kóm nyim-bo kóm tán-bo kóm tán ma-bo s. a possessor of money; nú-ba lyót mă-ûyit-ne no liberation till - to kóm flyát bi vb. to kóm tsun vb. to heap up m. lám bi vb. to return loan. count m. - kóm-kyán credit of m. kóm-un T. dňul-ču 8. quicksilver, mercury. kóm vb. to curdle as milk, to concrete, to coagulate, incrassate, jellify, to coalesce, to clot to solidity, nyen mak kóm or kóm-nón the cream has formed; ka kóm-nón the wax has become thick, has concreted; vi kóm-nón the blood has coagulated. a-kóm adj. boiled dry (ns rice) clotted, inspissated zo a-kóm, mán a-kóm, see also ko. kór vb. to scratch, to scrape the earth kóm (as fowl with foot), nyót zuk-ba numkỏm-zuk-božím-nyo hik zo dóń-re zăñ fắt kór-må-o man when preparing field (for food) scrapes the earth like a fowl in search of food. Comp. kóm kup 1. i. q. kóm-så a-kйp s. interest of money, kóm-(să) (a-)mo principal; kóm küp gek the increase of m.; 2. a small piece of silver, a little m. kóm-ku s. a silver image; kóm tå-gipbū s. a purse J. — kóm tűű-krók 8. a spec. of fern. kóm fűñ-kút s. a silver fringe. kim fam-bik 8. the Cassidae spec. of coleopterous insects see jer t. b. kóm*nor s. wealth. kóm-pum-bo 8. a s. drinking-vessel. — kóm-pót s. 1. the interest, 2. silver pót explet. kóm-pót-ka lak vb. to cast 8. — kóm pót i. q. k. lon. kóm po-tya s. a piece of s. set in coral. kóm-fram 8. a necklace of s. bends. kól vb. to have imperfection in speach, to lisp, a-li kól vb. to lisp. kól vb. to insert, to stick into i. q. bról to probe, kol-čát; tá-lí kól-čát to havo a sovere stomach-ache lit. as if a spoon was pushed into the stomach. kól-kun 8. the walnut-tree Juglandacea, Juglans regia Hookor 1, 338. kól-pót s. a walnut; kól-pót tyok vb. to break w.; kól-pót čük the kernel; kól-pót fok the outer shell; kól-pót fop the inner skin, testa; kól-pót pi the epicarp; kél-pót gryó the tryma; kól-bán (kol-bon) “walnuttree foundation" n. pr. of a L. village. W. 71. kól 8. a spec. of fern kól tánkrók, kól bí 8. a spec. of fern. — kól-pót acc. Hooker 2, 198. Stauntonia. kyǎ s. a large balance, scales; kyň-ka or kya-nun cik or kya-ka tek or tek-nak vb. to weigh in do. kya són scales and weights; 2. (L. alphabet) the sign v suffixed y:kya, etc. ȧya. kyá; kả-kyá-lá adv. drenched, wringing un-nùn kă-kyá-lă šál to be drenched with water; vi-nun ká-kyá-lá šál to be weltering in blood. kyǎk see ka-kyāk seven; kyak tap seventeen. kyán (cfr. T. yan-po) 1. to be light (not heavy) as matter, body; bù kyán a light load; mű-zň kyán-bo light of body; 2. easy, kyǎn—kyáp facile; 3. good, kind (disposition) affectionate, sak-in kyi-bo or a-lút kyui-bọ a good, kind disposition. a-kyán adj. light, not heavy (as body also as mind). M. 30. kyǎn, a-kyăn, tŭn-kyăn s. a corner, an angle; kyăn-ka nan vb. to sit in a corner. -tün-kyān muй an evil spirit of great malignity and power from whose obstacles there is no escape. kyát vb. 1. to raise up carefully: kyútla tsun vb. to raise up at once without shuffling; kyat-la adv. straightway, lightly, unhesitatingly; kyát-lå tyúk vb. to spring up lightly; kyút-là nói vb. to go straight way; kyȧt-la li vb. to feel light, cheerful. 2. to strip off as grain off ear of corn, leaves off branch. kyat (kyet) vb. to be quiet; powerless, incapable, unarmed, incompetent; kyat-lä at rest, in tranquility, kyat-la da vb. to lie at rest, to be calm, to be tranquil, to be placed, kyat-la bam-ma pax vobis cum Chr.; 80-nap-ka kyȧt-lå da nyi or so-nap-ka kyat-la the tranquil rest obtained at night or the tranquility of n. a-kyat (a-kyet) s. 1. ease, quiet, tranquility; sabbath Chr. 2. safety P. 18. a-kyat-tā Яan vb. to live at case i. e. without working. a-kyat fap vb. to obtain tranquility.—a-kyat lyan-ka gek vb. to be born in a land of peace. — a-kyat mat vb. to rest Ex. a-kyat hyo mat bam vb. to remain at rest, to live at ease. a-kyat-sȧ lóm s. a safe road opp. to a-fyan lóm. (a-)kyat-(a-)dyan rest, case, repose; peace P. - *kyán incorr. i. q. kyon q. v. *kyán T. rkyen 8. (occasion; event, cause, circumstance; calamity) see also *kyem; fate, divination, destiny, kyán-så čo s. a book of fate; kyan nak or mat vb. to look into the book of fate; kyán mik-bo or k. yam-bo s. a diviner P.; sahór kyán nák-bo 8. an astrologuer; kyan bup vb. for book of fate to prove false, kyan tán to prove true. kyáp vb. to chuck, to chirp as young chicken, to cluck. *kyám-hyát T. rgya-bskyed(-pa) s. 1. exaggeration, hyperbole; imagination, fancy, fiction, romance; go-nún kyám-hyút-re zan ruk-nyam mat-re zăn nyón-te yo-ban måtsu-ne because it may be considered romance and falsehood therefore I do not record it. kyám-hyát vyất vb. to conjecture, to suppose, to imagine; kyẩmhyát mut-lin hyperbolically. 2. vb. to follow up the conjecture or idea, hence to track, to follow by trick to essay, to divine, to spy. ku-ju-nün mán ri-sa kyám-hyát nón-bam the dog is following the game by sent; — kyám-hyát-bo s. one who conjectures, a diviner, a romancer, a tracer, a tracker, a spy, a scout. kyǎr see kar see tsük-kyār. kyar-kó Hind. darka s. a cotton-carding wheel. kyǎr-bo kun s. name of tree-wood used for carving images; acc. M. Berberis nepalensis. kyar s. the button that retains the thread on spindlo kå-fyår-så kyår s. the button of k. f. kyǎl vb. see kar, kyår, to twist round and tie as hair a-tsóm kyal to tie up mouth of bag; tun-gip kyal; twisting round the neck and drawing it to a knot. kyǎl see gyúl. kyál vb. to smooth or shave off as sharp edges or roughness pá-li kyál vb. to smooth e. of p. kya; kya kya touching, handling, a-ka kya kya mat vb. to handle, to touch every thing as children. o-re šu mat kya kya mat-tan- why are you meddling with that. kyak s. a cane-ladder (tün-gron), rope (tuk-po-si kyak), ladder, flexible 1. for descending precipice to obtain the honey from the bee's nest; kyak yet vb. to descend p. cót tsam-šin-ka kyak så-górka glyát to let the ladder down the precipice to secure the bees. redupl. kun-kyan (la) expresses with fü-ci extreme exhaustion of body, mind or sound, fă-vi kùn-kyan li vb. to feel utterly prostrated in mind and body; 1-sut kun-kyan-li fyo to hear sound very faintly. kyap vb. to be turned, twisted as tail, to hang in curled or twisted manner, to ang down (as face) a-mlem kyup-là mat b. to have a downward haug dog-look Tbr.; kyap-lå mat vb. to turn, to curl as tail, ku-ju-su tūk-ším kyap-lā mat. kyam-ka (obsolete) on account of, for, for the sake of, i. q. kor-ka, a-do kyam-ka for you. kyam vb. to be quiet, to be still, to be calin, to be quiescent, to be smooth; a-lom má-kyóm-nũn kyam-lå bam do not keep wandering in this manner, remain quiet. kyam-lă bam-mă-o remain quiet. an-di-re kyam mat da-nyi or un-dů kyamla da-nyi the sea is smooth. su-kyam-lå adv. gently, quietly, silently, tacitly. kyal-bo s. a bag, a leathern. bag, a Knapsack. *kyiñ-kor T. dkyil-kor Skt. mandala. kyit see kit under ki. kyu (see a-ku) s. a measure of about 1 span; ká-kyй a span, space from end of thumb to first knuckle of forefinger closed. kyup vb. to seize hold of, as child mother to clasp (as kite a fowl), to embrace, to hoop, to fix, to clasp round, to encircle. a-kyup 8. a ring, cordon, cincture, hoop ku-kyup a ring. kyum 1. to be tightly or closely twistel (ki) hlyit-lui Kymvb. to twist (cotton) tightly together tük-po kyum-li Ryck to twist string tightly. 2. to persevere in, to persist in, to return to kyum-*kye-bo a subject (as when twisting thread) to argue. kyum deriv. fr. rkyen- the subject or ́ ́argument of a speach, riù kyùm the subject argument of conversation. kyum (see kyám) 8. an indisturbed place, abode; lyan kyùm; man kyùm bam kon to preserve game; un or no kyum to preserve fish. kyul (also kil) cfr. T. sgril-bu vb. to flow round, to embrace, to hug, to encircle; tuk-tok kyul to embrace, to hug round neck P. 36a. kyu; adv.: ka-kyu-la unwashed, dirty, filthy, unclean. kyu-kun 8. i. q. kā-šumkun V. ka-ša skyag fr. a saying that the leaves make the barking deer vomit. kyun s. 1. a cradle, a hammock Ex. kyun nyak vb. to rock cradle; dùm-kyun s. a hammock for sick people or for children, the L. cradle being a hammock. 2. womb, kyun nok the womb, kyun nok zuk-bo the goddess of procreation i. q. na-zóù nyo rùm. kyut incorr. f. kyát. kyum, a-kyum explet. to kyat, a-kyāt kyum consecrated: hik kyum pyel a consecrated fowl, kept as an offering to a deity. kyum kyum (see kyám) a halting gait; k. k. lóm vb. to go along in a halting manner. *kye T. skyes 8. a present, ke so nón vb. to send a present. *kye, ki T. skye-ba hou. to be born. *kye T. 'kye-ba vb. 1. to dissolve, to break up, to separate; zum-bo kye-nón the meeting is dissolved; 2. to be scattered; 3. to depart. kye-la adv. in 8. of instantly, momentarily kye-lā ši vb. to get a glimpse of, to see for an instant sălyup tet. så-lyóp kye má-yă-nŭ-ba quicker than lightening.-kye-mo s. a peace-maker, one who separates persons fighting, kyemo mat vb. to separate persons fighting, kye-mo mat-bo s. a peace-maker. kye vb. to be awry said of mouth. *kye-bo T. rkyal-pa or rkyal-bu s. a kyeń-kyok skin for holding water: un kye-bo Hind. masak. čan kye-bo s. a leathern wine-bag. kyeń seo under kań. *kyen T. skyen vb. to be shy, to bo` ashamed, to be modest. *kyeń T. gyan 8. a wall, an enclosure kyen-sa li wall of house, *sa-kyen a mudwall. kyeń, kych-nй kyen-na shrill, sharp as sound kyen-ñù kyeň-ňů lik vb. to call in a shrill voice. kyet see kyat. *kyen in comp. *kyem T. skyen (-pa) hasty, swift, quick: kyem-bo, adj. agile (an agile person), speedy, swift; one who essays, attempts, endeavours. kyem-tán T. skyen-don s. swiftness, agility,.promptitude, attempting, endeavouring, striving, exerting, kyem-tán mat vb. to be agile etc.; to endeavour, to strive, to exert, to labour. kyep vb. to add to, to multiply, to extend, to enlarge, to magnify, kyep-lún to vb. to add to; kyep tyól mat vb. to make accession to, to increase, to augment, to reinforce. *kyem in comp. f. T. rkyen svo *kyún *da-kyem T. bdag-rkyen 8. reward, re compense. *kyem in comp. f. kyen q. v. kyo, kǎ-kyo 8. barley; kyo ta-i ku s. barley-bread; óñ-kúp kyo tă-i ku fa-nosino nyat bun-bo kat a-ba nyi there is a lad here, which hath five barley-loaves and two small fishes J. 6. 9, *kyo T. skyo-ba vb. to be mournful, to be unhappy, to be in misery, to be out of repair, to be dilapidated (as house). *kyo-mis. T. skyobs and mi? hon. an arbitrator, investigator; a lawgiver. kyok (cfr. T. 'kyug-pa?) vb. to move hands up and down as in digging, to drive into forcibly mon kyok vb. to vaccinate; fat tun-ggal-så kyok to scrap ground with t., to dig; nyen kyok to churn milk; prit kyok to hew with axe; to pick; fo kyok the bird picks. kyok vb. to be crooked, curved, to wind as river, road; adj. crooked: pűn-jeń kyok an iron ladle; kå-kyok adj. oval-shaped; winding. kyak-kā kyok-kú crooked as tree, path etc.; met. to be incorrect as language, also used in s. of mind to be turned, to be distressed or to be irritated, to be disordered, used in comp. with lo; also without the lo as an hon. term for "wrath" rum kyok God to be wrath, likewise with fu as hon. t., thus: pa-no fu kyok the king is exasperated. kyon, a-kyon 8. frost, snow. *kyon T. rkyon (-ba) (to stretch out) kün-kyon- adv. about here and there, k.-kyon-ñà nóй vb. to go hither and thither. kyon s. (cfr. T. klun river, acc. M. fr. *kyou to stretch out) a river, a stream; blu kyon ser nan-bo lyan a land intersected by ridges and rivers; hú tā-baknin ui a-zum-su kyoi-sun phi-so out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water J. 7. 38; — un-kyon s. a running stream, a river; un e-den-nùn un-kyon kat šinrem ai ğul-kón-vi-ku phi-bùn abanin rit-làñ un-kóñ fă-li nun-nón and a river went out of E. to water the garden; and from thence it was parted and became into four heads G. 2. 10. kyon 8. (cfr. T. groй, acc. M. fr. *kyon to stretch out) a town, a village W. 71 li-kyon; pa-no kyon the kings city; kyon a-lem 8. a row of houses one behind another M. kyon tel s. the end of village M. kyon vb. (p. kyon) to labour hard, to toil, to exert one'self at work, ma-ró kyon an active and diligent person; to be poor: ma-ró jan-kyon-bo M. 146 jankyon-bo J. 12. 4. an indigent person, a-jan a-kyon the poor; see also kyón kyon (fr. kyon like nón fr. nóù) to be hurt, to be injured, to be blemished, to have defect, så-dyår mi bu-wùn-să hù-nùn kyornón he was hurt by the bursting of 8 gun; så-fäñ-nün bik kyon-nón the cow is also *kyon 2. kyon-sǎ myǎr bik a spec. of warp. *kyon 1. T. rkyen s. cause, occasion, account; kyon o-re-nun mat-ba thro' that cause, on that account; quality: kyon a-ryum good quality; kyon a-jan bad quality. see *kyem. *kyon 2. T. skyon 8. fault, defect, damage; sin, vicious quality; ma-kyon-nd there is no fault, it does not matter; kyon-nyim unsound, impure; kyon ma-nyin-numSo without defect, stainless, immaculate; yon mat-bo s. a mischief-maker; — *kyon to T. skyon 'dogs(-pa) vb. to calumniate, bi-do a-mik-ka kyon má-tó-ne vb. not to see the beam that is in one's own eye. kyon dun vb. to speak scandal, to slander, to defame, to tell tales; kyon den-bo s. a telltale, a scandal-monger, £ traducer. 'kyon (and kyan incorr.) 3. T. bkyon vb. to reprove, to rebuke, to reprimand, to reprehend. kyop vb. see kop, to be slow, lazy, tardy caused by sickness; dák-nun kyop-nón; gop kyop to be slow in doing anything; App kyop lóm i. q. lóm-ba kyop-bo to be slow in walking as sick man. kyop-bo & one reduced to a supine state. adj. slow; tun-kyop-sú má-ró a slow tin kyor vb. to be mean, low, dirty-lookg. to be out of repair, to be dilapidatli kyor a dirty house; mik kyor s. Batter of eye. ka-kyor-bo adj. mean, low, dirty-looking ma-ró ká-kyor-bo a blackardly looking p. | kyor see under kyol, appears to mean the sound made by things falling as Vater kyor-ra dyan, un kyor-ra dyán, Ayr fat-non. kyol-kyón - kyol vb. to mix, to mingle, to stir together as tea, to infuse; nyen-så un kyol vb. to mix water with milk. kyol fól vb. to mix, kyol-tól-bo s. a mixture J. 19. 39. — kyol-lă undividedly, wholly; kyol-lå hyul vb. to swallow down whole without masticating, kyul-là kyol-la hyul id. — kyal-lå kyol-la id.; kyol-la or kyāl-lå kyol-lå or kyål-lå kyol glo vb. to fall plump(into water). a-kyol adj. s. mixed, a mixture. - kyo see pa-kyć (steps, stairs). kyó vb. to take out as with spoon, to ladle out. kyók adj. handsome, elegant, comely; má-ró kyók-nyim-bo a good-looking, handsome person. *kyóñ T. rkyan s. the wild ass of Tibet. *kyón T. rkyan (-pa) simple, single, dum kyón s. a 8. sheet of cloth; unmixed, plain. 2. straightway fi-wùn-să hú kyón lót nón on arriving he straightway returned. kyón vb. 1. to be distressed, to be afflicted P., difficult, inexplicable, to be bewildering, see món kyón, rin kyón; 2. to squeak, to jabber as monkey 8hú kyón. kyón see kón. kyón vb. to be glutinous, to be viscid; kyon kyón or kyin-ná kyón-nă adhesive, sticky; kyón kyón glo vb. to fall as treacle. kyón vb. (pret. of kyón) to suffer, to feel, to undergo pain or suffering; duk kyon to undergo suffering, kyón-bo wretched, miserable, an unfortunate being; a-kyón 8. deterioration; kyón to vb. to feel sympathy; kyon dyak (dyik see dak) often pronounced ten dyak M. 1. vb. to feel pity for, to pity, to be merciful, to feel compassion for go-nun a-dom kyón dyak I pity you. 2. 8. compassion, kyón-dyak ya vb. to know compassion, to be compassionate, to be merciful; kyón-dyák yám-bo a compassionate person, merciful; kyón-dyák ma ya-nam-bo merciless, unfeeling, insensate, hard-hearted, cruel. 3. to be an object of pity, kyon dyak-bo a merci |