kyóp-krǎ able wretch, pitiable object. 4. misery, wretchedness. kyón dyak-kä alas for, woe; ryu-lă mat-dén gāñ-là sak-čin-ka ryu-wйn mű-fyak-nŭm-bo-sún kyón-dyák-ka woo into those, who speak good but who possess not a good spirit. P. kyón-dyit (see di, "to cause a painful feeling to come") kyón-dyit never ten-d. acc. M. (see kyón-dyák) s. mercy, compassion, pity, sympathy, vb. to have compassion; kyon-dyit-sa sak-cin-nun thro' feelings of pity or from motives of compassion. kyon-dyit yam-bo a merciful man. kyón-dyit-yám-bo tá‐do fam-čán-ka kyón-dyit mat a merciful man is merciful unto his beast; kyón-dyit mat vb. to show mercy, pity, sympathy. - kyon-dyit matlun a-zóm byi de pray have compassion on me and give me food. kyóp see kop. kyóm vb. 1. to be one upon another, to cover (as horse or any animal in copulation); kyóm bam copulare. 2. to be united or act in concert (two). a-kyóm 8. embracing, copulation. kyór vb. to be moist as rice (overboiled), to be wet, sloughy as mud, kyór-rå kyór-ra thin, too thin, soft from moisture; sa-kyór id. su-kyór dyit top s. a spec. of small red butterfly tyák túk-nyóm. kyol vb. to blunder, to mistake, to err to confound, go kyól I mistook, I erred, hũ kyól mat he made a mistake; to mistake for fam-čún o-re ti krók-lún lyan-så kyól-nón that animal being so monstrous was mistaken for land P.: hlo-så kyólšùm-bo-no. - kyol, tun-kyól s. an error, mistake, blunder, misconception kyol-reka lat vb. to fall into error. kyól see under nu corrupt. fr. kyol? q.v. krǎ the diacritical sign, corresponding to the English and affixed to the following eight letters k, g, n, p, f, b, m, h. kră (old L., obsol.) kru-ka 1. at the present time, just, now, kóm krů-ka mānyin-ne I have no money at present; 2. quickly, directly, straightway kru krā id. hik-nün zo-rem ši-win-så krå krå ti on seeing the rice the fowl came directly to it. krů-lå hyók vb. to cross over so as to arrive quickly instead of going round: tük-pól krů-lá hyók to cross over fence. kråk or krak vb. to shake off, to brush off as carpet, when shaking out dust. krak dyán vb. to shake off i. q. mik krap šok. krǎk onom. krāk krāk chucking as hen desirous of laying egg. kräk-kä kråk-kä rustling (as paper); krāk-kā krák-kā mat vb. to rustle. krák vb. to be active, to be prompt, assiduous, quick in doing anything, in opp. a-yut sluggish; ayok-ka krúk to be active to work. 2. to be obedient; krákbo 1. an active person, 2. an obedient p. ma-ró krák-bo. ka-krák from hand to hand kú-krák bu-nói to pass from one to another. krăn; Gui-kri-li stooping, &. khi làm vb. to walk stoopingly. krát vb. cfr. hrit, krat, to comb as hair, to rake, scratch, to dress or card as woollen garments; a-tsóm krát to comb hair. to tear meat with teeth. krát-bo 8. one who combs; a comb, a rake, krútdak li vb. to feel raking pains. krán; kùn-krán-là adv. thin and ugly; illfavoured; almost bare (tree), scanty, said of head with little hair or tree with leaves and not bearing much fruit. krám, a-krám adj. without incumbency, or children, free. král vb. to pick (as ear) etc. a-nyor král to p. ear; tuk-nóm král to p. nose; a-jo på-tiñ-så král vb. to p. teeth with toothstick; mi král vb. to pick out live ashes; král dot vb. to pick out (as out of hole). kra vb. to become insipid, bad and flavourless, said of či: či kra nón. kra kra met. idle, lazy, careless, headless, indifferent. *kra T. skra hon. s. the hair: u-kra T. dbu-skra. *kra-gan or kra-gen T. grugs rgan 8. an honorary term for an old man. 2 1 *kra-tión T. grva-tian s. a priests abode, a hermitage; kra-tión-mo s. a monk M. *kra-so T. grva-sa or grags-sa; kra-so -dok-nun-si lyan a place unequalled in celebrity. M. *kra-si T. bkra-šis s. blessing, consecration, honour, dignity, respect, reverence; kra-ši kyóp or mat vb. to consecrate; to respect, to revere, to glorify; | li-ka_kra-ši mat vb. to consecrate building; kra-ši tsók vb. to receive blessing or consecration; kra‐ši ña-så mat vb. 1. to | counsel as yuk mun, 2. to consecrate to office. the L.'s use kra-ši in sense of virtue, behaviour, good conduct, also as a verb (neg.) kra má-ši-ne to be virtueless, to be illbehaved, useless. kra-šimle i. q. ryum-bo adj. virtuous, good, useful, kra‐šim-bo min-ta tsen-så mat vb. to give or invest with office, to inaugurate. Comp. kra-ši ken-dyán T. bkra‐šis kye dren u. pr. one of Ta-se's wives P. krak i. q. kruk. *kran-čet-krík *kran-čet T. 'gran-byed s. emulations, rivalship; kran-čet mat vb. to rival, to vie with, to emulate. krap vb. to be too short as clothes. krap vb. to be adhesive, to stick together, to be sticky; krap krap or krappå krap-på adv. sticky, adhesive; krap-lå 1. adhesive 2. together, krap-là tsam vb. to catch together as two or more things. mik krap vb. to sleep. kram vb. to shake as straw after threshing; zo kram to shake up and down, to winnow; to thresh corn by dancing on it kram mat; — kram-bo 8. 1. a winnowing basket, 2. salt Tbr. Deriv. tā-kram s. a dancing festivity at the harvest; tå-krum mat vb. to dance and make merry (harvest-home), tā-kram mut-bo s. any thing very nice, luxury Tbr. kram; kim-kram-la short with shagged head as tree, thickly headed and short. see krů, krūm, kri. *kram-su probly from T. dgra-mču or 'krak-tsu T. brag-ču! 8. petroleum, Kam-su brawling, contention. naphtha: pitch Ex. kran vb. to be strong on legs, to be able to walk; lóm kran-bo a good strong walker. Deriv. kä-krai-lā adv. arms stretched (from side); ku-kran-là diù to stand in that manner;—kün-krañ-nŭ apart, straddling (as legs); kūn-krañ-ñà diù vh, to stand with legs apart. — kun-krañ-ñà ñan vb. to sit astride or with legs apart; kunkran-ñ fo vb. to place straddlewise as two sticks thus ^. tūñ-krañ s. a support for legs; po tun-kraŭ stilts, po tūn-kranka lóm vb. to walk on stilts; tun-kran kri s. a chair. — kran-rik s. a creeper, Clematis smilacifolia. - krat vb. to have pointed edges, to be toothed as saw, to be ragged at edges (as cloth) efr. krút; på-krat ragged, toothed, pointed. 'kran-rik T. 'dra-sgriy s. miscellaneous stores; kran-rik mat or mat-fo vb. to make preparations, to provide stores, to get things ready. *kram-ze ri-bo T. sgra-če? i. q. *dinlop q. v. krí; kā-kri-bo adj. 1. dishevelled (as kri, a-kri s. twigs covered with bird- krí, kri-m to be bitter Ex. 15, 23. kri chipped; så-gryón kri svo sã-gryón; a-krit adj. chipped (as a bason), jagged, notched; på-krit id. *kri-bo or kri-po T. dril-bu Skt. ghanta 8. a bell, *kri-čen T. dril-čen a largo b., *kri-čun T. dril-čun a small b., kri-bo li the tongue of b., kri-bo nyák vb. to ring bell. krík, a-krik s. 1. the lower jaw, inferior maxillary 2. the extremity of bow să-li krik. a-krik čap vb. to smack the lips; a-krik čum vb. to have the teeth set on edge by anything sour or 8. contraction krín-fo s. a spec. of parrot (?) M. krit T. bkres-pa s. hunger P. krit důk 8. hunger, vb. to be hungry; krit důk găn li-ka mă-bam-ne the hungry person does not stay in the house. - krit-tun mak vb. to die of hunger. krit-tun tsam or núm seized with hunger. nam pla to have a famine. krit nóm hunger, also the grawing sensation of empty stomach; vb. to feel hungry; krit not (dāk) 8. hunger and thirst; famine. krit på-hu s. a famine. krit *krin T. drin 8. kindness, favour, affection, grace, benevolence, generosity. krin-nun mat-ba thro' the intervention of, krin mat vb. to be kind, to show favour, affection; krin len čik vb. to repay kindness. *krin če T. drin-če great kindness. krin-so T. drin-gzo 8. (return of kindness) used incorrectly by L.'s for kindness, krin-so yám-bo or krin-so nyim-bo s. a grateful person; krin-so må-ya-núm-bo or k.-so má-nyin-num-bo an ingrateful p. M. 107. krin må-so-ne to be ungrateful; krin mă-so-nùù s. ingratitude. krip vb. to brush off with hand; to rub or scrape out with h. as dirt from clothes; krip-dyán vb. to brush and fling out with h. *krip T. grib s. a stain, a blot, spot, blemish, filth, defilement, pollution, contamination, dik-pu krip the uncleanness of sin; ki-krip the u. from childbirth, šikrip the u. fr. death, na-krip the u. fr. leprosy and other diseases, ya-krip the u. thro' pregnancy; krip mat vb. to defile, to stain, to pollute. krip zák vb. to become polluted. J. 18. 28. krip són mat kón for female to get character restored; krip-nyim-bo adj. foul, impure, polluted, unclean, filthy, sullied, contaminated, krů, krům vb. to be firm, to be stedfast, krů-lŭ adv. firmly, dům-pu krů-lā tsak vb. to fix a post firmly; to lean upon or press against with foot, to support one' self or as on a stick: på-tun krū; sŭ-gór krú-lún hrón vb. to mount a precipice sticking to it, digging one's feet into it; - to be determined, to be resolute in actions, to be decided; yok krū-lůň zuk vb. to stick to one's work with resolution. krum strong stout and tall; krům zón strong and stout as young man, see kram, kri. - krŭm; krům krům said of hair long and flowing or reaching to level of shoulder a-tsóm krum krum long flowing locks. krŭl i. q. král. kru vb. to be rosy, to be ruddy as ripe fruit or face; a-krum adj. ruddy, ripe (as peach, apple etc.). *kru T. gru s. an angle, krup-ji T. grubi a quadrilateral, a square. *kru T. gru_s. a large ship, seo nå-vār; són kru s. a steam-boat, a steamer. kruk kun s. the bail-tree; hlo-så and dan-s two specc.; kruk-pót the bailfruit. krut efr.T.gros s. council; advice, counsel, opinion, consultation. krut čóm vb. to accord in counsel, to be unanimous; krut typ-fo vb. to confirm the opinion of council; krut fik-fo or mat-fo or li-fo to make an agreement; krut dok to be of one opinion or the advice to accord with state of affairs, to be unanimous in consultation; krut don to seek counsel, to ask advice; - krut byi vb. to give advice; - krut a-ryum (a-jān) byi or do ya to give good (bad) advice; -krut mat vb. to consult. P. sót-sansi krut mat vb. to consult to kill. - krut rik :b. to consult. hi-yu-nin hum sútkan krut rik nón they took counsel together for to put him to death J. 11. 53. -- krut vyat vb. to ask counsel. — krut-ka fyen vb. to take into counsel. ma-ró krul-kro of mountain; blu krul-län lóm vb. to follow the course of the ridge. krul sce krů; krul-lă krul-lă tall applied to man or beast. *kre T. dre sco on-kre. *kre T. gral or gras 8. a species, a class, rank series, order, kind. kre incorr. f. krå q. v. krek vb. to be dried up, to be excoedingly dry, krek-ka krek-ků very dry and brittle; krek-kā krek-kú són to become very dry and brittle. kā-krek-lå adv. dry and hard, so as to be brittle, friable. kren vb. to be exhausted, barren (as earth). kret, på-kret in rage, passionateness på-kret nyim-bo or yám-bo or på-kret sum-bo s. passionate, a passionate person; på-kret mat vb. to be in a rage; på-kretla adv. kren vb. to long for (as for food), to desire greatly, to labour (as in childbed), to strain etc. kren-lā nāk vb. to push forcibly. krep vb. to be miserly, to be stingy, krut-ka vỏn or tat vb. to agree with in niggardly, to be unproductive (as earth); opinion. krep-bo s. a miser. Comp. krut-nyim-bo one who receives or gives counsel, a counsellor. krut tyúr s. the time for consultation, to have reached the age for giving advice, middle age, Frut tyúr-ka mak vb. to die in middle age. krut dón lyan mă-nyin-ne there is no one to consult; there is no mode of I consulting. — krut-lóm s. the course or plan decided upon in consultation; krutlom mat vb. to follow one's advice or the course directed in consultation. krup vb. to be astringent. a-krup adj. astringent. "krup see under *kru. krul s. the bed of river or course of mountain, the divisions of land or country; un krul lóm vb. to walk along bed of river, to follow the windings of stream; lyan krul lóm vb. to walk along course *krem-bo T. dran-pa s. memory; krem-bo nyi to have good m.; krem-bo mă-nyin-ne not to be able to remember, krem-bo mă nyum-bo forgetful; krem-bo sũn vb. to call to memory; krem-bo sun tet mak vb. to die as quick as thought. krel vb. to put into as into hole, to pour into, to enter, to penetrate, krel-lā fap vb. to put into, to insert. *kro T. skra see *čan-kro, *u-kro. *kro T. grva (see also kró) s. a school, a cell of convent; *kro-pán T. grva-dpon s. a schoolmaster, a teacher, "kro-hruk T. grea-prug s. a disciple, schoolboy. *kro T. grogs s. 1. a companion, 2. counsel advice, arrangement. *kro T. spro s. gaieties: kro kro; gó gó kro kro festivities, gaieties. kro: kā-kro-lā adv. stretched out as *krok-krók horns (a-rón); bik a-rón kå-kro-là cow with horns branching out in front; or logs (a-ton); ka-kro-là nan vb. to sit with arms or legs, stretched out. krók-króp 39 amend J. 4. 52. tal-lå krók-žán mă-nyin-ne there is no chance of his getting better M. to be glad P. *krók T. drags adv. vory, much greatly; ti krók very great, monstruous P. ču krók very small. *krok T. skrag vb. to be terrified, to be alarmed, to be startled, krok dyan vb. to be terrified, to be put to flight; kroklắt s. torror, alarm, consternation. krok krok onom. cracking sound as of mighty. "krók-bo T. drag-po or grags-pa dry leather. *kron T. 'gron (pa) hon. vb. to die pȧno kron-nón the king is dead. 1. mak. *kron T. grań vb. to be stiff from cold seo krón. *kron T. groй s. a house, village, town. kron-yuk J. 8. 2 incorr. f. krun-yük q. v. krom projecting as teeth fo krom. kūm-krom-lā adv. id. kün-krom-bo adj. beaked, pointed as mouth. krol vb. to get foot into a hole when walking; lúm-ba a-fon krol-lin klo when walking to trip in a hole and fall. *kró vb. T. pral-ba to cut into pieces, to carve, to slice (as meat, paper etc.) dum kró vb. to cut out clothes. *kró-bo T. grva-pa see under kro, 3. a religious scholar, a disciple of lama, a school-boy. krók, a-krók s. a seam in cloth. krók vb. to bend fingers (half-way) a-ká krók hand with fingers half-bent; a-kú krók-lùn buk vb. to beat with bent knuckles of fingers. - krók vb. to continue; lóm krók-kún šisot non to be fatigued from long walking. nan krók-kun si-šot nón to be weary from long sitting.un ha-yu vyat krol-kun-su hủ luh-lui hi-yu-lem li so when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself and said unto them J. 8. 7. krók vb. to be good, right, proper; krók-pa it is good, it is well, is is right; a-dom bo len mi-ka fan-nùn krók it were better to burn it then to give it to you. to be well, to be healthy; to get better o-re-nùn mat-lun kú-nùn hă-yum co-tat sa-re-ka krók-pi vyat then enquired he of them the hour when he began to *krók T. drug (confused with grags) adj. stout, strong, brave, violent, severe, a great man, a noble man; chieftain J. pů-no krók-bo-ka to the great king M. 136. krók-bo-nun hum li the nobleman said unto him J. 4. 49. *krók če T. grags(-pa) če(-ba) wearing the dress of great person, assuming the great man; krók če mat vb. to assume the great m., to give one'self airs. *króñ 'T. 'grañs(-pa) vb. (“to be satisfied with food") hon. to serve up food: påno-så króй. krón vb. to be aloud, noisely; lik krón to call aloud; hryóp krón to weep aloud. króň vb. to be stiff (as leather), coarse (as cloth), rigid, unyielding; a-króń adj. coarse (as furniture, cloth). krón high, tall; longlegged; kün-króйlà high; krón krón or tùn-krón-bo adj. longlegged (as man or animals); — krón bik a cow of the plains longlegged in opp. to the Bhutiya nyo bik a hill cow; krón bik zăn deceitful Tbr. krón-fo s. a spec. of parrot, see krin-fo M. krót (see krat, krit) vb. to be gapped as ban ban krót, to be jagged, broken, as tooth a-fo krót, to lie or be placed with intervals between kŭn-tson krót a head of maize with grain here and there wanting. redupl. krut-ta krót-ta ragged (as clothes), in patches as cultivated ground; a-krót 8. a gap or notch in teeth, broken tooth; half formed said of the grain of Indian corn. -på-krót adj. jagged, notched. krón vb. to scratch (as with nails, claws), pún-čí-nün krón. króp vb. to cast from the hand, to throw from the h. in quantities, lan krop |