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regenerated. But we are not born with evil habits. And yet how many regard their habits of sin in the same light as they regard the evil nature whence those habits spring.

We must not conclude that, because the evil nature can never be eradicated in this life, therefore, these evil habits must cling to us to the last. Every evil habit may not only be resisted and triumphed over, but by a believing recognition of Christ's indwelling it may be entirely removed.

pride is the essence of impurity. He lacks humility and love.

If we would be like God, let us seek to know our union and fellowship with Christ as the Holy One, for it is only as we know Him, and honour Him as such, that we can live in the power of that anointing which is ever flowing from the Glorified Head to the skirts of His garments.

A CLASSICAL illustration of the two ways of resisting temptation is found among the beautiful myths that cloud the dawn of Grecian history. In the wanderings of Ulysses after the taking of Troy, the wind drove his ship near to the island of the Sirens, somewhere near the west coast of Italy. These enchantresses were fabled to have the power of that he died in an ecstasy of delight. When the charming by their songs anyone who heard them, so

This is the cleansing of the desires to which we refer. There may be such a manifestation of Christ to the soul as the "Holy One," that all these evil inclinations may be withered up. He who is our Purity purifies our hearts by His own indwelling. We believe God's children are being brought into a more intelligent, Scriptural, and believing understanding of this bless-ship of Ulysses approached these deadly charmers, ing. That there are dangers in the direction of self-deception in connection with this truth we are free to confess. But there are dangers all along the path of the Christian life. Our great concern must ever be that we keep close to the Word of God.

Following the experiences of Peace and Purity, there comes that of Power-power for service. An apprehension of Christ as the "Just One," brings the soul into a position of acceptance, and "being justified by faith we have peace with God." An apprehension of Christ as the "Holy One," brings the soul into a condition of closest fellowship with God, and having the thoughts and desires of the heart cleansed, we are now ready to receive that "anointing" which flows from the Holy One, and is the secret of all true and effective service. Before the heart is cleansed from the "self" that defiles our actions and mars our work, God will not give us the power we may be earnestly craving to possess. We have realised the peace, and we have prayed for the power, but the purity is the link that has been wanting in this golden chain of blessing. We have not yet experienced, it may be, the privilege of purity. Satan has light, and he also has power. But he has both, in connection with pride, and

sitting on the lovely beach endeavouring to lure him and his crew to destruction, he filled the ears of his companions with wax, and with a rope tied himself to the mast, until he was so far off that he could no longer hear their song. By this painful process they escaped. But when the Argonauts, in pursuit of the Golden Fleece, passed by the Sirens singing with entrancing sweetness, Jason, instead of binding himself to the mast and stuffing the ears of his men with wax, commanded Orpheus, who was on board the ship, to strike his lyre. His song so surpassed in sweetness that of the charmers, that their music seemed harsh discord. The Sirens, seeing them sail by unmoved, threw themselves into the sea and were metamorphosed into rocks. They had been conquered with their own weapons. Melody had surpassed melody. Here is set forth the secret of the Christian's triumph. Joy must conquer joy. The joy of the Holy Ghost in the heart must surpass all the pleasures of sense. When all heaven is warbling in the believer's ear, the whispers of the tempter grate upon the purified sensibilities, as saw-filing rasps the nerves.-Steele.

THERE is a joy which is not given to the ungodly, but to those who love Thee for Thine own sake, whose joy Thou Thyself art. And this is the happy life, to rejoice to Thee, of Thee, for Thee: this is it, and there is no other.-Augustine.


(HEB. IX. 13, 14.


WE were reminded by one of our brethren that the Old Testament is a picture book, and I feel that this is especially true with regard to the Mosaic ritual. In these two verses we have special reference made to one of the most important institutions of the Levitical dispensation, the ordinance of the red heifer. If we would understand the Apostle's meaning, we should read the chapter in which this

ordinance is described-the xix. of Numbers.

I would ask, in looking at these two verses (1), What is the special evil contemplated? (2) How is the purification that is necessary effected? (3) Why is purification so indispensable?

I think we find the answer to this last question in the 14th verse-"Dead works." God needs worshippers and workers. What a terrible possibility that living ones can bring forth dead works! (1 Cor. iii. 12.) Men may build upon a true foundation, but it is possible even for true believers to build on it what may be burnt up-wood and hay and stubble, which will not stand the test of fire. Oh, what solemnity this adds to our work! Works done out of communion with Christ are not such as He

to what we believe to be right. A judge on the
bench interprets the laws of the land, he does not
make them. Now this seems to me to be the
office of conscience. But there is a wider sense
(1 John iii. 20, 21):-" Beloved, if our heart con-
demn us not." The word here translated “heart,”
is surely an equivalent to the word rendered “ con-
science" in the passage we are considering.
literal meaning of the Greek word for conscience in
Heb. ix. 14 is consciousness. If your consciousness
condemns you, there is something wrong within.
God is pointing His finger toward that which your
conscience tells you is wrong, and is awakening you
to the need of a purged conscience.


Now turn to Num. xix. 11. There you will find if a man even touched a dead body he was unclean. And then, in the 15th verse, "Every open vessel with no covering bound upon it is unclean." What vessels there are in our poor tent of clay! Vessels of imagination, of memory, of affection, of understanding; how ready to contract defilement by eye and ear. In this ordinance there is a special reference to defilement by contact, and in the miry road of the world how hard to avoid splashes!

What provision is there in God's Gospel for a cleansed conscience? He proposes that our conscience should not condemn us (1 John iii. 21), and

as I know that this is liable to abuse I wish to have

can approve of. Being done apart from Him they
have the brand of death upon them, because death
is separation from God (as we heard yesterday).
We may be working for God, and yet we may be my hands upon the rail

out of communion with Him; our work may be little
better than an anodyne to our conscience. In such
a case, however active we may be, the record con-
cerning us is dead works. I do not say God will
not use the works of those who are out of com-
munion with Him, for He uses even the works of
His enemies to his glory; but He will not recognise
them, will not reward, will not approve any of
which He is not the Author.

What is the special evil contemplated? What is the evil needing purification? It is defilement of conscience. I feel we sometimes under-rate the importance God attaches to the office of conscience in the soul of the believer. What is the office of conscience? Conscience cannot decide what is right. Paul before his conversion thought he ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. No! conscience cannot decide what is right, but conscience can tell us if our actions correspond

* Address delivered at the Keswick Convention.

of Scripture. Here the Apostle John helps us. He does not say we are absolutely pure; but he does say we are in that condition in which we can have "fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ," and are experiencing the power of the cleansing of the precious blood.

Now we might speak much more on this subject, but I pass rapidly on to the remedy.

The Epistle of Hebrews is an epistle of contrasts. The writer of the Epistle says, "If the blood of bulls and goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ Purge your conscience from dead works to serve the that the Apostle is not speaking of the sinner but Living God?" And let me just say, in passing, of the believer. He is speaking of the cleansing of the blood of a bull or a goat in the Levitical power of the blood of Christ as contrasted with that sacrifices. Oh, I pray you, reflect on it. This blood is sacred blood. It is sacred, for it is the

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What do we understand by the application of that blood? I understand by it the application by the Holy Ghost of death to sin. Why have we failed? Because we have not apprehended the power of the application of the death of Christ, the death to sin, to sins of the heart and affections in the inmost soul.

Were we not reminded that the believer is dead to sin? How is it that we have not all of us seen our privileges? Is it not because we have not apprehended the power of the blood to cleanse-the power of the application of the death of Christ to sin. Oh! let us not limit the wondrous results of that death, nor the power of the Holy Ghost to apply that death to our sins of consciousness.

How is the purification that is necessary effected? In Numbers xix.-that wonderful chapter full of teaching-there is this order given for the application of the remedy. "A clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in water, and sprinkle it," &c. Hyssop, the simplest plant in Palestine, emblem of faith; running water, symbol of the Holy Ghost in living power; this sprinkled on those defiled, and the sprinkling thereof procuring the restoration of the soul. Our brother pointed out the difference between the cross and the mercy-seat. We come to the mercy-seat after we have received pardon at the cross, and our Great High Priest sprinkles us ever with His blood, and cleanses and keeps us clean.

I am sure this is the path into real usefulness and holiness. I am sure the Holy Ghost does apply the blood. I believe the blood does cleanse. I believe we need the application of the blood to the sins of the heart. It is blood alone that can cleanse

it; it is only blood that can reach it. "Oh, the precious blood has reached me." Can we sing it from our hearts?

In Numbers xix. there is a very solemn statement, -whosoever failed to purify himself was to be cut off from the congregation; and (verse 22nd) whatsoever the unclean person touched was to be unclean. Is it not a solemn thought that if we turn away from the cleansing power of the sprinkled blood we are not only injuring ourselves, but also we injure others? Dear friends, your influence will always be just what you are. We all are affecting everyone near us unconsciously. Oh, what an argument to receive and to experience all our God can give us lest we injure some dear brother and sister; and they should say to us at the day of judgment (before the Bema of Christ), "Your influence kept me back from blessing which I can never recover to eternity.



THERE is one question, I doubt not, uppermost in the minds of all-How we may keep this blessing we have now received? Rest in it. Just as you

would keep a chair in this tent by sitting upon it, so the only way to keep in the place of blessing is to occupy it, to use it. Again, to keep the blessing, you must be kept yourselves. The best way to keep is to take care that you are always receiving blessing. This blessed Divine way always answers.

And it is also true that you may keep the blessing by spending it. Spend, and you shall certainly keep; keep, and you shall certainly lose. The only way to keep is to spend the treasure which God gives you. What are these treasures; these unsearchable riches? In whom do we receive them ? In one word, the Purse of God is Jesus Christ. "Freely ye have received, freely give." Children of God, go on spending, don't be afraid, go forth and spend on; there is plenty more in Jesus Christ. Rich Christian, spend freely to-day, and you shall have plenty more to-morrow. Spend Christ, spend Christ!

Again, keep the blessing by intense humility, which is the bord of all virtues. If the bond be broken, all the graces will fall asunder. Many think little of other Christians, and speak with scorn of them if they are not up to their higher level. But are they higher if there is scorn? The only way to preserve the blessing is to hold all in the bond of intense humility, accounting others better than ourselves. I think of the frets of daily life, the jars, the unkind cavillings, the cold suspicions, the cruel words and insinuations—how these break the bond of all virtues, and are no part of the Christian armour. Half the blessing we do acquire is lost by

this want of charity.

John Baptist is the only precursor of Jesus. "He must increase, but I must decrease." If you are willing to decrease, Jesus Christ is sure to increase. Where a John Baptist goes before, Jesus is always sure to follow. This is a true way to test your own spirituality-by the depth of your own humiliation in the sight of God and your neighbours.

Again, keep the blessing by shining. We like a good light. We like the flaming up of a sudden burst of light. We like to go to distant places to shine; but do we like to shine at home, to give

* Address delivered at the Keswick Convention.

light "to all that are in the house"? Are we afraid to shed our light at home, because others will say that we are not living up to our light? Let the light shine into every room of the house; let each person be a light, and the house shall be filled with light-why, then, it will be a Light-house. Let there be light in every window, and the mariners, still tossing and wrecking on the deep of sin, shall see it, and make for it, and be saved.

Also, we keep the blessing by confession. I think it of the utmost importance that there should be confession if there be failure. If the glow of unbroken peace and joy and victory fails, if there is a failure from the full light, many are ashamed to say so, but gloss it over, and try to blind God's eyes. They say, "It was not failure, it was an infirmity, it was a slip, and not worth, and therefore not requiring, a definite act of confession. "My foot had well nigh slipped." If there be failure, confess to God at once, and if in connection with your brother, confess to him also. Undo the trespass as far as possible; undo the wrong. "Confess your faults one to another." Yes, many confess to God. They see that it is divinely needful to confess to Thee, O Lord; it is Thy most remedial force in the world; but it is also needful to confess to one another. That breaks the man down. I was speaking the other day with a man of the deepest, closest walk with God, and I asked him, "What do you think of confession? We have heard his confession in this very tent, and his answer was, "I could not live without confession." If I mentioned his name, you would see how close he lived to God, and how he confessed his faults-such trifling faults, as we should say with such utter shame and brokenness that it humbled me to the very dust. God appoints this remedy for sin and failure (do not think that I am suggesting failure); if it should occur-go back with your failure to the Throne, and see the King, and the King will be seen to be the High Priest on the Throne, and He Himself the Altar, and the King will be ready to forgive in the person of Jesus.

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Perhaps some of us are now beginning to feel like the poor African woman who said, when she first heard of Jesus, "This is He Who has come to me so often in my prayers, but I knew not Who it was,"-you are beginning to find out Who it is you are dealing with, Who it is to Whom you have committed yourself. It is to the Lord of glory, it is to

the Lord of life and death. He has got all the keys, the absolving keys; the keys of all the universe, even of death and Hades, are hanging from His girdle. Keep close to the man with the keys, and recognise that you are living with a Living Person, that you are dealing with One who knows, who can see and pierce you through and through. "Thou God seest me." This is the Divine revelation, this is the most safe protection and all we want. In large towns the jewellers' shops now have no shutters at night; inside all is left illuminated; thus any thief would be seen at once. So it should be with Christians. There should be no shutters between themselves and the light, between themselves and God. Thus would every thief be easily detected. If you thus wear "the armour of light" detection would be certain, and ejection must follow at once.

Now you ask, How should we know a man full of blessing? We should know him by the bright tenderness of his eye, by the gentleness of his demeanour, by every bitterness giving way, by the calling in of all invective and caustic words; it would be seen in the dove-look, and in the dove-like wing bearing messages from God to man; by his bold fearlessness; by his open-eyedness; by his erectness of conscience seen in face and walk.

Now, I would put before you, to help you as you leave, these words from Numbers ix., "So it was always." What was always"? The cloud was always on the tabernacle. By day and by night. There was no removing of the cloud. When was it the cloud descended? "On the day that the tabernacle was reared up." If you are His taberracle, as soon as ever you become so, you are covered and concealed henceforth, you have not that barefaceness you had in the world; you are covered with the tender bloom of the shadow of God. it was always, and the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night." And how long did the light last? "Until the morning." Through all the dark night God will shine. When it becomes dark, the cloud burns into light, so it is light in the darkness, and in the day the fire turns into the cloud to shield and shelter and shadow.


When the cloud rested, the children of Israel rested; this is another deep truth, that the child of God can only rest when God rests. They rest for salvation when God rests in Christ on the atoning Cross. There was rest in Creation, but the rest of

redemption is greater and better still. Rest when
Rest when
and where God rests. The source of all Christians'
restlessness is because they won't rest when God
rests; they want to start on, or else they let the
cloud go on while they remain still, and then they
become restless. A restless Christian is a very
dangerous person; he does God a great injury. A
Christian should carry a sabbath about with him
every day, in his voice and way and work. How
you rest your child? Not by tearing up and
down the room, but by being at rest yourself-by
the gentle swayings of sabbatic rest. My Lord
knows how to rest His children; He cradles them
in the calm of His love, and brings them into the
Sabbath of Himself. It is a blessed resting!

Again, when the cloud stood, the people stood. The standing of a Christian is where Christ stands. He stands as Victor; He has been right through the battle-field, and says to you, "Now stand where I stand." It is one of the distinguishing marks of the British army above all others, that it can stand under fire of the enemy; so it should be the mark of the army of the King of kings, that under fire of scorn, sorrow, failure, defect, or trial, it can stand.

Observe that if the resting be all right, and if the standing be all right, then the moving will be all right. If you would know about guidance, stand and rest where God has put you. This was the attitude of the children of Israel, as day by day the cloud rested-but suddenly when the mystic cloud softly, silently, sublimely lifted-they kept every eye fixed upon it, not on Moses, not on Aaron, not on the standard bearers at the corner of each tribe, nor yet on the Tabernacle, not even, we see, on the Church itself, but on the LORD alone, Supreme over all, dwelling in His pavilion cloud! They could not have known where they were to go. God thinks a great deal of people "not knowing." "Abraham when he was called, .. went out,. not knowing whither he went." Write it down, Angel of the Covenant, Abraham was obedient when I called him. Let it be engraved in the covenant of God's records for ever, that here is a man who obeys Me when I call; he indeed is the Friend of God! How blessed to be in close communion with God, to be within call of God, to obey and go out with Him whither you know not, because you know with whom you go! This is to be indeed a hero of


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only be the gazing eye, but also the listening ear.
"At the command of the Lord." These words are
seven times repeated in these few verses. Chris-
tians say, "We cannot hear the Voice of God
except by the written Word." But you want
further details, and I believe that God speaks
behind the written Word as well as through it.
He is speaking also in the details of our common
life, if we will only listen.
life, if we will only listen. God is a Father, and I
cannot believe that any Father who lives in the
house with His children would only correspond
with them. Yes, the Spirit witnesses with our
spirit, not only in the great crises of our life, but
also in the common daily details of our pilgrim

For this guidance there must then be the eye
fixed, the ear listening, and the pilgrim spirit
maintained. The Lord does not remain in one
place, because we would cling to it. When we
cling to the vessel God empties us out. There
must be a change. God Himself is the only one to
cling to. This is what God will do with us about
guidance-" so it was alway." Again, Ps. lxxi. 16,
comes in very closely here. If God is going before
you, trying you, leading you, and when you hear
Him say "Wilt thou go with this man?" will you
not answer" I will go in the strength of the Lord
God." Will you trust yourself to Him for time and
eternity; for guidance, and provision, and clothing?
Will you trust Him to choose your path, your
home, your friends, your work? This is the way
to live with God hourly and continually. Yes,
you are willing to praise and rejoice when you
"God keeps me moment by moment;" but
remember also that you must watch, and follow
Him, and live with Him moment by moment.
See in these words then,

I. Faith's determination-" I will go." The first word He said unto us was, "Come unto Me," and that done, He then says, "Go." "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Are you ready to go at the call of the Master? His "Go" is between the first "Come" of conversions and the last blessed "Come" of eternal entrance: "Come, ye blessed of My Father." "Go ye; . . . and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." He travels all the way with us, along every road, even with the humblest pilgrim. “I will go; Thou goest with me, and I am bound to

Let me also refer to this, that there must not go with Thee; where Thou goest I will go."

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