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" What do you mean to do?”.

extravagantly fond of reading; but you “Why, you see, Fritz carries a basket of have quite a library. Now suppose-ah, eggs to market every morning, and I mean well, I won't suppose anything about it. to trip him over this string and smash 'em I'll just leave you to think over : le matter,

and find your own coal; and is sure and Now Joe knew well enough that he was kindle it with love, for no other fire burns not showing the right spirit, and muttered so brightly and so long;” and with a to himself, “Now for a good scolding." cheery whistle cousin Herbert sprung over But, to his great surprise, cousin Herbert the fence and was gone. said quietly, “Well, I think Fritz does Before Joe had time to collect his need some punishment; but this string is thoughts, he saw Fritz coming down the an old trick. I can tell you something lane, carrying a basket of eggs in one hand better than that."

and a pail of milk in the other. “What ?" cried Joe eagerly.

For one minute the thought crossed “How would you like to put a few coals Joe's mind, “What a grand smash it of fire on his head ?"

would bave been if Fritz had fallen over Whatand burn him ?” said Joe the string ;” and then again he blushed to doubtfully. Cousin Herbert nodded with the eyes, and was glad enough that the a queer smile. Joe clapped his hands. string was safe in his pocket. “Now, that's just the thing, cousin Her Fritz started, and looked very uncombert. You see his hair is so thick he fortable, when he first caught sight of Joe ; wouldn't get barned much before he'd but the boy began abruptly, “Fritz, do have time to shake 'em off; but I'd just you have much time to read now ? " like to see him jump once. Now tell me “Sometimes," said Fritz, “when I've how to do it-quick !"

driven the cows home, and done all my “If thine enemy be hungry, give him work, I have a little piece of daylight bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him left; but the trouble is, I've read everywater to drink : for thou shalt heap coals | thing I could get hold of." of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall | “How would you like to take my new

reward thee,'" said cousin Herbert gravely; book of travels ? is by "and I think that's the best kind of punish Fritz's eses danced. “Oh! may I, may ment little Fritz could have."

I? I'd be so careful of it." Joe's face lengthened terribly. "Now “ Yes," answered Joe ; "and perhaps I do say, cousin Herbert, that's a real I've some others you'd like to read. And, 3 take in. That's just no punishment at all.” Fritz," he added a little slily, “I would

“ Try it once," said cousin Herbert. ask you to come and help sail my boat “Treat Fritz kindly, and I'm certain he to-day, but some one has torn up the sails

will feel so ashamed and unhappy that he and made a great hole in the bottom. Who £ would far rather have you kick or beat do you suppoee did it?" him."

Fritz's head dropped upon his breast; Joe was not really such a bad boy at but after a moment he looked up with a heart; but he was now in a very ill temper, great effort and said, “ I did it, Joe; but

and he said sullenly, “But you've told me I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am. in a story, cousin Herbert. You said this You didn't know I was so mean when you Strony kind of coals would burn; and they can't promised me the books ? "

“Well, I rather thought you did it," “You're mistaken about that,” said his said Joe slowly. cousin cheerily. “I've known such coals " And yet you didn't- "Fritz couldn't to burn up a great amount of rubbish get any further; for his cheeks wero in a malice, envy, ill-feeling, revenge, and I perfect blaze, and he rushed off without don't know how much more—and then another word. leave some very cold hearts feeling as " Cousin Herbert was right," said Joe to warm and pleasant as possible."

himself: “ that coal does burn; and I Joe drew a long sigh. "Well, tell me a know Fritz would rather I had smashed good coal to put on Fritz's head, and I'll see every egg in his basket than offered to lend about it."

him that book. But I feel fine;" and “You know," said cousin Herbert, | little Joe took three more somersaults, smiling, “ that Fritz is very poor, and can smiling, “ that

and went home with a light heart and a seldom buy himself a book, although he is 1 grand appetite for breakfast.

13 at all.”

When the captain and crow of the little that very morning. The boat was repaired vessel met at the appointed hour, they and made a grand trip, and everythr. found Fritz there before them, eagerly trying turned out as cousin Herbert had said: to repair the injuries ; and as soon as he for Joe's heart was so warm and full s saw Joe he hurried to present him with a kind thoughts that he never was mor: beautiful little flag which he had bought happy in all his life. for the boat with part of his |

Gems from Golden Mines.

FEW AT THE PRAYER-MEETING. | whatever may be the feeling of a few indi: The comparatively small numbers who

viduals, the community itself is indifferen sustain it may help to account for the com

to that petition, and it is, therefore, set paratively slight and partial results of

aside as a thing of utter insignificance. social prayer. Numberless sentences of

On the same principle, when a church » proinise or direction teach that God re

summoned by its executive ministry to gards with a high and sacred complacency

weekly meetings for prayer, and only a fer the “ assemblies of the saints," and that

members attend, is it not a fair inference such assemblies have their own peculiar

that the church itself is indifferent to those attraction for the presence of Jesus. All

prayers? They may, indeed, be earnestir his dispensations help to reveal the prin

presented by individuals; but the schus ciple that “he loveth the gates of Zion

society is not identified with their presettamore than the dwellings of Jacob;" that

tion; and if God dealt with us as me is, there is a sense in which he loves the

deals with man, we could not feel surprise. large assembly more than the small assem

| if such prayers of the church were rather bly. They suggest the probability that | regarded as an assertion of its indifferen? blessings not granted to the prayers of an

than an expression of its strong desire.individual would be granted to the con

Rev. C. Stanford. gregation in which many individual prayers melt in one mighty strain. Where, for instance, God promised the gift of the Spirit,

WHERE I FOUND JESUS. he subjoined the qualification, “I will yet I WENT about by coveting, and I fouru for this be inquired of,” not by the single not Jesus. I sat in company with world! Israelite merely, but by “the house of mirth, but there I found him not. Israel, to do it for them.” As every power sought him in high thoughts, but I fou! must be stronger in its collective than its him not; for he let me know by his gra' separate existence, in its aggregate than in that he is not found in the land of easy ::) ! its individuality, and will have augmented soft living. Therefore I turned by 8.3force in the degree of its increasing accu- other way, and sought him by poverty; 8. mulation-efficacious as is solitary prayer, I found Jesus-borne into the world por social prayer has a heightened efficacy; and laid in a manger, and laid in poor rugs! if “the prayer of one righteous man avail ! went by sharp sufferings, and I fou:much," the prayers of many avail more. | Jesus weary in the way, tormented W. When, therefore, we “forsake the assem- | bunger, and thiret, and cold, filled with bling of ourselves together"-when we slanders and reproofs. I sat by myo leave them to be sustained by a limited | fleeing the vanities of the world, and i and variable attendance—what wonder is it found Jesus fasting in the desert, and pray if we find tbat in proportion as they lose in ing by himself on the hill. I went ab. social force they die in spiritual effect ? | in mortification and pain, and I fou.

There is yet another affecting considera- | Jesus bound fast, hand and foot, to 8 p. tion. When all the inhabitants of a certain of stone, and from the lead to the lett district are summoned for the purpose of torn with scourges. I found Jesus hau sending a petition to the legislature, but l on the cross, fast-nailed hand and only a few respond, the inference is, that, having gall given him to drink, and opening

on the cross. Therefore Jesus is not narrow, difficult, halving, and manacled found in riches, but in poverty; not inforgiveness that is found amongst men, delicacies, but in mortification ; not in idle when any such thing is found amongst and wanton joying, but in bitter weeping them; but it is full, free, boundless, bottomand mourning; not among many, but in a less, absolute--such as becomes his nature lonely place; not in soft nourishing of the and excellencies. It is, in a word, forgivebody, but in pain of body.-Wickliffe. ness that is with God, and by the exercise

whereof he will be known so to be. If there THE TUITION OF SUFFERING. I be any pardon with God, it is such as

EARTHLY suffering seems to come either becomes him to give ;—when he pardons, as a vengeance or as a calamity upon men. he will abundantly pardon. Go with your It is always a surprise until they have been half-forgiveness, limited, conditional parlong wonted to it. But the heavenly side, dons, with reserves and limitations, unto as disclosed in the Apocalyptic vision, the sons of men; it may be it may become shows that suffering comes neither as a them-it is like themselves ;-that of God vengeance nor as a calamity, in the ordi- is absolute and perfect, before which our nary course of nature. For although we sins are as à cloud before the east wind and may understand the liberty of God to em the rising sun. Hence he is said to do this ploy suffering eitber as a vengeance or a work with his whole heart and his whole calamity, yet such an employment of it is soul, freely, bountifully, largely, to indulge special, and suffering is intercalated upon and forgive unto us our sins, and to cast the course of nature, and is part and them unto the bottom of the sea-unto a parcel of a universal experience. Storms bottomless ocean, an emblem of infinite may be most destroying, overflowing the mercy. - Dr. Owen. land, tearing up foundations, sweeping away bridges, and submerging harvests; but their doing this is the exception. The SOWING AND REAPING. fall of rain is a part of the economy of

Sow with a generous hand ; mercy. It is not for destruction, but for

Pause not for toil or pain ; benefit. And so sufferings may, at times, Weary not through the heat of summer; in the hands of God, be vengeful; but

Weary not through the cold spring ordinarily they are not. They are part of

rain; God's design for the education of men in

But wait till the autumn comes this world, and may be called pangs of

For the sheaves of golden grain. birth into higher states. For suffering is

Scatter the seed, and fear not: intended to make us let go of things that

A table will be spread : are lower, and rise a grade higher. The earthly seeming, and the heavenly reality,

What matter if you are too weary

To eat your hard-earned bread? if you could contrast them, are in wonder

Sow while the earth is broken, ful opposition. Here it seems as if God were angry; but in heaven as if he were

For the hungry must be fed. dealing in mercy. Here it seems as if

Sow : while the seeds are lying great disaster had overwhelmed us; but

In the warm earth’s bosom, deep, there as if the breaking of the cloud over

And your warm tears fall upon it, us was but the closing of the waters of a

They will stir in their quiet sleep ; bath from which we shall emerge purer,

And the green blades rise the quicker, cleaner, and more manly.-H. W. Beecher.

Perchance, for the tears you weep.

Then sow; for the hours are fleeting, FORGIVENESS OF SIN.

And the seed must fall to-day; THE forgiveness that is with God is such And care not what hands shall reap it, as becomes him-such as is suitable to his Or if you shall pass away greatness, goodness, and other excellencies Before the waving corn-fields of his nature-such as that therein he will Shall gladden the sunny day. be known to be God. What he says con Sow; and look onward, upward, cerning some of the works of his providence, Where the starry light appears, “Be still, and know that I am God," may Where, in spite of the coward's doubting, be much more said concerning this great Or your own heart's trembling fears, effect of his grace,-still your souls, and You shall reap in joy the harvest know that he is God. It is not like that You have sown to-day in tears.

Our Missions.


The mission needs this help, both to The nation has almost realized the ful make up the deficiency of last year and to ness of the blessings promised to the Israel sustain its increased agency. The heathen ites of old on their observance of the Divine are perishing for lack of that bread of life commands. Rain in due season has re which it is in our power to supply, and freshed our fields; the land has yielded which this agency is occupied in impartiog. her increase; the trees of the field have From all parts of the missionary field been laden with ripened fruit. The thresh encouraging tidings reach us, whilo every ing of the abundant harvest is likely to day makes more clear the need. From “reach to the sowing-time" of next year's China we hear that souls have been conspring. The Lord our God has given verted and added to the church, and new peace to the land, and the dread calamity fields of labour open before the missionary. which filled every heart with gloom at In India the churches steadily increase in this time last year, has been most nobly numbers, and all accounts agree as to the borne and generously met; our forebodings powerful influence which the constant remain unfulfilled through the merciful preaching of the Gospel is exerting on the providence of God (Levit. xxvi. 3-6). In masses of the population. The Christian all this is there not a cause for thankegivings life of the churches in Ceylon is putting on to Him who crowns the year with his good. a more vigorous form in the endeavour to nees? Doubtless many a voice in secret, support the native ministers. Two churches as well as in the public worship of God, in the Kandy district have already assumed has gone up with praise to the ear of the the burden, and another church, in Colombo, Father of mercies, and already on many an has resolved to commence with the new altar the sacrifice of gratitude has been year. The west coast of Africa adds its laid.

quota to the church of Christ, and the misOur readers will scarcely need to be re- sionaries cleave to this work amidst the minded that, owing to the urgent necessi- | perils which beset them from barbarous ties of our Lancashire brethren, funds and savage men. The converts in Ferusually devoted to charitable and religious nando Po continue steadfast in their faith, purposes were largely diverted into the notwithstanding all the efforts of the channels opened for their relief; so much Spanish authorities and priests to destroy so, that many institutions had to curtail it. In France the word of God is winning their ordinary benevolence, and others were its way, and several converts reward the left at the close of the year considerably in patience and toil of Christ's servants. In debt. Such was the case with our Mis the West Indies the churches of Jamaica sionary Society. Its receipts were four or are about to celebrate the Jubilee of the five thousand pounds less than the year mission, and to thank God for what he before, and only a large balance in hand has wrought for them in the fifty years prevented its being burdened with a debt that have rolled by. More than 30,000 to that amount. As it was, the expenditure church members will commemorate their exceeded the available means by £1,176. emancipation as well from temporal bondThe prosperity of the previous years has age as from the chains of sin. Thus from led the Committee to increase the number the whole mission-field we gather food for of its missionaries and to enlarge the gratitude and joy. sphere of its operations : to maintain this Combining in one view these manifold extension its annual income must not be less causes of thankfulness, we cannot doubt than £30,000.

that our readers will gladly unite with the Now, amidst the songs of our harvest churches of Christ throughout the land in homes, and the praises which will ascend giving expression to their gratitude, and to the throne of God from our sanctuaries, will rejoice to link with their thanksgivings let us not forget the necessities of others. some practical token and gift. The Baptist Our gratitude may well assume the form of Missionary Society asks our readers to rea contribution to sustain the cause of our | member the heathen in their blindness, and Redeemer, and express itself in liberal to share with the perishing of pagan lands donations of those gifts which his hands the mercies of the Father of all, have so abundantly bestowed upon us.



Williams, of Amlwch, preached to the stu. dents a sermon full of valuable suggestions and wise counsels, from Heb. xiii. 22. The exam. ination of tbe students took place on Tuesday, at ten a.m. and two pom. The examiners were the Rev. E. Roberts, of Pontypridd, in the languages; the Rev. C. M, Birrell, of Liver. pool, in moral science; and the Rev. Hugh Wil. liams, of Amlwch, in theology. The reports of the examiners were of the most satisfactory cha. racter. Immediately after the examination the general meeting of the members of the society was held. On Tuesday evening the English service was held at the English Baptist chapel. The service was introduced by the Rev. Dr. Prichard, the president: and the Rev. C.M.Birrell, of Liverpool, preached a most excellent and appropriate sermon to the students on the Gospel ministry. At the close of this service a very interesting ceremony took place. The Rev. Dr. Prichard rose, on bebalf of Mrs. Jones, widow of the late Rev. Hugh Jones, of Ruthin, to present each of the studentg-nine in all-with a copy of the Annotuted Paragraph Bible. Then the Rev. Hugh Jones, classical tutor, rose, on behalf of the students, to acknowledge this precious gift, and to tender their sincero thanks to the worthy donor. This was the first anniversary of the institution, and many of its friends were present.

All our readers have heard of the lamented, but not unexpected death of the Rev. Dr. Rafiles. He had been long ill, and his death had been for some time looked for. His power in the pulpit will not soon be forgotten by those who were accustomed to hear him. In private life he was as good as in public life he was eminent.

POLITICAL affairs are not of much interest this month. At home, all has been as dull and quiet as it usually is in the month of September. Abroad, almost everywhere-in America, Poland, France, Germany-things remain essentially as they were.

From Madagascar we have again rumours of strife and inarchy. But the letters most recently received direct from the island represent affairs as resuming their wonted quiet. The Hovas had universally acquiesced in the new order of things, notwithstanding that the Sakalavas bad showu some resistance, and withdrawn to the western districts of the island. There had been a great gathering of the people, numbering nearly 20,000, in Antananarivo, at which the newly revised code of laws was proclaimed and approved. “There is little confidenco placed in the Queen,” says the Rev. Robert Toy, "on the part of the Christians, who fear another persecution ; but of this there seems little cause for fear. Should religious liberty be secured for the space of a very few years, then, according to the recent rate of increase, persecution on a large scale will be virtually impossible. Even now there is scarcely a family among the vobles where the influence of Christianity is not felt to a greater or less degree. During the late disturbance more than one proposition was started to the effect that the Chris. tians should also be destroyed; but it was an acknowledged impossibility, from the fact that, at the capital, they and their supporters were nearly, if not quite, as numerous as the opposite party." Mr. Ellis states that the congregations in the east and at the south are gradually increasing, and tbat their influence for good is already apparent in the adjacent villages.

On Wednesday, September 2nd, a numerous meeting of the friends of Rawdon College was held on the occasion of commencing the session of 1863-4. In the afternoon, at half past two, the Rev. Dr. Acworth, the late esteemed president, was called to the chair. After prayer by the Rev. Samuel Green, of Hammersmith, the chairman, with a few appropriate and kind remarks intro. duced the newly elected president, Rev. S. G. Green, B.A., who delivered an inaugural address. The Rev. H. Dowson, on behalf of the committee, welcomed the new president, congratulating the friends of the institution and the denomination at large on the appointment of Mr. Green. After taking tea the friends reassembled, the Rev. Dr. Godwin in the chair, when addresses were de livered by the chairman, by the Rev. Messrs. Best, of Leeds, Edwards, of Nottingham, T. T. Waterinan, one of the Independent ministers of Brad. ford: Thomas Aked, Esq.: Revs. J. P. Chown, of Bradford, and Samuel Green, of Hammersmith. We are glad to find that the prospects of this institution, under the direction of the new presi. dent, are of the most encouraging character.

The first' annual meetings and examination of the new North Wales College were held at Llangollen, August 24th and 25th. On Monday eve. ning, August 24th, the Welsh service was held at Castle Street Chapel, when the Rev. D. Rees, of Moelfre, read and prayed, and the Rev. Hugh

DOMESTIC. SHREWSBURY.The ceremony of laying the first stone of a new chapel in connection with the Baptist congregation worshipping at Coleham, in this borough, took place on Tuesday, August 18th, in the presence of a numerous assemblage. The site of the intended chapel is the yard at the back of what was formerly the Spread Eagle Inn, and it will, therefore, under existing circumstances, have no frontage to the street. The portion now in course of erection does not necessitate the destruction of the house, which has been converted into two private residences. A temporary brick front is to be built, which will stand till the purchase-money of the property (£780), and the cost of the present erection, is met, when the houses will be pulled down, and the chapel brought out so as to seat 700 persons, without galleries, and it is designed then to erect a commanding stone front which will be an ornament to the town. The ex. terior dimensions of the building are 53 feet by 45 feet, and it is estimated to hold 400 persons. It will be built of bricks, with fire brick dressings and quoins. The frontage consists of a lotty ciroular-headed doorway, having on each side a window to correspond, and the sides are pierced by two tiers of square windows, five in each tier, the upper tier being intended for lighting the gal. leries, which, however, are not at present to be erected. The service having been opened with the usual devotional service, in which the Rev. C. F.

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