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English Claffics abridged; being Select Works of Addison, Pope, and Milton, adapted to the Perufal of Youth, of both Sexes, at School. To which are prefixed, Obfervations on the feveral Authors, addreed to Parents and Preceptors. By J. Walker, Author of Elements of Elocution, Rhetorical Grammar, &e. Sve. 35. 6d. Robinfon.

Mr. Walker is well known to the world not only for his accurate acquaintance with the English language, but for teaching the pronunciation of it with propriety; and it is owing, we prefume, to his employment in the latter of thefe capacities, that he has turned his thoughts towards executing the abridge-. ment now before us. We find that he has been induced to this undertaking from an opinion, that the writings even of the beft authors are unfuitable to the purposes of early education; becaufe, being addreffed to mature age, they prefent fuch pictures of human life as, though both inftructive and agreeable to the parent and philofopher, may be highly improper for the perufal of pupils of the younger clafs, whofe imaginations ought to be carefully guarded against whatever is indelicate.

We cannot but fincerely approve of a plan, the object of which is to preferve the imaginations of youth from the intrufion of improper ideas; and it affords us additional fatisfaction to find that Mr. Walker has fo abridged the most confpicuous English writers, as to furnish a compendium which may form the taste of youth, without the danger of fullying their minds. The felection he has made for this purpose affords fufficient proof of his own tafte and judgment; which are farther confirmed by his fenfible obfervations on the authors whofe works he has abridged. We would, therefore, recommend this volume as a valuable production for the perufal of youth, whom it may inftruct and entertain by the pureft fentiments, in language the mott elegant and chafte.

A Trip to Holland. Containing Sketches of Characters: together with Curfory Obfervations on the Manners and Customs of the Dutch. Small 8vo. 2s. 6d. Becket.

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If this was not fo pointed an imitation of the Sentimental Journey, it might be entitled to confiderable praife; but we hate e'en Garrick, thus at fecond hand.' The descriptions, however, though flight, are appropriated, the narrative lively, and the fentiment entirely Shandean.

"Obfervations made in a Trip to Holland-Ha! ha! ha!" And why that laugh, good Mr. Critic? You imagine, perhaps, that a Belgic fky has fomething particularly baneful in its infuence; and that the man who has refided for any little time in Holland muft neceffarily become as dull and phlegmatic as many of its inhabitants?" I do." You imagine, likewise, that a Dutchman is totally devoid of fentiment; and that a Dutchwoman is an utter ftranger to thofe finer affections of the


foul which fo eminently characterize our lovely countrywomen ? "Undoubtedly." Why, then, you are undoubtedly mistaken.'"

The language is not always elegant; occafionally a vulgar word, like Shakspeare's blanket of the night,' will obfcure and debafe the fentiment: fometimes our expectations are raised without an adequate gratification; but, on the whole, our author may be literally ftyled an agreeable companion in a post-chaife.'

The Defcription and Ufe of the new invented patent Univerfal Sowing Machine, for broad-cafting or drilling every Kind of Grain, Pulfe, and Seed. By John Horn. Svo. Is. 6d. Johnfon.

This machine is very clearly defcribed, and feems really to be fold at an inconfiderable price. In this the patentee has acted with difcretion; for the very dear rate at which many patent machines are fold, is the strongest incentive to other workmen to evade the exclufive right. It encourages no peculiar method of husbandry, but is equally adapted to drilling and broad-caft, and feems, fo far as we can judge from the defcription and plate, to be highly ufefal. We have not feen the

machine at work, and we know that apparently the beft contrivances fail in practice; but the author feems well acquainted with his fubject, and we have much reafon to confide in his promifes. It is not eafy to give a particular account of his invention, without the affiftance of a plate.

Genuine Memoirs of Jane Elizabeth Moore, late of Bermondsey, in the County of Surry; written by herself. 3 Vols. 12mo. 9s. ferved. Bew.

Mrs. Moore, by a concurrence of misfortunes, chiefly accidental, feems to have been reduced from a ftate of affluence to poverty and diftrefs. Though we cannot recommend the work; yet the feeling heart will pity, and the liberal one affift her. The Rotchfords; or, the Friendly Counsellor: defigned for the Inftruction and Amusement of the Youth of both Sexes. By M. P. In Two Vols. 8vo. 35. 4d. Marshall.

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This work contains fome useful precepts, but we cannot commend it highly on account of the exceptionable language, which we reprehended in a fimilar work of the fame editor. Improper words fhould be very fparingly ufed, even when they are intended to be expofed, and should be carefully pointed out as mean, vulgar, and inelegant. The parents ufe ugly' and valtly' on many occafions, when they are not properly applicable; and the editor fpells lilach layluc,' which leads to a vulgar ungraceful mode of pronunciation. The language of the children is alfo exceptionable: we are enemies to a stiff, formal phrafeology; but it is not impoffible to blend the greateft eafe with correctness, and the most polished elegance with precifion. While we watch over the foud of young minds, we


shall not overlook fuch errors; and, if they are not amended, fhall expofe them with greater feverity.

Interefting Memoirs. By a Lady. In Two Vols.

Jewed. Cadell.

12mo. 55.

In many respects these Memoirs are really interefting, for the duties of morality and religion are of the highest importance. They are in different parts of this work inculcated with a zeal that deferves fuccefs. In other respects, the Memoirs are amufing, with little novelty either of fentiment or character; but the different parts are well proportioned to each other; and we are never long detained by our author's inftructions, without fome relief from the narrative.

The former edition of these Memoirs was circulated in a remote part of the kingdom; the fecond has fucceeded it, and is now first published in England.

Dairying exemplified; or the Bufinefs of Cheefe-making laid down from approved Rules, collected from the most experienced Dairy Women of feveral Counties. By J. Twamley. 8vo. 35. Sewed. Rivington.

This treatise contains a particular account of the art of making cheese and butter, drawn from a course of thirty years practice in those useful departments of rural economy. The author, Mr. Twamley, feems indeed to write from experience; and we would therefore e recommend this work to all who have any concern in the management of dairies, as abounding with obfervations highly inftructive and ufeful. It is written in a plain ftyle, fuitable to one whofe ftation has rendered him familiar with the subject; and it likewife contains useful obfer vations on the culture of the orchard, and on husbandry. A Compendium of ufeful Knowledge. By Dr. John Trufler. 12mo. 35. 6d. Baldwin.

This Compendium profeffes to contain a concife explanation of every thing a young man ought to know, to enable him to converfe on all general topics-and this in no more than a hundred and fixty duodecimo pages. In fome future production, who needs to doubt that the ingenious Dr. Trufler will comprife all useful knowledge within the fmall compafs of a nut shell? The School of Arts; or an Introduction to useful Knowledge. By John Imifon. 8vo. 8s. in Boards. Murray.

A compilation of experiments and improvements in several branches of fcience, viz. mechanics, electricity, optics, conftruction of optical inftruments, clock and watch-making, aftronomy, drawing, etching, engraving, crayon-painting, gilding, and a variety of other articles in different trades.


Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons. Vol. III. Relating to Lords and Supply. 4to. 10s. ferved. DodЛley.

The two preceding volumes of this work have been published a few years fince, the first in 1776, the fecond in 1781. The publication is of a nature chiefly ufeful to members of parlia ment; but, from the general information it affords, muft alfo prove interesting to every political reader. Mr. Hatfell is entitled to great praife for the pains he has taken to delineate the genuine spirit of the conftitution, which he fhews to have been always founded in the principles of public liberty. This is that venerable fpirit, an inviolable regard to which ought to be cultivated in the breaft of every member of the British legiflature; and by an attachment to the precedents it has infpired through every age, the conftitution is to be preferved in its ancient purity and vigour.

The Trial of a Caufe between Mifs Mellifh, Plaintiff, and Mifs Rankin, Defendant. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Almon.

In this Trial, relative to an ejectment for lands in the county of Nottingham, the plaintiff claimed to be entitled to the eftate of her father, the late Charles Mellith, efq. in preference to the defendant, who was the niece of the deceased, and one of the principal parties in his will. The jury found for the plaintiff. This caufe, as the editor of the trial obferves, affords a ftrong inftance of the neceffity of avoiding equivocal expreffions in deeds which relate to the difpofal of property.

Trial of John Hart, Efq. for Adultery and Cruelty. Svo. 2s. 6d. Lifter.

This Trial expofes fome very remarkable domestic scenes of the cruelty of a husband towards his wife; in confequence of which the obtained a divorce.

A Narrative of the Lord's Dealings with John Marrant.

6d. Gilbert and Plummer.


According to this Narrative, John Marrant, a notorious young finner of fifteen years of age, was fuddenly converted to the Chriftian faith, by the late Mr. Whitefield. Coming over to England afterwards, he became a difpenfer of the Gospel under the aufpices of the countefs of Huntington, and is now a miffionary, for the converfion of the Indians in America. John's Narrative is not only richly seasoned with adventure, but contains a fpice of the marvellous, and what is yet more, even of the miraculous. We fear that these are not now the most convincing proofs of apoftolical miffion.


The Trial, at Hereford, the Hon. Edward Foley, Plaintiff, and Charles Henry Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, Defendant, for criminal Converfation with Lady Ann Foley, the Plaintiff's Wife. 4to. 1s. 6d. Woodman.

The circumstances of this Trial are foreign to a Review. It is fufficient for us, therefore, to obferve, that the jury gave the plaintiff two thousand five hundred pounds damages.

Hiftorical Account of the Settlement and Poffeffion of Bombay by the Eaft India Company. 8vo. 55. Robfon.

A mean, languid, and totally uninterefting narrative, so ungrammatical, that it can be the production of none but a moit illiterate author.

Two Letters to David Hume, by one of the People called Quakers. 8vo. 6d. Crowder.

Thefe Letters contain nothing more than a few trite obfervations on the nature and tendency of Mr. Hume's moral principles, expreffed in the usual style of the Quakers.

A circumftantial Narrative of the Lofs of the Halfewell (Eaft Indiaman), Captain Richard Pierce, which was unfortunately wrecked at Seacombe, in the Isle of Purbeck, on the Coaft of Dorfetfhire, on the Morning of Friday the 6th of January, 1786. 8vo. IS. Lane.

The melancholy fate of the Halfewell Eaft-Indiaman is already known to the public, and is a fubject of too distressful a nature to admit of repetition. The prefent Narrative is faid to be compiled from the communications, and under the authorities of Mr. Henry Meriton and Mr. John Rogers, the two chief officers who escaped the dreadful catastrophe. The circumftances attending the fhipwreck, as related in this Narrative, the ftyle of which is too florid for the subject, are the fame that have been mentioned in the public prints, a little amplified, particularly in the account of captain Pierce, and others, who perifhed on this lamentable occafion.

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