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and payment: and a debate arose, which was adjourned till the next day, when the said Company remonstrated, that at the time of calling in the 50 per cent, they had a good estate to that value: That the said 50 per cent. was repayed to the old adventurers, with the concurrence of the new subscribers.

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June 26. The Bill was passed on a division, Yeas 115, Noes 78; and sent up to the lords. Protest thercon.] July 1. In the house of lords, after hearing Counsel for and against the Bill, and after debate thereupon, the question was put, Whether this Bill shall be read a second time? It was resolved in the affirmative. Contents 47, Proxies 18; in all 65. Not Contents 28, Proxies 20; in all 48.

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"That the original Stock of the said Company in 1657, was 369,391/. 5s. That 390 per cent. was divided between Oct. 1, 1661, and April 1, 1681 That at a general Court, Nov. 2, 1681, a Call was made for the residue of the Adventurers Subscriptions, at 100 per cent. at two equal payments. That Jan. 18, 1681, the said Call was revoked, and a dividend of 150 per cent. was ordered, viz. 100 per cent. to double their stock, and 50 per cent. in money. That it appeared upon enquiry, that this sudden difference in the company's affairs, was owing to the arrival of 6 ships valued at 500,000l. That Dec. 31, 1680, the Company was in debt 532,5891. 7s. 6d. That in 1681, they took up at interest 80,9407. That from the time of doubling their Stocks as above, their Dividends Dissentient', 1. Because this Bill puts an were made regularly after the rate of 25 per unreasonable hardship upon the present Eastcent. So that their Dividends from 1657 to India Company, since it plainly appeared at 1681, amount to 410 per cent, and from 1681 the bar of this house, that a security, of which to 1691 doubling the same, according to the (we conceive) there was no reason to doubt, nominal duplication of the stock, to 400l. per had been offered by the said Company for raiscent, in all from 1657 to 1691, 840 per cent. ing the whole two millions for the public serof the 369,8911. 5s, original stock. That these vice, whereas the Bill investing the new sub. Dividends were always made on the arrival of scribers with the trade upon the subscription ships on general computations, without the help of one million only, does not, as we conceive, of their books or a minute state of their whole give so much as a probability of raising more; Account. That March 31, 1693, their Books and it may be reasonably enough doubted, not being balanced any farther, the total of their whether the separate trade allowed in this bill, Debt upon Bond, amounted to 631,551/. 19s. concurrent with a joint-stock, may not prove 10d. That what is owing by Customs, amounts so inconsistent, as to discourage the subscripby computation to 41,177. 98. 4d. And for tion from ever coming near to the said million. Freight and Demurrage 10,191l. 7s. 3d. -2. Because the bill puts a period to the in regard to their Debts in India, they charter of the East-India Company, and gives not compute them in less than ten days. That the whole trade thither to other persons, withtheir cash amounted to 5,1007. That there was out so much as suggesting that the said charter, due to them upon Account 10,000l. That they or the trade carried on by virtue of it, hath have Salt Petre to the value of 13,000l. That been prejudicial to the king or kingdom, thoughi the cargoes of their ships abroad are valued at the said company have an express clause in 925,639. 5s. 3d. That with regard to their their charter, that it shall not be determined dead Stock in India, they give the same Answer without three years warning, even if it should that they did to their Debts there.-That the appear not profitable to the king or this realm; Company having received 741,000l. new Sub- and the bill granting likewise a supply of two scriptions, and enquiry being made how it was millions, in which the commons pretended the disposed of, it was answered that it was impos- house of lords ought not to make any alterasible to give the particulars, but that all was tion; we are of opinion, their lordships are comprized in their Cash Books; which being thereby likewise deprived of the freedom of examined, they found that, beside 325,5657. Os. their vote in the matter of the East-India trade, 4d. repaid to the old Adventurers, the following to which it cannot be denied but they have an particulars were placed to account, viz. Nov. equal right with the commons, and yet by its 30, 1693, paid for the Company's special ser- being joined to a bill of supply, this house must vice 24,983/. Dec. 7, 1694, for Disbursements either be the occasion of disappointing so large for the Company 7,828 18s. To sir Thomas and necessary a grant for the public service, or Cook, on his note dated Jan. 10, 1693,90,000l." be put upon the unreasonable hardship of conThe Bill passed in favour of the New Com-senting to a matter which, though it seems pany, and sent up to the Lords.] A motion was then made, that satisfaction be given to the late Subscribers to the East-India Company, for all damages done them, by making Dividends beyond the real value of the Company's Stock, at the time of such dividend; and also by ordering to be paid out of the new Subscriptions a sum of about 325,000l. lent by the members of the old Company by way of Increase of their capital stock; such damage to be answered out of the estates of the said members, respectively receiving such dividend

That could

never so unjust, it is fruitless for them to examine, if their amendments are not to be admitted, because offered to a money-bill, which we humbly conceive to be a manifest violation of the rights of this house, and tending to an alteration of the constitution of the government. (Signed) Halifax, H. London, Willoughby, Jeffreys, Berkeley of Berkeley, P. Winchester, Torrington, Rochester, T. Roffen, Howard, Denbigh, E. Gloucester, Scarsdale, Godolphin, Audley, Granville, Peterboron, Dartmouth, Berkeley, Anglesey, Guilford."

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Molyneux's "Case of Ireland" complained on, as an occasion and encouragement to the of] May 21. Complaint had been made in the forming, and publishing, the dangerous posi commons of a printed Book, entitled, The tions contained in the said Book. The conseCase of Ireland being bound by Acts of Par-quences of such positions and proceedings will liament in England,' (written by William be so fatal to this kingdom, and even Ireland Molyneux of Dublin, esq.) which denied the itself, that they need not be enlarged on, or Dependence of Ireland upon the authority of aggravated. Therefore, we, your dutiful subthe parliament of England. A Committee was jects, rest satisfied, that your majesty, by your thereupon appointed, to examine further into royal prudence, will prevent their being drawn the said Pamphlet, to enquire into the Author into example. And we, with all duty and of it; and also to search what Proceedings had humility, assure your majesty of our ready conbeen in Ireland that might occasion the said currence and assistance, in a parliamentary Book; and an Address to the king voted, that way, to preserve and maintain the dependence his majesty would give directions for the dis- and subordination of Ireland to the imperial covery and punishment of the Author. crown of this realm. And we humbly beseech your majesty, That you would be graciously pleased to give effectual orders, to prevent any thing of the like nature for the future, and the pernicious consequences of what is past, by punishing and discountenancing those that have been guilty thereof. And we beseech your majesty to take all necessary care, that the

June 22. Upon the Report of the Committee, it was unanimously resolved, "That the said Book was of dangerous consequence to the crown and people of England, by denying the authority of the king and parliament of England, to bind the kingdom and people of Ireland, and the subordination and dependence that Ireland has, and ought to have upon Eng-laws which direct and restrain the parliament land, as being united and annexed to the im- of Ireland in their actings, be not evaded, but perial crown of this realm; and that a Bill strictly observed:-And that your majesty entitled, An Act for the better Security of his would be pleased to discourage all things, which majesty's person and government,' trans-may, in any degree, tend to lessen the dependmitted under the great seal of Leland; where- ence of Ireland upon England." by an act of parliament made in England, was To this Address his majesty's answer was, pretended to be re-enacted, alterations therein "That he would take care that what was com made, and divers things enacted also, pretend-plained of, might be prevented and redressed ing to oblige the courts of justice, and the great as the Commons desired." seal of England, by the authority of an Irish parliament; had given occasion and encouragement, to the forming and publishing the dangerous Positions contained in the said Book."

Address thereon. The house in a body then presented the following Address to the king:


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June 23. Au Address was read and agreed to, recommending the services and sufferings of the city of London-Derry to his majesty's consideration, for relief in the kingdom of Ireland; that they might no longer remain a ruinous spectacle to all, a scorn to their enemies, and a discouragement to his majesty's well-affected subjects. As likewise the Governor and Garrison of the said City, as those who through the utmost sufferings and extremities have defended the same; and for so signal service, did deserve to have some special marks of his majesty's favour for a lasting monument to posterity.In Aswer to which, his majesty was pleased to promise to take them into consideration.

The King's Speech at the close of the Session.} July 5. The king came to the house of peers, and, having given the royal assent to several Bills, closed the session with the following Specch:

We, your majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons in parliament assembled, conceive ourselves in duty bound to represent to your majesty the dangerous attempts, that have been of late made, by some of your subjects of Ireland, to shake off their subjection to, and dependence on, this kingdom: which has manifestly appeared to us, not only by the bold and pernicious assertions in a Book, published, and dedicated to your most excellent majesty, intituled, The Case of Ireland's being bound by Act of Parliament in England stated;' which Book we examined and considered, upon its being brought to us, by your majesty's leave; but, more fully and authentically, by the Votes and proceedings of the house of commons in My lords and gentlemen; I cannot take Ireland, in their late sessions; and by a Bill leave of so good a parliament, without pubsent hither, under the great seal of ireland,licly acknowledging the sense I have of the intituled, An Act for the better Security of his great things you have done for my safety and majesty's royal person and goverment; honour, and for the support and welfue of my whereby they would have an Act passed in the people. Every one of your sessions hath parliament of England, expressly binding Ire-made good this character. The happy uniting land, to be re-enacted there; and alterations of us in an association for our mutual defence; therein made; some of which amount to a re- the remedying the corruption of the coin, peal of what is required by the said act, made which had been so long growing upon the nain England; and, in other of the said altera- tion; the restoring of credit; the giving of tions, pretending to give authority to, and supplies in such a manner for carrying on the oblige, the courts of justice, and great seal, war, as did by God's blessing produce an ho here in England:-This we cannot but look nourable peace; and after that, the making

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such provisions for our common security, and towards satisfying the debts contracted in so long a war, with as little burden to the kingdom, as is possible, are such things, as will give a lasting reputation to this parliament, and will be a subject of emulation to those, who shall come after. Besides all this, I think myself personally obliged to return my thanks to you, gentlemen of the house of coinmons, for the regard you have had to my honour, by the establishment of my revenue.-My lords and gentlemen; There is nothing I value so much, as the esteem and love of my people; and, as for their sakes I avoided no hazards, during the war, so my whole study and care shall be to improve and continue to them the advantages and blessings of peace. And I earnestly desire of you all, in your several stations, to be vigilant in preserving peace and good order, and in a due and regular execution of the laws, especially those against profaneness and irreligion."

The Parliament prorogued and dissolved.] Then the parliament was prorogued, and two days after dissolved, having now sat its period of three years, in which, as the king said in his speech, great things had been done; the whole money of England was recoined; the king secured in his government: an honourable peace was made; public credit was restored; and the payment of Public Debts was put on sure funds*.

"The chief conduct of affairs lay now in a few hands. Among these the lord Sommers was most eminent in the house of lords; for, as he was one of the ablest and most incorrupt judges, that ever presided in Chancery, so his great capacity for all affairs inade the king consider him beyond all his ministers; and he well deserved the confidence that the king expressed for him on all occasions. In the house of commons, Mr. Mountague, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, had gained such a visible ascendent over all, who were zealous for the king's service, that he gave the law to the rest, which he did always with great spirit, but sometimes with too assuming an air. The Fleet was in the earl of Orford's management, who was both Treasurer of the Navy, and at the head of the Admiralty. He had brought in many into the service, who were very zealous for the government; but a spirit of impiety and dissoluteness ran through too many of them, so that those, who intended to cast a load upon the government, had too great advantages given by some of those. The administration at home was, otherwise, without exception, and no grievances were complained of Sir William Trumball had been removed, on the 5th of Dec. 1697, from the post of Secretary of State, which was conferred on Mr. James Vernon, who had formerly been Secretary to the Duke of Monmouth, and since the Revolution, chief clerk to the duke of Shrewsbury, under whom he had for several years managed all the affairs of the duke's office,

On the 20th of July, the king embarked for Holland, and concluded the Treaty of Partition. On the 3d of December, his majesty landed at Margate.


List of the House of Commons.] December 6, 1698. This day the New Parliament met af Westminster. The following is a List of the Members of the House of Commons:

Abington, Simon Harcourt. St. Albans, Sir John Garrard, Lord Cheyne. Agmondesham, Sir Samuel Grimston, George Churchill. Aldborough, (Suffolk) Sir Henry Johnson,

William Johnson. Aldborough, (Yorkshire) Sir George Cook, Sir Abstru. Danby. Allerton, North, Sir William Holster, Ralph Milbank. Andover, John Smith, Anthony Henley. Anglesea, Richard visc. Bulkley. Appleby, Jervis Pierrepoint, Sir John Walter. Arundel, John Cook, Christopher Knight. Ashburton, William Stawell, Richard Duke. Aylesbury, James Herbert, Robert Dormer. Bambury, Sir John Cope. Barnstaple, Nicholas Hooper, Arthur Champneys.


Alexander Popham,
William Blaithwayt.

Owen Hughes.


Lord Russel.

Sir William Gostwick.

Bedford Town,
Sir Thomas Alston,
William Spencer.
Francis Stonehouse.
Charles Devant.

Sir Humphrey Forster,
Richard Nevil.


Sir Francis Blake,
Samuel Ogle.

Ralph Wharton,
Sir Michael Wharton.

Salway Winnington.
Bishops Castle,
Sir William Brownlow,
Charles Mason.
Hugh Hare,
Sir Robert Clayton.

Russel Roberts,
John Hoblyn.
James Montagu,
Sir John Hales.

Sir Henry Goodrick,

which the duke could not attend, because of his ill state of health, and was afterwards advanced to the place of Secretary to the Lords Justices, during the king's absence, which employment he had discharged to the king's satisfaction." Tindal.

"Among the Pamphlets published about this time, there were two, which are laid on so broad and so constitutional a basis, that they deserve not only to have a place in our History, but to be made the standard of judgment in whatever relates to the Conduct of Parliaments: the first of them is called, The Danger of Mercenary Parliaments.' The second, Considerations on the Nature of Parliaments, and our present Elections.'" Ralph. For Copies of these Tracts, see Appendix No. XI. and No. XV.

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Christopher Vane.

Sir John Pole,
John Tregagle.

Richard Wynn,
Ldmund Boulter.
Charles Egerton,
Sir John Aubery.
William Westbrook,
John Courthope.

Brecon County,
Sir Rowland Gwyn.
Brecon Town,
Thomas Morgan.
Roger Hoare,
George Crane.

Peter Pattiscomb,
Alexander Pitfield.

Sir Thomas Day,
Robert Yates.


Sir Edward Acton,
Sir William Whitmore.
Goodwyn Wharton.
Lord Cheyne.

Buckingham Town,
Sir Richard Temple,
Alex. Denton.

[blocks in formation]

Chester County,
Sir Robert Cotton,
Sir John Mainwaring.
Chester Town,

Sir Thomas Grosvenor,
Peter Shackle.


Sir Richard Farrington,
John Miller.
Edward Montagu,
Walter White.

Chipping Wycombe,
Charles Godfrey,
Thomas Archdale.

Christ's Church,
Lord Cornbury,
William Ettericke.
Henry Ireton,
Charles Cox.

Sir Joseph Herne,
William Hayne.
Christopher Lister,
Thomas Stringer.
William Seymour,
Sir George Fletcher.

Sir Thomas Cook,
Sir Isaac Rebow.
John Banks,
William Culliford.
Hugh Boscawen.
John Speccot.

Sir Christopher Hales,
Richard Hopkins.
Edward Pleydell,
Charles Fox.

Sir John Lowther,
Sir George Fletcher.

Denbigh County,

Sir Richard Middleton.
Denbigh Town,
Edward Brereton.
Sir Gilbert Clark,
Henry Gilbert.

Derby Town,
Lord Cavendish,
George Vernon.

Sir Francis Child,
John Methuen.
Francis Courtney,
Samuel Rolle.
Thomas Strangeways,
Thomas Freke.
Sir Robert Napier,
Nathaniel Napier.

Sir Basil Dixwell,
James Chadwick.

Downton, John Eyre,

Carew Raleigh. Droitwich, Charles Cox, Thomas Foley. Dunwich, Sir Robert Rich, Henry Hevingham. Durham County, Sir Robert Eden, William Lambton. Durham City, Charles Montagu, Thomas Conyers.


Henry Trelawny,
Charles Trelawny.
Edmunds Bury,
Sir Robert Davers.
John Harvey,
Edward Bullock,

Sir Charles Barrington.

Sir Henry Parker,
John Rudge.

Sir Edward Seymour,
Sir Bart. Shower.

Spencer Compton,
Sir Joseph Jekyll.
Sir J. Conway.
Flint Town,
Thomas Mostyn.

Sir Bevil Granville,
Thomas Vivian.

Thomas Turgis,
Maurice Thompson.

Germains, (St.)-
Daniel Elliot,
Henry Fleming,
Bussey Mansel.
John How,
Richard Cocks.
Gloucester City,
Sir William Rich,
William Selwyn.

Sir William Seawen,
John Tanner.

[blocks in formation]

Sir Theo. Oglethorpe,
George Vernon.

John Pulteney,
Peter Gott.

Haverford West,
Sir William Wogan.

Sidney Godolphin,
Charles Godolphin.
Henry Cornwall,
Henry Georges.
Hereford City,
James Bridges,
Samuel Pitts.

Sir Thomas Pope Blunt,
Thomas Halsey.

Hertford Town,
Sir William Cowper,
William Cowper.

Anthony Duncombe,
Hugh Bethel,

William Ash,
Edward Ash.

Higham Ferrers,
Thomas Etkins.
Sir James How,
Reynolds Calthorp.

Sir William Drake,
Sir Walter Yonge.

John Machell,
Henry Yates.
John Dryden,
John Proby.

Huntingdon Town,
Sir Francis Wortley,
Edward Carteret.

Sir Philip Boteler,
Jacob Desboverie.

Francis Windham,
John Philips.

Samuel Barnardiston,
Richard Philips.

Ives, (St.)

Sir Charles Wyndham, James Praed.

[blocks in formation]

Robert Hey ham,

Roger Kirkby.


Lord Hyde,
William Carey.

John Verney,
John Wilkins.

Leicester Town,
Sir William Villers,
Lawrence Carter.
Thomas Coningsby,
Edward Harley.
Henry Datel,
William Bridges.
George Booth,
Samuel Travers,
Henry Pelham,
Thomas Pelham.
Charles Dymock,
George Whichcott.
Lincoln City,
Sir John Bolles,
Sir, Edward Hussey.
Richard Dyott,
Sir Michael Biddulpb.
William Clayton,
Sir William Norris.
Sir John Fleet,
Sir William Ashurst,
Thomas Papillion,
Sir James Houblon.
Francis Herbert,
Thomas Newport.
Walter Kent,
John Webb.

Robert Henley,
Henry Henley.
Thomas Dore,
George Burrard.
Sir John Turner,
Sir Charles Turner.
Sir Robert Marsham,
Thomas Bliss,
Sir Eliab Harvey,
Irby Montagu.
Michael Wicks,
Edward Pauncefort.
William Palmes,
Thomas Worsley.
Earl of Ranelagh,
William Greenfield.

Sir James Etheridge,
James Chace.

Mawes, St.)

Sir Joseph Tredenham,
John Tredenham.

Melcomb Regis,
Michael Harvey,
Thomas Freke.
Hugh Nanney.

Sir Wm. Morley,

John Lukener.

Sir John Wolstonholm,
Warwick Lake.

Sir Thomas Travel,
Sir Charles Carteret.
Jacob Banks,
Henry Lutterel.
Michael, (St.)
Sir John Hawles,
John Povery.
Sir John Williams,
Thomas Morgau.
Monmouth Town,
Henry Probet.
Philip Howard,
Sir Henry Bellysis,
Edward Vaughan.
Montgomery Town,
Price Devereux.

Newark upon Trent,
Francis Molineux,
George Markham.
Newcastle under Line,
Sir John Gower,
Sir Thomas Bellot.

Newcastle upon Tine,
Sir William Blacket,
William Carr.

Newport, (Cornwall)
John Grenville,
John Morrice.

Newport, (Hants)
Lord Cutts,
Sir Robert Cotton.
Newton, (Lancashire}
Thomas Lee,
Thomas Broughton.
Newton, (Hants)
Thomas Hopton,
John Worsley,

Sir William Cook,
Sir Jacob Astley.
Sir Justinian Ishain,
John Parkhurst.

Northampton Town,
William Thursby,
Chr. Montagu.
Sir Edward Blacket,
William Forster.
Robert Davy,
Thomas Blofield.


Sir Thomas Willoughby.

Gervis Eyre.

Nottingham Town,
William Pierrepoint,
Richard Slater.

William Harris,
Thomas Northmore.

Sir Charles Hedges,
Thomas Felton.

Lord Norris,

Sir Robert Jenkinson.
Oxford City,
Thomas Rowney,
Sir Edward Norris.
Oxford University,
Sir Christ. Musgrave,
Sir Will. Glynn.
Arthur Owen.
Pembroke Town,
Sir John Philips.
Samuel Trefusis,
James Vernon.
Sidney Wortley,
Francis St. John.
Peter Bettesworth,
Robert Mitchell.
Charles Trelawney,
John Rogers.
Marmaduke Ryder,
Courtney Croker.
William Jolliff,
William Piper.
Sir John Bland,
John Bright.
Sir George Rook,
Thomas Erle.
Henry Ashurst,
Thomas Molineux.
Thomas King,
Robert Crawford.

Radnor County,
Thomas Harvey.
Radnor Town,
Robert Harley.

Sir Owen Buckingham,
Sir John Dalby.

Sir Willough. Hickman,
William Levinz.

John Darcy,
Thomas York.
John Aislaby,
Jonathan Jennings.

Sir Cloudsley Shovel,
Sir Joseph Williamson.


Sir Charles Sedley,
John Brewer.

Rutland County,
Richard Halford,
Lord Burleigh.

Joseph Offley,
Sir John Austin.

Stephen Harvey,
Edward Thurland.
Salop County,
Sir Edward Leighton,
Edw. Kynaston.
Salop Town,
Richard Mytton,
John Kynaston.
John Speccott,
John Morrice.
John March,
John Thurbane.
Sarum, New,
Charles Fox,
Robert Eyre.

Sarum Old,
Charles Mompesson,
William Harvey.
Lord Irwyn,

Sir Charles Hotham.

Sir William Thomas,
William Lowndes.

Sir Edward Nicholas,
Henry Cornwall.
Charles Sergison,
John Perry.
Sir Edward Philips,
John Hunt.

Southampton County,
Thomas Helljerd,
Richard Newton.
Southampton Town,
Sir Benj. Newland,
John Smith.
Charles Cox,
John Cholmondeley,
Edward Paget,
John Gray.
Stafford Town.
Thomas Foley,
Philip Foley.
William Cecil,
Charles Bertie.

Sir John Fagg,
Sir Edw. Hungerford.
George Pitt,
Anthony Sturt.
John Hesketh,
Thomas Barnard.

Sir Lionel Talmash,

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