to put the h.s into anything. a-ká láp nák vb. to grope with hands (as a blind man). — a-ká fik vb. to take hold of hands, to join hands. a-ká fóp vb. to pat with hands, to encourage or comfort. — a-ká tyen vb. to join hands in, to agree in anything. a-ká dum bi vb. to tie the hands; a ká



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dam fat the hands are tied provbly said of a useless person who can do nothing. a-ká a-dum clean h. a-kú dyup vb. to show with hands how large a thing is. → (a-)ká pa vb. to beckon with h. to come; hu-nun kŭ-yum ká pa-bam ho is beckoning to us to come. - ká pắk adj. without h., handless. — (a-)ká pyup vb. to clinch the hands; to grasp. a-ká pryók-li tsu vb. to have hand pierced through. a-ká fók vb. to have skin of hands rubbed off from hard work. a-ká fyók vb. to clasp hands, to fold a-ká tsam vb. to take hold of the hand; to clasp h. ká-tsam ká-jí adj. prudent, economical;—a-kú yam-må yammå mat vb. to have soft hands become tender from not working. a-kú rák vb. to take with h. a-ká ran diù vb. to stand with uplifted hands. a-ká lan bam vb. to have hard skin on hand, a-hủ li hi vb. to repay a debt by work

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or rather to obtain the amount of debt from a person by working for him.—a-ká fút-ka vor vb. to lay hold of earth to save one'self from falling. — (a)-kú šit ̧ hrón vb. to have the fingers below the nails ragged. a-ká šel vb. to have wet hands. a-kú ol vb. to sprain the hand. a-ká ót vb. 1. to untie hands. 2. to give presents. a-ká-nũn fór vb. to slip or escape out of hand; a-kainũn zuk vb. to make with the hands; a-ká-nŭn lyót vb. to put out of hands, to become inexpert. a-ká-så tyam vb. to arrange with the hands; a-ká-sá jyók vb. to brush with the hand; a-ká-sú búk vb. to beat with hands; a-ká-să zuk vb. to make with the hands; a-ká-så lyań mat vb. to dislocate the wrist; a-ka-să vyek go-run mă-tak-ne not to be able to reach a thing; a-ká-să vók vb. to stir up with the hands. - arm, elbow of man and thing. a-ká nyim-bo adj. 1. elbowed as a chair having arms. 2. a clever and handy man; a-ká mă-nyin-nŭm-bo adj. without arms. strength of hands, arms. ká tap vb. 1. to pilfer, to purloin,

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2. to beat, 3. to distrain (goods); a-ká dot vb. to strip the arms as in preparing to fight. a-ká dyй vb. to compose hands; s. strength of hands; - a-ká tsum vb. to engage h. to h.; to fight. (a-rá yák vb. to have an aversion to kill or beat, to shrink from as from evil deed; a-ká lu vb. to lift h. against. a-ká sót 8. means: not to eat from the hands of a person who has committed a-ká any great crime (as murder). hlok vb. to be the first to strike.ká ayek, ká ek impressively, gesticulatingly. kú ek-là li to speak g.; há ek ton ek with gesticulations of hands and feet. the handle as of ban q. v. charge, labour, work. a-kú kă-ta adj. equal in work. — a-hi kyăt gần a-bin gun kyit so if you won't work you will have nothing to eat; a-ká kyóp vb. 1. to set to work, 2. to cause, to seize. -ká gya-bo adj. resting from labour.-ká jum vb. to decrease in quantity or seize by handling.ká nyól adj. sluggish, lazy, slothful, inactive. a-ká tan-nun măfap-ne vb. to be difficult. kú plỏn h. to have lost its cunning, unpractised; kă-sû ká plón-nón my h. (or I am) out of practise; a-ků zam vb. to put fingers, to be clever; a-ka ya vb. to be well acquainted with any one, to know how to do anything well; a-kú mă-yă-ne vb. to be the contrary of the above: a-ká ryu-lă mă-ya-ne; a-ká yám-bo skilful. a-kú sóm vb. to be tired with work;

a-ká a-hrăt mă-nyin-ne to be lazy. skilfulness, prudence. a-ká kop-bam vb. to be inexpert or slow with hands; -ka-gram-bo adj. 1. quick-fingered, 2. a monkey Tbr.; a-ká glen vb. to be skilful; · a-kú nyók bam adj. inexpert with the hands. — a-ká má-ryu-num-bo adj. light-fingered, thievishly disposed. the means, the power of, sway, authority, influence, domination, possession. a-ká-ka ti-nón vb. to come to hand, to obtain; a-kia-timtet-ne no-o to have a good journey;

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a-kd a-lăn tsam-lŭñ li to speak earnestly or with effect; a-ká-ka tsüt vb. to come into the power of. -(a-)ká-ka lat vb. 1. to come to hand; 2. to be productive, to give good return (as harvest, merchandize); -(a-)ka-ka nyi vb. to have in h.; to have possession of; to have in abundance; ká-ka nyim-bo adj., 8. wealthy, a w. person. charge, trust, deposit. (a-)kú-ka byi vb. to entrust, to confide. presents, gifts of friendship, tokens of regard (given in exchange). fă-lyen-să nŭm-lyen ká pyin (see pyin) (lovers) to exchange presents; dyei zui kat-nin kat-sự ki juk vb. (friends) to exchange tokens of regard one with the other. a-kú a-gum adj. empty-handed; — ki-tim alj. close-fisted, miserly. a-ká li-là bí vb. to give liberally.

ká-ka 1. in the hands; 2. in the power of, under authority; 3. in charge of; 4. i. q. ká-nún; ká-năn through, by means of M. 84.

Compounds: ká-kam s. the arm formed as a pillow, kú-kam-lă da vb. to lie with head resting on arm; (a-)ká-kyu s. measure or span of thumb and closed joint of forefinger; -(a-)ká-kyup s. a ring for finger; ká-kyup hyй a plain ring without its stone M. 120; a-kú gop s. the hollow of hand, when hand is halfclosed; a-ká góm s. the space of middle finger and thumb; a-ká čak s. the (inner) joints of wrist or arm; a-kú čit s. one handful, when closed, one graspful.ká-čuk s. the joints of fingers.ka-cop 8. hand with fingers straightly drawn together. ká-cop hrip vb. to pick up with fingers. ka-cop s. an assistant, a helper (litly, an additional hand). — ká-čó i. q. ká-čór 2. ká-¿ór s. 1. hand with fingers spread out in a version; 2. a net Tbr. sun-li. ká-čvr dyop vb. to put out hand (in anger or contempt), to cast out net Tbr. ká-cór kyóp vb. to throw out hand (as in aversion). version). (a-)ka-jak s. the fore-finger. M. 133. (a-)ká-ják-så fyón vb. to point


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with f. f. — (a-)ká jám s. touching lightly with fingers (lit. ends of fingers and thumb), ká-jám-nun tsun vb. to lift up daintily with precaution as any thing nasty, to lift with ends of fingers and thumb. ká-ji explet. to ká-tsam q. v. -(a-)ká jóm 8. fingers M. 134, (a-)ka jim-cak 8. the joints of fingers, (a-)ka jim-byer 8. the space between fingers, (a-)kú jóm-hyo s. the flesh between joints of fingers, (a-)ká jóm hrát s. the bone between joints of fingers, the phalanges; -ki-nya expletive to ka-fyók. kúnyom 8. 1. equality, uniformity, 2. impartiality. kú-nyom mat vb. to render equal, uniform, to be impartial. - ka-tan ká-tań s. a handful, ká-tan-ká jak må-dóm-ne vb. to secure a full grasp, to refuse by any means, to let go; seo ká-čit. (a-)ká-táp or tùp 8. the fist M. 122; (a-)ka-tun s. the joining at wrist ká-tùn -gryon a spec. of spider (with legs). →(a-)ká-tút s. a finger of h. crooked; knuckles; (a-)ká-tùm sve tù; — (a)ka-tyam s. the wrist; (a-)ká-tap 8. 1. fighting, 2. the distraining of goods; − (a-)ká-li s. the little finger i. q. ká ryet.k-fu the elbow; in Tbr. to have nothing at all as ká-tu sap (-púň) nón said of a person who has or can get nothing, he is altogether destitute. ki-don the fore-leg or arm of bear sănar ka-don. (a-)ká dóm s. the thumb M. 122, ká dóm kyp vb. to seal with th., to bind to engagement. (a-)ka pagrés. length fr. finger-ends, when both arms are stretched out. (a-)ká pùk-sol s the arm-length from tip of fingers to armpit. a-ká pùn-či s. nail of finger. abit pin đi kim s. the corner of nail. a-kú půn-ċi dam s. skin over the nail. a-ka pun-ci byer between nail and flesh. ~ (a-)ka pup s. length from elbow to middle joint of little finger when the band is closed, vb. to lift up arm from elbow. — (a-)ká pek s. the lower part of arm, the part of fore-arm from wrist to pur-jim q. v. ká pruk both hands


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put together open and hollow as when receiving water in hands (bason-shaped); ka pruk kat two handful; kd-pruk-så ok ká vb. to tako up with both hands (as wator); ká pruk tsók or yan to hold out hands as above. ká plók work, fixed work, duty, business, a-re ká-sú ká plók gum this is my work, my business. — ka-fyók see under fyók. a-kā būk tak tet as far as an arm can reach. (a-)ká-bùm s. folded hands (as prayer) P. ká-bùm mát vb. to fold hands; ká-bùm mat-lùn with folded hands; ká-bùm zuk vb. to fold h.s; a-ká a-do ká-bům să-tet zuk go-run go a-dom lyup-so however much you beg, I will beat you. - kúbok s. the upper-arm between elbow and shoulder, see pák-ćóm. ká-bok-så a-hrất the os humerus. (a-)ka byar or byer 8. the space between the fingers. — kāmór 8. handicraft, manufacture, workmanship, ka-mór-yám-bo 8. ono experienced in handicraft, ká-mór-zuk-bo 8, a manufacturer, artisan, mechanic, ká-mór-jem-bo (a-)ká-tsák s. length fr. elbow to middle-finger's end, a cubit; (a-)ká-tsák čik vb. to measure do, ka-tsam 8. prudence, adj. thrifly, prudent, economical M. 137. ká-tsam ká-jí adj. i. q. ka-tsam. ká-tsám yám-bo adj. prudent, economical.


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(a-)ka-tsum s. the lines of h.; (a-)ka-tsó s. the pulso, a-ka-tsó čet v. to feel the p. (a-)ka-yak 8. the tips of fingers; (a-)ka-yón s. the middle, the large finger; ká-you-bo 8. a liberal generous person; ká-ru s. workmanship when old, old handwork. (a-)kú lit s. the fourth finger. a-ká ló 8. daily wages; a-ka ló mat-bo s. a daily labourer.

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(a-)ka-lón s. a h-instrument, a tool, a weapon; (a-)ká-lyók 8. the palm of hand, Tbr. a plate; (a-)ká-lyók kat from the 5 fingers it signifies five rupies and (a-)ka-lyók nyat-ka 10 rupies and so on. (a-)ká-lyók bryák or bryek vb. to clap the hand.-ká-hrák elevating in hands, presenting in hands. ká-hrák plán-ka jú vb. to present in uphold hands. ká

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