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have been to thee ; yet I cannot overlook 1 MY AIN COUNTREE. euch base and shameful ingratitude. Deal

| I Am far frae my hame, an' I'm weary with me, I beseech thee, O Lord, as I deal with him. I remember and treasure up

aftenwhiles every little trifle which shows how ill he

For the langed-for hame-bringing, an' my has behaved to me. Deal with me, I be

Father's welcome smiles ; seech thee, O Lord, as I deal with him. I

I'll ne'er be fu' content, until my een do

see am determined to take the very first opportunity of doing him an ill turn. Deal

The gowden gates' o' Heaven, an' my ain with me, I beseech thee, O Lord, as I deal

countree. with him.”

The earth is flecked wi' flow'rs, many. Can anything be more shocking and tinted, fresh, an' gay, horrible than such a prayer ? Is not the The birdies warble blithely, for my Father very sound of it enough to make one's made them sae ; blood run cold? Yet this is just the But these sights an' these soun's will as prayer which the unforgiving man offers up naething be to me, every time he repeats the Lord's Prayer; When I hear the angels singing in my ain for he prays to God to forgive him in the countree. same manner in which he forgives his neighbour. But he does not forgive his

I've his gude word of promise, that some

gladsome day the King neighbour; so he prays to God not to forgive him. God grant that this prayer may

To his ain royal palace his banished hame not be heard, for lie is praying a curse on

will bring : his own head !--Augustus William Hare.

Wi' een an wi' hearts running owre we

shall see

“The King in his beauty," an' our ain WENT ASIDE INTO A DESERT countree. PLACE.

My sins hae been mony, an' my sorrows We are told that when the apostles re hae been sair, turned from their first ministerial work, our

But there they'll never vex me, nor be Lord “ took them and went aside privately

remembered mair: into a desert place." We cannot doubt

His bluid hath made me white, his hand that this was done with a deep meaning. shall dry mine ee, It was meant to teach the great lesson, that

When he brings me hame at last to my those who do public work for the souls of

ain countree. others must be careful to make time for being alone with God.

Like a bairn to its mither, a wee birdie to The lesson is one which many Christians

its nest, will do well to remember. Occasional re I wad fain be ganging noo unto my tirement, self-inquiry, meditation, and se

Saviour's breast; cret communion with God, are absolutely For he gathers in his bosom witless worthessential to spiritual health. The man who less lambs like me, meglects them is in great danger of a fall. An' carries them himsel to his ain countree. To be always preaching, teaching, speaking,

He's faithfuthat hath promised, he'll writing, and working public works, is,

surely come again ; unquestionably, a sign of zeal. But it is

He'll keep his tryst wi' me, at what hour not always a sign of zeal according to know

I dinna ken, ledge. It often leads to untoward conse

But he bids me still to watch, an' ready quences. We must make time occasionally

aye to be for sitting down and calmly looking within, and examining how patters stand between

To yang at any moment to myain countrée. ourselves and Christ. The omission of the | So I'm watching age an' singing o'my hame practice is the true account of many a back, as I wait, sliding that shocks the Church, and gives For the soun'ing o' his footfa' this side the occasion to the world to blaspheme. Many gowden gate ; . could say with sorrow in the words of Canti God gie his grace to ilk ane wha listens cles, “They made me keeper of the vine noo to me, yards, but my own vineyard have I pot That we may a' gang in gladness to our ain kept" (Cant. i. 6).


Our Missions.


I to display itself in this district, at a small

station held by the missionaries of the CALCUTTA.

London Missionary Society. It then apTo the south of Calcutta is found a peared at a place called Bonstollah, to the region some sixty miles in length by thirty east of Calcutta, where the late Carapeit: in breadth, but little elevated above the sea, Aratoon for a time laboured and gathered and which must have been at some early some fruit unto God. Here it would period rescued from it. Even now it is appear that two men from the extreme not wholly free from its power. For, in south of the district heard the word, and, 1833, a terrific hurricane carried the waters removing to their native village, bore the of the Bay of Bengal in one mighty wave good tidings with them. Thus it was that over the whole country, destroying the the two villages of Luckhyantipore and crops, rendering the tanks unfit for use, Dhankata were stirred to inquire after this and for two years making the soil unfruit new way, and no little commotion arose at ful, by reason of the saltness the waters of | the announcement that these two .men had the ocean left behind. In ordinary times | broken caste and believed in Christ Jesus. the land is subject to annual, inundations Persecution immediately arose. One of from the coming down of the floods; but | them was obliged to flee from his village to these overflows contribute to its fertility, by save his life. He found his way to Chitthe alluvial deposits left behind, and by | pore, in Calcutta, where the Rev. George affording to the rice, on which the people Pearce resided ; and thus began Mr. Pearce's subsist, a suitable pabulum for its growth. | successful labours in the south. Soon after

The district is as large as the county of this a inan named Gunga Ram Mundul, of Kent, but sustains a larger population, the village of Khari, fifteen miles beyond about a million and a quarter in number. | Luckhyantipore, hearing of the new reliThe people live in numerous villages | gion, came to the new convert to inquire which gather round every tank of sweet | about it. Long had he felt disquieted water, and though the land is fertile, are with Hinduism. Pilgrimages to Gya and usually very poor, owing to the extortions other holy places had given him no peace. of their zemindars, or landlords. Immedi. | He received the doctrine of Christ crucified ately after the annual rains, and in the cold with joy; and, wrought upon by his example, season, is the best season for visiting them, l eight or ten families soon resolved to follow as then the canals and water channels can his faith. The fire thus kindled spread easily be penetrated by the long flat-botol to other villages, and in the year following tomed canoes, called “saltees," made from several hundred families cast aside their the hollowed trunk of the saul tree. In idols and joined themselves to the Lord. these narrow and uncomfortable boats the | Churches exist at the present time in seven missionary traverses the shallow canals, villages, embracing 250 members, suror crosses the inundated rice fields, finding rounded by a Christian population of about a ready audience among the people. In 1,000 persons. Over each of these churches religion they are chiefly Hindoos, with a , a native pastor presides, aided by five or small porportion of Mohammedans mixed six other brethren as native evangelists. among them; and while they worship The Rev. George Pearce still lives to exercise the ordinary deities of Bengal, such as a general superintendence over the whole. Kali, Juggernath, and Gunesh, they pay 1 The present condition of these churches special regard to a peculiar idol known by is peaceful, and, on the whole, a healthy the name of Dakhin Roy, or King of the piety exists among them. It has not been South, whose origin the missionaries have always so. Soon after their formation, the sought in vain to learn. A few years ago, zemindars endeavoured in every way to stop during the ravages of the cholera, they the progress of the truth. Christian tenants deified that fatal disease, and sought, by | were seized and borne away captive ; their offerings, to propitiate its supposed wrath. lands were swept of their crops to meet

It was about the year 1825 that a reli- | illegal demands, and many cruelties were gious movement towards Christianity began | perpetrated on their persons. At one time

the village barbers refused to shave the l gathered the worthless around them. The Christians; at another a charge of mur people also better comprehend the truths of der nearly led to the execution of two God's word, and are not so easily drawn innocent men. In all these trials the people aside. Hence there is now little to fear found in the missionaries fast friends, from this quarter. “Our church members whose influence was wisely employed to and congregations," says the Rev. George secure them justice and to protect them Pearce, “now number again what they were from unlawful requisitions. It is interest.

in our palmiest days, and are gradually ing to observe how, in every heathen land, increasing. In particular, the Khari conthe Gospel has not only to encounter false gregation never has been so strong as it is religion, but social evils, and that the mis at present. Christian truth is spreading sionary is constrained by the force of events among their heathen neighbours, who hold, to be the giver of temporal as well as in respect to God, very different language spiritual blessings to the people whose wel to what was held formerly; and that, in fare he seeks. This sympathy with sorrows consequence, idolatry has received a blow and sufferings of every kind is a powerful from which it will never recover in these lever in the hand of the heralds of the Cross, parts. Many of the large idol festivals and, wisely used, may become eminently ser which used to be held have entirely disapviceable in impelling multitudes to inquire peared, and the account given by the after the way of life.

heathens themselves of their delusion is, The most painful trial of the missionaries “ What is the profit of them ?” arose, however, in 1838, from the intrusion In the carrying out of this good work of agents of the Propagation Society. Not the late Rev. William H. Pearce had a very only did these persons hold out many tem important share. The Rev. J. Wenger, and poral advantages to attract the converts, J. Page (now of Barisal), have also largely but they denounced the missionaries as un contributed, under God's blessing, to the authorized teachers, whose ministrations success which has been achieved Nor were valueless because not sanctioned by should we overlook the humble but very episcopal authority, whose baptism was in efficient labours of the late Mr. De valid, and their instructions discordant with Monte, whose clear and devout knowledge the Divine will. Defections were rapid. of the word of God enabled him to with. Money was plentifully bestowed, and em stand, with no small degree of success, the ployment found for the recreants. Liberal claims of the false teachers who wrought salaries were given, loans advanced to those the mischief above alluded to. From these who asked for them, and widows and poor churches have sprung many valuable native families made stipendiaries on mission evangelists, while others have attained emfunds. Appeals to the bishop and the ployment, both under Government and in professors of Bishop's College, the managers | private life, of no mean importance or value. of the Propagation Society, were in vain, Even the heathens are constrained to con. and new chapels were speedily erected side fess that Christ's Gospel has wrought great by side with those which had been pre improvements in the family life of the viously built. In this way discord and ill Christians, and that it has elevated the will were propagated, the work of God was female to her true position. But the servant stayed, and for some years but little of Christ may rejoice that in these lowly . good was done.

churches are found many living stones of Very many, however, remained steadfast. God's true temple, and may see in the Others have returned. The agents of the converts the first-fruits of that harvest to Propagation Society wearied of their work. Christ's glory that the promises of Scripture They found at length that their plans only have taught his faith to anticipate.



describes hopefully the prospects of the work at The twenty-fourth of August has come and gone.

Tientsin. A Christian church has been formed,

and some of the converts appear likely, after In almost all parts of the country sermons were preached on that day in commemoration of the

suitable training, to become native pastors and

preachers among their countrymen. A building Bjection of 1662, of which we have heard so much;

has been obtained in a main thoroughfare, suitable and we have no doubt that in hundreds of con

for use as a chapel, and it is usually filled soon gregations truths were uttered which, it may be hoped, will be as seed which will spring up in years

after the doors are opened. to come. It is amusing to notice the sensation From Madagascar we hear of the arrival of the which has been caused in Church of England circles Rev. W. Ellis, at Tamatave, on the 22nd of May by this Bicentenary celebration. We have been last. He found messengers from the King awaitrepresented as contemplating some grand revo ing him, and was cordially received by the people. lutionary movement, which, on the 24th of August, “You cannot imagine," he says, “the sensation was to reach its crisis. We hope our friends of the my arrival has occasioned, and the satisfaction I Establishment will now believe that we contem derive from all I see and all I hear about the plated nothing of the sort. We meant only to tell Christians.” some revolutionary truths--truths which will, we The Baptist missionaries at Delhi, notwith. believe, prove to be revolutionary some day, so far

standing recent discouragements, are cheered by as the Establishment is concerned. Meantime, it

manifest tokens of the Divine presence. Among is to be hoped that we have refreshed and strength

their converts is a nephew of the ex-King, the ened ourselves by recalling the heroism of our

only remaining member of the great house of ancestors. Of the heroism of the Two Thousand,

Timour in Delhi who can lay claim to pure royal our opponents being witnesses, scarcely too much blood. He is the autbor of a tract on the Divinity can be said. May we be worthy followers of them

of Christ, and has had to encounter much pergewho through faith and patience inherit the pro cution from Mohammedans. One rich Moslem mises !

offered a native Christian a large bribe if he would Great anxiety is being felt everywhere about the persuade him against changing his religion. condition of the operatives in Lancashire. Through Another relation of the ex-King has been baptized, no fault of their own-through the dearth of cot. and several persons of various ranks are seeking ton, resulting from the American war-thousands admission to the church. Through the watchful of them have been already thrown out of employ providence of God, the lives of Mr. and Mrs. ment; and it is feared that during the winter there Evans and their child have been saved, when will be an amount of destitution and suffering endangered by the sudden fall of the ceiling of the which has scarcely a parallel in former years. It is room in which they slept. The wakefulness of the needless to say that the anxiety has led to effort in babe forced upon their attention the slight noise their bebalf. Several great subscriptions have been which preceded the fall, and just gave them time raised, and most of the religious bodies are, in some to escape. way or other, joining in the effort. The Indepen A farewell soirée in connection with the depar. dents and the Wesleyans are doing nobly. Doubt

ture of six of our missionary brethren to India less our own denomination will take its share of

was held at the Freemasons' Hall, on Monday the burden, if only to the extent of assisting those

evening, August 1lth. Tea and coffee were • who belong to our own churches and congregations. served at half-past five o'clock, and subsequently

It seems now almost certain that the harvest a public meeting was held, at which five of the must be a deficient one. The quality of the new missionaries, with their families, were present. wheat is by no means good. The cold winds and The chair was to have been occupied by Sir S. wet of the late spring and beginning of summer, Morton Peto, Bart., M.P., but the worthy baronet have seriously affected the crops, and even the was unable, from domestic causes, to be present, best weather we can have will not give us an and his place was occupied by Mr. W. H. Watson. average barvest. Happily, there is reason to hope The names of the missionaries who were present that France will not, this year, be a drain upon us, were the Rev. J. Wenger, the Rev. F. L. Kalberer, and very large shipments of wbeat and flour are and the Rev. Mr. Supper, all of whom bave been spoken of from America, since they have no gold already engaged in the Eastern missionary field; to spare in payment for considerable orders, exe the Rev. E. Edwards, and the Rev. Mr. Ethercuted prior to, and in fear of, the latest and worst ington, who take their departure for the first time tariff.

as missionaries to the East; and the Rev. Mr. Of foreign affairs we are afraid to say anything,

Waldook. It is needless to say that the proceedon account of the changes which are sure to occur

ings were deeply interesting. Mr. Wenger spoke during the interval between tbis page being written

on behalf of the elder brethren, and Mr. Ethering and published. In America, affairs are no better. ton on behalf of the younger. The Rev. J. E. The war drags its slow length along. Much ex Giles gave them a farewell address. citement has, however, been caused, by the adop We are glad to learn that tidings have been tion of the principle of conscription for the army.

received of the first party of Nonconformist emiWe suspect that tbis will prove a death-blow to

grants, whose departure from the London Docks the struggle. In Italy, Garibaldi is again in arms.

we announced in our pages several weeks ago. The The news, at the time we write, is all in his favour.

commander of the Matilda Wattenbach, the vessel Garibaldi's demand is, of course, for the surrender

in which they sailed, wrote letters in lat. 7.50 N., and of Rome, which he would obtain if it were not for

long. 21 w., which he forwarded by a home-bound the Emperor Napoleon,

ship. He states that, although, owing to contrary Letters from China express much anxiety as to winds, he had not made the progress he could have the effect of hostilities between the Taepings and wished, still everybody on board was as comfort. the foreign armies. Meanwhile Mr. Edkins | able and as happy as could be desired. This much, too, and more, is to be gathered from the first friends who had assisted him throughout the sernumber of The Albertland Gazette and Ocean vices, especially Mr. M'Laren and Mr. Green. Chronicle, for Saturday, June 14, which has been He thanked the people of his congregation for all received. The printing-press on board has been they had done for him since his residence among made to do its duty betimes, the result being the them. This concluded the recognition services, little newspaper of four pages, with the above title. and after a hymn had been sung the meeting The first article is in the shape of a religious ex separated. hortation. Following this there is some good ad CLAPHAM COMMON, LONDON.-On Tuesday, vice from the surgeon ; a concise varrative of the August 12, a public meeting was held on the occavoyage as far as it had proceeded; reports of sion of the settlement of the Rev. J. E. Giles, as public meetings having especial reference to the the newly elected pastor of the Baptist church at cookery department; original poetry, &c. There this place. Sir S. Morton Peto, Bart., had kindly have been two deaths on board--one of an infant engaged to take the chair, but he being unable to prematurely born, and the other of an infaat leave home, on account of domestic circumstances, eleven months old. We hope that these good

George Long, Esq., of Clapham Park, one of the people will safely arrive at their destination, and deacons of the Congregational church, was invited that their ocean"journal will have a long life before to preside. After a hymn given out by the Rev. J. it in New Zealand.

S. Stanion, of Shacklewell, and prayer by the Rev. The Rev. J. H. Hinton, M.A., has retired from

W. Crowe, of Hammersmith, the chairman briefly active secretaryship of the Baptist Union. He is addressed the meeting, and read a letter from Sir succeeded by the Rev. J. H. Millard, B.A., of Morton, stating the cause of his absence, and enMazepond; and it is requested that all communi. closing £5 towards the collection, The Rev. I. M. cations may be addressed to him at 4, Dover Soule, of Battersea, through whom Mr. Giles had Place, New Kent Road, London, S.E. We are glad been introduced to the church, moved the first reto know that though Mr. Hinton retires from the solution, expressive of the satisfaction and pleasure active secretarysbip of the Union, both he and felt by the meeting in the various steps which had Dr. Steane will still remain on the secretariat; and led to the present settlement, and of their earnest both, no doubt, will still render all the service to and prayerful desire that it might be attended by the Union that it may be in their power to afford.

an abundant and lasting blessing. The resolution was seconded by E. B. Underhill, Esq., and supported by W. Heaton, Esq., and the Rev. C. J. Middleditch. The Rev. J. E. Giles returned

thanks in behalf of the church and himself, and GENERAL.

briefly stated the views and feelings with which he SOUTHAMPTON.-Services have been lately held entered upon the duties and responsibilities of this in this town in connection with the recognition of important sphere of labour. The designation the Rev. M. Hudson as pastor of the Baptist prayer was offered by the Rev. F. Trestrail. It cbapel, Portland Street. They concluded on was then moved by the Rev. J. E. Giles, seconded Wednesday evening, Aug. 6th, with a tea meeting by Mr. Sheldrick, treasurer of the church, that at the Royal Victoria Rooms, which was very fully

the best thanks of the friends present be given to attended. After tea a meeting was held in the the Rev. I. M. Soule, for the disinterested part chapel, at which the Rev. M. Hudson presided, which he had taken in all the proceedings connected supported by the Revs. Thos. Adkins, S. G. Green, with the settlement. A vote of thanks to the chairA. M'Laren, H. H. Carlisle, J. G. Wright, R. man was moved by the Rev. John Watts, of AshCavan, Dr. Perry, of Shirley, and J, B. Burt, of don, seconded by the Rev. W. K. Rowe, of CamBeaulieu. The Rev. T. Adkins said that he ato berwell, and the Rev. W. Anderson, of Tooting, tended the meeting to show his feelings in regard

closed with the benediction. The chapel was well to the minister of that place. The Rev. S. G. filled, and the services appeared to have awakened Green, of Rawdon College, said it gave him great more than ordinary interest. pleasure to see Mr. Hudson there, and he congra PRINCES STREET, NORTHAMPTON.--The re-open. tulated him on having found such a happy settle ing services at this chapel took place on Tuesday, ment among that people, and he also congratulated July 22nd, under very auspicious circumstances. the friends assembling there in his having accepted The congregation has increased so rapidly since the their invitation for him to cast in his lot with settlement of the Rev. J. Nickalls as pastor of the them. The Rev. H. H. Carlisle then offered a few church ten months ago, that the place has proved remarks, congratulating Mr. Hudson, saying he quite inadequate for the large number that docked had especial pleasure in doing so as being one of

to it every Sabbath evening. A spacious and subthe young ministers of the town, and hoped that stantial end gallery has been erected, and it is in. they would have sympathy with one another, and tended to proceed with the building of side galleries work with one another. After brief addresses by

as soon as tbe state of the funds will justify the the Revs. R. Cavan and J. G. Wright, the Rev. taking of such a step. The chapel has been A. M'Laren, who, on rising, was greeted with loud cleaned and painted, the pulpit remodelled, applause, addressed the assembly. He felt the and the gas fitted up anew. The work bas cordial welcome they had given him, coming, as it been done at a cost of about £300. Towards did, from those who would always live in his thie sum the church and congregation had prememory, and their kindness had made a deep im i viously raised and subscribed about £200. The col. pression upon him. In reference to his ministry lections and tea at the opening services realized among them, he said he was there twelve years, £42, leaving still a small balance unpaid. The during which time there was not one bad word preacher in the afternoon was the Rev. W. Marshall, spoken or any basty thing done within the limits of Liverpool, who preached, from Rev. XX. 12, an of the church, and nothing to break the unity of eloquent and earnest sermon. After the service the Spirit and the bond of peace. Mr. MLaren upwards of 600 sat down to tea in tbe school-room then took leave of the church and congregation, and chapel. In the evening the Rev. W. A. wishing them and their new pastor every success Essery, of London, preached to a crowded audience. this world could give, trusting that, if they never The services were continued on the following Sunmet again in this world, they would meet together day, when two powerful sermons were preached by above. The Rev. M. Hudson then thanked the the Rev. J. Hart, of Guildford.

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