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hryep s. the fore-arm, k. h.-sď a-hrất the


· a-ká ví-ka


ulna and radius. ká-vis. one open hand (bason-shaped), kd-vi-ka in the power of, in possession of, ká-vi-ka zak vb. to fall into the p. of. tšŭt id. (a-)ká vyet s. i. q. kúvyo s. the radius of arm. (a-)kú-so the veins of h., the pulso: ká-tsó ká-so tsam nak or ka-so tsó tsam nak or čát vb. to fool the p. - kú-sů s. 1. handiwork, manufacture, 2. a souvenir, a gift, a token of regard. ká-šuk s. gloves M. 144; k. š. čó a pair of do.; k. š. a-kăñ an odd glove; k. š. šuk vb. to put on gloves, k. . fyul vb. to take off do.

ká IV. vb. to decoct, to boil, to stir (as porridge), to stow (meat) M. 143, čí ká to boil chi, nyen ká to boil milk, mán ká to stew meat in small pieces, stirring the while; tuk-ták kú vb. to boil, tuk-tuk nyen ka to b. milk.

kă, V. ká, kú-t. ká-bo s. 1. suporintondance of work, authorization, power; 8. an overseer of work. ká-bo kyóp vb. 1. to superintend work, 2. to urge on, to goad; to act imperiously, to domineer, ká-bo-så rin li vb. to invite, to goad on with words, to speak authoritatively, imperatively, despotically. li-sá ká-bo kyóp vb. id. kát vh, to be appointed to any business, to be deputed, to be ordained, prescribed, constituted, to appoint. kút-lun klón to be appointed and sent; ku-tóp kát-ban klón being appointed ambassador and kat-bo s. an overseer of work, superintendent. num-kút s. superintendence of work etc.


kǎ-kă-ǎr-fo i. q. kū-ār-fo. ka-ku num. (cfr. ka-3) eight. ka-kyǎk num. soven, ka-kyak-bo the


kǎ-kyót num. nine, kä-kyót-fyin nine times. kǎ-gro for ko-gro rip 1. s. the rose (flower) see also ko-gro-kun. 2. 8. for txon-gró-zo small spec. of grain Paspalum frumentaceum.

kā-grón-fo s. a spuc. of hornbill (Buceros casatis?).


kǎ-gryeh s. a spec. of small monkey (red colour).

kă-čá s. a bulbous root, a spec. of catechu. cfr. si-brak-ká-čá.



kǎ-čik-kun for čik-kun
kǎ-čin i. q. kúr-čin q. cfr.
kǎ-čit kŭn-tson s. a spec. of maize.
kǎ-čit-móñ 8. a spec. of millet.

kǎ-ċir 8. a game; kŭ-čir-pók to game when chasing and giving a kick to the person overtaken.

kǎ-čŭk kí-kun ». a spec. of the cottontree, ká-čuk să-li grim a bow-string made of the cotton of this troo.

kā-ču mun seo mi gat mun M.
kā-čur spec. of kũn-dáp q. cfr.

kǎ-če s. a spec. of the lemon, kú-de-kuń 8. the 1-tree, ku-če pót s. the fruit; Hooker 2, 233 "kucheala" lemon-bush. kǎ-čen s. -kuń a tree. -rik for kún-čiňrik! M.

ká-čer s. wheat, genus Triticum; there are the foll. spocc, ká-čer tú-not or gorok-mo; ká-čer tyak-kar; kú-der dón i. q. luk-dón; ká-čer kón-ká-na i. q. kém nó; kú-čer sŭm-bli i. q. bli. ka-čer put to sow wheat.

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Comp. kú-čer čú s. 1. a beard of wheat, the awn, 2. (-zo) a spec. of rice. -ka-čer tu-jit s. wheat-meal. ká-čer ta-brum s. bran. ka-čer ta-i s. flour. - ku-čer ton 8. straw. -ka-čer fól s. the kernel of wheat. kā-čer pók s. parched wheat made into dough (eaten with tea or water); ·ká-čer pyuй 8. an ear of corn; kika-čer fup the husk the chaff; čer món wheaten grain; ká-čer món fåt-ka glo-lún má-mak-ná gỗñ ká-ta zón bam except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone: J. 12. 24. ka-cer yap fine bran; ka-čer li s. the seed; — ká-čer hú halffilled ear; kā-ċer san an empty ear.

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11th cycle of year: kā-ju kā-ju tan s. a corpulent

male d. M. 27; kă-ju bù s. a male d.; ki-ju mót 8. a bitch. ka-ju-len jän worse than a dog. – ki-ju gút-bo a fience dog, ká-ju gor-bo s. a watch dog; — kuju jin-bam-bo a mad dog; - kā-ju tā-bun a large d. — kā-ju tyer-yam-bo a dog which flies at people; — kū-ju kā-kar-lŭ mat to curl tail; kā-ju nyir vb. to growl; — kā-ju čak vb. to set on a d.; ki-ju tuk-šim pur-byek-ka fap vb. to slink tail between legs; — kā-ju tūk-ším vyal vb, to wag tail; — kā-ju tyúk to spring up to bite; ka-ju pu to bark; — kȧ-ju mi vb. to call dog see yo yo; — kā-ju you to howl, to bay; — ku̸-ju sal to spring up as dog when petted; —- kă-ju sùn-zanbi mat vb. to prick ears forward; — kāju in-bam to whine.



Compounds: ka-ju-kйp s. a puppy; kuju-kup-ka di vb. to call do.; ku-ju-kup a-bróń a litter of puppies; kā-ju-kūp-rik Macuna pruriens; -ka-ju nuk-bo s. a dog-keeper; ki-ju tūk-ším 8. kū-ju tūk‐ším 8. a dog's tail applied to the Alopecurus pratensis (meadow-fox-tail grass); — kā-ju mā 8. the dung of do.; kā-ju må mat vb. to evacuate; – kā-ju mán (-lyům) s. a sporting dog, a hound; ku-ju mlem zán dogfaced i. e. shameless, barefaced impudent; — kā-ju ayit s. dogs dung; - pno a-jin-nun-ka mi si a-jun-nůй zumbam-mún-să pe lyo gắn nå kă-ju âyit-ka sem-bryon så-ayat mup-bam re zăn gum when the king and his subjects are bad (metaphorically speaking) they are like unto flies and gnats swarming on dogs dung; kā-ju ảyit ká-žům pót s. or kā-ju yit pół 8. a species of blackberry. - ий ki-jus. Ceryle guttata see s. un.

kā-je for ki-je s. a kind of cloth q. cfr. ka-jen s. the plaited edging of cloth, ki-jen tyúr vb. to riait do.

kǎ-nyān s. a turnip, Brassica rapa, kāny-pum 8. the bulb, ka-nyan-nyom s. the leaves.

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kǎ-nyǎt see kă-4, num. twenty. kǎ-nyí see kă II.

kǎ-nyŭm see kǎ II.

*kǎ-nye T. dge-bsnyen s. a novice priest, a catechumen.

kǎ-nyem s. 1. a spec. of cock's comb; the grain is used for making chi (sometimes); kā-nyem pyun s. an ear of do., 2. a priest Tbr. in allusion to the red colour of the flower and the red dress of the priest; kānyem kun ná vyán s. a very young foetus when first forming in womb Tbr. M.

kǎ-nyo-fo 8. name of bird, great barbet Bucco grandis Gould. ka-nyo-fo dan-să 8. green barbet Bucco caniceps.

ku̸-nyo fo tā-kli tūn-krók s.species of fern Acrostichum (Heteroneuron costatum var. rubicundum).

kă-nyon fo (?) acc. Je. 308 kaniong-pho Megalocma virens; "dang kaniong-pho❞ M. lineata; acc. W. "künniong" M. marshallorum; "dung k." M. hodgsoni R. 207.

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kǎ-ta (see ta and kat) pron. adj. 1. one, single, alone, only; used indefinitely for "a" us să-ayak kă-ta-ka fit-lem-so will be able to see you some day hereafter; 2. the same ka-ta kú-ce-ne it certainly is the same. ka-ta-bo, kă-ta-bo-re the one, the onely one, the same; a-re să o-re kā-ta-bo this is the same as that. ta-do one only; ká-ta-do dyóm-ka advly. at once, suddenly; ku-ta-do dyóm-ka maknon-ne ho died suddenly; ka-ta-ka together, in company of; kā-ta-ka bum vb. to live together (in one house); ku-takup adj. alone, solitary: ku-tap (ubb. of ka-ta-kup q. cfr.) a. one, alone, single, solitary; ka-tup zón only one, but one; ki-ta-mù a, an, a certain one; kā-ta-mů nun vb. to become one (as in mind), to be one (in opinion etc.); kă-ta-fyin advly. once, at one time, once on a time; kuta-fyin tók-čot li nyat-fyin sam-tyin măli-ne to have but one word to be decided to be true to one' word; ka-ta zón only one, alone, by oneself.

kăt num, ten. Comp.: ki-ti kết-lip eleven; ka-ti-nyat-fap twelve; ka-ti sum


tp thirteen; ki-ti f-li fip fourteen; ku-ti fu-no tắp fifteen; kă-ti tā-rāk lắp sixteen; ka-ti ka-kyak tap seventeen; kati ku-ku fup eighteen; ku-ti ku-kyót tắp nineteen.

kā-tūk s. difficulty, trouble, perplexity, distraction; kuă-tùk-nun with d.; ku-tük nyi or there is great d.; ká-tük zák vb. to fall into great trouble, distress; kā-tük mat-lün zuk vb. to perform with great difficulty.

kă-tun s. a spec. of yam kă-tŭn-buk. kǎ-to exclam. (probly fr. to-ka who is [it]). Oh you! oh these.

kǎ-tyan kun 8. name of a tree, species of Erythrina, E. stricta.

kǎ-fák-fo s. the name of a bird species of barbet, hlo-ka-ták the golden-throated barbet Cyanops Frankliniì Jo. 314, dan kā-ťák the blue throated barbet C. asiatica. ace. W. "ktak" (its call) Megaloema asiatica R. 207. ka-tak-bon mat s. a shrub.

kă-ťăñ-fí s. n. pr. the guardian spirit of females. kä-län-fi rùm; cfr. năn-lyen-no rum s. the guardian spirit of males.

kǎ-for-kun s. a mango-tree, ka-for-pót s. a mango, kā-tor hlo-så s. Mangifera silvatica, kā-for dañ-să 8. M. indica; the latter is sometimes incorrectly called by the Lepcha's am-bi a corruption of the Himl. word âm.

kă-fór i. q. kün-tór-bi q. cfr. a spec. of pumpkin.

kǎ-fyám or kul-tyám 8. a limping, lamness; kā-fyám mat vb. to limp, ká-tyám ka-fyam non vb. to limp, to go halting along.

ka-fyen 8. hopping, ku-lyen tyúk vb. to hop; ku-fyen a-yon-så tyúk hop skip and jump.

ka-fyer i. q. kun-fyer 8. chicken-pox; kü-fyer zuk vb. to suffer fr. chicken-pox. ka-fyer-fo s. a species of woodpecker, red on back of head acc. W. "ka-ter" Gecinulus grantius, its usual call is "terr terr" see R. 227.

ka-fyór-kun i. q. kun-tyór-kun s. a species of Sterculia: St. coccinea, ka-fyór-pót 8.

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the fruit of St. c.; ki-lyor tăk-po string made from the bark of k.; Hooker 2, 7: "katior-pot" Hodgsonia.

kă-dam s. name of a cloth.

kă-dí excl. a word used in calling a puppy, kă-di kă-di id. sce dí.

*kǎ-din T. gtin also kůl-din, kül-din türdin adj. very deep as water, pit, valley, 8. a depth, an abyss; tür-gón ká-din a d. pit; du kă-din d. lake or water; kyon kŭ-din a d. stream; mel-lă să-tet kå-din gó or kú-din să-tet nyi-win-ă how deep is it.

kǎ-den i. q ka-den q. cfr.

kǎ-do see ka II.

kǎ-dyák or kǎ-dyók s. the young of small animals when just born having no hair on belly as cat, pig, unfledged as young bird; món ká-dyák da-nyi a new-born pig is lying there.

kă-ṇa s. 1. a spec. of wheat, kả-na kúčer i. q. kón kă-na ká-čer spec. of wheat; 2. expletive to sun-kun q. cfr.

kă-nŭm excl. an expression of anger or dislike; kā-núm-hó wait, look out, I'll pay you off! etc.

kǎ-no-kun 8. name of tree, species of Evodia; ká-no hlo-să s. Evodia fraxinifolia; ka-no-pót s. the fruit of which have a spicy flavour and are used with chillies as condiment.

kǎ-nóm-kuǹ 8. name of tree, spec. of Terminalia T. belerica; ku-nóm pót or ka-nóm bi the T.-nut.

ka-nóm-bón see tük-nóm-bỏi, tűk-nal-bón. kă-nól i. q. să-nól-bí, kŭ-nól-bí s. a spec. of nettle, Procris spec. (Urticaceae) does not sting.

kǎ-ba s. 1. a kind of cloth formed of single twist; 2. explet. to ki-je ku-ba q.cfr. 3. attached to any other cloth except ki-je implies that it is formed of single twist as på-són kả-ba: pú-són-cloth of single twist.

kă-bŭm, kŭr-bùm explet. to kūr-tak q. v. kǎ-bo see under ku II.

kǎ-bók (sce a-ká, ká hand) applied to any large monkey, să-hú kú-bók a baboon.

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ka-muk s. the name of tree from which string is made, ká-mük kun s. spec. of cotton-tree, ka-muk-ki the string of do. kǎ-mo 1. seo under kă II. 2. incorr. for kut-mo, tük-mo q. v.

kǎ-myum, kum-myum kun s. a tree, a spec. of Boehmeria; kŭm-myům ki the fibres of the bark of do. used for making string.

kă-zu s. a spec. of nettle from the fibro of which cotton is spun. kā-zón see under kå II.

ka-tsäk 8. culit; ău gì yo gửi lyui-nun má-rum mă-go-ne yan-lå kå-tsák ka kā-ti zón tet nyi for they were not far from land but as it were two hundred cubits J. 21. 8.

ka-yan-lă sec kāă I. to be.

kā-yát 8. a beard, nŭm-šim-nyo-så kă--yut man's beard; să-ar-så kă-yát a goat's beard; ká-yát hryản-bo a long b.; ká-yát ak vb. to pull out b.

ka-yu, ki-yum see ka II.

kǎ-yen, kǎ-'ayen s. a string made from the fibrous bark of the ka-yen kun: applied to a spec. of Boehmeria or Maoutia; the best is from Boehmeria nivea: ka yen ki muk.

*ka-run T.? meat or drink prepared for special occasions; ambrosia, nectar. røm fat-ba_kā-run pù vb. to present

kǎ-rup kun-kǎ-hyǎl un

food to the gods; kúp-zón-så kå-ruń zuk fat-d have you prepared the food for my beloved child.

kǎ-rup kun n. pr. of a tree.
kă-la-i see sŭn-gi.

kǎ-lán nyóm s. n. pr. of a bush.

kǎ-li s. 1. a spec. of squirrel, 2. generic torm for a squirrel, Sciuridao seo săhryùk; ká-li sal (sq.) to climb.

ku-li kim s. flying spec.; kă-li tŭn-jin a small spec.; ka-li tün-dyen or tun-dón or dón a very small spec. with white stripes; ku-li byóm s. a large flying squirrel.

kǎ-lim-bi 8. n spec. of Solanum; acc. Hooker 2, 182 “kalumbo" Gualthoria? kă-lu, ka-lu bik, să-lyan kŭ-lu bik s. a swallow.

kǎ-lup kun-tson and kă-lup fya 8. namo of two spec. of maize.

kă-lel seo lel.

kǎ-lók, kún-lók (fr. lók to lick?) s. a rat Thr. bon-jak; seo un-lük-nyй, pul-dyan. ka-lók nam the first cycle of year, the rat-year M. 141.

ká-lók kúp 1. a young rat, 2. a mouse. ku-lók kép a rat-trap, ka-lók kóp-pún tóp the rat is caught in tr. ká-lók tùn-jin s. a mouse. ká-lók pá-no 8. a large kind of rat. ka-lók su-ot s. the common fieldrat. šim ka-lók other spec. kǎ-lyun 8. a spec. of eagle. kǎ-hám-fo i. q. kur-hám-fo q. v.

kǎ-hom fo s. spec. of partridge, chikoor, Perdix chakoor; hlo ka-hom-fo blackthroated hill-partridge, Arboricola torqueola (Valenciennes). kă-hom-bot 8. rufous throated hill-p. A. rufogularis Je. 3,578. acc. W. “ko-hum-but” A. torqueola R. 208. kā-hom-fo dóp a covey of chikoor.. kǎ-hom-fót s. very small spec. of leech. kǎ-hón i. q. pú-hon seo hon applied to spec. Rubus, R. Sikimensis.

kā-hór kŭh s. name of tree spec. Actinodaphne odoratum; ka-hór-kun a-dum-bo n. pr. of tree, see på-hyát.

kǎ-hól see ko-hól.

kǎ-hyǎl un s. the name of a river between Darjeeling and Chong-tong hills.

kǎ-hyak tŭñ-kru—kă-hlet-fo

kǎ-hyak tūñ-kru 8. of a plant Selinum cordatum (?).

ká-hrák see under ká III. hand.

kǎ-hru s. a plant; kā-hru ku s. bread made fr. flour of kă-hru.

8. bread made of do.

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kǎ-hlen or kŭn-hlen s. a creeper, k. h. bi 8. the leaves of do. used as vegetable. k. h. nyók a certain plant.

kǎ-hlyám kun 8. a spec. of Sterculia: St. villosa; k. h. pót s. fruit (edible) of

kǎ-hrót s. a spec. of grain, ká-hrót ku – St. v.; k. h. tūk-po s. string made fr. the fibres of the bark of St. v.; k. h. nyók kun Sterculia colorata; k. h. no s. a spec. fish;

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kǎ-hryak-fo (acc. W. "kar-rhyak" R. 208) 8. Gallophasis melanota, M. the kalij-k. h. hrāt no s. a spec. fish. pheasant Je. 3, 536. ku-hryak tin-klin fo id.; kú-hryak tūñ-klin rik s. å spec. of creeper; ka-hryak tun-brip seo tun-brip. kǎ-hryu-fo s. a bird with white head and neck M.; acc. Je. 336 “kurrio viyum”, ace. W. "kur-rio ryem" Surniculus dicruroides R. 207.

kǎ-hlyón rik s. a spec. of vegetable; ka-hlyón-bi s. the leaves of do. boiled as vegetable.

kǎ-hryum-fo ("karreum-pho" Je. 2, 38) 8. the black gorgeted laughing thrush Garrulax pectoralis, acc. W. hlo kar-rhyüm Garrulus bispecularis R. 210; kar-rha-öm G. pectoralis R. 211; acc. Je. 2, 41 "hokarreum-pho" Garrulax ocellatus see kŭrham-fo.

kǎ-hryo-pum s. the colocynthes.

ka-hryo-fo (acc. W. kar-rio R. 211) 8. the white crested laughing thrush Garrulax leucolophus, acc. Je. 2, 316 Dendrocetta sinensis; ibd. 2, 307 "lho-karrio-pho" Garrulus bispecularis ibd. 2, 304 "ho kario-pho" Nucifraga hemispila.

kǎ-hryók-fo (acc. W. "kar-rhyok” R. 210) Dendrocetta sinensis M.; D. rufa W. hlo ku-hryók fo D. himalayensis or Cochoa purpurea W. ka-hryók bón-fo or kā-h. tũntik 8. blackhorned magpie D. frontalis; acc. Je. 2, 33 "karriok-tamveep" Xiphoramphus superciliaris. ka-hryók-fo på-dum a spec. of snail.

kǎ-hla s. a panther? M.

kǎ-hla, kŭ-hla bi s. a spec. of pulso. kă-hlu rik-bí s. 1. a spec. of vegetable, 2. spec. of kù bi.

kǎ-hlet-fo 8. name of bird with large beak and red neck, Homrada bicornis? a spec. of buceros; kå-hlet kóp zo a spec. of rice. ka-hlet no or bu a spec. of fish. ka-hlet zo kun 8. name of tree spec. of Sideroxylon.

kǎ-vyo see kur-vyo.


kǎ-săk 1. a spec. of creeper, kå-săk bi 8. the leaves of the above used as vegetable. 2. or ku-sók a spec. of yam of inferior quality bón (yak Tbr. k. s. din cultivated y.; k. s. sók wild y. see kür-čin; kā-sāk or ka-sók čóp-fo see con cóp-fo 8. a spec. bulbul, Alcurus striatus or Criniger flaveolus.

kǎ-sam num. thirty M. 116.

kă-sŭ, kā-sùm see under kā II
kǎ-so nyóm tam-blyǎk s. a spec. of butterfly.
kǎ-sók see under ka-sāk 2.
kǎă-šũ see kā I. to be.

kǎ-šŭm s. flesh Tbr.; kā-šům kat s. vulva Tbr.; kā-šum-jū the raspberry plant Rubus flavus; kū-šum pót s. the yellow raspberry; ku-sum hón s. the large red r. Rubus sikimensis see ka-hón; kū-šúm gryap s. the yellow raspberry.

kǎ-šum-kun s. the almond tree; kā-šum pót s. the almond.

kǎ-ŝer 8. a hedgehog; kā-šer jú s. the prickles of hedgehog; ka-šer tuk-nón to roll up; k. š. flyót-nón to open out.

kǎ-šo kun s. a spec. of oak; kū-šo pót the acorn of do.; kā-šo rol s. a spec. of oak; kā-šo lắn other spec.; ka-šo lăn pót the acorn of do.; kā‐šo dor s. a spec. of tree-fungus from the oak-tree (edible); kā-šo nyóm 8. a spec. of butterfly; kả-šo šům kun s. a spec. of tree, chestnut tree, oak; kā-šo šum pót s. chestnut.

kǎ-šyo tūk-pům (?) acc. Je. 138 Ephialtes lempigi, acc. Je. 3. 453 “kuhupho”. kǎ-šyop tuk-pum (?) acc. Je. 124. kashiop

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