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calculation which I have made, based on similar sum paid to the Establishment the actual amount of produce raised and from the island treasury. There are not exported, fully bears out this statement. less than 60,000 persons regular communi.

In all material respects, then, emancipa cants in the various sections of the Chris. tion has been an enormous advantage to the tian Church, and that among a population negro. Twenty-five years ago he was a l a little over 400,000 of all ages. slave, not even the owner of his own per- Such, in a very brief form, are some of son. Already, by his labour, he has se- the results of the Act of Emancipation. cured such a hold upon the land, that If that righteous measure needed any vin. thoughtful men in Jamaica begin to fear dication at all, it has received an ample that the white man will ere long be crowded proof of its value and justice in the present out, and the slave, now free, become the prosperous condition of the peasantry of lord of the soil on which he once toiled in | Jamaica. “Jamaica," says the present bitter bondage.

excellent Governor, Captain Darling, "at The social elevation of the people has this moment presents at once the strongest gradually advanced with their improved proof of the complete success of the great temporal condition. Marriage has, to a measure of emancipation, as relates to the large extent, taken the place of the concu capacity of the emancipated race for free. binage of the time of slavery. Day-schools dom, and the most unfortunate instance of receive a good number of scholars for in a descent in the scale of agricultural and struction. Crime is by no means prevalent. commercial importance as a colonial com. Security of life and property prevails. munity.” To emancipation the negro owes Burglary is vory rare ; so also is murder. all that he possesses and enjoys: to other Chapels are numerous, well attended, and causes than this must be attributed the liberally supported. Probably not less losses and decay of that class by whom he than £25,000 a year are raised among the was so long held in degrading and bitter people for religious purposes, besides a l slavery.

E. B. U.


GENERAL. The insurrection in Poland, of which we spoke last month, appears to be growing into an important movement. Hitherto the insurgents have held their own against all the power that Russia has brought against them; and now they appear to be organizing themselves more completely, under their able leader Langiewicz, for yet greater efforts than they have yet made. The Poles, thus strug. gling once more for their liberties, have the sym. pathy of the whole civilized world. The contest in America appears to make little progress. The most important fact is that the North is everywhere coalescing again for the Union and war. The Conscription Act is popular! The great majority of the Democrats, finding the South impracticable, are declaring earnestly for war till the Union is restored. The North seems likely to become more united than it has ever been, and, to all appearance, will fight out the contest vigorously during Mr. Lincoln's Presidency, and perhaps more vigorously afterwards. The South is devising arrangements to sell all captured negro soldiers into slavery, for the benefit of poor slaveholders !

Parliament has continued to sit, though it does so little that it might almost as well not have done so. It appears to have been agreed that nothing should be done till " after Easter." Sir John Trelawny's Affirmation Bill, for allowing, in all cases where desired, an affirmation to be taken instead of an oath, has been actually rejected by a large majority. A motion of Mr. Forster's for an inquiry into the laws relating to game has also been ren

jected by the country gentlemen.” On the other side it may be mentioned that Mr. Hadfield has carried the third reading of his Qualification for Offices Bill by a majority of three ! The Govern. ment, it is needless to say, bave carried nearly all the votes under the Army and Navy Estimates. Their “reductions” do not amount to much after all.

The great event of the month has been the Mar. riage of the Prince of Wales. As our readers have all seen lengthened accounts of the marriage, it is needless to say much here. The popular en. thusiasm was unbounded. Never was there such a manifestation of affectionate loyalty. The young Princess has entered on her new position with every hope and every omen of happiness : may all her expectations, and the expectations of the country, be more than realized!

From the prison of the Audencia, in Granada, the prisoner Matamoros sends to the Evangelical Alliance some details of the recent prosecutions. “Her Majesty's Fiscal has again presented his writ of accusation against the Granada prisoners. He de mands a sentence of eleven years of the galleys, as he did on his former accusation, and, moreover, the initiation of a new trial, on the ground of my having openly confessed my religious faith before the Tribunal. The papers of accusation have been placed in the hands of my counsel, that he may prepare my defence in writing. The only prisoners now in Spain are those of Malaga and Granada. All the others in different towns of Spain have been set at liberty, and the trials against them terminated. You know the circumstances and the position of

us, birt which is very



the accusation against the three Granada prisoners,, you, &c., per your letter of resignation, have not and I will therefore only give you some informa been removed by the resolutions of the church tion about the Malaga prisoners. In Malaga are passed at its meeting, January 28th, and that, conalso three prisoners; namely, Don Antonio Marin, sequently, we are no longer at liberty to consider Don José Gonzales, and Don Antonio Carrasco. you as our pastor. Having said this much, we These three prisoners have been sentenced by the desire now most gratefully to record our deep . Inferior Tribunal' to nine years of the galleys. sense of the obligation under which your past serTheir cause has now been for some time before the vices have laid us. You came amongst us at a "Superior Tribunal' at Granada for final judgment, time when our number was very small, and the Besides these three prisoners there have been tried disadvantages under which we laboured very great, and sentenced by default (in their absence) several and you leave us, by God's blessing on your minisotber Protestants in Malaga, who are either fugi try, literally multiplied manifold, both as a cburch tives from that town or still concealed there. and congregation. During four years you have Their names are, Don José Soto, Don Juan Vivas, generously served us gratuitously, and in addition Don Antonio Villanari, Don José Flores, Don to that, it is owing to your unwearied efforts and Emilio Toribi, and Don Juan Tobias--all sen personal influence with your friends that we tenoed hy default to seven years of the galleys. In possess the handsome and commodious chapel and the rest of Spain there are no more prisoners, nor school-rooms in which we meet. If left to our own legal proceedings instituted against persons for unaided efforts we should have been compelled, their religious convictions. They hare all been ab. as far as we can judge, to rest satisfied with a far solved, and the legal prosecutions against the humbler structure. We also thankfully acknow. brethren at Barcelona, Seville, Jaen, and Cordova, ledge the great value of your pulpit ministrations, bave been quashed. At Malaga there are still some which have uniformly possessed a power, as well as others under prosecution, but their situation before an adaptation to the wants of the people of all the Tribunal is not at all dangerous.” Matamoros grades, seldom equalled, and which we cannot hope himself, we regret to add, though preserved in to see surpassed. For these and all your other peace of mind, remains in a very precarious state services we do most heartily thank you, and repeat of health. There are proofs, although facts are the prayer of a resolution previously submitted cautiously withheld, that potwithstanding these re to you, that you may still be honoured of God as strictions of the law, the Gospel is not bound, but the instrument in his hands of building up his finds bearts prepared to receive it even in Spain. Church, that the evening of your days may be A petition from the ladies of France, to which are peace and joy, and that in the great day of account appended as many as 30,000 signatures, many of the crown of rejoicing which you shall lay at the them Roman Catholic, is about to be presented to Redeemer's feet may be equal to your own fondest the bigoted Queen Isabella.

hope. We are, rev. and dear sir, with sentiments It may be convenient if we mention here the

of gratitude and esteem, yours in the faith of the

Gospel” (here follow the names of members). It is arrangements for the "Annual Meetings.” In con.

pleasing to meet with such a case of disinterested pection with the Baptist Missionary Society there

and devoted labour as this; and we trust that Mr. will be an introductory prayer-meeting at the

Edwards will soon take up some other field of Mission House, presided over by Dr. Hoby, on the

labour, and work it to the same satisfactory results. morning of April 23rd. On Lord's day, April 26th, sermons will be preached on behalf of the society MILE END, PORTSMOUTH.-The foundation-stone at the various chapels in London. The annual

of a new Baptist chapel was laid in the above meeting of the members of the society will be held

place, March 10th, by T. C. Hadon, Esq. In the in the library of the Mission House on Tuesday

evening of the same day a tea-meeting was held morning, April 28th. The Rev. Jonathan Watson, of

in the Commissioners' Hall. Both engagements Edinburgh, and the Rev. W. Brock, will preach the

were numerously attended. The Revs. T. Cousing, annual sermons on Wednesday, April 29tb, the

A. Jones, H. A. Cullis, and E. G. Cecil, Indepenformer at Bloomsbury Chapel, the latter at the

dents; J. Smith and R. E. Davies, Esqs., WesMetropolitan Tabernacle. The annual public

leyans; Rev. W. Hall, Primitive Methodist : E.H. meeting will be held at Exeter Hall on Thursday

Burton, General Baptist; J. B. Burt, of Beaulieu morning, April 30th, chair to be taken by Joseph

Rails; J. B. Little, of Ryde; J. Davies, G. Tritton, Esq., of London. The meetings of the Arnot, J. H. Cooke, and the Rev. H. Kitching other societies will range themselves around those

(pastor of the church), took part in the proceed. of the Missionary Society, in the same order as ings. A copy of The Freeman and of The Weekly usual.

Times (local paper), with a few coins, and a brief account of the origin of the church, with the name of the pastor, &c., were placed under the stone.

The site selected for this chapel is in the midst of DOMESTIC.

a denge and still rapidly increasing population,

The Lombardic style of architecture has been EDMONTON, MIDDLESEX.--About four years ago

adopted. The dimensions of the building will be, Mr. Jobn Edwards, of Cannon Street, London, and

with organ-recess-length, eighty-six feet; width, late of Halifax, Yorkshire, while devoting his Sun

independently of lobbies, which are placed outside days to the preaching of the Gospel, was led to devote

the main building, forty-six feet; height to spring, himself to the working-out of a young cause at

ing of roof, thirty-one feet, Accommodation will Edmonton. He has just retired from the pastorate

be provided for 650. The side-galleries, when of the new Baptist church gathered there, feeling

added, will increase this number to 800. The estithat the time has come when the cause should have

mated cost, with purchase of land and other ex. the undivided attention of a minister who can penses, is about £2,000. It is intended to hold a give his whole time to the work. On retiring from

bazaar in the building in June next, and to comthe field, the church unanimously passed a series mence public worship in the month of September. of commemorative resolutions, which were sent to Mr. Edwards, and from which we select the follow. Bow, MIDDLESEX.-On Wednesday evening. i ng extract:-“We, the undersigned members of Feb. 25th, a tea and public meeting of a very interthe Baptist church at Lower Edmonton, on behalf esting character was held in the school-rooms of of the church collectively, and each of us indi. the Baptist chapel, Bow, in order to present to idually, regret to find that the feelings which led Mr. John Freeman a testimonial of the esteem of the church, after a membership of fifty-six years, 1 meeting of the church and congregation meeting in during forty-two years of which period he has held the Commissioners' Hall, Landport, was held Jan. the office of deacon. The Rev. C. J. Middleditch, 20tb, when the spacious hall was crowded. The who presided, Dr. Cooke, an old and intimate friend pastor, the Rev. H. Kitching, took the chair; the of Mr. Freeman, the Rev. G. T. Driffield, rector of Revs. G. Arnott, J. H. Cooke, J. Davis, Thomas Bow, Rev. J. Cox, Dr. Hewlett, and other minig Cousins, A. Jones, H. H. Cullis, and E. G. Cecil ters and friends present, referred to various pub (Independent), were present, and most of them lic and private excellences in the character of Mr. addressed the meeting. The chairman stated the Freeman : his large and varied attainments as a steps which had been taken in procuring a piece of scbolar; his useful career in the Church of Christ land for the erection of a Baptist chapel in one of and in the Bible Society in the neighbourhood, of the most destitute parts of Landport, and that which he had been the honorary secretary from shortly they would commence building. The plan its commencement, now nearly fifty years since. A

of the building was shown to the friends present. purse containing sixty-five sovereigns was then presented to Mr. Freeman, who acknowledged, in

FOLKESTONE, SALEM CHAPEL.-This sanctuary a speech of deep feeling and characteristic modesty,

was reopened, after being closed seven weeks to be the kindness of his numerous friends, giving also a

enlarged, on Sunday, March 1st, when the Rev. D. graphic and interesting summary of his early

Jones, B.A., preached two excellent discourses, in thirst and pursuit after knowledge, and ultimate

the morning from Psalm cxxxii. 8, in the evening

from Acts v. 20. success in its attainment. Mr. Freeman was for

The chapel is entirely renovated, many years the Examiner in Hebrew, Chaldee, and

the old pews taken away, and convenient, elegant, Syriac, in the Baptist College, Stepney.

open seats substituted. Fifty new sittings have

been added. The church are now thanking God LYMPSFIELD, SUBREY.-On Wednesday, March that he has given them an enlarged building to 17th, services were held at Payn's Hill Chapel, represent the denomination in this fasbionable Lympsfield, Surrey, in connection with the recog. watering place. nition of the Rev. F. Cockerton, late a student of

BIRKENHEAD.-The church and congregation the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's College, as pastor of

under the pastoral care of the Rev. S. H. Booth, the church. At half past two o'clock the charge

held their annual tea-meeting on Wednesday, Feb. was given to the pastor by Rev. J. Cubitt, one of

25th. It was resolved to pay off the remaining the tutors of the college, followed by an address to

debt upon the chapel of £1,900. Subscriptions er. the church by the Rev. J. Lord, of Hersham. At

tending over various periods were promised, half-past five a tea-meeting was held, which was

amounting to £1,400. It was also reported that s numerously attended by friends of the neighbour

Sunday-school and preaching-station had been hood. In the evening & public meeting was ad.

opened at the north end of the town. dressed by Revs. F. Zencker, B. Dickins, G. Haigh, D. Russell, and several others. This STOKE GREEN, IPSWICH.-The opening of the interest is connected with the Surrey Mission, and new school-room recently erected for the use of the present minister has entered upon his work the Baptist Sunday-school in this place, at a cost with pleasing prospects of usefulness.

of £600, took place on Wednesday, February 4th,

when the remaining debt of £250 was provided for LLANFRYNAICH, NEAR BRECON.-On Monda

at a social tea, gratuitously supplied, and fully at. and Tuesday, the 2nd and 3rd of March, a very

tended by friends of the church and congregation. bandsome and commodious Baptist chapel was opened for Divine worship in the village of Llanfry. MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-Since the session comnaich. The opening services commenced on the menced at Regent's Park College, the following Monday evening, at six o'clock, when two sermons students have settled as pastors. In every case were preached by the Revs. R. Lloyd, of Peny. the settlement has been the result of a cordial and rheol, and James, of Pontestyll. On Wednesday unanimous invitation. Rev. H. Von der H. Cowel, morning, at ten, sermons were preached by the B.A., at Taunton; Rev.J.H. Wood, at Barnstaple; Revs. D, Matthias, of Llanwrlyd, D. V. Phillips, of and Rev. T. G. Rooke, B.A., at Frome.The Rev. Builth, and D. B. Edwards, of Brecon. At two T. E. Fuller, of Lewes, has accepted the cordial p.m. tho Revs. A. J. Morton, of Glasbury, and F. invitation to the pastorate of the churcb in Welling. Evans, of Llangynidr, preached. At six the services ton Street, Luton, and hopes to commence his were again continued, when two sermons were labours on the first Sunday ip April.--The Rev. preached by the Revs. J.L. Evans, of Lower Chapel, Charles Thomas Keen, jun., bas, at the upadi. and, B. Watkins, of Maesyberllan. The sermons,

mous desire of the church in Ballymena, removed congregations, and collections, were all very good. from Londonderry to take charge of the Baptist The friends at Llanfrynaich have acted worthily of Irish Society's station in the former town.--The praise in the exertions they have put forth among Rev. J. Wilkins has signified to the church at Zion themselves in subscribing towards paying off the Chapel, Chatteris, that he will resign the pastorate debt of the new chapel.

at Midsummer. He designs in the interim to visit COUNTESTHORPE. LEICESTERSHINE.-On Tues.

destitute churches.-Mr. Tessier, from the Rev,

C. H. Spurgeon's College, has received and acday evening, February 17th, services were held at

cepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the the Baptist chapel in this place, in connection with

church in Coleraine, Ireland, which was formerly the formation of a church under the pastorate of

occupied by Mr. T. W. Medhurst, now of Glas. the Rev. Thos. Rhys Evans, formerly of Usk. The

gow. -The Rer, G. Binnie has tendered his resig. Revs. 8. Evans, of Arnsby (pastor of the church

nation as pastor of the Baptist church in Neoton, from which the members have been dismissed), T.

Norfolk.-The Rev. F. Cockerton, student of the Rhys Evans, J. Barnett, of Blaby, and W. Bull,

Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's College, has been unani. B.Á., of Sutton-in-the-Élms, took part in the ser.

mously chosen as pastor of Payne's Hill Chapel, vice. After presiding over the celebration of the

Lympsfield, Surrey.--The Rev. D. Gee has resigaed Lord's Supper, the Rev. J. P. Mursell preached a

the pastorate of the Baptist chapel, Market Har. powerful and impressive sermon from the words,

borough.The Rev. W. H. Cornish has informed is These are they that follow the Lamb.”

the church at Hook Norton, Oxfordsbire, of his LANDPORT, PORTSMOUTH.-The first public tea. I intention to resiga the pastorate.

there preachers, at sikre dices con


“ Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."

MAY, 1863.


BY THE LATE REV. JOHN FOSTER. * Both a character of dignity and the interest of surprise would accompany our considerations on the value of Time, if imagination could bave an expanded, though momentary, view of what is done throughout the universe in the space of each day and each hour. The importance of this moral space is in some sense commensurate to all that is effected within it by the whole series of created agents from the meanest to the sublimest, and even to all that is performed by the operation of the Supreme Being himself. The confinement, therefore, of our faculty of observing to an indefinitely small portion of this immense agency (excepting, indeed, what we dimly discern in the system of the heavens), contracts proportionally our comprehension of the worth of those portions of duration with which we may be allowed to say that all the operations in the universe are contemporary. But yet we can a little extend the sphere of our view by a strong effort to imagine the several parts in succession of that immense system of operation which prevails throughout the cretaion. We can endeavour to expand our contemplation to the whole order of nature as displayed on this globe, and think of the continual, though dark and silent, changes in its interior regions; of the process of vegetation prevailing over millions of square leagues ; of the action of all the elements in all their forms; of the movements of an infinite multitude of animals, each of which is a mysterious system of active powers, complete within itself; and of the collective operations of mankind, an agency too wide and diversified, probably, for the faculties of an angel to observe and record it in all its parts. We can then extend our thoughts to some of the other worlds, and expatiate on the possible economy of their actions, according, no doubt, to the analogy of what we know in our own, but at the same time with some bold and sublime variations, especially that of in agency much less corporeal, and yet much more powerful, than that of terrestrial beings. Next, we can, though very faintly indeed, form the idea of i boundless multitude of such worlds, each one thus occupied by an innumerable crowd of active beings, and perhaps all these worlds themselves performing the labour of various and immense revolutions, according to the laws of a system of which the harmony is preserved amidst the movements of a complex and everlasting activity. Our thoughts can finally approach toward the contemplation of the agency of that Infinite Power who sustains and actuates all this system, and just perceive the grandeur of the contemplation while sinking under its magnitude.

Now this immense system of operations, which, if divided into a million of * This interesting article is an extract from the first chapter of Mr. Foster's Essay on “The Improvement of Time, which is to form a part of the volume next to be issued in “ The Bupyan Library."


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parts, would in one of those single parts transcend and oppress our faculties of contemplation, if they were a million of times stronger than they are in any man,--this whole system of action is going on at this very moment of time. Many of the agents within this vast economy may not have a similar mode of distinguishing duration that we have, but they are nevertheless performing their works in the same point of duration which is now present with us, under the name of a moment or an hour. The Omnipresent Spirit perceives all but 'an infinite number of actions taking place together throughout the different regions of his empire. And by the end of the hour which has just now begun, a greater number of operations will have been performed, which at this moment have not been performed, than the collective sum of all that has been done in this world since its creation. The hour just now begun may be exactly the period for finishing some great plan, or concluding some great dispensation, which thousands of years or ages have been advancing to its accomplishment. This may be the very hour in which a new world shall originate, or an ancient one sink in ruins. At this hour, such changes and phenomena may be displayed in some part of the universe, as were never presented to the astonishment of the most ancient created minds. At this very hour, the inhabitants of some remote orb may be roused by signs analogous to those which we anticipate to precede the final judgment, and in order to prepare them for such an event. This hour may somewhere begin or conclude mightier contests than Milton was able to imagine, and contests producing a more stupendous result; contests, in comparison of which those which shake Europe at this same time are more diminutive than those of the meanest insects. At this very hour, thousands of amazing enterprises may be undertaken, and by the end of it a progress made, which to us would have seemed to require ages. At this hour, wise intelligences may terminate long and patient pursuits of knowledge in such discoveries as shall give a new science to their race. At this hour, a whole race of improved and virtuous beings · may be elevated to a higher station in the great system of beings. At this hour, some new mode of Divine operation, some new law of nature, which was not required before, may be introduced into the first trial of its action. At this hour, the most strange suspension of regular laws may take place at the will of Him that appointed them, for the sake of commanding a solemn attention, and confirming some Divine communication by miracles. At this hour, the inhabitants of the creation are most certainly performing more actions than any faculty of mind less than infinite can observe or remember. All this, and incomparably more than all this, a philosopher and a Christian would delight to imagine. And all that he can imagine in the widest stretch of thought, is as nothing in comparison with what most certainly takes place in 80 vast a universe every hour, and will take place this very hour in which these faint conjectures are indulged.

And though the infinitely greater proportion of operations, which in the wide kingdom of the creation must be accomplished every hour, do not immediately interest us, yet I think it is not enthusiastic to let them associate their importance with the period of time in which they are taking place. The hour which belongs to the labours of our duty belongs to an infinite number of labours besides, and we shall feel it a more sacred thing by recollecting what it will accomplish, though we should slight and waste it. We may thus, in thought, draw around us an infinite assemblage of agents, and operations, and results, all conspiring to scorn and to humble us for our indolence. It will become a mortification and be felt a crime to exist nearly in the condition of a clod of earth amidst this mighty system of energy; and to surrender our time to inanity will seem like a protest against the whole universe and its Author. We shall be overwhelmed to think what has been done in those hours and days and years that we have lost; and that probably still more is done every successive hour


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