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Miss Sedgwick has given evidence not to be disputed, [rative, but are simply accessories to the main interest, and very little attempt is made at portraying their historical characters. Whatever is done, however, is well done.

So much real pleasure have we derived from the pe

of a genius far more than common. We do not hesitate to call it a truly beautiful and original conception, evincing imagination of the highest order. It is the old story of a meek and trusting spirit bowed down to the dust by the falsehood of a deceiver. But in the narra-rusal of The Linwoods, that we can hardly find it in our tion of Miss Sedgwick it becomes a magical tale, and hearts to pick a quarrel with the fair author, for the bursts upon us with all the freshness of novel emotion. very few trifling inadvertences into which she has been Deserted by her lover, (Jasper Meredith, an accom- betrayed. There were, we believe, some points at plished and aristocratical coxcomb,) the spirits of the which we intended to cavil, but not having pencilled gentle girl sink gradually from trusting affection to them down in the course of perusal, they have now simple hope-from hope to anxiety-from anxiety to escaped our recollection. Somewhat more energy in doubt-from doubt to melancholy-and from melan- occasional passages-somewhat less diffuseness in choly to madness. She escapes from her home and her others-would operate, we think, to the improvement friends in New England, and endeavors to make her of Miss Sedgwick's generally excellent style. Now and way alone to New York, with the object of restoring, then, we meet with a discrepancy between the words to him who has abandoned her, some tokens he had and the character of a speaker. For example: page given her of his love—an act which her disordered fancy 38, vol. i. "No more of my contempt for the Yanassures her will effect, in her own person, a disenthral-kees, Hal, an' thou lovest me,' replied Jasper; 'you ment from passion. Her piety, her madness, and her remember Æsop's advice to Croesus, at the Persian beauty stand her in the stead of the lion of Una, and court?' 'No, I am sure I do not. You have the most she reaches the great city in safety. In that portion of provoking way of resting the lever by which you bring the novel which embodies the narrative of this singular out your own knowledge, on your friend's ignorance.”” journey, are some passages of the purest and most ex- Now all this is very pretty, but it is not the language alted poetry-passages which no mind but one thorough- of school-boys. Again: page 226 vol. i. 'Now out ly imbued with the spirit of the beautiful could have on you, you lazy, slavish, loons,' cried Rose, 'cannot you conceived, and which, perhaps, no other writer in this see these men are raised up, to fight for freedom, for country than Miss Sedgwick could have executed. Our more than themselves? If the chain is broken at one readers will find that what we say upon this head is end, the links will fall apart sooner or later. When you very far from exaggeration. see the sun on the mountain top, you may be sure it will shine into the deepest valleys before long.' Who would suppose this graceful eloquence, and these impressive images to proceed from the mouth of a negrowoman? Yet such is Rose. And at page 24, vol. i. we have the following. "True, I never saw her; but I tell you, young lad, there is such a thing as seeing the shadow of things far distant and past, and never seeing the realities though they it be that cast the shadows." The speaker here, is an old woman who a few sentences before talks about her proficiency in telling fortins.

Jasper Meredith, considered as an actual entity, is, as we have already said, a heartless, calculating coxcomb with merely a spice of what we may call susceptibility to impressions of the beautiful, to redeem him from utter contempt. As a character in a novel, he is admirable-because he is accurately true to nature, and to himself. His perfidy to Bessie (we shall never forget Bessie) meets with poetical justice in a couple of unsuccessful courtships, (in each of which the villain's heart is in some degree concerned,) and in a final marriage with a flirt, Helen Ruthven, who fills him up, with a vengeance, There are one or two other trifles with which we the full measure of his deserts. Mrs. Meredith is a have to find fault. Putnam's deficiency in spelling is, striking picture of the heartless and selfish woman of perhaps, a little burlesqued; and the imaginary note fashion and aristocracy. Kisel, the servant of Eliot written to Eliot Lee, is not in accordance with that laLee, is original, and, next to Bessie, the best conception conic epistle subsequently introduced, and which was a in the book. He is a simple, childish, yet acute and | bonâ fide existence. We dislike the death of Kisel—that affectionate fool, who follows his master as would a is we dislike its occurring so soon-indeed we see no dog, and finally dies at his feet under circumstances of necessity for killing him at all. His end is beautifully the truest pathos. While Miss Sedgwick can origi-managed, but leaves a kind of uneasy and painful imnate such characters as these, she need apprehend few pression, which a judicious writer will be chary of excirivals near the throne. ting. We must quarrel also, with some slight liberties We cannot pass over in silence a little episode in taken with the King's English. Miss Sedgwick has no which a blind child is torn away at night from a dis-good authority for the use of such verbs, as "to ray." tracted mother, by one of the notorious bands of Skin- Page 117, vol. i. "They had all heard of Squire Saunners infesting the country. The mother's house is set ders, whose fame rayed through a large circle”—Also, on fire by the robbers, in their search after plunder; but in page 118, vol. i. "The next morning he called, his her most valuable property having been previously re-kind heart raying out through his jolly face, to present moved to New York, the exasperated ruffians seize and bear off the fainting child, with the view of extorting money for its ransom. Eliot Lee, aided by General Putnam, rescues the child, and restores it to the mother."Miss Ruthven seemed like an humble worshipper, inThis whole incident is worthy of Miss Sedgwick.

We have mentioned the name of Putnam,-he as well as Washington, Lafayette, Clinton, and some other wellknown personages are familiarly introduced in the nar

me to General Washington." Nor is she justifiable in making use of the verb "incense," with the meaning attached to it in the following sentence. Page 211, vol. i.

censing two divinities." We dislike also, the vulgarity of such a phrase as "I put in my oar"-meaning "I joined in the conversation"—especially in the mouth of so well-bred a lady, as Miss Isabella Linwood-see

page 61, vol. i. We do not wish either to see a mar- | that Mr. Napier has here taken occasion to observe quee, called a "markee," or a dénouement, a denæument. that Horsley, Hutton, Leslie, and Playfair, are misMiss Sedgwick should lock over her proof-sheets, or, taken in supposing Albert Girard the first who made be responsible for the blunders of her printer. The use of the expressions majores nihilo and minores nihilo plural “genii” at page 84, vol. ii. is used in place of the in relation to positive and negative quantities. singular genius. "Isabella is rather penseroso" is like- Article IV is "An Essay on Musical Intervals, Har. wise an error-see page 164, vol. ii.; it should be pen-monics, and the Temperament of the Musical Scale, &c. serosa. But we are heartily ashamed of finding fault with such trifles, and should certainly not have done so, had there been a possibility of finding fault with any thing of more consequence. We recommend The Lin-is woods to all persons of taste. But let none others touch it.


The Westminster Review, No. XLV, for July, 1835. American Edition, Vol. IV, No. 1. New York: Theodore Foster.

Article I is "Philanthropic Economy; or the Philosophy of Happiness, practically applied to the Social, Political, and Commercial Relations of Great Britain. By Mrs. Loudon, Author of "First Love," "Fortune Hunting," and "Dilemmas of Pride." London: Churton, 1835. 8vo. pp. 312."

By W. S. B. Woolhouse, Head Assistant of the Nautical Almanac Establishment."

This is a short article in which the book under review condemned for inaccuracy and misrepresentation. The Essay itself is another instance of the interest now taken in the mathematics of music.

Article V is "A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Artists: comprising Painters, Sculptors, Engravers and Architects, from the earliest ages to the present time. By John Gould-Second Edition, 2 vols. 12mo. Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1835."

Article VI. "History of Scotland. By Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq. F. R. S. E. and F. A. S. Edinburgh. Vols. i-v. 1828-1834."

The work in question is spoken of as having been composed-" conceived, planned, and probably in part executed among lowing herds and obstinate swine." It is preceded by an historical, biographical, and professional introduction, apparently of no very great merit. The Dictionary is called a most laborious, and on the Mrs. Loudon's Economy has excited great attention whole a very successful compilation. "The chief matin England, and her work is highly lauded in the presentter of some hundreds of volumes is condensed into two instance. As an able and chivalrous champion of the small duodecimos. As this is all it aims to do, by this cause of the people, she deserves all the encomiums only can it be fairly judged, and not by any standard which she has received, and we are not in any degree of original criticism." disposed to pick a quarrel with her Ethics, which, to say the truth, are as little to the purpose as her political, or if she pleases, her philanthropic Economy, is most effectually to the point. We have not seen her entire publication, but merely judge of it from the copious extracts in the article before us. Her answer to the objections to the ballot is forcible, and coming as it does from a lady, its value is quadrupled in our eyes. The Notice of her book concludes as follows. "It is plain that Mrs. Loudon is a splendid woman, and has, at one effort, taken her place in line, among the political economists upon the people's side. She is fortunate too in having fallen upon times when 'the spread of education is, in fact, rendering the peaceable continuance of abuses impossible.'

This critique speaks of Tytler's Scotland as displaying much research, and considerable skill, as well as impartiality, but the greater part of the article is taken up in reviewing some of the leading features in Scottish History.

Article VII-1. "The Forms of Deeds and Documents in England and France, compared and exemplified, in a Letter to the Lord Chancellor. Paris: Galignani. London: Saunders and Benning, 1835."

2. "The Mechanics of Law-making. Intended for the use of Legislators, and all other persons concerned in the making and understanding of English Laws. By Arthur Symonds, Esq. London: Churton, 1835."

Article II is "Venetian History. Family Library, No. XX-London, Murray, 1833." A compendious The authors of the works here reviewed have attemptHistory of Venice, and apparently forced into the ser-ed to unfold, and to show the worthlessness of, those vice of the Review "will I, nill I," without any object farther than the emptying of some writer's portfolio, or common place book. It is nevertheless an invaluable paper.

technical mysteries which have so long enveloped the science of Law. The "Forms of Deeds, &c." is from the pen of Mr. Okey. He gives several examples of English and French Deeds-printing them on opposite Article III is "Memoirs of John Napier of Merchis-pages. The difference in conciseness is said to be four ton, his Lineage, Life, and Times, with a History of the Invention of Logarithms. By Mark Napier, Esq. Blackwood, Edinburgh; Cadell, London, 1834. 4to. pp. 534."

to one in favor of the French, while in clearness they admit of no comparison. The greater brevity of the French documents is attributed to the existence of a Code. "The Mechanics of Law making" insists upon the necessity of reform in the arrangement, language, classification, and contents of the British Acts of Parliament, and in the agency by which the laws are 'prepared, made, promulgated, superintended, enforced, and amended.' The Review is brief-but concurs heartily in the necessity alluded to.

This is a Review of exceeding interest, and evidently from a mind thoroughly imbued with a love of science. It enters largely into the subject matter of the book reviewed, and defends Napier from the often repeated accusation of having derived his principle from the works of Archimedes, Ditmarsus, and Byrgius. A short account of the philosopher's treatises on Arithmetic and Article VIII. 1. "Sur les Créances réclamées de la Algebra, as they appear at the end of the Memoirs, is France par la Russie au nom du Royaume de Pologne. given in the conclusion of the Notice. We perceive | Paris, 1835."

2. "On the Russo-Polish Claims on France. (From his pamphlet with some remarks on the new liberal the periodical Le Polonais, published monthly in Paris, government. Winterbottom's letter treats chiefly of by a member of the Polish Diet. Number for Februa- the evils resulting from the accumulation of wealth in a ry 1835.") few hands. "The whole family of Tompkins &c. is 3. "A few more words on the Polish question, (From good"-says the Reviewer-" and the public, will be Le Polonais-number for March 1835.")

glad to see more of their kin and kind."

Article X. "The History of Ireland. By Thomas Moore, Esq. In three volumes. Vol. i. London: Longman & Co. 1835."

This is an excellent and very laudatory notice, of a work which cannot be too highly commended. The difficulties Mr. Moore has overcome, in reducing to order a chaotic discordance of materials, with a view to this History, will, perhaps, never be fully appreciated. It cannot indeed be asserted that every portion of his subject has been hitherto uninvestigated, or, that all the questions he has discussed have been satisfactorily settled; but that, under existing circumstances, such a book should have been written at all, is a matter for ad

The author of the work Sur les Créances, enters into an examination of the titles of which the Russian government avails itself "either to effect a final settlement, or to claim payment of sums which might ultimately be proved to be due to the kingdom of Poland." The editor of Le Polonais is of a family to which Poland is indebted for "several brilliant exploits, not only in the field of battle, but in the tribute of the National Assembly." His journal is devoted to the history and literature of Poland-but more especially to its political interests. The Review enters into some discussion on the Russo-Polish Claims, and makes it apparent that the policy of Great Britain is materially involved, in the Russo-French liquidation. "She has joined"-miration-and that it has been so rationally, so lucidly, says the critic" in refusing to uphold Russia in the violation of the constitution and nationality of Poland; Lord Palmerston gave lengthened and clear explanations on this point to Parliament on the 9th of April, 1833. Tranquilly to stand by, and witness the RussoFrench liquidation, an act which would be equivalent to a passive acknowledgment on the part of France, of the usurpations of Russia, would be contrary to the dignity and interest of the British nation."

Article IX-1. "Thoughts upon the Aristocracy of England. By Isaac Tompkins, Gent. Fifth Edition. London: Henry Hooper, 1835, pp. 23."

2. "A letter to Isaac Tompkins, Gent., author of the Thoughts upon the Aristocracy. From Mr. Peter Jenkins. Fifth Edition, with a Postscript. London: Henry Hooper, 1835, pp. 11."

3. "A letter to Isaac Tompkins, and Peter Jenkins on Primogeniture. By Timothy Winterbottom. Fourth Edition. London: William Fickering, 1835."

and so critically written, is a fact which cannot fail to elevate its author immeasurably in the estimation of his friends. The future volumes of The History of Ireland, will be looked for with intense interest. In them we may expect to find the records of a dark and troubled period. Moore will speak fearlessly, or we are much mistaken.

Article XI. "A Bill for granting Relief in relation to the Celebration of Marriages, to certain persons dissenting from the Church of England and Ireland, 1835."

The Reviewer, here, seems to think that Sir Robert Peel's Bill, with some little amendment, would meet the case of the Dissenters in the manner most satisfactory, and, under all circumstances most convenient. The Dissenters themselves have little to propose, and that little impracticable.

Article XII. "Plantagenet.-3 vols. London: John Macrone, 1835."

Article XIII.-1. "Colonization of South Australia. By R. Torrens, Esq. F. R. S. Chairman of the Colonization Commission, for South Australia. London: Longman, 1835.”

Plantagenet is a novel: and the writer's object is From the specimens of these Pamphlets, given in the stated by the critic to be pretty nearly identical with Review before us, we are inclined to think them exces- that of Mr. Timothy Winterbottom, of whom we have sively amusing. Mr. Isaac Tompkins busies himself spoken before-viz: to lay bare the social evils of priwith the House of Lords, and Mr. Peter Jenkins gives mogeniture. The English system of education is dethe lash to the House of Commons. Mr. T's account tailed, and its effect upon character analyzed. The of patrician taste in literature and wit-of courts, cour-writer's design is said not to be very well carried into tiers, court-jesters, buffoonery, &c. are not a little edify-execution-nevertheless the Reviewer places him in the ing. His book has created a great sensation. In a first line of modern political novelists, and says there note appended to the fourth edition, occur the following is nobody, except the author of 'The Radical,' who, significant remarks. "The Quarterly Review, the stands out as a model for him to overtake or pursue. organ of the Aristocratic Church, and of the Lay Aristocracy, has taken the opportunity of printing the greater part of the work, under pretence of giving a Review of it. Pretence it plainly is; for there is hardly one remark added, and not one syllable of censure or objection! Can any thing more plainly demonstrate that the cause of the Aristocracy is hateful, even to the very writers who affect to support it? Can any thing better prove its decline among all educated and sensible men? Mr. Canning's abhorrence of it is well known, and so is the hatred with which he was repaid. But in our time, the advocate of establishments can think of nothing better than giving a very wide circulation to Mr. J. Tompkins' observations. These Quarterly Reviewers would not for the world, that these observations were not generally known." Peter Jenkins concludes

2. "Colonization; particularly in Southern Australia; with some remarks on Small Farms and Over-population. By Colonel Charles James Napier, C. B.London: T. & W. Boone, 1835."

Colonel Torrens' book is bitterly and sarcastically reviewed. It is an octavo of more than 300 pages, with an Appendix of about 20. The first part of the body of the work is in the form of a letter, divided into twelve parts, and addressed "To the author of the History of the Indian Archipelago." This portion discusses the new scheme for colonizing South Australia. Its style is called pamphleteering and polemical. The se

Article II. "Journal of Frances Anne Butler (Fanny Kemble,) 2 vols. Post 8vo. London: 1835."

cond part is said to be "in the usual cold, cramped, and is utterly incompetent to conduct any enterprise of the unpopular manner of the author's politico-economical kind, to a successful termination. writings." The Appendix consists of the Act of Parliament for the formation of the Colony, of two letters signed Kangaroo, and of another from A. B., approving of Kangaroo's opinions. Kangaroo is thought by the Reviewer a better writer of English than his master. 'Colonel Napier's book is favorably noticed. His views are in direct opposition to those of Torrens.

Article XIV. "The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. By Thomas Keightley, Esq. 8vo. London, 1831." This is an interesting and able paper, but has no pretensions to the name of Review. The position of the Bacchanalians in Greek and Roman History, and their progress, together with the dangers and impediments encountered in their course, forms the subject of the Essay-for it is an Essay, although an admirable



The tone of this Notice is very similar to that of the Article on the same subject in the Edinburgh for July-perhaps, upon the whole, not quite so complimentary. The Reviewer is of opinion, that 'Master Fanny's' Journal was from an early period, if not from the first line, intended for publication, and that the entire thing is arranged for stage-effect. Both these suppositions are highly probable. Indeed for our own part, we never had a doubt about the matter. The personifier of Julia, of Nell, and of Lady Macbeth, wished to make it apparent that she could mingle up in the same page, simplicity, frivolity and dignity. She has succeeded to a miracle, and we think nothing the worse of her performance for its premeditation. The critic finds fault, also, with Fanny's transparent affectation-a charge from which we have neither the wish, nor the ability to defend her. Affectation is the Promethean

The London Quarterly Review, No. CVII. for July, fire of a pretty and intelligent woman—and provided 1835. American Edition, Vol. III, No. 1.

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always the things, the qualities, or manners affected are Article I-1. "Narrative of a Second Voyage in not in se disagreeable or odious, it is very seldom worth search of a North-West Passage, and of a Residence any one's while to quarrel with it. As for the transpain the Arctic Regions, during the Years 1829-30-31-32 rent part of the accusation, it betrays a want of philoso33. By Sir John Ross, C. B., K. S. A., K. C. S., &c. phical acumen. Affectation, when we cannot see through &c. Captain in the Royal Navy, London: 1835, 4to. it, is no longer affectation. The political fal lal of the pp. 740." fair lady is, of course, made a matter of high merit by 2. "The Late Voyage of Captain Sir John Ross, R. the Quarterly Review. "Her observations," quoth the N. to the Arctic Regions, for the Discovery of a North-critic, "evince a depth of penetration, and a soundness West Passage; performed in the Years 1829-30-3132-33. From authentic information, and original documents, transmitted by William Light, Purser's Steward to the Expedition. By Robert Huish, author of the 'Memoirs of the Princess Charlotte,' Treatise on Bees,' &c. &c. London: 1835, 8vo. pp. 760."

3. "Report from a Select Committee of the House of Commons, on the Expedition to the Arctic Seas, commanded by Captain John Ross, R. N. 1834."

of judgment, rare in any one, but wonderful in a person of her age and sex." A chuckle also is elicited, by Fanny's astounding conviction, that "America will be a monarchy before she (Mrs. Butler) is a skeleton.” Article III. "The Last Essays of Elia." London: 12mo. 1833.

This is an Essay on the Essays of Lamb by one who thoroughly understands the man. And there are not many men who do thoroughly comprehend him. Altho' This is, in many respects, a clever and judicious Re-not the greatest among his contemporaries he was the view, although abounding with much vulgar abuse of most original—and his writings are, we feel assured, a Captain Ross, whom it accuses, not only of gross igno- true copy of his individual mind. He was one of those ranee and misrepresentation, but of several minor inde-men of infinite genius, so rarely to be met with, who corums, such for example, as "the opening of a sub-unite the most exquisite daintiness and finish of style scription shop in Regent Street-the sending of a set of fellows, usually called trampers, but who call themselves agents, to knock at every gentleman's door, in town and country, not humbly to solicit, but with pertinacious importunity, almost to force subscriptions-the getting up of Vauxhall and panoramic exhibitions, and some other circumstances not worth detailing." It hints something also, of the Captain's having procured the literary aid of "a practised embroiderer of periods, one Dr. M'Culloch." Huish's book is treated with derision, but the Quarterly cannot resist the temptation of giving additional currency to a malignant accusation of cruelty, brought by this very man Huish, against the Article IV. "History of the Sixteenth and SevenCaptain. The charge is republished in the Review-teenth Centuries, illustrated by original documents. By with a hint, that it is quite as likely to be true as not. The Frederick Von Raumer. Translated from the German Article concludes with a hope, that if the Government should determine upon another expedition, its direction may be given to Captain James Clarke Ross, and Back, appointed his second in command-and roundly asserts that Sir John Ross, C. B., K. S. A., K. C. S., &c. &c.,

with a vigorous and dashing abandon of manner. This manner has been called affected-but it was not so. That his thoughts "were villainously pranked in an array of antique words and phrases" was a necessary thing. The language of the times of James and Charles I. was as natural to him as his native air-it was a portion of his intellect. As a critic, Lamb had no equal, and we are moreover half inclined to agree with the Quarterly, that there are, amongst his poetical pieces, some as near perfection in their kind as any thing in our literature-" specimens of exceeding artifice and felicity in rhythm, metre, and diction."

by Lord Francis Egerton, in 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835."

Frederick Von Raumer, the author of the work here reviewed, is the same who wrote the 'History of the House of Hohenstauffen,' noticed in a former number of the Quarterly. The present History is spoken of

in high terms. It is the result of the author's residence the Review under consideration are deduced from the in Paris in 1830, and consists of a series of extracts from English translation, which is from the pen of Miss MSS. in the Bibliothèque Royale-chiefly the despatches Landon. With the exception of the French verses of Ambassadors. Lord Egerton's translation is favora- scattered throughout the work, and which are not very bly mentioned. happily rendered (we should think it impossible to Article V. "The Life of Edmund Kean. In 2 vols. translate them) L. E. L. has executed her task with London: 1835." much ability—at least so says the Quarterly, and weThis is a most severe and galling Philippic upon a very believe it. Some singular misconceptions of the meanworthless book. Indeed Barry Cornwall was the lasting of the original are, however, occasionally met with, person in the world who should have attempted the Life and we are at a loss whether to attribute them to careof Kean. From the poet's peculiar cast of mind, (Proc-lessness or an imperfect acquaintance with the French. ter is merely a dealer in delicate prettinesses,) he is par- The Review cites the following as an instance, and we ticularly ill-qualified for discussing the merits of an have noted several others equally glaring. actor whose province lay altogether amid the tempestuous regions of passion and energy. "A worse man"

says the critic-" might have made Kean's story entertaining a wiser, if he had told it at all, would have at least tried to make it instructive." The Essays upon the chief characters of Shakspeare, which fill nearly half the second volume, are truly said to be devoid of originality, vigor, or grace. To the entire book is laughably applied a couplet from an old criticism upon Suckling's Aglaura.

This great voluminous pamphlet may be said,

To be like one that hath more hair than head.

Article VI. 1. "Physiologie du Goût: ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante; Ouvrage Théorique, Historique, et à l'ordre du Jour. Dédié aux Gastronomes Parisiens. Par un Professeur (M. Brillat Savarin) Membre de Plusieurs Sociétés Savantes. 2 tomes, 5me edition, Paris: 1835."

N'attends donc plus de moi ces vers où la pensée
Comme d'un arc sonore avec grace élancée
Et sur deux mots pareils vibrant à l'unisson
Dansent complaisamment aux caprices du son!

Ce froid écho des vers répugne à mon oreille.
From me expect no more the verse where thought
Glances in grace as from the sounding bow,
When two words vibrating in unison
Complacent dance to the caprice of sound.

Now verse in its cold echo shocks my ear.
The Review lavishes many compliments upon La-
martine, and enters into a compendious sketch of his

the Reviewer, "a spirit of elegance in these poems more prominently and uniformly prevailing than in any equal portion of Mr. Wordsworth's former works. We mean an elegance such as Quinctillian ascribes to several of the Greek and Roman writers-a nobleness of thought and feeling made vocal in perfectly pure and appropri ate language. It struck us, at first, as an odd remark of Coleridge's, that Goethe and Wordsworth were something alike, but &c. &c." Heaven save us from our friends!

Article VIII. "Yarrow Revisited and other Poems. By Wm. Wordsworth. 12mo. pp. 349. London, 1835." Here is one of those exceedingly rare cases in which a British critic confines himself strictly to his text-but this is nearly all that can be said in favor of the Article. A more partial, a more indiscriminate or fulsome pane2. "The French Cook. A System of Fashionable gyric we never wish to see, and surely “Yarrow Reand Economical Cookery; adapted to the use of Eng-visited" is worthy of a better fate. "There is," quoth lish Families, &c. by Louis Eustace Ude, ci-devant Cook to Louis XVI, and the Earl of Sefton, &c. &c. &c., 12th edition, with Appendix &c., London: 1833." This article is written in the most exquisite spirit of banter, and is irresistibly amusing. It commences with a sketch of the history, present state and literature of cookery! and concludes with a particular Notice of the books at the head of the article. “Mirabeau”—says the critic "used to present Condorcet with voilà ma théorie, and the Abbé Maury with voilà ma pratique. We beg leave to present M. Brillat Savarin as our theory, M. Ude as our practice." A biographical account of Savarin is introduced-full of wit. Savarin was Judge of the Court of Cassation, Member of the Legion of Honor, and of most of the scientific and literary societies of France. His work consists of "a collection of aphorisms, a dialogue between the author and a friend as to the expediency of publication, a biographical notice of the friend, thirty meditations, and a concluding Miscellany of adventures, inventions, and anecdotes."

Article VII. 1. "Souvenirs, Impressions, Pensées, et Paysages pendant un Voyage en Orient, 1832, 1833. Par M. Alphonse de Lamartine, 4 vols. Paris: 1835." 2. "A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, &c. By Alphonse de Lamartine, 3 vols. London: 1835." An English translation of Lamartine's Pilgrimage, and even a pirated Bruselles edition of the original, were read in London before the publication of the original itself. This is high evidence of the writer's popularity, at least, however prejudicial it may have proved to his literary and pecuniary interests, The Remarks in

Article IX.-1. "Rough Leaves from a Journal kept in Spain and Portugal. By Lieut. Col. Badcock, 8 vo. London: 1835."

2. Recollections of a few days spent with the Queen's Army in Spain, in September 1833, 12mo. (privately printed,) London: 1835."

3. "Recollections of a visit to the Monasteries of Alcobaça, and Batalha. By the author of Vathek, 8 vo. London: 1835, pp. 228."

Colonel Badcock's book is favorably noticed. This Officer was sent to the Peninsula, by Earl Grey's Ministry, for the purpose of transmitting exact intelligence to the government at home. In the discharge of this mission, he traversed the greater part of Spain, was present at the siege of Oporto, and attended Don Pedro to the camp before Santarem. His "Rough Leaves" are the result. From the work whose title appears in the second place large extracts are made, all of a highly amusing nature. The critique concludes with a brief complimentary notice of Mr. Beckford's 'Recollections,' which are excessively overpraised.

Article X.-1. "First Report of the Commissioners

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