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gă the third letter of the I.. alphabet T. the English hard g.

gă, gá, tă-gá s. the chin, tà-gå for the hollow division in chin; tu-gá a-nйt or a-tút s. a double chin; t-gi-năn tal-lisirin s. foolish language; tu-gá bap bap ryen to chatter (teeth from cold).

gă vb. to give for might, power, strength, to oppose, to resist, to contend with, to repel, to be hostile, to attack, to assail; ga-bam to assail at, ka-jú gá-bam the dog shows fight. gà mà-tá-ne not to dare to oppose; si-lik gù mù-td-ne I cannot contend with a rhinoceros. so-hyan gå mi-ti-ne I cannot stand (or.contend) with the cold. — gå-lát s. hostility, contention, antagonism, aggression, assault.

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găn cfr. T. gan M. 86, 91. affixed forms the conditional "if" as a-re zo gắn mak-šo if you eat this, you will die; its correlat. "also" is represented by the emphat. particle là or by the word gün. he mak go go li (or gin) mah-so if you die, I shall die also. when, then after; neg. ma-gàñ-nà gàh vxcept, unless M. 86. a-lin nye buk gắn kå-ti bù- (or nyi-) šv when it presently strikes, it will be 10 o'clock. from un gan from the beginning; ár-nùn' pyi-lå gåù from this time, hence-forward. in order or that it may su mat gan ryu-te what is the best to be done (or that it may be done). *gá-ċó T. syo-lčugs lit. iron of door: a, though go gan-là gàn a-fin su-re li lock; gá-čó-sù a-lut s. the effects inward nyan yat though I am old, still whatever of lock; gá-có kyóp vb. to lock; gá-čó-samy lord says, that will I mak de-mik the lock and key. gan ma-ku-ne litly. if or tho' he would gā-do for ká‐do I, myself. gà-do yun die, he could not: there is no fear of his at vb. to be egotistic. dying. indeed, truly a-re gần ùm-pa gă-ram 8. an evil spirit, lyan gå-ram 8. this is indeed nice; the evil sp. of a place. is indeed wonderful. ought a-tet jyi nón hà a-ba tỉ gân it is so late he ought to have arrived.

gül-lå (for gå-lå) adv. hasty manner, running, flowing; un gâl-là gâl-là y water to come rolling down; yok yal-lå gal-lá zuk to do work while moving or running about.

gāk vb. to be fat, applied to insects, swollen out; vyan-bu gûk-bam the maggot

is fat.

a-gak adj. fat (said of fleas, ticks). gák, gák-là fắn vb. to burn partially or superficially; nyót gúk-lú dop the field is but partially burnt.

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a-re gan yut-ki this

gan-la tho, but, even, yet, however, notwithstanding, nevertheless. su-tet zón gån-lă however great (or good) he may be. see to gi-là; yo-gi-li. gi-li or yan-nă either, or; hỏ-năm să-re gut-tùn-re

ká-gák-là adv. half burnt state of gan-nà a-re gañ-nă o‐re dóm-må select clearance.

gán vb. to be very weak; gái gửi làm vb. to be scarcely able to walk from weakuess; gửi-mà gửi-mà li or ngôi vb. to feel very weak.

whichever you please either this or that.

gát (acc. W. "yüt" Parb. giddha Skt. yṛdhra) a vultur, spec. Vultures, Gyps fulvescens R. 204. “güt a-nok“ Otogyps calvus, "güt pa-nom" or king of the gắn yan weak, impotent, debilitated, vultures, Vultur monachus W.

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wards gap-lă (or lũñ) ñan vb. to sit with f. d.; gup-lün pyók-tra vb. to prostrate oneself in salutation, to make low obeisance.

gáp vb. to drink long draughts (breath. ing the white thro' the nose), to gulp; gap-lun fan to drink long draughts. gúp gúp drinking a great deal, long draughts; un gúp gáp lan, ëï g. g. t.

a-gap adj. drinking by drawing up the water like animals.

"gám T. sgom-pa see yom s. reflection, meditation. *gám-bo or gám-pu T. sgompa s. a monastery, a convent; M. 83. sam-ya-så gám-pu the c. of Sam-ye P.

gut-tui s. heat, ardour, passion, vi-gm-bo-la còn vb. to enter monastery, thusiasm. gut-lo zealous, parent. gat-la adv. ardently, passionately.

a-gát 1. 8. zeal, ardour J.; a bad temper applied to man or beast; 2. adj. fiery, ardent (as spirit or temper); måró a-gát a bad-tempered man; fam-čản a-gát a bad-tempered animal; a-gút rin fiery, violent language; rapid (as water); raging (as fire or wind); brittle as wood, glass, applied also to iron, which breaks easily from natural badness not from being too highly tempered: päñ-jeň a-gút. a-yat sa-nyak mik-mar Tuesday.

gán vb. 1. to preponderate, to overbalance, to be out of the perpendicular, gún hrón vb. to rise upwards, 2. to in eline backwards as when drinking out of vessel, towards any direction (son) gún hrón (the scale of balance) to rise upwards; un gán-lun fûn to lean backwards when drinking water.

gia gia adly. up and down.

caus. gyán vb. to lean on with hand, to cling to, to grasp; to be troublesome, clinging to (as a child). — gyán-lyań 8. anything to cling to, a catch. - gyún-bo adj. troublesome.

a-gyán 8. clinging, a-gyán lyan the object clung to.

gặp head hanging down or rather face downwards, vb. to bow J. 48. a-tyak gặp to bow the head Ex. 4. 31. gap-lùn lóm (da) vb. to walk (lie) with face down

to become a mouk; gám-bo jen vb. to found a monastery; - gám-bo-si ku-jo s. an abbot; gám-bo-så pùn-lok ». a monk; gám-bo-så tṣùn-mo s. a nun; gám-bo-si tsŭn-mo yuk-mün a vestal nun; yám-bo-sā tsin-mo ku-jo s. an abbess or g. b. så ts. mo je-tsun id.

gár vb. to raise (a little), to lift up or open or separate in a small degree, to open a little; går går 1. raising or opening a little, 2. flapping as wings; a-bon gúr-går mat óp vb. to open the mouth a little; går går krón vb. to raise a little (as carpet etc.), to raise head from pillow; går går mat vb. to flap (as wings). — så-går adv. partly open, så-gár mat vb. to open a little as arm hand box anything, to open a little a jar.

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ga vb. to be with neg. ma-ne cfr. gó, yũm; M. 53; må-ga-ne or må-gun-ne it is not.


si-yál - là nóù vb. to vanish, to dis- gat-tun-re dũn-nă say what necessity appear. there was to give. må-gat-ne not to want, not to desire, not to like, go a-dom må-gat-ne I do not want you, I do not like you. gat to-tsut s. time of need. gat čok vb. to desire, to wish for, to regard, to esteem; to be necessary; gat čok-sa mlo a desirable thing, a requisite.

ga i. q. mùn-ga s. turmeric.

'ga T. dgå (see also gó) s. joy, love, desire, mirth, gladness. — ga-dắt s. anything desirable or desire itself; name of a jewel; ga-so s. T. dg-so joy, gladness, happiness; ga-so ma-nyi-ne there is no joy; ga-so kyop vb. to rejoice.

ga-daň s. bars placed across a gateway, a barred gate; ga-dẫn kúp 8. a natural child, a bastard Tbr.

ga-zór s. name of plant and flower. *ga-són T. mgar-sa s. a smith's shop, a smithy.

'gak T. dgag-pa vb. to stop, to prevent see gók.

gak, adv. gak-ka yak-ka or gak gak bo s. adj. worn out (as old man unable to stand or of things worn out).

gan, kŭñ-gan-lă adv. open as mouth in sleep or death, open-mouthed, agape as jar or door etc. k. g.-là du vb. to be with mouth open. gai-nin i. . ro gai dan to be dead Tbr.

gat (cfr. T. dgos) vb. to desire, to wish for, to want, to like, to be agreeable to, to love, to be pleased with, to require, to be necessary, to be essential to, to have occasion for, yat-nyi it is necessary P. ká-do ká-ta nón gat-tùn-ka fi it has come to this, that I must go alone. P. a-lut fek re zăn sak-dák gut-tún má-nyin-ne there could have been no necessity for this heartbreaking grief. -— gut-ma-o it is expedient, necessary. gat-san desir able, needful, requisite. gut-šan rin s a necessary word. · gat-ba gat-ba whenever wanted. gat-bo s. a. desirer or what is approved of the thing wished for.gat-mu or gat-mu-bo desirable, gat må-mu-num-bo not desirable. gattin s. desire, wish, necessity, need, occasion for: gat-tün mă-nyin-ne there is no occasion for, it is not needful; byin

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a-gat s. desire, wish, request; su-re a-gat dóm-mȧ or så-re a-yat re dóm-mă take which you like.

gat 1. s. a duty, a rate, a percentage, dasturi, taken from merchant at time of purchase, also a tax laid upon merchant by king; perquisite of purchaser; gat tsun vb. to lay duty on goods. 2. vb. to take custom.

gan see ga.

gan adv. if, then, in that case, there upon, after that. gan a-do nák-kā yo a lom zuk gân má-ryu-nă-šo then do you see, if I do this, it will not be good.


*gan, gyăn, gyan, gen, gyen T. 'gan(-po) see kók s. a burden, hence business, trade, profession, charge, office; ka-si yok-ku a-do-så yyan mă-nyin-ne it is no business of yours. – hi năm-xi-nyo kip go-ren hùm a-sem mat-så gyen-lå byi-fat and hath given him authority to execute judgement also, because he is the son of man. J. 5. 26. - gyan kút vb. to be appointed to an office. to deprive of office. a-bo a-mo gyen mă-tă-ne i. q. bo mo lyan tsam mă-lă-ne cannot supply the place of father and mother. gyan lá-bo s. an efficient officer. gan bu vb. to hold an office, to be in charge of business. yan bùn-bo s. officer Ex.



- gyan pap vb.

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(so) g. g. zók vb. (rain) to leak inwards, (trón) g. g. zāk (arrows) to take effect. gan: kun-gun adv. ever, always. gan-lón seo gun, gyån s. pride, selfwill, vanity; gan-tón nyim-bo or g. t. mat-bo or g. f. yum-bo s. a proud person; y. f. mat to be proud.

*gap T. 'gel (-pa etc.) vb. to cover; tifón gap vb. to turn trough upside down.

gap-la adv. spread out, covered over, overspread; gap-là da to lie overspread; fit-ka lùi gup-li iun bam the rock covers the ground.

Der. tun-gap s. 1. a pit-fall, a trap made by covering over mouth of hole; ayam tun-gap a pit-fall; tun-gap-mo 8. a bear from being caught in trap-hole? Tbr. 2. a notch made on the opposite side of tree, on which you wish it to fall or break, see nyóp. — tur-gap-là adv. overspreading, overhanging.

gam affix to tyol ij. v.

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*gam T. sgam hon. s. trunk, box.

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gal vb. n. 1. to break as stick also as leg etc.; ha-yu a-hrút-pin gal-liй tun bu nóй-šāй-ka iyo-di-san-nun pi-lat-mum

the Jews besought Pilate that their legs might be broken J. 19, 31. gal-nón it is broken; gal-bo broken. yal-yúm-bo or gul-sam-bo brittle, frangible. - yal-li adv. broken, with sak "desire broken" to be weared with. — kú-gal-là id. 2. to fall see glo etc. gal-li adv. downright, completely fallen; gol-lá pok completely fallen (with force); kun g.-li pok the tree uprooted has fallen; má-ró gal-lú til-nón the man has fallen downright (violently).

gyil caus. to break, to cause to break. hú a-hrát-pán ma-gyal-ne they broke not his legs. J. 19. 33. sak ka-gyal-la disgust, annoyance.

Der. tun-gyal (see yal 2.) 8. a painted stake for digging or dibbling with.

gal expletive to tyól: tyol gal help, companionship shd. be gam? see P. Fol. 25. gf vb. 1. to be out of the perpen

gam not quite dry; gam má-són-ne it dicular, to slope, to be bent down, to is not quite dry.

gam: kum-gam-bo incorr. f. kum-hum-bo.

gar vb. to be severe, to be stringent, to be rough, to be austere hryam-ka gar vb. to suffer severe punishment; yok dùk-ka gar to have exceedingly hard work; sok-ka gar to be the trouble of life. gür-ra gar-ra adv. throwing oneself in passion, gùr-rà gar-rà mat or tyám vb. to throw oneself at as in rage.

gar. (see also kar) adj. curved, crooked at one end, bent; vb. to be curved etc. -gar-gar i. q. yar; gar-gar-bo 1. one crooked, 2. person with large posteriors Thr.

kā-går-là adv. crooked, curved at end. gar-nek 8. glans penis.ta-gar, tukyar, tun-gar s. a large basket closely worked.

"gar T. myar; gar-tsón or gar-són 8. a smithy, smith's workshop.

gar T. sgar s. a camp, an encampment of soldiers; gar-min s. a parole, a watchword; gar-nón a guard.

be inclined, kun gi-ñan or bam the tree is sloping; to be aslant (as when pouring out from a vessel); gi-län låk vb. to incline vessel while pouring out. -a-nyor ma-gi-ni nyin to listen attentively (not turning ear away). a-mlem gi to avert one's face as when evil-disposed. — 2. in— direct, indirection; difference, distance, inequality; tsón-nùn mák-ka ginon the arrow has not gone quite direct for the target; si-tet gi-nyi-wii- what

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distance is it, how fare is it; gi-nyi-wun- what difference is there; cap-si gi mi-nôm-ne did not quite overtake him within a short distance of doing so; cùp-să gi má-zák-ne did not quite hit. 3. to be inclined towards (mentally or physically) having a penchant towards used in a bad sense li-yo (-lem) gi inclined to evil. — 4. s. a bribe, subornation; gi byi vb. to give a bribe, to bribe a person to evil; gi byin-bo s. a briber, a tempter, a suborner; gi 20 vb. 1. to take a bribe; 2. to perform

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evil; gi zóm-bo s. one who takes a bribe; a perfidious, evil person, a traitor. 5. to be ungrateful, to be false, faithless, perfidious, to betray hй a-lut gibo gum 1. whose heart is inclined towards anything, 2. he is a false-hearted (treacherous) fellow; gi zắn s. an ungrateful person. gi-là adv. obliquely, divergingly; dishonestly, basely M. 74. — gil id. gil dam vb. to tie crosswise so as to enable thing to be carried; kun gil-lun dam to tie poles to tree in order to carry it; món gil-làñ dam to tie pig by the forelegs together so as to enable it to be carried on pole.

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yük güm-bam the end of the b. projects downwards.

gũ gŭ s. Turtur meena acc. W. R. 207. gŭk: kā-gìk-lŭ adv. suffering, enduring (pain or trouble) affliction, kā-gŭk-lá nyi to suffer, to be afflicted, to be distressed. gut see tun-zón.

*găn T. rgun (a grape) see him. gia rum s. T. ryun-bṛum grapes, y. šiù T. ry.ši 8. a vine, g-te T. rg.-tas 8. a vineyard g.-éan V. rg.-ćan and g.‐kyem T. rg.skyems s. hon. wine.

"gun T. dgun: gun-so s. cold weather, winter.

gun T. kun adj. all, every, total, each,

gf s. so-gi the conglomerating of the whole; gan-nů ull, every, altogether, atmosphere, dew.

gi, a-gi s. the tender shoots of plants; ear of corn.

*gi-ku T. gi-sga s. the peg of the pyon q.v. *gí-čó also gi‐čó T. rgyu-ču s. wealth, property, personal property and effects. J. *gí-no T. rgyan and bsnol s. 1. emulation, rivalry, 2. envy, covetousness gi-no sakcin-re sun-mit-ku ful-re zán gùm competition is like riding on the winds (gives swings to work). - g-no mut vb. 1. to emulate, 2. to be envious. kumdun-sà gi‐čó gi‐no má-mat-tün do not covet the goods of others. — gi-no mùgi-ni gi mui-mya-ne without emulation there is no diligence.

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gi-pŭr-bun and gi-po-mi seems to be merely expletive M.

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totaly; gun-na sóй-ñйñ-så tā-àyй kúp a female possessing all endowment. gùn-nă li‐să mă-nyin-ne the is no use of enumerating all, et cetera. — gắn-năs a-ryum the best of all. – gùn-nă-sà nón-ka a-čům the least of all. - gùnná-sú nóñ-ka a-jan the worst of all. gün-nå-så a‐tim the greatest of all. gun-ná lin-là rin every one says. · gunnā-ba a-flik mak among all some died. gùn-nà kà-tu-ka li-ba when you express it generally. i. q. sun pl. affix (cfr. T. fams-cad, Newârî sakal, sakal in Bangâli when it follows the noun). kurfak kür-büm gün-nù i. q. kür-fak_k. b. săn the ministers P.


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gùn-len, gùn-nå len superlat.-particle hù gün-len ryu he is the best; gün-nă

gf-bu s. doglouse; tick, Ixodes ricinus; len pam-là mat-bum-bo making himself

fat gi-bus. the soldier-insect.

gin, tun-gin s. the os fibula.

çin T. syyin (-bu) "to be stretched out" n. pr. of part of a hill n. of Darjiling. gin s. a leathern belt, a girdle, a strap, kom-bo gin a 1. belt.

gip, tă-gfp, tŭn-gíp s. (cfr. T. syyiu) a bag, a knapsack, a sack; tun-gip zop vb. to twist neck of bag.

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the least. gan jam all altogether, gùn jam byóm-län in all, taken altogether; gun jam li-să mă-nyin-ne et cetera.

correl. of gan: also, hó mak gắn go gún muk-so if you die, I shall die also. see gum.

*gun-rán T. myon-drin s. patronage, favour of patron or lord, gun-rán dók-bo lord of grace; gün-rún-să a-liù... thro' the grace of Lord so aud so (way of commencing letter) gun-rán mat vb. to exalt, assist, favour, hú hi-sù a-tet gin-rin matlin re you have thus been gracious to me.

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