Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K. G.: Settlement of claims on France; financial state of France; differences between Spain and Portugal; negotiations respecting the colonies of Spain in America; plot and attempt to assassinate the Duke of Wellington; evacuation of France buy the allied armies, 1817-1818


À l'intérieur du livre

Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 885 - That His Majesty's Licence and Permission doth not authorise, and shall not be deemed or construed to authorise, the assumption of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege, appertaining unto a Knight Bachelor of these Realms.
Page 242 - France, désirant de rendre plus efficaces les dispositions énoncées dans ces articles et ayant, à cet effet, déterminé, par deux conventions séparées, la marche à suivre de part et d'autre pour l'exécution complète des articles susmentionnés...
Page 885 - That the intention of a Foreign Sovereign to decorate a British subject with the Insignia of such Order, shall be notified to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, either through the King's Minister abroad, or through the accredited Minister of the Foreign Sovereign resident at this Court.
Page 242 - XXXI, dudit Traité, autant que les Stipulations renfermées dans ces Articles n'ont pas été changées ou modifiées par le présent Acte ; et il est expressément convenu, que les explications et les développemens que les Hautes Parties Contractantes ont jugé à propos de leur donner par les Articles suivans, ne préjudicieront en rien aux réclamations de toute autre nature, qui seraient autorisées par ledit Traité, sans être spécialement rappelées par la présente Convention.
Page 885 - Majesty's pleasure, and obtained his consent upon the occasion, he shall then signify to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, in order that he may cause the usual Warrant to be prepared for the Royal Sign Manual, and take such other steps as may be necessary for carrying His Majesty's pleasure into effect accordingly. 4th. That when the Warrant is signed by the King, it shall be announced in the Gazette in the usual manner, and registered in His Majesty's College of...
Page 885 - His consent upon the occasion, he shall then signify the same to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, in order that he may cause the usual Warrant to be prepared for the Royal Sign Manual, and take such other steps as may be necessary for carrying His Majesty's pleasure into effect accordingly. 4th. That when the Warrant is signed by the King, it shall be announced in the ' Gazette' in the usual manner, and registered in His Majesty's College of Arms.
Page 88 - ... of the operation. It has been already stated that one of the objects of the reserve is to protect the retreat of the body charging which has failed, or possibly to turn the fortune of the day by a fresh attack upon the enemy engaged in his pursuit, and it is therefore obvious that the reserve or second line of the cavalry should not be so near the first as to be at all affected by the confusion in which the first will naturally fall in its retreat from the charge. It is supposed that from...
Page 212 - Président, les assurances de la très haute considération avec laquelle j'ai l'honneur d'être de Votre Excellence le très humble et très obéissant serviteur.
Page 242 - Grande-Bretagne et la France, désirant de rendre plus efficaces les dispositions énoncées dans ces articles et ayant, à cet effet, déterminé par deux conventions séparées, la marche à suivre de part et d'autre pour l'exécution...
Page 565 - ... territoires en faveur du Portugal soit effectuée; et les puissances reconnaissent, autant qu'il dépend de chacune d'elles, que cet arrangement doit avoir lieu au plus tôt.

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