Copyright, National and International: With Some Remarks on the Position of Authors and Publishers, by a Publisher. Also, an Appendix Including the Text of the International and Colonial Copyright Act, 1886; and of a Bill to Consolidate and Amend the Law Relating to Copyright (now Before Parliament, 1887; Also, the Articles of the International Copyright Union, &c., &c

Sampson Low, Martson, Searle, & Rivington, 1887 - 79 pages

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Page 22 - ... life, have as his own property the sole liberty of representing, or causing to be represented, the same at any such place of dramatic entertainment as aforesaid, and shall be deemed and taken to be the proprietor thereof...
Page 64 - In order that the authors of works protected by the present Convention shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be considered as such, and be consequently admitted to institute proceedings against pirates before the Courts of the various countries of the Union, it will be sufficient that their name be indicated on the work in the accustomed manner.
Page 11 - Provided always, that during the term of twentyeight years the said proprietor, projector, publisher, or conductor shall not publish any such essay, article, or portion separately or singly without the consent previously obtained of the author thereof, or his assigns...
Page 67 - ... the number of units by which the total expense is to be divided. The quotient will give the amount of the unit of expense. (4) Each country shall declare, at the time of its accession, in which of the said classes it desires to be placed, but it may subsequently declare that it wishes to be placed in another class.
Page 64 - Convention cannot in any way derogate from the right belonging to the Government of each country of the Union to permit, to control, or to prohibit, by measures of domestic legislation or police, the circulation, representation, or exhibition of any works or productions in regard to which the competent authority may find it necessary to exercise that right.
Page 64 - This Office, of which the expenses will be borne by the Administrations of all the countries of the Union, is placed under the high authority of the Superior Administration of the Swiss Confederation, and works under its direction. The functions of this Office are determined by common accord between the countries of the Union. ARTICLE...
Page 2 - ... for their perishable trash. It was not for gain that Bacon, Newton, Milton, Locke, instructed and delighted the world.
Page 63 - ... the matter is to be decided by the legislation of the different countries of the Union, or by special arrangements existing or to be concluded between them.
Page 59 - Provided that where any person has before the date of the publication of an Order in Council lawfully produced any work in the United Kingdom, nothing in this section shall diminish or prejudice any rights or interests arising from or in connection with such production which are subsisting and valuable at the said date.
Page 66 - Conferences, and will take part in the discussions without a deliberative voice. He will make an annual Report on his administration, which shall be communicated to all the members of the Union. The expenses of the Office of the International Union shall be shared by the Contracting States. Unless a fresh arrangement be made, they cannot exceed a sum of 60,000 fr.

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