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M. 77 a-re duk šăn ảyŭm-ba there will certainly be difficulty attending this; fam-cái găn-nă mà-lyan-sun văn ngămba signifies that he shall certainly become the object of worship to all creatures; – 3. vb. to be glorious; 4. shadow

see so yum and ŭm.

'ayek see ek.


'ayen 1., en (sometimes also in) 8. 1. younger brother, younger sister or cousin, ayen tä-âyй a younger sister; åyen tå-gri s. a younger brother; ayen kup s. a child of brother, sister or cousin; ayen tek-bo 8. youngest brother, sister, cousin; yen zăn s. a friend; J. ayen zăn a-yan a real one; ȧyen zăn a-bón a false friend see lik(-bo), ủyen zăn uyen năm 8. or

'ayŭr, àyŭr-ră, dyŭr-ră or åyür-lă the sound made by the rushing of many feet or the flight of many birds also the boiling of rice gir-là làm, mi-rd gir-dyei zùi làm 3. friendship .-2. lỏm ră ǹyúr-rá grik; zo tsu-ba ȧyŭr-ră âyŭrră grik. 'ayul, fl vb. t. to dry, to heat, to parch, to form friendship; to roast, to toast dyůl šón id.

'ayuk vb. t. to pass each other, to change, to change money, to alter as anything, place, to exchange, to make or give an equivalent, kóm ¿yuk vb. to change money, kóm yuk-bo banker J.; lyan ayuk bam to change one's place; mlo ¿yuk vb. to make an exchange of anything; yu yuk mat vb. to change wives or when two men have one wife between them, for one to take his turn of her from the other; tuyum ayuk vb. to pass each other, said of sun and moon, of two people meeting; lā-vo să-tsük ȧyuk the changes of sun and moon; sok-sa ayuk-tóm-bo an equivalent for life.

'ayun, yun-nй àyun-nă moving to and fro, yun-nă ayuñ-ñå tyй vb. to shake as tree or house from wind, ¡yuñ-ñà ayun-nȧ lóm vb. to move about the walking, as an elephant, camel, from side to side.

'ayur vb. t. to bake in ashes M. 143, mi-ka ayur.

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3. the

fat vb. to discontinue terms of friend-
ship; dyen zăn tik or ayen zăn byók vb.
2. child, babe,
ayen šim-lik byi vb. to give present at
birth of child (to mother); ayen bón s.
a child, an infant, dyen bón ši a child is
born; yen bón hryāk tu-tsắt about nine
o'clock, yen bón hróp tu-tšátabt. 11 o'clock
at night; ayen bón har-rů har hryóp to
cry very loud i. q. rik-kā kik-ká hryóp;
yen bón mo bo hryum-ka nyi to be well
ordered; yen bón hryum ma-nyin-nйm-
bo an unmanageable child; yen bón de
vb. to amuse a child, to keep it from
crying, to soothe; yen bón tsam vb. to
keep children in discipline.
pupil of eye mik-ayen, mik-eñ.
Comp. yen kyun s. a cradle or bed
for child;
ayen-ga 8. a babe, ayen-na
s. id.; dyei-cot i. q. dyei-tyil, see ti-
¿ót; — ǹyen-ji or in-ji s. crying, whining of
child, in-ji mat vb. to keep crying and
whining; yen-tut (or in-tut) på-am
8. a plant Costus speciosa, the juice given
to children to drink as an alterative or
as the name applies to wash the child;
ayen tyól 8. placenta, secundines;
dyen dem s. a child's plaything;
no s. a bed for child as a basket etc.;
yen-z0 s. navelstring; ayen-sol 8. the
liquor amnii; ayen sóp tyek-bo s. mid-
wife Ex. - ayen tsum s. a taunt, in-
vective, satire, jeer, hoot, derision, sneer,
mock, exultation, hó kă-sům má-bo-ne, a-
li hỏ fat nón, go yen trăm mat you
would not give it to me, now you have
lost it, scandal over you; hó su mat kà-


'ayul, ’ayul-lă said of heartburn, attended with sickness or inclination to be sick, cal-li dik; a-lit yul-là dik; a-lit yul-yen-20 s. navelstring; là li.

'aye exclam. an expression of disapprobation; seems to mean grudge, resentment, spite, menace, threat, nyiù dŭk; rinka aye nyi; a-lŭt-ka ǹye nyi; ǹye mat vb. to threaten.

'aye bro sec i-brũ.


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'ayen III. tűk-ûyen, tüñ-dyen see under work; ayok tå-lyan zăn a great work or tuk-nyil.

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undertaking; ayok a-gyap nyi to be much engaged; ȧyok šu kat nor or ȧyok šu kat hlók vb. to commit a fault; — 2 advantage, use, ủyok-sŭ mlo a useful thing; — 3. effects, consequences, šu ayok-ka for what purpose or business.

ayok ka vb. to assign work; ayok kabo s. the superintendent of a work; yok kók kát kyóp vb. to superintend ayok kók bu vb. to be engaged to


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do W.; 'ayep ŝin 8. terrace or raised ornamented temporally; place for sitting, a dais.

'ayem 1. adj. green, zo dyem, kā-¿er åyem. 'ayem 2. i. q. ayŭm see ùm, ayem-lå adv. smooth, still, as water; yem-lå da vb. to be smooth; yem-lå du smooth ·àyem-ba i. q. àyùm-ba.


'ayer 1.: på-ùyer two years ago? M. 'ayer 2. på-yer i. q. på-ȧyór seo ayor 2. 'ayer 3. i. q. ayår see år. 'ayel see ayal.

'aye adv. before (time), hitherto, formerly, see ǹya, ǹyắn, só; some time before M. 69; yo-len id. J.; iyo čam three days before, yo čót (or če) four days ago M. 71; yo to the day before yesterday M. 71; dyo nu-han already Ex; ayo han some time ago; dyo nón vb. n. to be recently passed, yo non-bo adj. previous, preceding; ayo mu-top-ne not received before; ayo zan as before; yo pe zăn nun to become the same as before; ayo do the same as before, yo do bam-ka bam nyi (he) lives where (he) did before; ayo-re the former; ayo la-vo last month; dyo-sa the former, the preceding; ayo-sa rin a previous matter; Deriv. ta-ayo adv. before, ago, hằm tăayo ma-ši-ne I have not seen him before, úr-su tu-ayo formerly. su-ayo or pa-ayo i. q. tu-ayo.

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ayok dya to vb. to lay aside w. ayok mut vb. to do work, ayok mat-bo 8. a workman; hlùn-wi hlún-nå ayok mat vb. to work sluggishly; ȧyok mya vb. to be diligent in business; ayok zuk vb. to work, ta-do mű-zú zản mat-lün ayok zuk vb. to work as if it were for one's self; sám net mat ayok zuk vb. to do work unconscientiously; glet-là àȧyok zuk to do w. thoroughly; alút-năn bu-lũi yok zuk vu. to do w. with heart; no sát mat ȧyok zuk to pretend to work, to do eyeservice; no tso bù-lün yok zuk to do w. modestly; ayok füt zuk to do work for another i. e. to be his substitute, ayok fut-zuk-bo a substitute workman; yok zap-pů zop-pȧ zuk to do work superficially; ayok-ka kú or ayok-ka klón sent for use; — ǹyok-ka kó nyo nói to have become accustomed to work;yok-ka fap vb. to use; - yok-ka myn vb. to be well acquainted with work.

Comp. yok ke-či s. great work; yok gen s. importance, yok gen bù vb. to be charged with a commission or work; ayok čer-bo s. one who shrinks from w: ayok-ló 8. wages. Deriv. pun-yoks. a workman, negatiator. 'ayon, yon pf. 'ayon vb. to fade; to be stale; to be stupid; you, vb. 1. to wither, to fade, to dry up, as leaf, 2. (countenance) to fall, applied especially to fall from

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ayon adjly. rotten, kun yon a rotten tree; dům ayon a r. cloth; li ayon a r. dilapidated house.

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ȧyoй-ñà ȧyoй-nй: àyʊñ-ñå åyon-na-bo the Indian rubber-tree F. elastica W. 71, s. a dolt, a blockhead.

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'ayon see ayon.

'ayop 1.: yop ayopadj. clownish, foolish. 'ayop 2. vb. t. to fell wood by notching. 'ayor: mik ayor ňák vb. to look askant. 'ayo s. 1. verdigris, rust, 2. express. of contempt, a-li sự a-li nó nói-80 or pla-šo or nan presently it will rust, ayó fa-nón or yo zuk-nón to be rust-eaten.

'ayók 1. vb. t. to place transverse, li tóp yók to prop up house by transverse posts; to throw out hand or feet, to kick, dyan gór áyók to kick backwards; tuk-jek yok to kick aside; to make (cotton) fine, ki mùi-ok-su ok to make cotton fine with bow; mun-ȧyók or tün-yók s. a bow for carding cotton.

'ayók 2. s. 1. Ficus elastica Wtt. F. 165 the Indian rubber-tree; 2. bird-lime, extracted from the Ficus elastica, met. slime fut dyók Ex. 2, 3; used also as a cement; 'ayók kok old and stale birdlime which has acquired a bad smell, yoh hoh gi-nim to stink like yok kok applied to dirty people, yók čóm kun

as opp. to să-kún or sŭn-kún kun (F. mysorensis) q. v. iyók-ri băn: “yo-kri bon" n. pr. of a village, founded among the stumps (ban) of felled or simply among "rubber "trees W. 71.

'ayón 1. s. the evil spirit of wild animals e. c. su-na úyón. See you 5.

*'ayóň 2., yóñ T. yyan 1. luck, fortune, 2. much, a great money, ayón-nyim-bo one having much, wealthy; ayón kük 8. some incantations of lamas for obtaining money M. ayón čen; ayón-čen-nyo 8. goddess of fortune. See 328 A, B.

'ayot vb. t. to bend as bow, to strike with uplifted arm or rather to lift up arm, as when striking with club, or axe, su-li yót vb. to bend a bow; ảyót-lúñ buk vb. to strike with uplifted arm.

'ayón adj.scattered, dispersed, sprinkled, ayón dyán vb. to scatter.

'ayop see op.

'ayóm vb. to skim along with hand, to strike off with hand, yóm dyán vb. to strike a thing off by skimming along the hand (as fly); - - so ȧyóm-la són see under so.

'ayor 1.: fyй yór-ră àyór-ră pyi to vb. rub clean the cooking-vessel.

'ayór 2. see ŭr; — pă-ȧyór, på-åyór-bo adj. yellow, pă-ȧyór-là adv.; på-áyór nyй vb. to dye yellow; på-ȧyór dù mun s. the evil spirit of jaundice.

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