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lun-la lyan or luň-ta tsåk vb. to plant byas s. a good action, kindness, benefit, flag; lun-ta tul vb. to furl flag; lun-tale-gyó mat vb. to do a good action, to fót vb. to unfurl flag; lun-ta lu to vb. to serve another; *le-so T. legs-so it is good, yes. erect flag; lun-ta dům sañ-lún hrya to hoist flag; lun-ta dům pyór to fly in the


*lun 3. T. luż 8. knowledge, instruction, doctrine; mystery, lun fót vb. to reveal mystery; *lun ten T. lun ston(-pa) s. revelation, prophecy, lun ten-nŭn rin tyola ya the tradition is handed down by revelation.

lun 48. giddiness thro' weakness or the weakness, that ensues from not taking an accustomed stimulant, lun luk vb. to be giddy from weakness; lun di vb. to be attached with weak giddiness.

lun-kŭt 8. kóm lun-kŭt silverwire. lut vb. t. to uncover, to strip off, as skin, bark, thatch, to turn over as leaf of book, fyй lut vb. to uncover pot; dum lut vb. to strip off clothes (as off horse), a-fun lut vb. to strip off skin, li čap lut vb. to unroof house. kä-lut adj. bare or bald as head a-fyak ku-lut head without tail; uninhabited as country, or as king without subjects, naked, without.

lun seo under lu.

lum 8. 1. the south, lum kỏn the southern direction, the people of India Tbr.; mik hon; tum lyan India; gor-kólum 8. the Nepal hill-tribe, the Gorkha; tin lum 8. the natives of the plains; tson lum s. the Limbu's, lum tson rin mat-lun li vb. to speak without reserve.

lum 2. see under lu.

lum dát s. inward vanity as opp. to alin outward v. M.

le postp. forms precative, un kam lyolun a-yu fon cón-lun kun su-gram-ka tyop ian-nă-le lot a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree G. also interrogative.

le 1.; le le the call to goats. le 2. for lya, lyo (to take).

le 3. T. legs good; *le-gyó T. legs

*le 4. T. las Skt. 8. an action; *le nen T. las nan s. fault in the s. of consequence, pain, grief, sorrow, a-do le nen it is your own fault, you have brought it on yourself. *le tse T. las tan s.

the geutry, the nobility.

*le kor (T.) 8. a circle M. le hin muk s. a plant, Polygonum runcinatum.

le tók-bo adj. good and pure, a plain man G. le mă-tók-num-bo not good or pure, le ma-tók-nà a-gyek-ka gyek-lin born impure.

le lóm s. coaxing, le lóm ryuk khỏi vb. to coax evil spirit to leave.

*le sát T. slob and bsod(-pa) “to attempt to learn" 8. imitation, aspiration, *le sut mat vb. to attempt, to imitate, to aspire to, hŭ kum-dun má-ró-să mat-pȧn soppåй le sút mat he apes the ways of others.

lek 1. expletive to fut, seo på-lek s. u parcel of ground.

(lek 2.) så-lek hyep soo under a-mlem. len ši-lă ace. M. fr. T. blan če "taking" "much" adv. much.

let, a-let s. a substitute, a change as of clothes, a-let a-dyam 8. a change of clothes.

let vb. n. to be sharp, mă-let-ne blunt. let explet. to ful.

-len 1. postp. the sign of the comparative degree, as o-re-len a-re ryu this is better than that.

len 2. near, o. c. hй-så len-nũn da vb. to lie near him; li len-ka near the house; nap-mo-len near the evening.

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len 5. s. retaliation, len dik vb. to retaliate, to retort, len luk s. rotort, rotaliation.

"len 6. T. len to take, see po len; mălen-ne used prohibiting, yok må-len-ne do not change, yu len vb. to bring back; to seize on, to appropriate to one's self, len dat kyón vb. to sympathize with; lak len s. a written acknowledgment of receipt of present.

len 7. vb. to commit fornication, kūp len s. bastard.

len 8. explet. to fun q. v., mi len gyók vb. to see as it were fire from the eyes, to be bewildered or delirious.

len ju for la-ju q. v.

lep 1. s. the entrance to the lower regions, lāñ-dek-să lep vyeń.

lep 2. vb. t. to press down, to flatten; adj. flat, co-gu lep a sheet of paper. a-lep adj. flat (as plate or board), the leaf of a book, ku a-lep kat a chupatee, cake of bread. — pùn-lep, půn-lyŭ por punlyop 1. adj. flat, 2. an oblong kind of boll. ta-lep 8. a thin plate of anything, ́a flat piece of, kun tă-lep 8. a flat plate of wood; lăn tă-lep 8. a flat plate of stone; pùn-jen tā-lep 8. a plate of iron; ta-lep tom-bo laminated; a-re lân tă-lep-ka ya nón bam this stone is separating in plates. lep, lyep soo lyåp.

lem vb. to place one above or before (as men) another, to pile, lem din or lóm vb. n. to stand or march one before another (as soldiers); lem to vb. t. to place one above another, to pile; lem nan vb. n. to sit one before the other; vb. t. to fold up as clothes dům lem. advly, towards, in the direction of, fyan lem nón vb. to march in the direction of or against an enemy, pa-no lem dya vb. to fight against king, a-do lem towards thee; sa-lem advly. in what way, whither, in what direction, lem (c. c. su-lem) affix attached to the end of verb in s. of “wlithersoever,” s-lem hỏ nói lem go la nón-so whithersoever you go I will go. a-lem s.: kyon a-lem rows of houses, one


behind the another; čo a-lem leaf ( book.

lem vb. to be fidgety, restless, to b skilful, said of boù fin, mun zuk-ka lembas lem-bres. increase, lem-bre zuk vb. increase M.

lel and lyel, vb. t. to finish, to complet to end, a-fya lel vb. to take root:affixed to verbs gives a past or final tim e. c. gyek lel created, see fat, 2. pag. 23 lel see lal, lol; ku-let adj. slightly be out, small, ban kå-lel a small knife.

lo 1. affixed to bo, mo etc. form "step"father, "step"mother etc., küpa stepson or daughter; mo-lo also: mother-in-law, bo-lo also: a father-in-law


lo 2 "called" see yót I. advly. "thus lo li lo mat he has a right to speak thu he serves you right; — lo gần i. q. 4gan if it be so, then; lo go it is wel very well, used assent i. q. loya See under a, o; lom see a-lom; — la là towards, in the direction of, in respe of, kā-sŭ lol-lă li speak to me, sakla-yo lol-là nón to incline to evil, pa jùm lol-lå dyй to fight for the enemy opp. to pă-no lol-là. II. certainly, go mat-so I will certainly do it; hú lo má so he will certainly die. lo dyan ve well. ta-lo for a-lo this, thus, ta-lo it is so; ka-yu tu-lo mak-so we al would die.

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lo 3. vb. to fly at (as hen when it h chickens).

lo 4. vb. to lay out, or spread out, dry as corn, cotton.

lo 5. no lo s. a fish.

*lo 6. 8. T. lo a year, L. nam q. *lo kor s. a cycle of twelve years, t name and order of which are as follo ka-lók; lón; sã-fän; kùm-fyón; sa-dy bù; on; lúk; să-hù; hik; kă-ju; mớn; to kor (the cycle) klak to come rout lo to zak the end of the old and co mencement of the new cycle of yea if clothes etc. are being made and a not ready before the commencement the new cycle, it is considered unfortuna

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and the clothes are not worn. lo šo dot an intercalary year; lo so zak an unlucky year.

(lo 7.) a-lo s. a Lepcha title below yuk. lo 8. T. blo s. the mind, will, pleasure, taste or liking; lo nyi there is a will, to have an inclination to do anything, a-do lo-ka šu gat-tún gó what is your will; lo kyok vb. to have equilibrium of mind destroyed (as by grief, anger, in its bad sense, not by pleasure or joy), lo kyok nan-lă un to become restored; lo kyok son to be again at peace, tranquil;

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8. pleasure, lo có-ka for pleasure, lo có mat to enjoy one's self; lo fók cot non to be decided; lo duk s. a pain of your own will, it is your own fault, to dúk mak he has died by his own fault. lo rik correctly, by heart, lo rik nyim-bo a person ready of comprehending or of retractive memory. lo 20 s. permission, will.lo-ka nyi to know by heart; lo tat ka or lo tyat ka to place confidence in; lo-nun kát vb. to know by heart; lo-nun dot vb. to repeat by heart; di to come to one's liking, to be pleased with.


a-lo affixed to a-fyak q. cfr.


*lo 9. T. slob (to learn, to teach). Compounds: lo kruk T. slob-jrug s. à scholar, a disciple; the apostles Chr., lo kruk-ku tap vb. to place under tutorship; lo kruk-ku vủn vb. to become disciple; lo-pán s. 1. a teacher, T. slob-dpon, Skt. Tara; 2. the chief of beads in rosary, lo-pún tyán vb. to wait upon teacher; lo-pán woù-ñùn-så lo-kruk keun when the teacher is learned, the disciples become proficient.

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*lo gyu (fr. T. lo rgyus?) s. circumstances M.



lok 2. lŭk-kǎ lok-kā or lak-kå tok-ká unsteady, unsettled, fickle, foolish, vain; lak-ka lok-ka mat vb. to be unsteady; fickle, to keep doing and undoing lak-kď lok-lu li vb. to be fickle, changeable in speach; lak-kā lok-kā riù foolish talk. lok 3. it may be, perhaps, a-lom lok it may be so. a-lok adj. of the same kind, same description. Caus. lyok (and lyāk) vb. to be like, to resemble, a-kup re a-mo lyok the child is like the mother; mă-lyok-num-bo adj. unlike; adv. likely, probably, mak-san lyok likely to die, nyi-san yok it may be likely so. a-lyok adj. of the same kind, similar, a-lyok mat-lún lí vb. to compare one thing with another.

*lok 4 T. log (reverse, contrary, opposition) vb. to return, to give in return, to give back, tion lok mat vb. to give back what you have purchased.

lon 1. sec lui 1. s. the eye of hoe, lon sun s. an instrument of making oyo of hoe..

*lon 2 T. lan 8. leisure, time, go lon mă-nyin-ne I am not at leisure; sak-čin lon mă-nyin-ne-ba there was no time to think.

lon 3. vb. t. 1. to dig up (as plant with earth), to dig; fam-len lon fat. vb. to uproot a plant 2. to educe, elicit?

lot s. a rupture, a swelling, ta-tsup lot vb. to have r. from anus, hernia; a-mik lot to have eye ruptured or distended. pa-lot-la convex, swelling outwards.

lon 1., a-lon 1. behind, after, gan lon hereafter, lon tsóm to be left behind, to be inferior, to be short of; lon ryak vb. to follow; lon-ka afterwards; in the absence of; lon-nun after, afterwards, ha-yu lon-nun after them Ex.; lon-nùn mók-så mŭ-nyin-ne there is no end as of people or words etc.; 0-re så lon-nùn hù

*lo jon T. fr. lo (year) and yżon i. q. 1. nam a-man a young man. *lo dam T. glo and L. dam . a girth năm-si-nin hu-su vi li after that his as of saddle.

*lo-tsó-bo T. lo-tsa-ba s. an interpreter. lok 1. s. people G. 17, 13. Ex. 14. 5 etc., see luk or fr. mia.

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lon-bam-bo s. the last, the one behind; lon-bam-bo-san the survivors; lon lonnun or lon lon-ren after a long while; lon šu-ka or lon to pu or lon kya pu or lon pót pu what may be or follow, the consequences; lon pót pu ma-dyámne not to consider the consequences; lon a-tyók-ka at last, among the last. 2. in this direction.

lon 2 (fr. 1.), fo-lon s. the wisdom-teeth. lop vb. to crawl so as to make one feel, as louse on body.

lom vb. to go off, to be sold as goods. lom i. q. a-lom in this manner. sec lo 2. lom dát see lum dát. lol, lol-lă see lo 2.

lol-lă tyil-lă i. q. tu-gryom see gryo. *16 1. T. gla s. wages, pay for work, rent as for house, go-nŭn kă-do-sú tă-ůyú vyet-rem kā-sú vo-ka byi-ren rúm-nŭn kāsa ló bo fat God has given me my hire, because I havon given my maiden to my husband G.; lo-bo a day-labourer; lomat zo to live on the wages of work; ló mat lyo vb. to hire; — ló zóm-bo 8. n hireling, ló zóm-bo ná ló zóm-bo go-ren tyet-lun luk-pan-ka sak mā-čin-ne the hireling fleeth, because he is a hireling, and cares not for the sheep J. ló šók vb. to be neglected (as work), ló šók sók tyol-nón to be fruitless as work M.

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(16 2.) a-ló a-šu s. a trace (of any one). 16 3. in books for lot.

16 4 s. a screen or curtain W. 65. lók 1.: lúk-lók-la red, written also ruklők-lā.

*lók T. Idag-(pa)2. vb. to lick with tongue. lók 3. vb. to dance, to frisk, lók bam 20 dyap-lā či ka to dance on corn in order to thrash it.

lók 4. to be wasted, to be spoilt, to be injured; lók-nón-bo damaged, lok sum-bo that which may spoilt or injured, as any fragile article; zo lók s. a waste of rice or food; kom lok-yám-bo 8. a spendthrift; mù lók-kůň injurious.

lók 5. fr. T. lag (hand): mi-lók 8. a person who works for his food.

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16k 6. a-lók . exercises, vik-lók military exercises.

lók-fo see or fo; a-lók fo s. crow: the species in general -ór fü-lók fo Indian corby or crow, Corvus culminatus M., Je. 2. 295.

lók-čor T. klag-cor s. noise, clamour, lók for a-tet mă-mat-tùn do not kick up such a row.

*lớn 1. T. glai 8. a bull, bik luôn luôn un a young bull. lón nam the oxyear M. 141.

lón 2, a-lón s. reflective light, a-ảyūm u-lún; li-co lủi moon-light; alo lui re flected light on clouds.

16 3. to become dry, said of yams, leaves etc.

*lớn 4. lớn T. slui(-ba), sloi(-bu) vl. t. to lead, to induce, to conduct, to steer, to bring, to bear upon, to direct; to manage, to administer, to control, to influence, to win over, go a-do̟ ik ča lớn mc-lel-ne i have not yet finished teaching you. lin kya vb. to lead, to bring, go-nun lyan să-re go-nún a.-så ị, sû ày.ka ryak mya byin-bo-ka lón kyu-lin a-yum o-re rem a-fop mat-bo-šo go ye-ho-ca dyum-ba I will bring you in unto the land concerning the which I did swear to give it to A., to I. and to J.; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am the lord Ex.; tón krón id., ùn lyan v-renăn ply-lui lyai a-ryum u-tim -ka lón hrón šán-ka yŭ and I am come down to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large. . . . Ex. vh. n. to be induced, pră-no-nũn lón-nón-ban the king being induced to continue to maintain; vb. t. to bring up, to rear, kūp mat lớn to adopt and bring up a child; ju lon to bring up as child; to keep up the delusion. lón leading, leading water in bamboo frames; lớn-bo running water. (a-)lón-bo s. a chieftain, a leader, (a-)lon-bo mat-tu-o be a leader; tem-bo lón-bo-pin ha-do sú-yón-ku må-rik-nå gån tem-bo lók-šo if the rulers of the state agree not among themselves



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lón 5. T. blań, lon(-pa), len(-pa) vb. t. to take, gi-čó lón to deprive; lón-lå except, see rón; to have with one, to carry, as kă-sú-sů ban lón mă-bam-ne I have not my knife with me; lóù nói di 1. to carry away with 2. to lead away; lón fi to take away, mi-zur-ka čók mányin-nă ren hó-nũn kā-yum a-ba lyan mak-šāñ-ka lóù ti-wũñ-ă because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Ex. li di to bring with; also used in the sense of depriving or taking away, as suk lớn to take away life; to preserve as truth, wisdom, justice, word, virtue, also to take care of (as servant a horse, animal or thing) to guard, to keep guard, Tiù nyo sun lớn bam to preserve the history of lords and ladies. lón i. q. lă in the sense of continuing as hryop-la nón or kryóp lón nón to go on weeping; · lón 8. desire, will, a-do lón gùm it is your own desire, will; - vb. copulare, see mi muñ; a-vo len lỏn vb. to commit adultery, u-ro len lỏi-bo s. an adulteress.

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a-lón s. sexual intercourse, a-lón mat vb. to have sexual intercourse, explet. to a-mat and a-tsum sexual intercourse, q. q. v.

lót 1. vẻ. to return, to come back; lót is used in the s. of the English prefix re- or again, e. c. lót bal repeatedly, again and again, lót kor vb. to circulate and recirculate, as blood etc., lót gán hrón vb. 1. to rise upwards as seasons 2. to renew, as dispute; lót gyek vb. to be reborn, lót úák vb. to review, to look back upon, lắt nan vb. 1. to resist, 2. to roost as birds, lot in vb. to reflect, sak-cin lót yam-bo adj. one susceptible of great feelings, tender-hearted, lót nyất čin vb. to reconsider, lót fap vb. to put again, a-do kå-rem kúr-sāk-ka lót fap-på put thine hand into thy bosom again Ex. lot top vb. to recover, lót (yak vb. to recognize, lút di vh, to return, lót dot và to take

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out again e. c. hŭ-nŭn a-kă-rem kŭr-såkka tap-lŭn lót dot-tŭñ-să hủ kă re să-nón dum zón dom dāk he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, bohold, his hand was leprous as snow Ex. lót dyй vb. to repel; lót nak vb. to correct; lót plå vb. to come out again; lót nón vb. to go back again, to return, lót byi vb. to give back, to return a thing, lót tsun vb. to resume, lót zu vb. to revive, to come to life again, lót zuk vb. to remake, lót lat vb. to return, lót li vb. to revise all he has said; rin lót luk q. rín gán hrón vb. to renew dispute; lót lyo vb. to receive again, to recover; lót van vb. to reverse, lót sú vb. to recover as from sickness, lót ši vb. to see again; lol-la lót vb. to return, lót lu vb. to restore. a-lót s. returning.


lyot caus. to cause to return, to set free, to set at liberty, as a captive, to put or turn away as from sin etc., to cease, to abjure, là-vo lyót to abjure one's sins; nyen lyót to cease giving milk; kãsum lyót klóй-ñå send me away G.; atsóm lyót fo vb. to let hair hang dishevelled; go a-do tóm-là lyót I won't let you off, I'll do for you; a-ká-nin lyót vb. to be out of practise; a-do fón-ka lyót fo you are left to your pleasure; lyót nyón vb. to release, to turn back, or cause to turn back; să-ba-nùn di-ba o-ba lyót nyón or klón vb. to cause him to return from whence he came; a-lit-tun lyst to put away from the heart (as sin etc.); nyiwññ-să tu-tśát sak-čin má-lyót-tún-o in the time of plenty do not be extravagant or thoughtless; lyót glyót making faints as in fight P.; mă-lyót-nà mat-líú úyok zuk vb. to continue work until finished of the English prefix re, rin lyót li vb. to answer; lyót fap vb. to replace; lyst top vb. to recover; lyót ju fut v to restore to life; lyót ju luk vb. to rise again to life; lyót blyan vb. to refill; lyst byi vb. to restore, to give back; lyót zuk vb. to repair; vyet tsun lyst to release prisoner, a-mi-u-ni-xủ mi-lyt-ne

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