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" England — of that great compound of folly, weakness, prejudice, wrong feeling, right feeling, obstinacy, and newspaper paragraphs, which is called public opinion... "
The Twentieth Century - Page 365
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The Living Age, Volume 245

1905 - 1004 pages
...surprised. He knows already all about any appeal that you can make to the better side of him. a nd he has long ago chopped It up In his mill of small...complaint of the Demos of his day: "It is but too true," be cries, "that there are many whose whole scheme of freedom Is made up of pride, perverseness, and...
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The British Quarterly Review, Volume 81

Henry Allon - 1885 - 530 pages to assert themselves. Writing to Mr. Croker so early as 1820, he says — Do not you think that the tone of England — of that great compound of...newspaper paragraphs, which is called public opinion — is more liberal — to use an odious but intelligible phrase — than the policy of the Government...
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Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume 74

George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates - 1885 - 604 pages
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MacMillan's Magazine, Volume 51

Sir George Grove, David Masson, John Morley, Mowbray Morris - 1884 - 522 pages
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The Croker Papers: The Correspondence and Diaries of ... John Wilson Croker

John Wilson Croker - 1884 - 460 pages
...Court of George IV.,' i. 15. Mr. Peel to Mr. Croker. Extract. Bognor, March 23rd. Do not you think that the tone of England — of that great compound of...newspaper paragraphs, which is called public opinion — is more liberal — to use an odious but intelligible phrase — than the policy of the Government...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 136

1884 - 876 pages
...and goes on to say : — " BOONOB, March 23rl. " Do not you think that the tone of England — oit that great compound of folly, weakness, prejudice,...newspaper paragraphs, which is called public opinion — is more liberal — to use an odious but intelligible phrase — than the policy of the Government?...
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The Croker Papers: The Correspondence and Diaries of the Late ..., Volume 1

John Wilson Croker - 1884 - 628 pages his own future policy. Mr. Peel to Mr. Croker. Extract. Bognor, March 23rd. Do not you think that the tone of England — of that great compound of folly, weakness, prejudice, wrong feeling, right * ["Orator Hunt," arrested in 1819 for being concerned in the "Peterloo" agitation, which had such...
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The Croker Papers: The Correspondence and Diaries of the Late ..., Volume 1

John Wilson Croker - 1885 - 682 pages
...half years' imprisonment.] Mr. Peel to Mr. Croker. Extract. Bognor, March 23rd. Do not you think that the tone of England — of that great compound of...newspaper paragraphs, which is called public opinion — is more liberal — to use an odious but intelligible phrase— than the policy of the Government...
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Eclectic Magazine: Foreign Literature, Volume 42 ;Volume 105

John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell, Henry T. Steele - 1885 - 942 pages
...political views and his policy. " Do not you think," he writes to Croker on March the 3rd, 1820, " that the tone of England — of that great compound of...newspaper paragraphs which is called public opinion — is more Liberal, to use an odious but intelligible phrase, than the policy of the Government ?...
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The Croker papers, ed. by L.J. Jennings, Volume 1

John Wilson Croker - 1885 - 490 pages
...Mr. Fed to Mr. Extract. Bognor, March 23nL Do not you think that the tone of England—of that great compound of folly, weakness, prejudice,...obstinacy, and newspaper paragraphs, which is called public opinion—is more liberal—to use an odious but intelligible phrase—than the policy of the Government...
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