Orientalia, Volume 31Pontificium Institutum Biblicum., 1962 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 24
Page 266
... fundamental type , a definite basis for differentiating its function may be discerned . The fundamental type of this G 7 sign would seem to be the head surmounted by some species of conical or semi - conical headgear . One thinks ...
... fundamental type , a definite basis for differentiating its function may be discerned . The fundamental type of this G 7 sign would seem to be the head surmounted by some species of conical or semi - conical headgear . One thinks ...
Page 270
... fundamental type that I assign the present group of signs , with the occurrences on En . St. as best representative of the fundamental type . There is no distinctive paleograph- ical reason for disassociating d xi 4 ( Dunand's B 4 ) ...
... fundamental type that I assign the present group of signs , with the occurrences on En . St. as best representative of the fundamental type . There is no distinctive paleograph- ical reason for disassociating d xi 4 ( Dunand's B 4 ) ...
Page 350
... fundamental type . A 15 ( Sign 25 , hill - country ) : There is no need for further remarks as regards this sign . Dunand's remarks apropos of its nature are valuable . It is taken here as a fundamental type . C2 ( Sign 26 , water ) ...
... fundamental type . A 15 ( Sign 25 , hill - country ) : There is no need for further remarks as regards this sign . Dunand's remarks apropos of its nature are valuable . It is taken here as a fundamental type . C2 ( Sign 26 , water ) ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
a-na Ägypten aheth akkad Akkadian Ancient Arabic assyrischen Babylon beiden Bild bivisuellen bronze Caire campagne case Cleft Sentence copte crossbar D'après d'une découvert deux Dunand Dunand's également Egyptian ersten être examples Excavations Figur form Fouilles fragments fundamental type Gott Grammatik griechischen Hammurabi Hebrew heth Hethiter ibid indications inscriptions Iraq 23 Ištar Keilschrift Kodex Hammurapi König Kopten koptischen Kültepe Kunst Kush ligne line Marduk Menschen méroïtique mission monuments Museum Nippur Nominalsatz Nubie ont été Orient Oriental Orientalia Paris Periode Platon point poteries present Prof rapport Report Revue Rollsiegel Roma sahid same Schreibungen second secteur Semitic Semna shaft sign Soleb Soudan STANFORD UNIVERSITY Strophe Studies Sudan Sumer sumerischen Tablets Teil temple Text Tomâs tombe travaux Übersetzung Ugarit Ugaritic UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES unserer variant Vater veins Vercoutter vertical VIII wohl Wort zweiten