ANARCHY OF THE Ranters, and other Libertines, THE HIER ARCH Y Romanifts, and other pretended Churches IN A Two-fold Apology for the Church and People of God, They are vindicated from thofe that accuse them of By ROBERT BARCLAY. Phil. ii. 3. Let nothing be done through Strife, or vain Glory; but in To which is added, A Brief EXAMINATION and STATE of By WILLIAM PENN. LONDON: Printed by MARY HINDE, N° 2, George- Yard, Lombard Street. 1771. Burelay ZXTP 5741 b THE PREFACE TO THE R E A D E R. UCH is the Malignity of Man's Nature in his fallen State, and fo averfe is he from walking in the ftraight and even Path of Truth, that at every Turn be is inclinable to lean either to the right Hand or to the left; yea, fuch as by the Work of God's Grace in their Hearts, and powerful Operation of bis Spirit have obtained an Entrance in this Way, are daily molested, and fet upon on all Hands; fome ftriving to draw them the one Way, fome the other: And if through the Power of God they be kept faithful and ftable, then are they calumniated on both Sides; each likening or comparing them to the worst of their Enemies. Thole that are acquainted with the Holy Scriptures, may obferve this to be the Lot of the Saints in all Ages; but especially thofe, whofe Place it bath been to reform and restore the Ruins of the House of God, when decayed, or any confiderable Time have been liable to fuch Cenfures: Hence thofe that Jet about Repairing of the Walls of Jerufalem, were neceffitated to work with the one Hand, and defend with the other. Christ is accufed of the Jews as a Samaritan; and by the Samaritans quarrelled for being a Jew. The Apostle Paul is whipped and imprisoned by the Gentiles, D |