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God's truth in the plainest and most un | On our way we passed through a village ambiguous form, and to keep back no where a market is held, and as we were portion, no word, from the eyes of the rather early and a good many people had people for whose eternal welfare they already assembled, we stopped for about translate. Fidelity demands this. Not so an hour and preached. While preaching, think the Committee of the Bible Society, a shopkeeper arrived, and having opened and the meaning of God's word is to his shop came to listen; and after a few remain for them hidden under the guise minutes began talking with one of the of a foreign language.

preachers. I then saw him go into his Besides, the Bible Society in this matter shop, and show the preacher a book that acts with the most painful inconsistency. had evidently been left open from the preIt circulates on the continent of Europe ceding day, and which looked to me like a Romish versions of the Scriptures admitted Bible. I drew near, and found it to be a to contain gross perversions and erroneous Bible. We continued the conversation; translations of numerous passages. It and in reply to my questions he told me defends this course with the plea that that the book had been given him about Roman Catholics can receive no other ; seven years ago, by some person unknown that the versions, erroneous and imperfect to him. He was in the habit of reading as they are, still teach unequivocally the the Bible daily. I turned to the conversa. main truths of the Gospel; and that they tion of Christ with Nicodemus, especially have been useful in turning sinners to to the passage, God so loved the world, God. All this may be said of the trans that he gave his only-begotten Son,' &c. lations of our missionaries. In India, the I questioned him about it, and he gave me Scriptures can be read in Bengali and a very good account of the plan of salvaSanscrit in the versions of our translators tion through Christ. He had not been only; 80 also in Africa ; and the same will, educated in any Mission school. He ere long, be the case in Ceylon. These avowed his faith in Christ as the only versions are admitted to contain no Saviour of men. I said to him, "If you doctrinal error, no incorrect translations believe in Christ you cannot worship idols.' that affect the cardinal or even the less He replied that he did not. He had not vital truths of the Gospel, and innumerable conversed with missionaries, but had recases may be adduced where their perusal ceived his notion of Christianity entirely has led to the conversion of the soul. Yet, from the Bible. The man talked with a for the sake of one solitary word, our mis degree of modesty and intelligence not sionaries' versions are rejected and con often met with. Alone in the midst of demned, and, so far as the Bible Society is heathen he had acquired a head knowledge, concerned, the perishing idolaters of many to say the very least, of Christianity; and heathen lands, both in India and Africa, but for the pure accident of our being are deprived of God's own truth, while, somewhat too early for the fair, and stopwithout compunction or principle, the ping to preach there, we should have Society persists in issuing and circulating known nothing about him. Who knows versions containing the most fatal errors. | but there may be many such instances ? There is, in such a course, neither con Unknown as they may be to us, however, sistency nor impartiality. Romish versions they are all known to God." are preferred to Baptist versions, error to We shall only add that for some years truth.

past the printing and distribution of the The following very interesting incident Scriptures by our brethren have been will evidence the usefulness of the Bengali sustained by the funds of the Bible TransBible. It is related by our Serampore lation Society, a society specially formed to missionary, the Rev. W. Sampson. He meet the emergency occasioned by the unsays:

just action of the British and Foreign “We were all going to a large mela (or Bible Society referred to above. fair) held some few miles from Barrackpore.



bassador is adopting a policy strangely at varianoe

with the spirit of Protestant enterprise. Mr. One-domestic event of the month has rendered

Kloekers, of the Baptist mission, having twice ob. all others comparatively insignificant. The Prince

tained a footing within the walls of Pekin, has been Consort died at eleven o'clock on Saturday night,

twice compelled to withdraw by the refusal of Mr. Dec. 14th, after an illness which assumed a de

Bruce to grant him protection. Freneh priests are cidedly dangerous character but a day or two be

allowed free ingress; but under cover of the terms fore. Indeed it was only on the Saturday that the

of the treaty the privilege is angrily denied to bulletins alarmed the nation, and during the early

English Protestant missionaries, Mr. Kloekers, part of that afternoon the Prince had so far rallied,

while in Pekin, found time to visit the Roman that a more favourable account was published in

Catholic cathedral. The interior had the usual the evening papers. After that time he sank so

ornaments of pictures and crucifixes. There are rapidly that the sad event came upon the metro

twelve foreign priests in the city and adjacent dispolis with all the surprise of a sudden death in the

tricts, who boast largely of their numerous conhighest places of the land. It is needless to say

verts. From tue archimandrite, or head-priest, of how much the Prince was beloved, or how much

the Russian embassy, he learnt that there were the sympathy of the nation has been called forth

about 200 concerts attached to the Greek Church, for our beloved Queen. Very general, at one time,

and that there were two churches in the city tor was the solicitude for the Queen's own health, and

their worship. One of them was visited and found to the fear lest her mind should be crushed by the

be splendidly adorned. The Rev. Hugh Cowie, who greatest of earthly trials; and great has been the

has taken up a position at Chefoo, writes in an thankfulness that she bears her irreparable loss

encouraging strain respecting the baptism of with all the calmness and self-command possible

the first convert in those parts, who by reading under sueh a stroke. The alergy generally adverted

the Scriptures became convinced of their truth. to it after morning service on the Sunday,--some

Immediately on bis conversion he set about com. dispensed with their sermons which had no suitable

manicating the glad tidings to his friends and ness to the feelings of their congregations; but

neighbours; and, as the result, many have become the Dissenting ministers used their liberty to

inquirers, and some true believers. Thus the work pour forth earnest supplications to the God of

continually extends. all consolation on behalf of their widowed Queen and the fatherless Princes and Princesses. We

The news from Madagascar is confirmatory of do not need to ask for her the continued prayers

the hopes excited on the accession of King Radaof her people. Those prayers have been already

ma il to the throne. He has invited the co

operation of Protestant missionaries in the philan. heartily given. From every congregation, and from many families, the Great Comforter has

thropio schemes by which he wishes to inaugurate been invoked in her behalf.-The Prince was buried

his reign. The London Missionary Society proon Monday, Dec. 23, in St. George's Chapel,

poses to send out, in the ensuing spring, a band of missionaries, not less than six in number, suitably

qualified for the different departments of labour. The Bi-centenary of St. Bartholomew's-day it

It is hoped also that others may be found to accomhas been determined to celebrate by an united

pany them " one, at least, well instructed in effort. Ata conference at the Baptist Mission House,

surgery and medicine ; a second with qualifica. on the 9th of December, this decision was arrived

tions for promoting general and Christian educaat; and the arrangements are now being made,

tion by training native schoolmasters; and a third with a view to use the associations of the coming

practically acquainted with the art of printing." year as & means of spreading more widely than ever the great principles of Noneonformity. We

We are requested to announce that the “ Baptist trust that all onr churches will join in the proposed

Hand Book,' for 1862, is now ready. It is much etort. No occasion could be more appropriate for

more complete and correct than last year's issue, the teaching of Nonconformist principles

and it comprises-in addition to the calendar, the

list of Baptist societies and colleges, the list of At the time we write, the news from America

Baptist ministers, &c.-all the other information looks dark. All our readers have heard of the

that formerly appeared in the “Baptist Manual.” antal of the Trent, and of the danger that has

As the supplement to the “ Baptist Magazine” has sen out of it, lest there should be war between

been discontinued this year--we presume we Great Britain and the Northern States of America.

may say in favour of the Hand Book-this is now We cannot here enter into the merits of the dis

the only book of the kind, in connection with the pute; but we may express the earnest hope that

denomination, which aims at anything like comsuch a calamity as that of war may be averted.

pleteness. It is only surprising that such a book pad enough it is for England to have lost, just be

can be produced for sixpence. We observe, howTore Christmas, the husband of her Queen : sadder ever, that a reduction is made eveu upon this low Ball it, the first thing after the day of the com

cice to those who obtain a certain number direct Demoration of the Prince of Peace, & fratricidal atrite were to arise between the brother nations on

from the publishers. he opposite shores of the Atlantic. By the time 1919. page appears the matter may be decided. Our

DOMESTIC. vice may come “ all too late.” But, in any case, NORLAND CAAPEL, NOTTING-HILL.-The seoond "may appeal to our readers to use their influ. anniversary of this chapel has been lately celebrated. ence for the promotion of peace; and at all events I. On Sunday, November 24th, the Rey. J. Stent, 50 discourage that spirit of strife, which, if it gain 1 the minister, preached two sermons special to the

mastery, will degrade both us and America, occasion, and collections were made in aid of the WWII assuredly cause a dark page to be written

general funds of the chapel. On the following the history of the world!

Wednesday, sermons were again preached, in the ve regret to state that in China the British Am. ! morning by the Rev. Dr. Hamilton, and in the


with a view to use of spreadh Noncon the propose for

evening by the Rev. Samuel Martin. In the after- £15. On Monday evening the annual soirée was noon a public meeting was held, when effective held in the Athenæum, when upwards of 700 sat addresses were delivered by the Pers. T. Lessey, down to tea. The chair was taken by John Candlish, John Bigwood, John Clifford, B.A., Wm. Miall, Esq., the mayor, and addresses were delivered by A. Johnson, and Finch. A report was presented the Revs. G. c. Maitland, W. Parkes, J. Geikie, to the meeting, and showed that since the last an and Simpson Hodgson (Independents), Rev. J. niversary the congregation and the church have Angus (Presbyterian), the venerable James considerably increased. The gallery has been Everett (Free Methodist), and the Rev. Dr. opened to the public, and an organ introduced. Bannister, pastor of the church. The Sunday-schools have increased to 250 children.

KINGSDOWN, KENT.-The opening services of a Day schools were opened in June, which now num. ber 150 children. Between the public services

new Baptist chapel in this village took place on about 100 persons sat down to an elegant and

Wednesday, December 11th. The Rev. G. Haigh, sumptuous cold collation, and nearly 300 assembled

of Bessel's-green, delivered an adınirable discourse to tea. The proceeds of the various collections,

from Zechariah vi. 13. Mr. G. Creasy, of Sutton.

at-Hone, presided at the evening public meeting, &c., amounted to £45. Contributions were made

and delivered a neat opening speech. Earnest and towards the debt, which, with other sums pre

practical addresses were alterwards delivered by viously paid in, and one sum of £25 promised,

the Revs. T. Field, of Malling ; G. Haigh; Messrs. amounted to £110.

Constable, of Porough-green; T. May, St. Paul's BRAMLEY, NEAR LEEDS.--On Monday evening,

Cray; G. Webb, H. Rogers, of Eynsford; and December 9th, a public tea-meeting was held in the J. S. Featherstone, of St. Mary Cray. The cost school-room of the Baptist Chapel, Bramley. Two

of the building was £155. Of this sum there was hundred and fifty persons sat down to tea. After paid on the day, and collected at the two services, tea, the chair was taken by the Rev. W. Coloroft.

£105, leaving a balance due of £50, lent by the The chairman briefly explained the special object

chairman without interest, to be repaid in five of the meeting, which was to take an affectionate

years by instalments of £10 each year. leave of the Rev.J. Compston (on bis retiring from Bramley), and to present him with a small token MINISTERIAL CHANGES.- The Rev. J.Compston, of the high esteem in which his labours and of Bramley, has accepted the unanimous invitation character are still held. The Rev. H. Dowson, of

of the Baptist Church at Barnsley to become its Bradford, made the presentation, which consisted

pastor, and commenced his labours there on the of a purse containing £30 10s., subscribed by mem. 15th December.-The Rev. A. Macdonald has rebers of the church and congregation and friends. signed the pastorate of the Baptist Church, SouthThis was done in the most appropriate manner.

street, Perth.-The Rev. J. Crampin entered on Mr. Compston responded in the spirit of grateful

the pastorate of the church at Somersbam, Hunts, affection, expressing his deep solicitude for the the first Lord's day in November.- The Rev. W. eternal welfare of the people amongst whom he

B. Birtt, of Rawdon College, has accepted the had laboured for nearly five years. The Rev.

unanimous invitation of the church at Atherton, W. J. Stuart, of Standingley, and Mr. John

near Manchester, and hopes to enter upon his Andrew, of Leeds, then offered some remarks.

labours towards the close of the present session.Vrs. Compston was also presented with a band. Mr. Isaac Thomas, a student at Pontypool, has some tea service by the ladies of the church and accepted a unanimous invitation to the church congregation and other friends, as a mark of their meeting at Birkenhead; Mr. T. F. Williams, of affectionate esteem.

the same college, has accepted a call to Zoar and SUNDERLAND.-The anniversary sermons on

Sharon, Carmarthenshire ; Mr. J. George (ditto).

to Llandewi, Monmouthshire : Mr. H. Jones behalf of the Baptist Church, Sans-street, Sunder. land, were preached on Lord's-day, December 1st,

(ditto), to Tottenham-court-road, London.-The by the Right Hon. Lord Teynham. As it was sup

Rev. Joseph Wilshire, of Bide ord, has accepted posed the chapel would be too small, the large hall

the pastorate of Clarence-street church, Penzance. of the Athepæum was engaged. It was well filled

The invitation was perfectly unanimous. He enters in the morning, notwithstanding the inclemency of

on his labours on the first Sabbath in the new year. the weather; and in the evening it was densely

-The Rev. T. Gill, who has laboured successively

at Melbourne and Ticknall for fifteen years, has packed in every part, and hundreds were unable to gain admission. His lordsbip preached in the

accepted a unanimous invitation from the General

Baptist Church at Shore, Yorkshire. Mr. Gill morning from Phil. i. 6, 7, and in ihe evening from

is expected to commence his stated labours there 1 Cor. ix. 22. The sermons were simple, earnest,

on January 12th. and impressive. The collections amounted to about 1

Editorial Postscript. We have much pleasure in presenting our readers this month with our promised Portrait of Sir 8. M. PETO, Bart., M.P. We regret that our space prevents us from using several articles which we had intended to insert this month-one of them, by the Rev. J. MARTIN, B.A., of Nottingham, which bad been announced for this Number. Mr. Martin's article will, we hope, appear in our next, as will also the conclusion of Mr. M’Laren's article, which we are sorry to be obliged to divide. In our next Number, we hope also to commence a short series of articles on THE BICENTENARY OF 1662.

We trust our readers will oblige us by doing all in their power this month to increase our circulation for 1862. Our ministerial friends might especially aid us, by kind recommendairons from the pulpit or otherwise.

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"Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."


THE SAINT BARTHOLOMEW EJECTMENT. Two hundred years ago, two thousand ministers were ejected from the Church of England. In this bi-centenary year, the Nonconformists of Great Britain, a title which now covers a full half of the nation, are about to commemorate that significant event. The commemoration is likely to give the tone to the year. We shall all have to take part in it, many of us a leading part in the several circles in which we stand. It behoves us, therefore, to acquaint ourselves with the event we shall have to celebrate, to study its history, and, if possible, to arrive at its true significance. Some of our readers will have no opportunity of referring to the books in which that history is recorded, and others no inclina. tion to wade through chronicles bedimmed with the dust of bye-gone years. We propose to save them that trouble, and to give them, in a few brief papers, a sketch of the more noticeable features of the St. Bartholomew Ejectment. Let it be understood, however, that we make no pretension to original or profound research. We shall base our narrative on “The Nonconformiste' Memorial " (Parker's edition of 1802), and Neal's “ History of the Puritans," works on which most of the narratives of this event are based, though sometimes without acknowledgment. These, with one or two of the better histories of England, and an occasional glimpse at such writers as Crosby, Marsden, Lord Clarendon, and Bishop Burnet, will furnish all we need.

CHAP. I.—THE ECCLESIASTICAL TERTIUM QUID. No event stands disconnected and alone. Historical facts are not as the sands on the shore, each a whole in itself, having no specific and vital relation to any other; they are rather as the consecutive links of a chain, each bound to each, and all deriving their special force and value from the connection in which they stand. Rightly to apprehend any one event, we must trace it back to the foregoing events in which it had its origin, from which it takes form and colour. Let none of our readers be alarmed, however : we shall not take them back to "the beginning," but only to the beginning of the Church of England.

This Church, as all men know, arose in that fulness of times which brought in the Reformation. It was and is a compromise, having all the defects as well as the excellences of such an arrangement. In so far as Henry VIII. was concerned, the English Reformation was simply a revolt against the supremacy of the Pope. The sensual, tyrannical King was weary of the yoke, though it was a very easy one, which the authority of Rome imposed on his passions. He had no quarrel with the dogmas or the liturgies of the Roman Church. His one aim was to gather to himself the spiritual power which had hitherto been wielded by the Prelate who sat in Peter's chair. But already there were


those in his realm who taught a purer doctrine than Rome had known since primitive times, Reformers, Protestants, who were by no means content simply to transfer their spiritual allegiance from a priest to a layman, from a Pope to a King. They were bent on carrying the Reformation at least as far as it had gone with their brethren in Germany. They condemned, as unscriptural and anti-Christian, many of the doctrines and practices of Rome. They shrank even from things indifferent, which had formed any part of her ritual—from wearing episcopal vestments,* from administering the Eucharist at the altar, † from “ the mummery of consecration,"I from the very name of Bishop.ş And these were men whom the King was obliged to conciliate. The adhesion of the Protestants was a necessity to him, if he were to break with the Catholics. Nor could the Protestants hope to maintain themselves against the power of the Roman Church, a power which had allied itself with all the habits and interests of the people for centuries, except as they were aided by the royal authority. The King was as necessary to them, or they thought he was, as they were to him.

Hence came the compromise of which the Church of England bears the marks to this day. She stands midway between Rome and Geneva, holding in one hana a creed which Calvin might have written, and in the other a liturgy to which a Cardinal could hardly object. Her Articles and Homilies are the work of the Reformers—80 much the King conceded to them; her prayers and thanksgiving are from the Romish Breviaries—30 much they conceded to him. The traces of this policy of compromise may be found in every part of the Church. The Romanist held Episcopacy as divine. Many of the Reformers pronounced it unlawful. The Anglican Church, steering carefully between the two, retained Episcopacy, but refused to declare it essential to the welfare of a Christian community, or to the efficacy of the sacraments. The Romanists daily chanted, in a dead language, a ritual which, though hallowed by the use of the wise and good of all lands, was not “understanded of the people.” The Presbyterian, rejecting forms, trusted to the impulse of the time, and the inspirations of that Spirit who maketh intercession in men, for the language in which his confessions and thanksgivings should be couched. The Anglican Church again took the middle course. Adopting the Romanist forms, she yet trans. lated them into the vulgar tongue, and bade the unlearned take them upon their lips. And so throughout. Rejecting transubstantiation, she yet acknowledged a real presence in the Eucharist. Condemning as idolatrous the adoration which had been paid to the Host, she nevertheless required that the sacramental bread and wine should be received upon knees bent as in worship. Laying aside the rich vestments of the Catholic clergy, she retained the surplice and robe, which were a sheer abomination to the Puritan eye, a mere relic of the Amorites. Rejecting the intercession of the saints, she nevertheless set apart saints' days for commemoration and worship. Confirmation and ordination, though no longer to be held as sacraments, were to be administered as edifying ceremonies. The confessionals were to be pulled down, but nevertheless the dying penitent was to be invited to confess his sins that he might receive the absolution of the priest. The Pope was no longer to exercise the power of the Keys; but in his place the King was to be the vicar of God, the Defender ol the Faith, the supreme Head and Judge of the Church.

This is the compromise on which the Church of England was established. Of course neither party was quite content with it. Many of the clergy, on the one side, refused to make so great concessions to the Reformers; and, on the other side, many of the Puritans regarded the scheme, from the first, as an attempt to, combine the worship of God with the worship of Baal. Still a large number of the more moderate and peace-loving on both sides were conciliated. The new

* Hooper, martyr and bishop. + Ridley, martyr and bishop. Archbishop Grindal. $ Bishop Pouet.

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