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which, if protected from foreign violence, will equal in importance the commerce of Great Britain with her mighty neighbour, France.

We now say, that these provinces have the means of forming in peace, and as it were commercially, a barrier against Russia, on the West of the Euxine, not less effectual, and perhaps more galling to her than on the East the mountain barrier of the Caucasus. How curiously shall we inquire into all these points when the period of prevention shall have passed away!

Extracts from the Treaty of St. Petersburgh, 29th Jan. 1834.

"ART. II-Par l'Instrument fait séparément à Adrinople, relativement aux Principautés de la Valachie et de la Moldavie, la Sublime Porte a pris l'engagement de reconnaître formellement les reglemens faits, pendant que les troupes Russes occupaient ces Provinces, par les principaux habitans*-sur leur administration intérieure; la Sublime Porte ne trouvant rien dans les articles de cette constitution, qui puisse affecter ses droits de Souveraineté, consent dés à present à reconnaître formellement la dite Constitution.

"Elle s'engage à publier à cet egard un Firman, accompagné d'un Hatti Sherif, deux mois aprés l'echange des ratifications et à donner une copie du même à la Mission Russe à Constantinople.† "Aprés la reconnaissance formelle de la Constitution, les Hospo

* Read General Kesileff.

Not to any other Mission or to the Prince Hospodars, or to be formally announced to the rest of Europe.

dars de Vallachie et de Moldavie seront nommés, mais POUR CETTE SEULE FOIS-CI, et comme un cas tout particulier, de la manière qui a été convenue, il y a quelque tems; entre les deux puissances contractantes, et ils commenceront à gouverner les deux provinces conformément à la Constitution, laquelle est une suite des stipulations dont il a été parté plus haut.


THE Russians are at length to evacuate Silistria. So then all the projects imputed to that power finally turn out to be unjust and malignant. Russia at the same time remits a portion of the debt as security for which Silistria was said to be held. Here is a new demonstration of the liberality of the Emperor, a new guarantee for the duration of peace; and as further guarantees for the continuation of that European peace, Austria is disarming and the Dardanelles are fortifying.

Not many months back the evacuation of Silistria, and the remission of the debt, would have led the simple-minded of this country to discredit any evidence that could have been brought forward, with a view to substantiate the reality of those designs which now no one questions.

Whether Russia's calculations will ultimately prove true or not, as regards the actions of Great Britain, it is perfectly clear that she has been mistaken in her estimate of the opinions of Great Britain.

The evacuation of Silistria, if it fails to prove the absence of the designs which have been imputed to Russia, does prove the reality of the alarms she entertains lest we should frustrate those designs. So far, therefore, we have reason for congratulation. But, on the other hand, as is natural in a question so complicated as this, there are grounds for apprehensions of the most serious character. It is notorious that during the last few months a great excitement has prevailed amongst the Turks, and great expectations have been raised of seeing some step taken by England, which will relieve them from the constant menace of the occupation or destruction of their capital. This excitement, unsupported in any degree, must in the nature of things be followed by reaction; and on the one hand the neglect of our interests, and on the other the contemptuous tone assumed by Russia towards us, and assumed with impunity, must gradually introduce a lower and a lower estimate of the capacity and intelligence of our country. Now it may be perfectly true that the attitude taken by England has forced Russia to this double concession of position and money. But will the Turks think of that? Will they not rather eagerly avail themselves of

such a pretext for closing their eyes against a danger which it requires no small degree of intellectual enlightenment to unravel and of moral courage to look steadily in the face. The advantageous position prepared for England, at a very recent period, by a combination of circumstances truly extraordinary, has not been occupied by her; whilst Russia proceeds by varying means but with an unchangeable mind, and with that firmness of purpose which always renders itself great, imposing, and successful, by the appropriation of every favourable chance that is offered by the mutability of fortune.

But after all, is Silistria evacuated? What means the term of five months? Why the accumulation of troops towards the very point from which a retreat is to be effected? What means the quarantine establishment at the mouths of the Danube? What means the visit of the Emperor to Odessa? What means the nomination of Paskewitz Erivansky to the command of the army in Bessarabia? What means the nomination of Mouravieff to the command of Silistria? If these things have any meaning, what does the evacuation of Silistria mean?

Perhaps that fortress will be evacuated in the same guise that the Principalities were evacuated,

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