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leve the fame, to com- At patrem, matrem, reges, municate with his holy magiftratus, omnefque qui Sacraments are the jus poteftatem in hos hawarkes of the firft Tabifl. bent, honore afficere To honour Father, Mo- amare, iis opitulari, dictis, ther, Princes, Rulers, factis audientes effe, quoties and fuperiour powers; cum Dei præceptis non pu to love them, to fupport grant; vitæ bonorum adthem, zea to obey their effe, tyrannidem opprimere, charges (not repugning ab infirmioribus vim improto the commaundment borum defendere, corpus noof God) to fave the lives firum fanctum ac purum of innocents, to repreffe fervare, fobrieque & tem tyrannie, to defend the peranter vivere, in omnibus oppreffed, to keepe our dictis factifque jure æquabodies cleane and halie, bili cum omnibus uti, & o to live in fobernes and temperance, to deall just lie with all men both in word and deed; and finally, to repreffe all appetite of our Nichtbou ris hurt, are the gude warkes of the fecund

mnem proximi offendendi libidinem cohibere bac funt opera pofterioris tabula, Deo imprimis grata ac accepta, utpote ab ipfo imperata. Horum autem contraria in vitiorum genere funt, Deo invifa, ingrata, eumque D3



Luke 17.4, 75. That we, delyvered oute of the handes of oure enemyes, myght serve him without fear all the dayes of oure lyfe, in fuch holynes and ryghteousnes as are accepted before hym. Mic. 6. 8. I wyl fhewe the, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requyreth of the, namely to do right, to have pleasure in lovynge kyndneffe, to be lowlye, and walke with thy God.

* Eph. 6.1, Chyldren, obeye your fathers and mothers in the Lorde, for that is ryght. v.7. Doynge the wyl of God from the herte wyth good wyl, fervynge the Lorde and not men, "Ezech. 22. 1, &c. The worde of the Lorde came unto me and fayd, Thou fonne of man, wylt thou not reprove this bloud thurftye cytic? fhewe them theyr abhominacyons, ¿c. I Cor. 6, 19, 20. Knowe ye not howe that


Tabill, quhilk are maift ad iram incitantia; quale pleifing and acceptabill eft, non cum folum invocane unto God, as thir warkes cum res poftulat; nolle that are commanded be verbum ejus reverenter auhimfelfe. The contrary dire, aut etiam afpernari quhairof, is finne mailt ac parvi pendere; idola odious, quhilk alwayes aut venerari aut apud fe difpleifis him, and pro- habere; cultum idolorum vokes him to anger: As fovere actueri; nomen Dei not to call upon him a venerabile parvi facere ; lone, when we have need; prophanare, abuti, aut con not to hear his word temnere facramenta a Dor with reverence, to con- mino inftituta; non parere, temne and defpife it; to ac etiam refiftere iis quibus have or worfchip idols, authoritas data eft divini to maintene and defend tus, præfertim quamdiu inIdolatrie; lichtlie to er tra juris & muneris fui Reemethereverend name terminos fefe continent; caof God; to prophane, dem facere, aut quo fiat coabufe, or contemne the ire & confentire; odium



youre bodyes are the temple of the holy Gofte, whych dwelleth in you, whom ye have of God; and how that ye are not your owne? for ye are dearly bought, therfore glorifye God in your bodyes, and in your fprytes whych are Goddes. I Theff. 4. 3,4, 5, 6, 7. For this is the wyl of God, even youre holyneffe, that ye should aftayne from fornicacion, and that every one of you fhuld knowe howe to kepe his veffel in holynefs and honoure, and not in the lufte of cons cupifcence, as do the heathen whiche knowe not God: that no man oppreffe and defraude hys brother in bargainyng, because that the Lorde is the avenger of all fuch thynges, as we tolde you before and teftifyed: for God hath not called us unto unclennes, but unto holynes. Ferem, 22. 3, &c. Thus the Lorde commaundeth, Kepe equitye and ryghteoufneffe, delyver the oppreffed from the power of the vyolent, do not greve nor oppreffe the fraunger, the father, leffe nor the wydowe, and fhed no innocente bloude in thystplace, &c. Efa. 50. 1. Beholde, for youre owne offences are ye folde, and bycause of youre tranfgreffion is youre mother forfaken.

• I The

Sacraments of Chrift Fer conceptum continere ; pati fus; to disobey or refift ut innoxius fundatur fanony that God hes placed guis cum impedire poffis: in authoritie, quhil they ac breviter, quicquid adpaffe not over the bounds verfus præcepta prioris aut of their office; to mur pofterioris tabula committither, or to consent there- tur, id peccatum effe affeto, to beare hatred, or veramus, ac tale peccatum to let innocent blude bee quod iram, odiumque Dei sched, gif wee may with- adverfus hominum ingratiftand it. And finally, tudinem accendat. Itaque the tranfgreffion of ony, juxta noftram fententiam, uther commandement in ea opera bona funt, quæ ex the first or fecund Tabill, fide proficifcuntur, ac fiunt we confeffe and affirme juxta præcepta Dei, qui, to be finne by the quhilk Gods anger and difplefure is kindled against the proud un thankfull warld. So that gude warkes, we affirme to be thir onlie, that are done in faith, and at Gods commandment,

s I Theff. 4. 6. See above in ".

lege lata, quid fieri vellet diferte cavit. Contra, ea opera dicimus mala, non modo qua aperte cum verbo Dei pugnant ; fed ea etiam qua in rebus qua ad pietatem ac Dei cultum fpectant, nullum aliud habent firmamentum, nifi ab hominis oD 4



Rom. 13.2. Whofoever therefore refyfterh power, refyfteth the ordynaunce of God: but they that refyft fhall receave to them felfe damnacion.

* Ezech. 22. 13, &c. Beholde, I have fmytten my handes upon thy covetoufneffe that thou haft used, and upon the bloude which hath bene fhed in the.

u. 1 John 3. 4. Whofoever committeth fynne, tranfgreffeth, alfo the lawe, for fynne is the tranfgreffioun of the lawe.

w Rom. 14. 23. Whatfoever is not of fayth, the fame is fynne. Heb. 11. 6. Wythout fayth it can not be that anye man fhoulde please hym.

x I Sam. 1§. 22. And Samuel fayd, Hath the Lorde as great pleasure in burnt facrifyces and offrynges, as when the voyce of the


quha in his Lawe hes pinione & commento; huexpreffed what the thin- jus enim generis opera Dens gis be that pleis him. And evill warkis we affirme not only thir that expreffedly ar done a gainst Gods commaundement : bot thir alfwa that in matteris of Religioun, and worfchipping


ab initio ufque femper reje cit & adverfatus eft, uti ex Efaia propheta, & his Chrifti verbis edocti fumus, Fruftra me colunt, do centes doctrinas & præcepta hominum.

of God, hes na uther affurance bot the inventioun and opinioun of man: quhilk God fra the beginning hes ever rejected, as be the Prophet Elay, and be our Maifter CHRIST JESUS we ar taught in thir words, In vaine do they worschip me, teaching the doctrines the precepts of men ».

XV. Of the perfectioun of the Law, and the imperfectioun of man.

HE Law of God

XV. Legem effe numeris omnibus perfectam, ho mines autem imperfectos.

Twe confefle and acEgem Dei maxime juftam, aquabilem, & knawledge maift juft, perfectam agnofcimus & maift equall, maift halie, fatemur, ea jubentem quæ, and maift perfite, com- fi perfecte pleneque præfta


Lorde is obeyed? beholde, to obeye is better than facrifyce, and to herken is better than the fat of rammes. I Cor. 10. 31. Whether therefore ye eate or drynck, or whatfoever ye dooe, dooe all to the praise of God.

Y I John 3. 4. See above in

2 Efa. 29. 13. For fo muche as thys people, when they be in trouble, do honour me wyth their mouth, and wyth their lyppes, but theyr herte is far from me, and the fear whych they have unto me, proceadeth of a commandment that is taught of men.

a Matth. 15.9. & Mark 7. 7.

XV. b Lev.


maunding thir thingis, rentur, vitam dare poffent, quhilk being wrocht in & ad æternam nos perduperfectioun, were abil cere fœlicitatem. Sed noftra to give life, and abill to natura adeo eft corrupta bring man to eternall fe- infirma, ut nunquam ad licitie. Bot our nature opera legis perfecte prais fa corrupt, fa weake, ftanda fimus idonei; nam fr and fa unperfite, that we peccatum nos habere etiam ar never abill to fulfill poft regenerationem negemus, the warkes of the Law nofmetipfos decipimus, & in perfectioun. Zea, gif veritas Dei non eft in nobis. we fay we have na finne, Propterea neceffe erat, ut evin after we ar regene- Chriftum, qui legis eft firate, we deceive our nis & confummatio, cum felves, and the veritie of fua juftitia & Jatisfactione God is not in us. And apprehenderemus; qui in li

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I am

XV. Lev. 18. s. Ye fhall kepe therfore myne ordynaunces, and my judgements, which yf a man do, he fhall lyve in them. the Lorde. Gal. 3. 12. The lawe is not of fayth, but the man that fullfylleth the thinges (contayned in the lawe) fhall lyve in them. 1 Tim. 1. 8. We knowe that the law is good, yf a man ufe it lawfullye. Rom. 7. 12. Wherfore the lawe is holy, and the commaundement holy and just and good. Ffal. 19. 7, 8, 9, 11. The lawe of the Lorde is an undefiled lawe, convertyng the foule. The teftimony of the Lorde is fure, and geveth wifdome unto the fymple. The statutes of the Lorde are right, and rejoyce the heart. The commaundement of the Lord is pure, and geveth light unto the eies. The fear of the Lorde is cleane, and endureth for ever. The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether: moreover by them is thy fervaunt taught, and in kepyng of them there is a great reward..


* Deut. S. 29. Oh that there were fuch an hart in them, that they wolde feare me, and kepe all my commaundements alwaye, that it myght go well wyth them and wyth theyr chyldren for ever. 10. 3. For they beyng ignoraunt of Gods ryghteoufnes, and goyng about to stablishe their owne ryghteoufnes, have not bene obedient unto the righteoufnes of God.

d 1 Kings 8. 46. & 4 Chron. 6. 36. For ther is no man that fynneth not. Prov. 20. 9. Who can faye, My harte is cleane, I am innocent from fynne? Eccl. 7. 22. For thyne owne hert knoweth, that


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