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2. to desire, to long, to lust for; numlyen jak to lust after a maid.

jan L. vb. to shiver, to tremble, to feel blood run cold, to shudder mu jan-lă nyón to feel an inward shrinking from cold, fear etc. mů jan-là li vb. to feel blood run cold as from fear, fever etc. jan-na adv. J.: troubled hu-do sóm-ka yũ mùk-lŭn mŭ jan-nă li he groaned in the spirit and was troubled. — redupl. sunjan-la adv. standing outfretted as hair, feather.

jań II. vb. to be close as mat, basketwork etc. a-fo jan (nón) to be close set as teeth, regular, hence "to be dead" Tbr. jan-la adv. fine as basketwork, compactly jan-la tset vb. to knot closely; tük-pól jan-lú kók vb. to make paling close; jun-li fap vb. to place close together; jan-la fyar vb. to raddle finely, closely.

a-jan adj. close, compact as matting, basketwork, thatch.-tun-jan s. a basket small at bottom and large above chiefly for carrying.

jap; jap-pů jap-på adv. quick with fingers, dexterous; jap-pů jap-på tsam vb. to be quick in taking hold of.

jap T. Subs see sap; jap-či T. abs-pyi s. a foot-man, a servant.

*jap-tsŭ T. 'jub-tse s. a pair of scissors, pincers; jap-tsu-si tyát vb. to cut with scissors.

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a-jam adv. altogether, completely, see gyom, gyám.

jam III., a-jam s. use, adventage; accuracy, a-jam nāk vb. to examine; a-jam nyim-bo adj. of use, useful; a-jam mănyin-num-bo adj. useless; a-jam takšik mat vb. to ascertain, a-jam tak-šik mat vyắt vb. to ascertain by actual inquiry; a-jam mat vb. to ascertain; a-jam li vb. to speak to advantage or to the purpose.

*jam IV. see jóm.

*jam-pal T. 'jams-dpal n. pr. Mañjuśri. *jam-byón T. 'jam-dbyans n. pr. Mañjughoša. jam-byón rip s. the daisy, Bellis perennis.

*jal T. žal see še; *jal-ta-mo see šeta-mo.

jf I. vb. to be peevish and fretful and cry for things, said of children; (a-kup) ji gye mat hryóp to fret and cry much for anything (as a child).

pu-ji or pur-ji 8. trouble, annoyance, vexation, nervousness; sak pūr-ji vexation. jf II. (see also i) s. sand: fat-ji; lin ji grit, gravel, sand; so noù jí s. small flakes of snow; să-tap ji 8. small hail


a-ji s. small flakes or particles as of

snow etc.

ta-ji s. 1. powder, dust, very fine particles, flour. 2. a spec. of fern, see under tu-jit; 4. a 3. a spec. of kũn-duk; small spec. of midge tu-ji-si ȧyat; 5. incorr. for tur-ji q. v.

redupl. să-ji-là thin, fine.

jit vb. 1. to sift as corn zo jit; 2. to adjudicate, riù jít-lūů šem to investigate, to try; a-jit s. the separating of small stones fr. grain zo a-jit lyet.

tu-jit i. q. tä-ji 1. broken particles of grain, meal zo či-ba ta-i tu-jit tet zuk when treading rice to overdo it by bruising the rice; són hlók nón zo jil gan fral-so tu-jit nun-šo the weather being very dry, the rice if it gets very dry, will become brittle and crumble into pieces; tä-jit fyát vb. "to cut the

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sand" Tbr.: to make water. 2. spore of fern: tä-jít tún-krók.

jl III. for jit see also ¿yit; ji rí-nóm vb. to stink; ayit ji ri-nóm s. a feculent smell; ji zăk vb. to be filthy, to be contaminated, to be tainted, to become corrupt, to be polluted, (physically and morally) as eating food placed for the dead or eating in the house of a woman, who has just given birth to a child. ji di-so the consequences will be bad, said when a person would eat food, which has lain near where a man has died, under the idea that with his dying breath foulness entered the food.

ji-fi i.q. fi mun q.v.; — jí-lút s. manure, compost.

ji IV. s. 1. spec. of fish no ji, ji-no; tük-ji id. 2. tin-ji, su-ji Ficus confertiflora. jí V., kú-jí svo kả thé hand.

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a-jik s. rag as of cloth dŭm-jik; splinter: jik-šin.

*jfk T. gig vb. to investigate, to consider, to judge, to adjudicate.

*jik T. lid vb. to be heavy.

*jik T. gžis(-ka) s. one's native land, permanent dwelling-place, home; jik-ka bam to remaine at one's own home; jikka bam-bo s. an inhabitant, a permanent resident of a place. -jik-la settled, permanent, fixed, constant, standfast, unwavering, jik-lå nyim-bo a fixed permanent (thing); a steady, unwavering (person); a person having a home, prosperous, jik-là mă-nyin-num-bo unsettled, homeless, vagrant, wandering, wavering; num-vóm jik-lå mat vb. to marry and settle down.

*jik-ten T. 'jig-rten i. L. the laity, in opp. to co-bo: jik-ten mi nók-bo the laity;

'j VI. T. yži s. ground, cause, origin, jik-ten-bo 8. a layman; a secular. basis.

*jí VII. T. bi num. four L. fa-li. ji VIII. (T. spyi-brtol!) vb. to be exasperated as wasps, to be irritated, vot kuji-han the bees swarm and assault.

*jí IX. T. 'byi (-ba to be blotted out, cleansed, to be purified), kūr-čîñ-så kŭnlok zo ji zo to prepare the meal of the kar- and the seed of the kun-l. for eating by purification and expelling the poison in hot ashes; jí če s. purification. jí X. for je T. rje, *ji-run T. rje-drun s. a learned man, a pandit.

*jl, ji-vór fr. T. gzir-ba adj. long, protracted, chronic; jí-vór-lā dūk a protracted illness; ji-vór-lúň mak, ji-lúň mak vb. to have a p. illness and die; hlet-kák jilaú mak tỏ die fr. a p. cough. ji-vór-lå adv. harassing, sce also jir.

*ji mín i. q. je-min.

*jí-ten incorr. for jik-ten L. suk-dům. *ji-ro T. žim-ros. a superior sort of bread made with butter, a sweetmeat.

*jík T.'jig(-pa) vb. to destroy, to spoil, to ruin, to rend, to despoil; jik-bo destructive, spoiling, ruining; jik-lát 8. destruction, devastation, laceration.

jiħ, jin-nā jîñ-nā showing teeth, grinning jin-na jin-a li vb. to have inflamed face from drink; jin-na jin-nä mat vb. to show teeth, to grin.

jin see jen; i.q. dyen. să-jîñ-lä adv. constantly said of crying as of child; să-jinla hryóp vb. to cry incessantly (as child).

*jít I. T. mjed-pu? affixed to a-mik the eye, implies "repugnance" mik jit to hate, to detest, orig. to have a particle (irritating) in the cye. M.

jft II. vb. to be agreeable to the taste, palatable, to agree with; neg.: a-zóm măjit-ne, či mu-jit-ne see also fát.

jft Ill. see under ji.

jit IV. s. (see jí, dyit, it) urine jît kán vb. to squirt out u.; jit cit vb. to make water over or upon; jit-să čit-lùù mi sốt to put out fire by making water upon it; jit cup vb. to restrain w.; jít nám or nóm vb. to want to make w.; jit tsup vb. to have stoppage of u.; jit lót vb. to make w. jit-šim pum s. the bladder.

*jit V. T. brjid s. lustre, splendour; vb. to be spangled, to glitter, så-hór jit nan; Deriv. tum-jit adj. speckled as fowl, hik tum-jit.

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núm-jít and nŭn-jit i. q. tüm-jit speckled; bright, sparkling; num-jit hik bom lit. "the sparkling fowls nest" the Pleiades, dum pă-tũù-să nŭm-jit hik bom Arion's belt and the Pleiades forming a fancied appearance of a bow and arrow aimed at the fowls nest; — nŭm-jít nyóm s. a spec. of the grashopper-tribe, Gryllus, see tüknyóm; num-jit mun-lyun s. an ancient 8. an bard M. num-jit nyóm id.; num-jit nyóm pá-són pă-li mă-lyót-ne the n. priests will be good and true to us.


pă-jit-lă, păr-jít-lă, să-jit-lă adj.spangled as sky or starlight-night, brilliant.

jín vb. (probl. the same as jen but generally used to emply a slighter degree) to be mad, to be foolish; jin-bo s. a mad man, a fool, an idiot; jin-lát s. foolishness, aberration of mind, idiotism. a-jin adj. mad (as dogs etc.); ka-ju a-jin a mad dog; má-ró a-jin a man affected with hydrophobia.

(jín) jin-lā or jin-nă jin-nă adv. twinkling as light, vibrating, palpitating, trembling, så-kór jin-nå jin-nȧ ši (mat) the stars twinkle; j-na j.-nă tyй vb. to tremble, to palpitate, to vibrate, to twinkle.

*jin T. sbyin, jin-dók T. sbyin-bdag (a benefactor) s. 1. a host, an entertainer of guests; 2. the settled inhabitant of a place, the master of a house.

*jim-bo and jum-bo, júm-po s. T. sbyinpa charity, gifts, blessings, favour, almıs, j.-bo tón T. sbyin gton to give charity, gyim-mà mù-rd-si kir-vui-ka hi-yu-nin từ-xi-ai yui a-yu jim-bo mi-tôi-năn màya-nă găn a-yu tă-lyan nan-bo a-bo lyannun da kyem fop-šăn mă-nyin-ne take heed that ye do not your alms before men to be seen of them, otherwise ye have no reward of your father, which is in heaven; to bestow blessings; makbo-să jim-bo klón to give charity for the sake of the soul of the dead; jim-bo klón-bo a charitable person, a beneficent person. jùm-bo ul vb. to ask for alms; jum-bo ul-bo s. a beggar.

jin see pun-jin.

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jíp IV. vb. t. to place in order, to arrange, to adjust, to smooth; jip-là to to place in order.

jíp V. s. a sort of basket for holding meat or fish, no jip.

(jím), a-jím s. the rent of a house, wages or the payment for doing work; a-jim bi bo vb. to give rent or the payment of labour; a-jim lyo vb. to take rent or the payment of labour.

jím, pur-jim s. the thick part of arm. jim- see jin.

jím; jim-jim flapping, rising and falling (from wind), süñ-müt-nün j.-j. mat to flap from wind; to be raised up and down, see kryon-li.

jir (also jur) see jin, jit; jir-ră jir-rẻ or jur-ra jūr-rů adv. shining, glittering, jūr-rā dazzling, sparkling, co-mi jir-rā jir-rā dyak nan the light shines; met. appearing applied to crops, j.-ră j.-rā krón (crops) to appear above ground; — jir-ra rir-rà shining, glittering, dazzling, sparkling; jir-rà rir-rả mat nan to shine, to glitter.

jlr i. q. jí, jí-vór.

jl 1. vb. to be dried up, to be withered; so må-yú-nå-ba zo jil-nón from want of rain, the crops have become withered up.

júl 2., a-jl adj. fr. jil 1.? small, tender, young, said of birds, chickens, small grains or particles of rice hik-kúp a-jil; 20 a-jil; — num-jil id.; · jil-kui, númjil-kun see under nå-jil-kun.

jí 3. and jul vb. 1. to be insane; to be wild, rampant, 2. to cry incessantly, as child dyen-na jíl; 3. a-bon jil to laugh at or to make a joke of a p. or animal as cat, dog, goat, lizard, when in a state of rabidness, in which case it is said the p. so-doing will be struck by lightening: a-bon jil gắn să-dyár zák-šo. — jil jil vb. to laugh a little, to smile.

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jil-là jil-là adv. wild, furious (ad 1).

a-jil, a-júl adj. insane, unsafe, wild, unmanageable; s. delusion, witchcraft T. ryo-fabs P. rún-jil-mun n. pr. see s. v. P.

(jil) 4., jîl-lă jil-lă adv. pure, clear (as water, sky) jil-lä jil-là fiň.


together; jup-lå top vb. to put close together; jup-lä nan vb. to be close together. a-jup adj. close; a-jup pi vb. to write closely.

jŭm 1. see já, já; pá-jům jů or pă-jům lyan nan vb. to sit on hams, crouched jū 1. (obsolete) vb. to be mild, to be up; jum pa-ju-ka nan to sit on legs in half kneeling position.

gentle in spirit: a-lŭt-tŭn jú.

jū 2., pá-jù see já, já, jìm.

*jũ 3. T. 'ju(-ba), žu(-ba) vb. to melt, to dissolve, to digest as food, to distil jú to vb. id.; jù fóm-bo melted, molten, anything digested; hon. pur ju to burn a corpse, litly. to "dissipate" L. fan. (jū) 4., a-jū adj. extensive (as a country); many (as words).

jũ 5., a-jŭ s. a thorn, a prickle, a prong, any thorny plant; ju-pók s. thorn-crown Chr.; j p-hón-ka tap fo vb. in a hole fenced in with thorns P.; jú próů plánka bam-re zāń like being upon thorns; jutsu vb. to have thorn enter into; jú tait vb. to be pricked with th.; ja vb. jú ù to extract th.

jũ 6. see hik jù, muň zuk-ba hik jú kyán k-o when propitiating evil spirit to divine the fate of patient by inspecting the state of a fowl.

jūk vb. 1. to decrease, to decline, to diminish, to degenerate, to deteriorate; jük-là nón degenerated. 2. to be poor, without relations.

Deriv. júk, a-júk s. 1. small shoots, fresh leaves just come out, young shoots, applied to vegetables and flowers when small: buk a-juk, bi a-júk; rip jūk young plants, flowers; muk juk weeds; kun jūk a bush. adjly. 2. being without relatives, in juk a poor and friendless child.

Redupl. sйk-jūk-lā also súk-jāk-lā adv. I. decreasing, taperingly; 2. friendless, without relatives.

*jūn-tšă T. žun and tsa s. the offering of melted butter, jùn-tšả tón vb. to put m. b. on pile when burning dead; juntà ji če tón vb. to bestow purification on the deceased by the offering of m. b. jup vb. to be close together, to be near

jum 2. vb. to shrink, to contract, to become shrivelled up as hand or foot, to become attenuated, a-ká jům nón hand to be shrivelled.

a-jum adj. small, minute, s. particle, ku jum crumbs; mi jum sparks, small pieces of live coal. min jùm a partielo (grammar).

jŭm 3., a-jum 1. s. distress, affliction, torment, a-jum mat 1. vb. to be harrassed 2. advly. with difficulty; a-jum mat-lìn mak vb. to die a tedious death; a-jím mut-lin sù vb. to recover with difficulty; a-júm-să nan vb. to he in difficulty, to sit in thorns. adj. harrassing; tedious, difficult (as work), impassable, lyaй jím an i. place; perplexing, unattainable fam jum an unattainable object; så-gór jum an inaccessible precipice; ayok jum a difficult, an impossible work; tük-fil jům a noxious poisonous ant; 2. i. q. pùnjum an enemy, hostile, offensive, obnoxious, baneful, jům zón hostile, enemied, inimical; rivals, opponents; animosity, opposition, enmity, illwill, malevolence, a-nyi jùm zón-ŭ said when two cannot agree.

jùm-fi mun seo fi.

Deriv. num-jum s. the spirit of the dead; n.-j. num-sar s. id.; n.-j. nŭm-sar tyup (the soul) to perish; num-jùm dyul vb. to examine the s. after death by můn. --- pún-jům and p.-j. pun-zóm s. an enemy, foe, adversary P. — mŭn-jùm s. a malignant Mũn, a wizard, a sorcerer, an enchanter, one who affects others with evil spirits.

jum fyet or jum zón fyet or jùm tyót 8. a spec. rice.

jum-bo see jim-bo.


jŭr-ră jùr-ră see jir-ră.
júl see jil 3.

ju 1. vb. t. to bring up, to maintain, to domesticate, to foster, to patronize; ju fo vb. to cherish, a-li ju fo to keep up race; a-kup fo lam-čán-săn ju to to cherish children, birds and beasts.

jut I. vb. t. to restore to life: lót jut, as fire mi jut; person, to bring up, to foster as animals, to cherish as children, to support; vb. n. to sustain life, to exist, to live not to die as wounded man as animal in confinement, to survive dak go-run hi jut-o tho' he is ill, he will live; jut-bo adj. i.q. a-jut 2. q. cfr. lam-čán jut-bo a tame confined animal.

II. s. 1. large breasts or udder giving large quantities of milk, bik jut bun-bo a good milker. 2. the organs of generation, chiefly of beasts Tbr.: bik-să jut; mă-rósi jut pudendum viri aut mulieris Tbr.

a-jut s. 1. support, nourishment, o-re-sa a-jut-ka for the s. of; 2. adj. fed, fostered, tame, kā-sú-să u-jut fostered by me; famcan a-jut domestic animals.

(jun) a-jun—*je

length, at last.-juk-do T. mjug-dogs the lumbar vertebra.

(jun) a-jun s. a stalk of straw.


*jun T. gžuń s. (the middle, the best part), used by L.'s in s. of: government, national: ju-je lit. kings food: revenue, confiscation, jun-je nón (was) confiscated by government M. 145. już-så åyok s. a public or national work. jut see ju.

jun, a-jun adj. middling seized (man or animal).

*jum T. 'dsum(-pa) s. a smile; jum-lā or jum-mă jum-må fyản vb. to smile; jum tet fyan id.;— fr. T. 'dsum to wink? j.-lä or j.-mā j.-mā fyo vb. to hear a sound. M.

jum-run or jum-ruń pyak-ruń acc. M. corruption of ču če s. Amrita, drink of the gods, nectar, the water of life.

jur vb. to be split at end or mouth, to be broken at the end as eye of needle; to be split or to come loose at end; kun klo-win-să jur-non the tree when folled split at the end; ryum bon jur-non the eye of the needle is broken;

pă-jut-lă, pŭr-jut-lā adv.: mik-gruñ på- a-mik jur means to appear in a conjut-la plà to shed tears.

(ju) 2. a-ju adj. green, unripe, raw, unfinished.

ju see zu.

*ju T. 'jug(-pa) vb. t. to put into, to fix, to establish, fam-ju 8. contrivance, expedience; fam-ju mat vb. to contrive, to find an expedient, to improvise; -ju a-gyan a miraculous contrivance, a wonder, a miracle.

*ju T. b÷ugs(-pa) hon. 1. to sit; ju-le please sit down, ju-bo s. a sitter. 2. to remain, to exist, to live; ku-zu zón jupu yăn šù hon. (I write) praying, that your health is good. ju-den T. bž.-gdan, ju-hri T. b.-kri s. a kings cushion, a throne or couch.

juk see jók 2.

*juk T. mjug s. the end, the base, the fundament, the tail, the posteriors, Ke juk s. the end, the lowest or back seat for inferiors. juk-ka L.: in the end, at

temptuous or ridiculous light as when a poor man would affect the ways and actions of great men. a-mik jur vb. to regard with disgust, disdain, contempt, antipathy; go-nun hùm mik jur-bum I cannot bear the sight of him; mik jur mi là yoh mi-mat-tin do not do that which will render you contemptuous, do not make a fool of yourself.

jul vb. to sprout (flesh, young, branch) to shoot out, jul plă vb. to shoot out, jul di vb. to sprout, to germinate; jullũn lin vb. to shoot out; mán jul proud flesh to rise (over sore).

a-jul s. sprouts from wood or sticks after they have been cut; fresh sprouts of grass etc. rip a-jul hrón det.

*je 1. T. rje (cfr. fu-je) s. lord, master; noble, je nón vb. to go into the presence of a great man; *je-tsun T. rje-btsun adj. honourable, reverend, a title of honour, je-tsun-bo s. a high-priest, an abbot; je

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