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" ... angles which they make with the meridian. The position of the line BC (Fig. 31.) is determined by the angle ABC, as well as by the angle S'BC. When the several courses are given, the angles which any two contiguous sides make with each other, may... "
A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: With a Treatise on Surveying; in ... - Page 52
de Abel Flint - 1835 - 334 pages
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1804 - 216 pages
...74 0 W. 28.60 Note. -Two Sides and their contained Angle being given the Area may be found by PHOB. IX. Rule 4. Another Method of protracting Fields....1. If the Course or Bearing of one of the Sides is Northerly and the other Southerly, one Easterly and the other Westerly, subtract the less Course from...
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1808 - 190 pages
...Sides and their contained Angle being given the Area may be found by PROB. IX. Rule 4. Another Metliod of protracting Fields. Without drawing parallel Lines...1. If the Course or Bearing of one of the Sides is Northerly and the other Southerly, one East* erly and the other Westerly subtract the less Course from...
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A Practical Application of the Principles of Geometry to the Mensuration of ...

Jeremiah Day - 1815 - 392 pages
...any two contiguous sides make with each other, may be known by the following rules. 1. If one course is North and the other South, one East and the other West ; subtract the less from the greater. 2. If one is North and the other South, but both East or West; add them together....
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1818 - 184 pages
...Trigonometry. Note. Two Sides and their contained Angle being given, the Area may be found by I'uou. IX. Rule 4. Another Method of protracting Fields....1. If the course or Bearing of one of the Sides is Northerly and the other Southerly, one Easterly and the other Westerly, subtract the less Course from...
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A System of Geometry and Trigonometry: Together with a Treatise on Surveying ...

Abel Flint - 1825 - 252 pages
...Trigonometry. Note. Two Sides and their contained Angle being given, the Area may be found by PEOB. IX. Rule 4. Another Method of protracting Fields....1. If the course or bearing of one of the Sides is northerly and the other southerly, one easterly and the other westerly, subtract the less Course from...
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The Principles of Plane Trigonometry, Mensuration, Navigation and Surveying

Jeremiah Day - 1831 - 522 pages
...any two contiguous sides make with each other, may be known by the following rules. 1. If one course is North and the other South, one East and the other West ; subtract the less from the greater. 2. If one is North and the oiher South, but both East or West j add them together....
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A Treatise of Plane Trigonometry: To which is Prefixed a Summary View of the ...

Jeremiah Day - 1831 - 418 pages
...any two contiguous sides make with each other, may be known by the following rules. 1. If one course is North and the other South, one East and the other West ; subtract the less from the greater. 2. If one is North and the other South, but both East or West ; add them together....
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The Principles of Plane Trigonometry, Mensuration, Navigation and Surveying ...

Jeremiah Day - 1836 - 414 pages
...any two contiguous sides make with each other, may be known by the following rules. 1. If one course is North and the other South, one East and the other West ; tubtract the less from the greater. 2. If one is North and the other South, but both East or West;...
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A Course of Mathematics: Containing the Principles of Plane ..., Volumes 1 à 3

Jeremiah Day - 1838 - 412 pages
...any two contiguous sides make with each other, may be known by the following rules. 1. If one course is North and the other South, one East and the other West; subtract the less from the greater. 2. If one is North and the other South, but both East or West ; add them together....
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A Course of Mathematics: Containing the Principles of Plane ..., Volumes 1 à 3

Jeremiah Day - 1839 - 432 pages
...any two contiguous sides make with each other, may be known by the following rules. 1. If one course is North and the other South, one East and the other West ; subtract the less from the greater. 2. If one is North and the other South, but both East or West ; add them together....
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