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throughout the country to aid in this charitable THERE has been little, during the past month, to

undertaking, by liberally supporting the funds of excite interest in regard to foreign affairs. The

these committees both by congregational collecwar in America drags its slow length along, and

tions and by private subscriptions.--4. That George week by week thousands are hurried into eternity;

Lowe, Esq., the treasurer of the Baptist Union, is but still there is no sign of the slaughter being

hereby authorised and requested to receive contri

butions for this object; such contributions to be stayed, or of either Federals or Confederates at. taining their object. In Italy, things remain as

forwarded either to the Baptist Mission House, or they were, except that Garibaldi and his friends

to the account of the treasurer with Messrs. Barhave been amnestied, and that the Emperor of

clay, Bevan, Tritton, and Co., 54, Lombard-street." the French, by changing his Minister for Foreign We much regret to announce the death of the Affairs, has seemed to indicate a renewed determi. Rev. C. J. Hall, one of our two only missionaries nation to keep his hand on Rome. In Prussia, in China. The announcement of Mr. Hall's death the King has announced his resolution to collect is all the more mournful, as it is accompanied with taxes against the vote of his Parliament; a dan that of the death of his two children, Mrs. Hall is gerous attempt, which may lead to results we have on her way to England. We are sure she will re. at present no idea of.

ceive all the sympathy which her treble bereave.

ment calls for. We deeply regret to state that another step has been taken in the shameful persecution to which Teva and Matamoros are being subjected for pro

DOMESTIC. pagating Protestant doctrines in Spain. The fol. lowing is the judgment of the tribunal of Grenada LOWESTOFT.-On Tuesday, Sept. 9th, ordination in the case :-“Are condemned -José Alhuma services in connection with the settlement of the Rev. Teva to nine years' imprisonment, and Manuel J. Aldis, jan., as pastor of the Baptist church, were Matamoros to eight years' imprisonment, and both held in the chapel, London Road, Lowestoft. After are for ever prevented from following the profeg.

singing, the Rev. R. Lewis (Independent) read and sion of teacher, interdicted from all political offices offered up prayer. Mr. Corbyn then narrated the and rights during the term of their sentence, and

steps which had led to the choice of Mr. Aldis as the condemned to pay a quarter of the expenses each.

pastor of the church. The Rev.John Aldis, jun., gave The books and papers seized will be retained.” a succinct and satisfactory account of his conversion The other prisoners, to the number of eleven, are to God, his call to the ministry, the articles of his acquitted. As we are at present informed, there faith and practice, and his acceptance of the invita. is little hope of the sentence of the court against

tion to become their pastor. The Rev. C. Daniels these good men being commuted.

then, in an earnest and affectionate prayer, comAt home, the chief topic of interest remains the

mended the young minister and the people to the distress in Lancashire. Each week, judging by the

Great Head of the Church. The Rev. John Aldis, accounts which reach us, the suffering of the oper.

of Reading, formerly of Maze Pond, then ascended a tives continues to increase ; and it would appear

the pulpit, and gave the charge to his son, from that we have a sad and painful winter before us.

1 Tim. iv. 6:“A good minister of Jesus Christ.” We are glad, however, to know that much is being

The charge, which was full of faithful counsel, done for the relief of the suffering. Both in London

powerful motive, and rich encouragement, was and in Lancashire itself committees have been

delivered with touching tenderness and solemn earformed, and large funds have been placed at their

nestress. The Rev. G. Gould, of Norwich, then disposal. The Christian bodies are also preparing

addressed the church from 1 Thess. xii, 24, upon to do their part. Both the Independents and the

the duties they owed to their pastor and each other. Wesleyans have organized special efforts, and we Aston ROAD, BIRMINGHAM.-The Baptist church, are glad to know that the Baptists also are moving. Aston Road, Birmingham, having purchased a very A committee of our brethren in Lancashire, and

eligible plot of freehold ground in Yates Street, the Baptist Union, have both issued special appeals.

commenced, three months ago, the erection of The following are the resolutions passed at a meet

lecture-hall. The building, which is Gothic in ing of the committee of the Baptist Union :-“1. style, is a neat and commodious structure, capable That the committee feel deeply affected by the tid. of holding 300 people. On Sunday, September 14th, ings which continue to reach them of the painful it was opened for Divine worship, when three serprivations to which so many of their fellow-country. mons were preached, by the Rev. W. Varley, pas. men and fellow-Christians are subjected through tor; Dr. Ward, of Birmingham ; and the Rev. W. the stagnation of the cotton-trade; and they ear

Jackson, of Bilston. Although the weather was unnestly pray the God of all mercy that by his good

favourable, the congregations were numerous and providence the causes ot' this great calamity may

the collections good. On Monday, the 15th, a pub. soon cease to operate, so that the distress may be lic tea-meeting was held. After tea a public meetstayed.--2. That, however, fearing, from present

ing was held, over which J. H. Hopkins, Esq., preappearances, that the sufferings of their brethren sided. At the outset, a financial statement was in the cotton-manufacturing districts may yet be

read by the Rev. W. Varley, from which it appeared long protracted, and dreading for their gakes the that the friends had raised nearly £400 to defray rigours of the approaching winter, the committee the expenses of the building. Very interesting, earnestly sympathize with every effort mude to appropriate, and earnest addresses were delivered soften their afflictions and provide for their neces.

by the Revs. J. J. Brown, W. Jackson, G. Ingall, sities, and hereby express their hearty concur J. Davies, J. Barnett, J. Bailey, and J. 8. Wright, rence in the measures already taken in this behalf by the various relief committees.--3. That they, NEWPORT, Mon.-On the 24th and 25th of Septherefore, affectionately invite their brethren | tember, services in connection with the recognition


of the Rev. J. Williams (late of Glasgow) as pastor of the second English Baptist church were held as follows, On Wednesday evening, the 24th, the Rev. Dr. Davies, of Aberavon, preached to a large congregation in the Town Hall, from Hebrews vii. 28. On Thursday morning, the 25th, the recognition service was held in Commercial Street Baptist Chapel (the Rev. J.W. Lance's), which was kindly lent for the occasion. After reading the Scriptures and prayer by the Rev. G. Howe, of Cardiff, the Rev. C. Short, A.M., of Swansea, delivered an admirable discourse from John xii. 36. The recog. nition prayer was offered by the Rev. Reeg Griffiths, of Bethany, Cardiff, after which the Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Pontypool College, in a very suitable manner, addressed pastor and church on their relative duties. At half-past two o'clock of the same day, the memorial-stone of the new chapel now being erected in Stow Hill for the use of the second English Baptist church, at a cost of about £2,600, and which is to accommodate about 1,000 persons, was laid by John Cory, Esq., of Cardiff, on which occasion, after singing and prayer, Dr. Thomas, with great power and clearness, expounded “our views,” and heartily congratulated the church on their effort to erect so noble a house of worship, and on having secured as pastor a man of such standing and character as Mr. Williams, Between four and six o'clock, about nine or ten hundred persons sat down to tea in the Town Hall, and at seven o'clock a public meeting, which crowded the hall to overflowing, was commenced, at which the Rev. J. Williams presided, and most telling ad. dresses were delivered by the Revs. Dr. Thomas, of Pontypool; G. Howe, and Nathaniel Thomas, of Cardiff ; Evan Thomas, F. Pollard, and J. H. Lahore (Independent), of Newport; and T. L. Davies, of Maindee.

WANDSWORTH, SURREY.-On Monday, October 6th, the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, in the presence of a numerous assembly, laid the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel, at East Hill, Wandsworth. The building owes its origin to the following circumstances :-On February 11, 1857, the Assembly Rooms, Wandsworth, were opened for Divine service, and the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon preached two sermons to a large and attentive audience. On the following Sunday the Rev. J. W. Genders commenced his ministrations in connection with the Baptists of that neighbourhood, and such was the success that attended his efforts, that in three months afterwards it was found desirable to form a church; and accordingly, on the 29th of April, 1857, at the house of Mr. Belwood, eight persons joined themselves together as a Baptist church. Mr. Genders was invited to become the pastor of this little community, which soon after its formation increased to 152, most of whom were baptized by Mr. Genders. Soon after, it was found necessary to build a house for the accommodation of the church and congregation, and a committee had laid before them a design by Mr. James Cubitt, archi. tect, Pimlico, which was approved of, and directions were given to erect the building forthwith. The cost of the building is estimated at £2,100. It will accommodate about 700 persons, and, when the fund will enable the congregation to erect galleries, 1,000. The architecture is a modification of the Romanesque style. Mr. Spurgeon arrived at the site at three o'clock. Dr. Leechman, of Hammergmith, having opened the proceedings with an appropriate prayer, Mr. Spurgeon delivered an address suitable to the occasion. The ceremony of laying the stone having been performed, the Doxology was sung, and this interesting ceremony concluded. A tea-meeting afterwards took place, and at seven o'clock a public meeting was held.

RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT.-On Thursday, October 9th, the opening services of the new Baptist chapel in this town were held. Both morning and evening the service was conducted by the Hon, and Rev.B. W.Noel, M.A., who preached in the morning 8 characteristically admirable sermon from Gen. XXÏ. 16, 17, and in the evening one equally appropriate from Rev. v. 11, 12. Between the services a pubho meeting was held, at which Bir S. M. Peto, Bart., M.P., presided, and at which addresses were delivered by Dr. Wavell, J.P., the Rev. A. Jones, the Rev. J. H. Cooke, the Rev. J, Hockin, the Rev. A. C. Gray, and others. The Rev. J. B. Little (the pastor) stated the cost of the place to be £2,200, towards which about £1,200 had been collected, and £700 lent without interest by various friends. The chairman (Sir s. M. Peto) made a kind congratulatory speech. On the following Sunday two excellent sermons were preached by the Rev. P. Bailhache, of Salisbury, and the services concluded on Wednesday, Oct. 15th, with a sermon by the Rer. Dr. Winslow, of Bath. The collections at all the ser. vices, including a second donation by Sir S. Morton Peto of £50, reached altogether the sum of £127. The building is much admired for its elegance and convenience. The exterior of the building, with its slender and graceful spire, is very striking; while the interior impresses the beholder most favourably from the admixture of simplicity and elegance it displays. The building contains 34 sittings, 100 of which we believe are appropriated to the use of the poor. There is a large and lofty school-room attached.

COLLEGE, REGENT'S PARK.-The annual meeting of the College, Regent's Park, was held on Wednesday, October 8th. A large number of friends assembled at tea; and afterwards the meeting was held under the presidency of W. . Watson, Esq. Mr. Vines commenced with preget, and the meeting was addressed by the Rev. C. Bata hache, Mr. George Bayley, the Revs. J. Stent, C. Vince, Edward White, and Mr. James Benbate. The report was read by Dr. Angus, and the cas account by Mr. J. Gurney, the treasurer, Forty six students, it seems, have attended the classes during the year--thirty-four ministerial, and twelte lay. The new session begins with forty-ihree. Fire students had matriculated, four had taken their B.A. degree during the session, and four had passed the first B.A. examination. In other departments, the reports of the examiners were, on the whole very gratifying. Financially, the state of the Cole lege is satisfactory. The debt with wbich the yeat commenced has been paid, and the treasurer la ports a small balance in hand. A legacy has been received under the will of the late Rev. W. Nichols, of Collingham, and an additional contribution £50 towards the formation of a “Fuller Scbolas ship.” The report closed with an earnest appear for greater sympathy and prayer on the part & the Church. The remarks of Mr. Vince on the value of such institutions, and on the qualities & quired in the ministry, were received with hearty approval.

TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, -On Tuesday, September 30th, Mr. T. H. Jones (late senior sty dent of Pontypool College) was ordained as pastat of the Baptist church at Tetbury. The attendens was large, and the services were both interesting and impresgive. In the morning there was a prayer meeting, and an address by the Rev. T. Jones, Chepstow. The ordination service took place 12 the afternoon. The Rev. A. J. Ashworth, of lles, read the Scriptures and prayed. The Rev. 1. Jones delivered the introductory address, and proposta

the usual questions, which were answered satista | torily by Mr. Jones. The Rev. W. Yates,

af has been in handjate Rev. tribution

of ceived undebalance i paid, and I wbich the

Stroud, then offered the ordination prayer, and the Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Pontypool, delivered an eloquent and impressive charge from Rev, iv, 7. At the close of the service about 300 persons sat down to tea in the scbool-room. In the evening there was a public meeting, when appropriate and telling addresses were delivered by the Revs. F. Overbury, of Kingstanley; W. Yates, of Stroud; A. J. Ashworth, of Uley; C. Deavin, of Minchinhampton ; T. Page (Independent), of Tetbury; and Dr. Thomas, of Pontypool.

HALIFAX.-On Tuesday evening, September 23, a meeting of the friends connected with the North Parade General Baptist Chapel, Halifax, was held at that place of worship, to welcome the Rev. M. Clark to the pastorate of the church and congrega. tion. Upwards of 300 people sat down to tea, and afterwards the Rev. R. Ingham (the late pastor, who has been compelled to retire, from indisposition) was called to the chair. After a brief introductory address from the chairman, Mr. T. Oakes, one of the deacons of the church, spoke of Mr. Clark's acceptance of the call which had been given him, as a source of great satisfaction to the people amongst whom he had come to labour, and concluded by giving the new minister a very hearty welcome. The Rev. M. Clark having replied in a very excellent speech, the meeting was addressed by the Rev. W. Gray, of Birchcliffe; the Rev. Mr. Cowell, of London; the Rev. W. Salter, of Lyneholme; the Rev. T. Gill, of Shore; and the Rev. C. Springthorpe, of Heptonstall. The meeting was one of unusual interest, and the addresses were generally of a practical and telling character.

CIRCUS CHAPEL, BIRMINGHAM.-This place of worship has been passing through very extensive alterations and improvements ; so that instead of wanting, as in years past, almost every qualifica. tion to attract worshippers to it, it is now one of the most inviting and commodious chapels in the town. The outlay has been about £900, which sum, together with an old debt of £700, the congregation have resolved to liquidate in two years. The re-opening services commenced on Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, when the Rev. W. Landels preached ably in the morning from Galatians vi. 14, and the Rev. Arthur Mursell in the evening from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. These services were resumed on the following Sunday, by discourses from the Revs. J. J. Brown and R. W. Dale, M.A., and were closed by a numerously attended tea-meeting on the following day, at which addresses were delivered by most of the Independent and Baptist ministers in tbe town. The collections altogether amounted to about £100.

NORTH SHIELDS.-On Sunday, Sept. 14th, morning and evening, sermons were preached in the Baptist Chapel, North Shields, by the Rev. T. W. Mathews, of Boston, Lincolnshire, after which collections were made in aid of the extinction of the chapel debt. The annual tea-meeting was held on the Tuesday evening in the library of the Mechanics' Institute, John Fenwick, Esq., of Newcastle, occupied the chair. The Rev. J.D. Carrick, the pastor, read a report, stating among other matters, that the offer made at their anniversary, held November, 1861, of Mr. James Potts, of Newcastle, to pay the last £20 of a debt of £200, if it was cleared off this year, had been responded to, and they had now the gratification to announce that the chapel was free of debt. The chapel in Howard Street, it appears, was built in 1845 at a cost of £1,600. The meeting was afterwards ad. dressed by the Revs. A. Jack, T. W. Mathews, Wildon Carr, W. Salmond, C. Mackenzie, J. Wills, and other friends,

LEICESTER.On Tuesday, September 9th, after a tea-meeting in the school-rooms, a recognition service in connection with the settlement of the Rev. J. J. Goadby as pastor of the church and congre. gation of the Dorer Street Baptist Chapel was held, the Rev. T. Goadby, B.A., of London, in the chair. A suitable hymn having been sung, an earnest and appropriate prayer was offered by the Rev.J.C. Pike. The Rev. J.F. Stevenson, B.A., of Nottingham, gave an admirable and eloquent address on the duties of the pastor to the church, referring at the close to his long and intimate friendship with the newly elected pastor. The Revs. Johnson Barker, LL.B., J. C. Pike, R. W. M'All, J. F. Winks, and J. C. Smith, briefly addressed the meeting, and expressed their best wishes for the welfare of both pastor and people. The Rev. J.J. Goadby then gave a brief autobiographical sketch, and the chairman pronounced the benediction,

LUTON, BEDS.-On Tuesday, October 7th, the foundation-stone of a new chapel, connected with the Wellington Street Baptist church, Luton, Beds, was laid by R. Gutteridge, Esq., M.D., Leicester, the devotional services being conducted by the Revs. H. C. Leonard, A.M., of Boxmoor, and J. Malcolm. The chapel will hold upwards of 100, and will cost, altogether, rather less than £170, of which nearly £100 have been collected. The erection of the chapel is the result of a mission which has for two years been conducted by lay agency from the church in Luton. In the evening a public tea-meeting was held in the chapel at Luton, which was numerously attended, presided over by the pastor, and addressed by the Revs, J. Edmond. D.D., London ; W.D. Elliston, Leighton Buzzard ; and Ć. Bailhache, Watford.

KINGSTON-ON-THAMES.-The anniversary ser. vices in connection with the Baptist church, and the close of the first year's pastorate of the Rev. Henry Bayley, were held on September 3rd, when two sermons were preached by the Rev. C. Vince, of Birmingham, The congregations and collections, in the evening especially, were very good. In the afternoon about 150 persons sat down to tea, at which the Rev, H. Bayley presided, surrounded by nearly all the Nonconformist ministers in the neighbourhood. The past year has been one of prosperity unexampled in the history of this church. Fifty-seven members bave been added to the church, and the congregation has so much increased as to render the speedy erection of the new chapel very important. The new chapel and schoolrooms will cost £2,000, towards which upwards of £700 bave been raised.

ILKESTON.-Very interesting meetings in connection with the recognition of the Rev. W. M. Anderson as pastor of the church in Queen Street, Ilkeston, were held on Tuesday, Sept. 9th. Shortly after four o'clock a large party of friends sat down to tea in the old chapel. At six o'clock, a meeting was held in Queen Street Chapel, at which Mr. Briggs presided. Mr. Joseph Shaw, of Lenton, offered prayer. The Rev. J. Staddon, of Quorndon, gave a brief sketch of Mr. Anderson's ministerial history, detailing the circumstances which led to his being received into the connexion, and gave the charge to the new pastor. The Rev. T. T. Wilson, of March, spoke of the duties of the church to the pastor. Special prayer for the Divine blessing to rest on the pastor and the church, was offered about the middle of the service by the Rev. J. Staddon.

PERSHORE.-A most interesting meeting was held in this place on Thursday, Oct. 9th, in connection with the old Baptist church, on the occasion of the settlement of the Rev. W. Symonds, late of

Downham Market, Norfolk, as the pastor. Nearly | opened on Wednesday, Sept. 24th. It will accom. 300 persons took tea in the building till recently modate about 300 persons, and the cost of its known as the Music Hall, and which has been at erection will be about £900. There was a public considerable cost adapted for public worship. A tea-meeting at half-past five o'clock, and at seven very numerously-attended meeting was held in the o'clock a public meeting, over which the Rev. J. evening, in which the Revs. T. Wilkinson, of Bigwood, the minister of the chapel, presided. The Tewkesbury, J. Wassall, of Blockley, R. Ayres, of Rev. William Brock, of Bloomsbury, and the Rev. Chalford, R. Morris, of Westmancote, J. Stratford, Joseph Parker, D.D., delivered interesting adof Norton, and J. Barnett, of Birmingham, took dresses. Nearly £200 are yet needed to free the part. The Rev. W. Garwood, of Deal, presided. room from debt. The settlement of Mr. Symonds at Pershore is

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.--The Rev. G. W. Humunder very auspicious circumstances, and will, it

phreys, B.A., of Merthyr Tydvil, has accepted the is hoped, tend to the promotion of a more healthy

unanimous invitation of the Baptist church at Wel. state of Christian feeling than has for some time

lington, Somerset, to become its pastor, and purpast existed.

poses (D.V.) to commence his labours there the PRAED STREET CHAPEL, PADDINGTON.-The an

first Sabbath in December.-The Rev. J. R. Par. niversary services were held on Sunday, Oct. 12.

ker, of Lockerley, has accepted a very hearty The Rev. J. Clifford, B.A., preached in the morning,

invitation from the church at Upton-on-Severn, and the Rev. T. Goadby, B.A., in the evening. At

and enters upon his labours the first Sabbath in the anniversary tea-meeting on the following day,

November.-The Rev. T. Phillips, late of Lichfield, it was stated that over seventy had been added to

bas resumed the pastorate of the Baptist church, the church during the year, and that since the com

Earls Barton, near Northampton.-Mr. George mencement of the Rev. J. Clifford's ministry, four

Sear, from the Haddenham Baptist church, Cambs. years ago, 329 persons had been received into

(under the pastorate of the Rev. T. A. Williams), church fellowship. It was also shown that near

has accepted the cordial invitation of the Baptist upon £400 had been given during the year, chiefly

church at Histon, in the same county, to become by members of the church and congregation, to

tbeir pastor.-The Rev. W. Taylor, late of Castle wards the new chapel fand. £250 more are in

Donington, has accepted a cordial invitation to the tended to be obtained by May 1, and then the

pastorate from the Baptist church at Stoke-uponquestion of site will be decided. Of this sum over

Trent, and hopes to enter upon his labours there 100 guineas were promised at the public meeting.

the second Sabbath in November. Mr. J. K. Aston CLINTON, BUCKS.-Services to celebrate

Chappell, of the Cavendish College, Manchester, the enlargement of the chapel, and the erection of

has accepted a unanimous invitation to the pasa commodious school-room and vestries in this

torate of the Baptist church meeting in Salem village, were held on the 7th ult. In the afternoon

Chapel, Boston, and entered upon his labours the and evening two excellent sermons were preached

second Sabbath in October.--The Rev. C. Clarke by the Rev. W. Brock, of London. Neighbouring

has resigned the pastorate of the church in Union ministers took part in the devotional exercises.

Chapel, Huntingdon.-The Rev. J. B. Lockwood Between the services a large and very respectable

has resigned the pastorate of the church at Tarcompany partook of tea; the collections were good;

porley. Long-continued indisposition has induced and all appeared highly gratified with the great

Mr. Lockwood to relinquigh all ministerial labour improvement which has been made, and which was

for the present.-The Rev. Stephen Jones having so greatly needed, in tbis increasingly important

resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church, village.

Lantwit Major, has accepted the cordial invitation WENDOVER, BUCKS.--The recognition of the

of the church at Llanhiddel, and has commenced Rev. E. Foster as pastor of the above church, took

his labours.--Mr. Morgan Phillips, of Pontypool place on Wednesday, October 8. The afternoon

College, has accepted the cordial and unanimous service was conducted by the Revs. W. Sexton, E.

invitation of the Baptist church, Tabor, Brynmawr, Foster, W. Hood, J. Lawton, and C. H. Harcourt.

Monmouthshire, and intends to commence his Tea was provided in the chapel, of which nearly

labours at Christmas.--The Rev. J. S. Bailey, ot 300 partook. The evening meeting was conducted

Bristol College, has accepted the unanimous invi. by the Revs. W. Gay, J. J. Owen, A. Dyson, W.

tation of the Baptist church, Branch Road, BlackSexton, and W. Cheetham. The meetings were

burn, to become their pastor, and hopes to enter largely attended, and deeply interesting in their

on his labours on Sunday, the 9th of November.character. PERTH.-On the evening of Monday, October

The Rev. R. Williams, Hengoed, Glamorganshire,

has received and accepted'a unanimous invitation 13th, recognition services were held in connection

to the pastorate of the Baptist churcb, Cardigan. with the settlement of the Rev. J. C. Brown, late

-The Rev. Richard Green, of Taunton, having of Anstrutber, as pastor of the Baptist church,

accepted an invitation from the Baptist church Perth. The Rev. James Culross, M.A., of Stirling,

meeting in Shipley, Yorkshire, has entered on his delivered a very suitable and profitable address to

labours there. - The Rev. T. W. Medhurst, of Colethe pastor. Ministers of the Independent, United

raine, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the Presbyterian, and Free Churches, were present and

church in North Frederick Street, Glasgow, to betook part in the devotions.

come their pastor, and expects to commence his ONSLOW CHAPEL, QUEEN'S ELM, BROMPTON.

labours on the 2nd of November, The new school-room attached to this chapel was

NOTICE. OUR readers will see, from an advertisement on another page, that the LARGE PICTURE, containing the Portraits of Thirty Baptist Ministers, which has been so long in preparation in connection with THE FREEMAN, is now ready, and is in course of distribution. Each subscriber to THE FREEMAN receives a copy gratis. To others it is sold at the price of half-aguinea. We trust that the issue of this picture, which is admired by all who have seen it, will be the means of adding considerably to the list of subscribers to THE FREEMAN.

We may mention here that our January number will contain a beautifully executed Portrait of E. B. UNDERHILL, Esq., one of the Secretaries of the Baptist Missionary Society.


“ Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone.”



BY THE REV. EDWARD WHITE. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”—Phil. iv. 13. If it were given to a spirit to ascend aloft, and to follow the sunrise around the globe (as imagined by the great German poet), what a wonderful world of human work would come daily before his view. How vast the sum of strength put forth every day by mankind in their various occupations under the sun, in discharge of common household duties, in hand labour and manufactures, in controlling animals, and machines which are moved by the forces of nature, in bearing burdens, in building, in agriculture, in walking, in productive energy, and, above all, in destruction—in fighting for the demolition of life and property, in wars of aggression or defence. If all these human creatures were gathered together and yoked in thousands and millions, they might perhaps be strong enough to tear a mountain from its foundations, if bands of iron and brass could be found sufficiently tenacious to endure the strain.

Strength becomes noble in proportion to its union with intelligence and wisdom. Strength alone does not move much admiration either in Behemoth or in Goliath-a sort of human Behemoth covered with a thick plating of mail, and enorting out foolish defiances against earth, and heaven, and God. Very fearful is strength in conjunction with intelligent wickedness. Thus we read in the Gospels of a demoniac in Gadara whom a legion of evil spirits possessed,—who under this infernal inspiration exerted a force which tore asunder the strongest fetters and manacles, and who spent the livelong day and hideous night in cutting himself with stones amongst the tombs, rushing about covered with gory wounds, in ghastly nakedness, and shrieking incessantly among the sepulchres, 80 that his voice was heard upon the lake of Galilee rising high above the midnight storms.

Not far different, methinks, must be the impression made upon a holy angel looking down upon humanity, with its furious wars and raging passions, such as we behold them this day in America, and as it has appeared in all ages from the beginning of nations until now, filled with the madness of mutual slaughter. It is possessed with devils, and spends the livelong night of time in shrieking amidst this world of tombs, cutting itself with every weapon of destruction, and displaying an awful strength which no chains can bind, a fury which no persuasions can allay. Lord, hasten the time when at thy advent the demons of war, slavery, and wrathful passion shall be driven out, and sent forth into the profound aby88 ; when humanity, clothed and in its right mind, shall sit at thy feet, or go out and “publish much " the loving-kindness of its God!

How awful is it to think still further of superhuman spirits “excelling in strength,” who have become enemies of God, who no longer fly swiftly to do his commandment, but glare with eyes of fire through the gloom of eternity with

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