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gyá vb. 1. to be cautious of, to be caroful of, gyá-lùn fo to place by with care, to preserve carefully, gya-lun yok zuk to work carefully. 2. to rest from labour, to refrain from work: a-ka gyá má-zú gyá, on- acc. of any superstitious cause as signs, omens or portents or when propitiating evil spirits. muň zukba má-ró dit må-kón-nün a-dyan sur măzu gyd-o when propitiating evil spirit let no one approach, set a check to their foot-steps and cease from labour.

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gyáń s. stream of water; gyán-nă gyáñadvly. hanging down, dangling down (as rope etc.); streaming down (as water etc.); g.-nă ùan to hang pendulous.

gyát (see gyot) vb. 1. to be disinclined to do anything; to be averse; to be unwilling. 2. T. 'god(-pa) to repent, to be sorrowful for sin, see gyot.

gyan T. rgyun 1. 1. an ornament, an embellishment; gyán kyóp or mat vb. to ornament, to adorn, to embellish. the lining of clothes; gyan kyóp vb. to line clothes. 2. a-gyan or a-gyán a-80 a miracle, a wonder, a supernatural event, marvel, thaumaturgy, used also in sense of eventuality e. c. dek fak-lûn mak rónin a-re u-gugin sự gi-lui trăm-gm-0 fate being satisfied death claims its own, knowing this eventuality beware; in P. supernatural knowledge T. rig Skt. vidya a-gyin a-si lyo-lin T. rig-dsin Skt. cilyridhara.-a-gyan dot vb. to perform a miracle; — a-gyan nyim-bo possessed with supernatural power; a-gyån nyim- * lát s miraculous power, inspiration; a-gyán-nún mat-bo by means of divine

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a-gyàn-sà món myár a supernatural dream. — lyan ta-se gyan-mit the glorious, marvelous goddess of Ta-se.

II. 1. a stake at play etc., 2. lot etc.; gyan kyu to contend for stakes. gyắn kyu-lün kü-sù a-bryan plà having cast lots it fell to my name. ·gyan-po T. rgyan-po s. a chessboard; g. p. ku vb. to play at chess.

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gyăn T. 'gran(-pa) vb. to vie with, to contest, to contend for, to emulate; to assume, to arrogate, to affect, to pretend to; a-bo a-mo gyản mă-lã-ne no one can supply the place of parents (lit. do the office of do.). gyăn see gun. gyán see gin.

*gyán T. rgyun (continuity), gyán-nă gyán na advly, so gyún-nà gyán-nă yù vb. to rain in torrents vi gyán-nă gyánnă plá blood to issue in a stream; in a long pendent (as creeper etc.) hanging or branch of weeping willow.

gyám vb. 1. to turn aside (as bullet), to ward off (as blow). 2. to remain, to be quiet, to be at rest, to be still, to be at peace; gyám mat-bam vb. to remain, where one is; to be quiet. gym mat-ta-o remain quiet. 2. s. tranquility, rest, repose, peace, see gyá.

gyám, a-gyám adj. entire, whole, complete, gyám mat-fo vb. to leave entire; ma gal-lun gyám-fo do not break it, keep it entire.

gyár vb. (old L.) to be apprehensive of; to shrink from; to be afraid of.

gyar s. a bracelet; gyár čak vb. to put on b.; gyár ót vb. to take off b. gyăr, gyár-kó see kyar- see also úók. gyǎr-kun 8. n. of tree.

gyǎl see gal.

gyál (to vanish), gyál-lá or kyál-lå fap vb. to put out of sight, to hide, to conceal; kyal-li non vb. to go out of sight to disappear. — a-gyal adj. safe.

*gya 'T'. rgya s. extent, width *gyakram or gya-króm T. rgya-gram s. 1. a cross, 2. a silver coin (in value about sixpence); — gya-kram fam-blyák a spec. butterfly. "gya-gar T. rgya-gar 8. India; gya-gar dor-ji-den T. rgya-yar rdo-rje-gdan Vajrasana (Gaya) P. — "gya-čun or gyacun-mo T. rgya-čań a variegatod, striped woolen cloth of narrow width. *gya-ji T. rgya-gżi 8. a revenue, ground-rent i. q. kóm top lyan a tributary kingdom.


· "gya-nók or gya-nak T. rgya-nag 8.


China M. 88.-*gya-pán T. rgya-dpon s. an revenue-collector or tax-gatherer. *yya-pi, gya-bi T. rgya-pibs s. a ridge of roof, also a room built under ridge of roof: li gya-bi. – *gya pi-lin, T. rgya piglin 8. British India. *gya-mi T. rgya"gya-mo T. rgya-mo


mi a Chinaman.
(a Chinese woman) in L. an inhabitant
of China. *gya-ta T. rgya-tsu s. sal
ammoniac, chloride of ammonium.-"gya
txo T. rgya-tios s. the lac-dye; gya (to)
bik 8. the lac-insect, Coccus lacca.—*gya-
to or "yyam-to T. rgya-mto s. the sea,
the ocean M. 82. g. tớ,-8 nim-hin the
waves of the s.; g. tš.-så bu-gók the foam
of s.; g. t.-sȧ a-jùm the spray of 8.;
g. ts.-să a-kin the sea-shore; y. tš. su vb.
(the sea) to roar. *yya-ri T. rgya-ri s.
- *yya-lin V. rgyu-
meat, a piece of meat.
gli s. a flageolet.gya-hri T. rgya-kri
8. a chair, a couch.


*gya T. rgya s. a seal, a mark; "gya-tó T. ryya-tags 8. a seal, a mark, a stamp. *gya or gyó T. brgya num. one hundred. gyó-bo-re the hundreth; gyu-bo-re nam ka-kyak seven hundred years. — gya-kón s. a chandelier with hundred lamps.

gya or gya bí s. a spec. of basil (as vegetable).

gya-bŭ s. a scale of weight.

gya-re kuń s. name of tree, on which the lac-insect feeds.

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*gyam-fut T. skyabs-mfud s. a silk band worn round head supporting the hair. gyam nók s. a small field for sowing

gya zó muk s. name of plant, spec. of small grain; gyam nók bùk vb. to clear Ruellia.

gya-se kuń s. name of tree, Erythrina arborescens; gya-se rip the flower of Erythrina arborescens.

gya-pŭ T. sgul-bu lit. "a support of bricks", 8. stones erected round a fire for placing pots on to boil.

a small field.

gyar, a-gyar s. overthrow. M.

gyal and gye T. ryyal I. yye T. ryyal(ba) vb. to win, to gain a victory, to con



gya-šiń s. a spec. of Aralia, A. pseudo- quer, to vanquish, to overcome. ginseng. or *gye-pu 1. T. rgyal-ba s. a conqueror, a victor, a winner. · 2. T. ryyul-po 8. il king, a monarch L. pá‐no also *yyul-po and gye-pu P. *gyal-mo T. ryyal-mo s. a queen; *gyal-t›op 'V. rgyal-tṣap s. a viceroy; *gyal-se T. rgyul-srus 1. a prince; 2. a saint; "yye-bo ka nók V. ryyal-po ka nay 8. Adamia cyanea, used as purgative. a-gye or a-gye a-tu s. victory; a-gye ris. the news of victory; a-gye nyim-bo

*gyan T. rgyan s. far distance; yyaiser s. a telescope.

gyan see gun.

gyap vb. to be numerous, to be plentiful, in a-yu bat gyap-lun suk-dum lyanku súr tet gyap-på and you be ye fruitful,

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s. a conqueror. II. s. gye in comp. gyal 1. a victory; 2. the stakes contended for, a prize; compensation for adultery, fine of adultery "gysh" (misprint.) apud Campbell, Journ. Ethnol. Soc. of Lond. I, No. 2; H. H. Risley, Tribes and Castes of Bengal, Calc. 1892 2,7. gye-čón 8. a feast given by a winner opp. pam-čóù 8. a feast given by person who looses. gyal-tin T. ryyal-mtsan 8. a trophy, a sign of victory, a flag of honour. *gyalwó T. rgyal-ba s. majesty, royalty; gyalw rin-po-če his supreme majesty, his royal highness.


*gyit ace. M. fr. T. rgyud (or skyed-pa?) vb. to succeed, to follow; gyit-lan di vb. to follow in succession. 8. a-gyit succession, race, generation, pedigree, stock, breed G. a-gyit-tun non or a-gyit mok nón to become extinct. Kun-gyit s. ancestors.

*gyük T. ryyug (a running) vb. to gallop, to run fast, to scamper off, to flee.ayyak 8. running fast, a gallop; a-yük-hám-ka nón to go all the way at a gallop.

gyun, a-gyun s. a waterfall: un-gyán. gyŭt, a-gyŭt s. a small bulbous root, applied chiefly to sun-kri and nyin. gyun vb. obsc. to become rigid fik gyen: to be lewd, lustful.

gyup vb. to be finished, to be ended; to be exhausted; 20 ayek gyup-nin the harvest is ended; rá-ku rá-són gyúp-nón the provisions are exhausted.

gyup vb. to be stiff i. q. but, to be benumbed from cold or remaining in one position: ku-si dyan gyúp-nón.

gyup T. syyid-bu s. a support for cooking-pan over fire; *ca-gyup T. lễusyid s. an iron support for do.; see also gya-pu.

gyum (see gyá) vb. 1. to take care, to be cautious, to be vigilant, watchful, to be prudent: gym-m imp. Ex.

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lan part. cautious, guardful. gyum-län cuk vb. to make with care.

gym-li adv. carefully, cautiously.

giùm – gyur

2. to take aim at any thing, to take good aim.

gyimbo or guim-yim-bos. adj. 1. a cautious person; a prudent p. 2. one who can take a good aim, a good shot. gyum-lát s. caution, carefulness, circumspection, prudence, vigilance.

gyum incorr. i. q. gyám entire.

gyŭr; gyűr-ra gyúr-ra advly. shrinking as from shame; uk-lùù gyúr-rá gyúr-rà li vb. to feel a shrinking from shame.

*gyur 'T'. 'gyur see kó-gyür.

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"gyu T. rgyu s. 1. matter, substance, material; a-re su-si gyu nyi-wii- what is the substance of, which this is composed, what is this made of. hu-su rin-sa gyu the purport of his speach. substance, nervus rerum, money, wealth; ke-su a-kup man-pó gyu ma-nyin-ne except my child I have nothing (no property); yyu mat vb. to merchandise; gyu sok vb. to accumulate riches, wealth; 2. preparation, arrangements.

*gyu T. ryyud s. character, disposition; hŭ sak-lyak-sa gyu go-pa he has an irritable disposition; a-do yyu să-lo gó what is your condition, what is the state of your affairs; how are you.

"gyu T. ryyus 8. notice, intelligence, knowledge; ha gyu-nyim-bo yum he is an able, gifted person; hã gyu mă-nyin-ne he has not the faculty or ability. history, story, tale, narrative, lesson. a-do gyu hlap-på-o learn your lesson; fam-să gyu pi vb. to write a treatise on a subject. gyu-yat s. wisdom, knowledge. "gyu 'l'. dkyus see ji-gyu.

"gyu T. syyu s. illusion, deception, jugglery; mik gyu an optical illusion. *gyu T. rgyus s. a gathering together, a collection of.

gyu vb. to change for the worse, to deteriorate, to degenerate, to be reduced as from sickness (for gyur); see če-mo gyu. gyut see gyut.

gyup see tük-čin gyup.

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gyek kǎ-nók—gyón


to ́să-nyi s. a birth-day; a-gyek a-mak műfyak-num-bo a thoughtless person (lit. one who thinks neither of birth or death). gyek kǎ-nók i. q. gye-bo kú-nók. gyek muk . a plant.

to transmute, to transform, to vary, modify; sometimes to alter for the better "to improve" pa čit gyur or gyu to improve the size of a bulbous root by cutting it; to alter for the worse; to degenerate or change for the worse. multiply as in arithmetic. to represent, to relate as story, to detail.


gyul vb. to be oval, ovalshaped (as cup, weights of net) a-re ka-yå gyul bam; sun-li pót gyul; -un gyul a pool (ovalshaped) of water.

*gye see *gyal.

*gye T. rgyas adj. large, great, extensive, ample, much; gye-ko T. rgyas-sgo a large door, a gate. — gye gye adv. much, very much, so as to excite wonder; gye gye yam-ba there is too much; să-rón egye gye fan-fut he has to-day drunk an extraordinary quantity of beer.

*gye T. dgye 8. a reclining position; gye-li s. an hour of the day corresponding nearly to our 4 o'clock in the after

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*gye T. dyyes (-pa) 1. s. joy, mirth, gaity, 2. vb. to be happy, joyful, to be gay; sim gye id.

"gye T. yem? or rgyal? see under. gyal; 8. compensation or damages for adultery; gye čik vb. to pay damages for adultery.

gyek in P. (Mscpt.) gek T. skye-ba vb. to bring forth, to give birth to; vb. n.. to be born, to be generated, to be created (life); go gyek-si-o may I be born; a-do ma-gyek-na-ba when you were not born; num-kim-nyo ma-gyek-na-ba before the birth of man. P.; go-nun a-dom gyck I gave you birth; gyek-kün-så mak vb. to die in labour; gyek tet-ka mak vb. to die in birth; gyek-ren tsu-lun beginning from birth; gyek-ren ma-mak-nă tet from birth to death; gyek byi or gyek to vb. to bring forth, to bread P. — gyek-lit 8. birth. ka-ta zón gyek-bo unigenitus Chr.

a-gyek s. a birth; a-gyek du s. labourpains; a-gyek-lyan s. a birthplace; a-gyekren må-ki-năm-bo blind from birth; a-gyek

gyen see tйn-gyen; sññ-ban gyen-kuñ. gyen see gan, see also von; see also gyan, a-gyắn.

gyen-tsen s. a tower (i. see gen. a-gyer s. the bark of an arrow. a-gyel adj. 1. single, not in clusters. 2. tough, hard.

gyo s. a machine of offence, used in war by forming a spring made by forcing a tree backwards; when released it casts heavy stones placed thereon; gyo dyan vb. to cast stone by gyo.

*gyo T. rgyo s. copulation; gyo zin T. rgyo jan a T. word of abuse, a copulator.

gyot see not, gyút.

*gyot T.'gyod(-pa) vb. to repent, to be sorrowful.

gyom see gom.

a-gyom adj.: rin a-gyom s. a general expression, what has become proverbial.

gyor vb. to bring or drive back as animal, that has strayed; gyor bŭ-no drive it back hence, bik a-lem gyor bũ di drive back the cow in this direction.

gyó vb. to break friendship; to quarrel; to quarrel so as to separate and not to speak; má-ró-sú gyó vb. to quarrel with another.

gyó T. rgyags (-pa) adj. expansive, fully-developped, stout, po gyó a fullydevelopped man.

gyó, gyó-m vb. to be finished, to be expended, to be exhausted; a-zóm yyó non the food is expended. gyom plyok dyan to cut off J. 18. 10.

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gyóñ adj. s. far; distance; taón gyóù an arrow d.

gyón vb. to bother, to joke, to jest or

gran-grit grit

gran vb, to be able to walk (child); a-kup ik-ča gran mă-kün-ne the child' cannot walk yet; - dyen bón gran-nón the infant has commenced to walk. . gran see pu-gran.

grap-pă grap-pă onom. crunching, crisp as toast, parched grain.



gram vb. to break, to crack, gram-bo play with in a troublesome manner; ku-adj. broken; gram yám-bo adj. brittle, xum yan ma-gyón-nũn do not bother gram-mă gram-mă li i. q. má-zű küm-gram-må (là) li. grum-mă gram-må grik sound as of things breaking and crushing.

me so.

*gyóp fr. 'T'. rgyab byed-pa vb. to support, to second, to back, to side with, to take the part of, to uphold, to maintain, to defend: Lepcha tün-dók; — gyóp-bo a Supporter, a defender, a vindicator, a champion of. See also crap. gyóp: hlo gyop a valley.

gyóp: tùn-gyóp weak on legs; t.g. pe vb. to walk straddly with legs bent and shaking.

gyóm see gyo.

gyóm s. the right in opp. to cim the left; gyóm ka the right hand; gyóm kónku to the right; gyóm-ka id.

gyór vb. 1. to glow as fire; mi-gyór s. a live coal. 2. to glaze, to glitter, to he shining, brilliant. - gyór-bo brilliant, bright, glittering; - gyór-låt s. glow, effulgency, brilliancy.

gyól a-gyól s. long cylindrical shape; a-ti gyúl a long-shaped egg; pi-rú gyól a piece of coral.

grāk vb. to open out, to render passable (as road thro' jungle).

gran see gryen and gróй. gråt sve på-grût-bo.

grám 1. v. to hasten, to speed, grámLi soon Ex. quickly P. grảm grảm quickly, hastily, speedily: grám grám mat vb. to make haste; grúm grám li to speak fast; grúm no-o go quickly. 2. s. speed, haste, quickness.

a-grim adj. quick, speed; early as adj. quick. grám see si-gråm.

gra vb. to sit on edge (of teeth) as anything sour fu gra.

gryam caus. of gram to cause to break. redupl. kŭm-gram nyón lyót vb. to break in pieces; k.-gr. non lyot to fall and break to pieces.kum-gram-là or kum-gryam-la adv. broken in pieces. má-zů kim-gram-là li to feel as if body was broken in pieces.

a-gris. a dry twig of tree; a-gri kãta-bo ka-ta-ka fam nyi prov. birds of a feather flock together.

grí s. a highstockaded fort W. 71, a palace pă-no-sù gri; a fine city: gri kyun; gri ču-ri s. the walls or battlements round palace.

grí gri-m vb. to string bow; să-li (grim) gri; a-grim s. a string of bow; a-grim-ka šit vb. to place the arrow.

grik s. noise, sound of anything; lömmũù-să grik the sound of foot-steps. fam-grik 8. a noise.

a-grik s. 1. a sound, 2. a report, a-grik a-cum a low s.; a-grik a-tim a loud s.; a-grik dor a hollow s.; a-grik kyen a shrill s.

grík vb. to fructify, fruit to form from the flower, to swell out applied to young fruit; grik ñan vb. id.

a-grik s. a small fruit not quite ripe. ta-grik 8. young childhood from about two to five years; applied also to beasts; ón ta-grik a child from about two to five years; small tender budding (fruit) fam-pót tā-grik.

grit grit (see grik) onom. a grating sound.

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