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Ah! would my flock from thee might learn

How days of grace will flee;
How all an offered Christ who spurn,

Shall mourn at last, like thee.

And was it beside this very sean

The new-risen Saviour said
Three times to Simon, “Lovest thou me?
My lambs and sheep, then feed."

O Saviour ! gone to God's right hand !

Yet the same Saviour still,
Graved on thy heart is this lovely strand

And every fragrant hill.

Oh! give me, Lord, by this sacred ways,

Threefold thy love divine,
That I may feed, till I find my grave,

Thy flock-both thine and mine.

Son of Galilee, 16th July 1839.


Luke viii. 22-25.

BEHIND the hills of Naphtali

The sun went slowly down,
Leaving on mountain, tower, and tree,

A tinge of golden brown.

The cooling breath of evening woks

The waves of Galilee,
Till on the shore the waters broke

In softest melody.

“Now launch the bark," the Saviour cried-

The chosen twelve stood by“And let us cross to yonder side,

Where the hills are steep and high.."

Gently the bark o'er the water creeps

While the swelling sail they spreard, And the wearied Saviour gently sleeps

With a pillow 'neath his head.

On downy bed the world seeks resta

Sleep flies the guilty eye;
But he who ieans on the Father's broad

May sleep when storms are nigh.

But soon the lowering sky grew dark

O'er Bashan's rocky brow-
The storm rushed down upon the bark,

And waves dashed o'er the prow.

The pale disciples trembling spake,

While yawned the watery grave, w We perish, Master! Master, wake!

Carest Thou not to save ?"

Calmly He rose with sovereign will,

And hushed the storm to rest. “ Ye waves," He whispered, “ Peace! be still?"

They calmed like a pardoned breast

So have I seen a fearful storm

O'er wakened sinner roll,
Till Jesus' voice and Jesus' form

Said, “ Peace, thou weary soul."

And now He bends his gentlo oze

His wondering followers o'er, “Why raise this unbelieving cry?

I said, To yonder shore.”

When first the Saviour wakened me,

And showed me why He died, He pointed o'er life's narrow see,

And said, “ To yonder side."

“ I am the ark where Noah dwelty

And heard the deluge roar: No soul can perish that has felt

My rest—To yonder shore."

Peaceful and calm the tide of life,

When first I sailed with Theo My sins forgiven-no inward strue

My breast & giassy sea.

But soon the storm of passion raves

My soul is tempest-tossedCorruptions rise, like angry waves :

"Help, Master, I ano lost!”

"Peace! peace! be still thou raging broust,

My fulness is for thee
The Saviour speaks, and all is rest,

Like the waves of Galilee.

And now I feel his holy eye

Upbraids my heart of pride
u Why raise this unbelieving cry?

I said, To yonder side."

Begun at the Lake of Galilee, 15th July 1839.


O LORD, this swelling, tideless sea
Is like thy love in Christ to me:
The ceaseless waves that fill the bay
Through flinty rocks have worn their way,
And thy unceasing love alone
Hath broken through this heart of stone.
The countless smile that gilds the deep
When sunbeams on the water sleep,
Is like thy countless smile of grace
When I am seen in Jesus' face.
No ebbing tide these waters know,
Pure, placid, constant in their flow :
No ebb thy love to me hath known
Since first it chose me for thine own.
Or if, perchance, at thy command,
The wave retiring leaves the sand,
One moment all is dry, and then
It turns to fill the shore again :
So have I found thy wondrous grace
Forsake my soul a little space;
Barren and cold, deserted, dry,
A helpless worm, to Thee I cry:
Thy face is hid a little while,
But with the morning comes thy smile-
Jesus once more his beauty shows,
And all my heart with peace o'erflows.

These deep blue waters lave the shore
Of Israel, as in days of yore!
Though Zion like a field is ploughed,
And Salem 's covered with a cloud-
Though briers and thorns are tangled o'er,
Where vine and olive twined before

Though turbaned Moslems tread the gate,
And Judah sits most desolate-
Their nets o'er Tyre the fishers spready
And Carmel's top is withered-
Yet still these waters clasp the shore
As kindly as they did before!
Such is thy love to Judah's race,
A deep unchanging tide of grace.
Though scattered now at thy command,
They pine away in every land,
With trembling heart and failing eyes,
And deep the veil on Israel lies,
Yet still thy word Thou canst not break,
"Beloved for their fathers' sake."

18th July 1839, near Acre.


SUFFER me to come to Jesus,

Mother, dear, forbid me not;
By his blood from hell He frees us,

Makes us fair without a spot.
Suffer me, my earthly father,

At his pierced feet to fall :
Why forbid me? help me, rather;

Jesus is my all in all.
Suffer me to run unto Him:

Gentle sisters, come with me.
Oh that all I love but knew Him!

Then my home a heaven would be
Loving playmates, gay and smiling

Bid me not forsake the cross;
Hard to bear is your reviling,

Yet for Jesus all is dross.
Yes, though all the world have chid ms,

Father, mother, sister, friend--
Jesus never will forbid me!

Jesus loves me to the end !
Gentle Shepherd, on thy shoulder

Carry me, a sinful lamb;
Give me faith, and make me boldse,
Till with Thee in heaven I am.

July 1841



Matt. xxv. 1-13.

TEN virgins, clothed in white,

The Bridegroom went to meet; Their lamps were burning brigb!

To guide his welcome feet.

Five of the band were wise

Their lamps with oil filled high; The rest this care despise,

And take their vessels dry.

Long time the Lord abode

Down came the shades of night The weary virgins nod, And then they sleep outright.

At midnight came the cry

Upon their startled ear: Behold the Bridegroom nigh,

To light his steps appear! They trim their lamps; in vain

The foolish virgins toil : Our lamps are out, О deign

To give us of your oil !

Not so, the wise ones cry,

No oil have we to spare; But swiftly run and buy,

That you the joy may share. They went to buy, when lo!

The Bridegroom comes in sta ; Within those ready go,

And shut the golden gate.

The foolish virgins now

Before the gateway crowd; With terror on their brow

They knock and cry alond:

“Lord, open io our call

Hast Thou our names forgot 7" Sadly the accents fall

Depart, I know you not."

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