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but the echoes mais


alone answered (to him).—The favour

écho, m. seul répondirent 1

faveur, f.

asked (of me), I granted it (to them) at once.

qu' demandèrent

-She and I (will



3accordai f. 2

write) (to her) immediately.
écrirons i
tout de suite.



105. There is still one pronoun of the third person Se,* which is used both for persons and things.

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He flatters himself.

She fatigues herself.
It destroys itself.

Ils or elles se soumettent, They submit themselves.

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To revenge oneself.

He speaks to himself.

She speaks to herself.

106. REMARK.-Soi is used instead of se, when the pronoun takes a preposition; as, Il ne faut pas être trop content de soi, One must not be too much pleased with oneself.


Young people are liable to deceive themselves, when they Les jeunes gens sont sujets à tromper 1 quand do not submit to the advice of their friends.-He fatigues ne se soumettent pas avis, pl. de leurs ami, pl. Il fatigue himself in vain to persuade them.-He drew (upon) himself en vain à 2persuader 1

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himself (up) to the study of philosophy. étude, f. la philosophie.


*S'before a vowel or h mute

107. Two other words serve as pronouns in speaking of persons or things, and are always placed before the verb, except in the imperative affirmative, viz. EN and Y.

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If you



succeed in obtaining that post I (shall be) glad réussissez à obtenir ce poste j 2serai content

of it. - You


saw that gentleman, what do you think of him?





Vous avez vu ce monsieur, qu' -His mother is now very old, and he would Sa mère est maintenant très-âgée, et il ne voudrait not (go away) from her.-These are his favourite pursuits, he pas s'éloigner sont ses favorite 1étude, pl. il I (was coming) thence when I J' 2 venais


always speaks of them. toujours parle 1



lorsque je

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met them. (Have you got) any more to sell? I rencontrai 1 2 Avez-vous 1 plus à vendre?


(shall buy) again three of them.
encore trois

(you must) wait till Thursday.
il vous faut attendre à


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Il m'a trompé, je ne m'y fie He deceived me, I trust to
him no more.

Elle m'a trompé, je ne m'y She deceived me, I trust to

fie plus.

Je n'y consentirai jamais.

Il aime les sciences, il s'y

her no more.

I shall never consent to it. He likes sciences; he applies himself to them.

Votre thème est bon, je n'y Your exercise is good, I see

vois pas de faute.

in them, Vos thèmes sont bons, je

n'y ai trouvé que deux


no mistake in it.

Your exercises are good, I


found only two mistakes in them.

If (you trust) him, you will be deceived.-(How many) Si vous vous fiez 1(to him) vous serez trompé. Combien did you find in the parcel?— I found three of them en avez-vous trouvé dans paquet, m. ? J'ai trouvé trois 2



in it. — (Are you still thinking) of what he said?. encore à ce qu' il a dit? Yes, I am. I consent to it, provided you come with Oui, j' (to it) pense. J' 'consens pourvu que vous veniez avec me. I subscribe (to them) with pleasure.

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of it.-(Were you thinking) of it?-You must 1to it. ? Pensiez-vous 1to it? Il faut find a great pleasure in it.

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I shall think

J' 2penserai

pay attention faire attention

109. IMPORTANT REMARK. The choice of personal pronouns is always determined,

1st, By the gender and number of the person or thing they represent; and,

2d, By the preposition which the French verb governs, that is, the preposition which would be placed before the object, if expressed.

When the French verb does not govern any preposition, the gender and number of the object simply determine the choice of the pronoun.

For instance, in this phrase:

Je vois MON FRÈRE,

| I see my brother;

If I wish to express the object, mon frère, by a pronoun, this pronoun must be merely masculine and singular as frère is; therefore I must use le, him, thus:

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But when the French verb governs a preposition, the pronoun must also represent that preposition, besides the gender and number of the object.

For instance, in this phrase:

Il succède à son frère, I He succeeds his brother; If I wish to express the object, à son frère, by a pronoun, this pronoun must be both masculine and singular as frère is, and it must also represent the preposition à, which the verb succéder, to succeed, requires before the object, when expressed; therefore I must use lui, thus: I He succeeds him; LUI being in French equivalent to à lui, to him, which is not used before the verb. (95. 103.)

II LUI succède,

In the same way, the preposition used in French after auxiliary verbs combined with a noun, an adjective, or a past participle, when the object is expressed, determines the choice of the pronoun which is to represent that object; as,

J'ai besoin DE la plume,

I want the pen.

J'EN ai besoin,
I want it.

EN stands for d'elle, of it, which is not used before the verb. (95. 103.)


Il est enclin à la
He is prone to idleness.

Il y est enclin,
He is prone to it.

Y stands for à elle, to it, which is not used before the verb. (95. 103.)

This remark will facilitate the use of the pronouns EN and Y, as the former represents the object of a verb requiring in French the preposition de, and the latter that of a verb requiring à, or an object preceded by any other preposition than de.

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mother.-We said to her. mère. Nous dîmes

sold it. We sold

the house. We sold it.

2vendîmes 'm. Nous vendîmes la maison. Nous vendîmes 1f.

-We received two fine pictures.


gave them.

Nous reçûmes

beaux tableaux.

Nous donnâmes 1

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your affair.-We speak of it.-We (shall inform) your friend votre affaire. Nous parlons Nous informerons votre ami of your plans.-We shall inform him of them.-We trust vos plans. Nous 3informerons 1 Nous nous fions to his honesty.-We trust to it. We consent to this à son honnêteté. Nous nous fions 1


Nous consentons à ce

bargain. We consent to it.--He comes from town.-He consentons 1 Il vient de la ville. Il Is he in his room? He is in it still. Est-il dans sa chambre? Il est 1

marché. Nous comes from it. 2vient 1

-I think of writing that letter.-I think (of doing so).
Je pense à écrire cette lettre. J' 'pense to it.


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