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" As the length of the whole line, Is to 57.3 Degrees,* So is the said distance, To the difference of Variation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which some years ago bore N. 45°. E. "
A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: With a Treatise on Surveying; in ... - Page 84
de Abel Flint - 1835 - 334 pages
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A Treatise of Practical Surveying: Which is Demonstrated from Its First ...

Robert Gibson - 1806 - 484 pages
...line Is to 57.3 degrees * So is the said distance To the difference of variation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which some years ago bore NE 45°, distance 80 perches, and in running this line by the given bearing, the corner is found 20...
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1808 - 190 pages
...line, Is to 57.3 Degrees,* So is the said Distance, To the difference of Variation required, EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which, some years...bearing of this line ? Ch. Deg. L. As 20 : 57.3 : : 20 100 20 2000 2000)68760(34 Minutes. Answer 34 Minutes to the left hand is the allowance required, and...
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A Treatise of Practical Surveying, ...

Robert Gibson - 1808 - 488 pages
...line Is to 57.3 degrees* So is the said distance To the difference of variation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which some; years ago bore NE. 45°, distance 8O perches, and in running this line by the given bearing, the corner is found 2O...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - 1811 - 592 pages
...requiredEXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run aVinc which Some years ago bore KE. 45°, distance 80 perches, and in running this line by the given bearing, the corner is found 30 links to the left hand ; vrhat allowance must be made on each bearing to trace the old lines, and...
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1813 - 212 pages
...line, Is to 57.3 Degrees,* So is the said distance, To the difference of Variation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which some years...the present bearing of this line? Ch. Deg. L. As 20 : 57. 3 : : 20 100 20 2000 2000)68760(34 Minutes. . Answer 34 Minutes to the left hand is the allowance...
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A Compendious System of Practical Surveying, and Dividing of Land: Concisely ...

1814 - 402 pages
...degrees j So is the said distance, To the difference of variation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose a line, some years ago, bore N. 45° E. distance 20 chains...this line, by the given bearing, the corner is found 30 links to the left hand. Required the bearing at the present time. A fCh. Deg. Links. 8 1 20 . ....
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A Treatise on Surveying, Containing the Theory and Practice: To which is ...

John Gummere - 1814 - 398 pages
...•« Is to the said distance ; So is 57-3 degrees,* To the difference of variation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line, which some years ago bore V. 45° E. dist. 20 ch. and in running this line by the given bearing, the corner is found 20 links...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - 1814 - 562 pages
...whole line Is to 57.3 degrees,* So is the said distance To the difference of variation requiredEXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which some years ago boo? KE- 45", distance bO perches, and in running this line by the given bearing, the corner is found...
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A Treatise on Surveying: Containing the Theory and Practice : to which is ...

John Gummere - 1817 - 394 pages
...the said distance ; So is 57,3 degrees,* To the difference of variation required. • * * EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line, which some years ago bore N. 45° E. dist. 20 ch. and in running this line by the given bearing, the corner is found 20 links to the left...
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1818 - 184 pages
...line, Is to 57.3 Degrees,* So is the said Distance, To the difference ofVariation required. EXAMPLE. Suppose it be required to run a line which some years ago bore N. 45° . E. 20 Chains, and in running this line by the given beariug, tne corner is found 20 Links to...
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