Twenty-First Century PennEarlham Press, 2003 - 415 pages This new edition of Penn's most absorbing works renders in clear modern English the thoughts of this theologically acute, well read, and imaginative 17th-century writer. |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-5 sur 59
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Table des matières
To the Unprejudiced Reader | 4 |
A Short Summary and Disproof of the Charges Made against Us at Thomas Vincents Meeting | 9 |
The Trinity of Distinct and Separate Persons in the Unity of Essence | 12 |
The Common Doctrine of Satisfaction as Dependent on the Second Person of the Trinity | 17 |
The Justification of Impure Persons by Imputed Righteousness | 27 |
A Critique of the Contradictions in Thomas Vincents Sermon on the Fifth Chapter of the First Epistle of John Delivered this Evening in SpittleYard | 39 |
8 and 111 | 44 |
A Questionary Postscript | 61 |
Chapter XVIII | 203 |
Chapter XIX | 215 |
Chapter XX | 220 |
Chapter XXI | 222 |
Chapter XXII | 224 |
Chapter XXIII | 229 |
PREFACE | 66 |
Introduction | 82 |
Chapter I | 90 |
Chapter II | 91 |
Chapter III | 93 |
Chapter IV | 98 |
Chapter V | 110 |
Chapter VI | 118 |
Chapter VII | 132 |
Chapter VIII | 148 |
Chapter IX | 157 |
Chapter X | 162 |
Chapter XI | 174 |
Chapter XII | 178 |
Chapter XIII | 184 |
Chapter XIV | 186 |
Chapter XV | 191 |
Chapter XVI | 194 |
Chapter XVII | 199 |
An Epistle to the Reader | 274 |
Chapter 1 | 276 |
Chapter 2 | 281 |
Chapter 3 | 283 |
Chapter 4 | 287 |
Chapter 5 | 296 |
Chapter 6 | 302 |
Chapter 7 | 308 |
Chapter 8 | 312 |
Chapter 9 | 317 |
Chapter 10 | 325 |
Chapter 11 | 335 |
To The Reader | 342 |
Chapter 1 | 343 |
Chapter 2 | 357 |
Chapter 3 | 377 |
Chapter 4 | 382 |
Chapter 5 | 387 |
Chapter 6 | 398 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Acts answer apostle behold believe blessed blood body called Christ Jesus Christian church circumcision claim Clement of Alexandria cometh commandments condemned conscience covenant death declare deny Divine Light Divine Principle doctrine earth enlightened eternal everlasting evil faith Father fellowship flesh forgiveness Gentiles George Fox George Whitehead give glory God’s gospel grace hath hearts heaven heavenly Holy Spirit humanity imputed imputed righteousness Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John judge judgment justified Justin Martyr kingdom live Luke manifest margin Matt mercy mind ministry nature noted the following obedience obey outward Penn has noted persecution person preach principle prophets Quakers Reader received religion religious revealed righteousness rule salvation saved Savior Scriptures seed servant shalt shew shining sins Socrates soul sufferings thee things thou true Light truth understanding unto wicked William Penn wisdom Word worldly worship writings written