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that she had never spent so happy al 'tis more blessed to give than to receive; birthday.

and remember the text you learned last Mrs. Clifford replied, “ 'Tis because you Sunday, 'He that hath pity upon the poor have thought more of others than of your lenneth unto the Lord; and that which self, I hope you will always realize that he hath given will he pay him again.'"

Gems from Golden Mines.

[blocks in formation]

“NONE OTHER NAME.” A FEW persons were collected round a blind man who had taken his station on a bridge over a London canal, and was reading from an embossed Bible. Receiving from the passers-by of their carnal things, he was ministering to them spiritual things. A gentleman on his way home from the City was led by curiosity to the outskirts of the crowd. Just then the poor man, who was reading in the fourth chapter of Acts, lost his place, and while trying to find it with his fingers, kept repeating the last clause he had read: “None other name

none other namemnone other name." Some of the people smiled at the blind man's embarrassment, but the gentleman went away deeply musing. He had lately become convinced that he was a sinner, and had been trying in many ways to obtain peace of mind. But religious exercises, good resolutions, altered habits, all were in effectual to relieve his conscience of its load, and enable him to rejoice in God. The words he had heard from the blind man, however, rang their solemn music in his soul. «None otber name!" When be reached his home and retired to rest, these words, like evening chimes from village towers nestling among the trees, were still heard : “ NONE OTHER NAME — NONE OTHER NAME - NONE OTHER NAME.And when he awoke, in more joyful measure, like matin bells saluting the morn, the strain continued : "NONE OTHER NAME-NONE OTHER NAME.” The music entered his soul, and he awoke to a new life. “I see it all! I see it all! I have been trying to be saved by my own works, my repentance, my prayers, my reformation. I see my mistake. It is Jesus who alone can save me. To him I will look.” Neither is there salvation in any other : for there is none other name-none other name-none other name- under heaven

OFT Weeping Memory sits alone

Beside some grave at even,
And calls upon some spirit flown,
Oh say, shall those on earth our own

Be ours again in heaven ?
Amid these lone sepulchral shades,

Where sleep our dear ones riven,
Is not some lingering spirit near
To tell if those divided here

Unite and know in heaven?
Shall friends who o'er the waste of life

By the same storms are driven Shall they recount in realms of bliss The fortunes and the tears of this,

And love again in heaven? When hearts which have on earth been

By ruthless death are riven,
Why does the one which death has reft
Drag off in grief the one that's left,

If not to meet in heaven ?
The warmest love on earth is still

Imperfect when 'tis given :
But there's a purer clime above,
Where perfect hearts in perfect love

Unite, and this is heaven.
If love on earth is but “in part,"

As light and shade at even,
If sin doth plant a thorn between
The truest hearts, there is, I ween,

A perfect love in heaven.
Oh, bappy world! oh, glorious place,

Where all who are forgiven
Shall find their loved and lost below,
And hearts, like melting streams, shall

flow, For ever one in heaven!

Our Missions.

them are large, and the little chapel is inTHE SOOREE MISSION.

conveniently crowded. During last year A LITTLE more than a hundred miles three persons were baptized. Two others from Calcutta, in & north-westerly direc have been added to the church this year tion, lies the quiet town of Sooree. It is from among the heathen. One of these, a the principal town of the district of brother of one of the native preachers, has Beerbhoom, which contains upwards of a been compelled, by the hostility of his million inhabitants. It is one of the friends, to suffer the loss of all things for driest districts of Bengal, and abounds in Christ. The other, an aged Mohammedan iron ore and coal. A mission was com. ayah, has been exposed to many persecumenced in Sooree about forty years ago by tions from her fellow-servants. · Both, the energetic Chamberlain, and has, during nevertheless, adorn the doctrine of God the greater part of the time, been actively our Saviour by their patient continuance in carried on by the Rev. J. Williamson. | well-doing. Though now advanced in years, be still · Three native brethren assist the mis. gives his weakened energies to the work of sionaries in their Christian work. Some God, and is assisted by the Rev. R. J. of the adjacent villages are visited every Ellis.

morning by them and Mr. Ellis. In The mission was an offshoot of Seram- | Sooree there is preaching every day in the pore, and at the college there Mr. Wil bazaars, besides three services on the liamson was for some time employed as a Lord's day in the chapel. The following lecturer on chemistry. Having resolved interesting narrative of an inquirer is given upon devoting himself to missionary work, by Mr. Ellis :and acquired a competent knowledge of 1 "In our morning and evening preaching the Bengali language, he was enabled alike we find, from time to time, some little to minister to the diseases of the mind and encouragement. Lately we have had a of the body. He thus drew to him many very interesting case of inquiry. A man of the sick who needed, a physician for of considerable intelligence, living in the both. Mr. Williamson found a few Chris north-east part of the town, got of us tians at Sooree. For their support he took a some time ago a tract, which in some farm, and advanced money to them to pur- measure opened his eyes to the inconchase oxen and implements to work it, sistencies of Hinduism. He then began to with the understanding that his advances invite us to preach in the evenings at his should be repaid. A carpenter's shop was house, where he gathered some of his also commenced for those who preferred friends and neighbours to hear us; and such an occupation to farming. These preferring such audiences to the moving efforts for the temporal advantage of the ones of the bazaar, we very cheerfully reconverts had soon to be abandoned, and eponded to his invitation. But his friends they were thrown upon their own re did not like that he should have us once or sources. They were found to encourage a twice a week as he did, and he began to mercenary spirit, and the profession of the get into trouble. At this time he came Gospel became only a cloak for covet one evening to have conversation with me; ousness.

and as I was sitting in the veranda of my Mr. Williamson, after a while, began to bungalow, waiting till a storm should subpreach in various parts of the district. side to allow us to proceed to the bazaar, I These excursions bave continued up to the was rejoiced to see him coming towards present time. The jungles have been the house. That evening I showed him penetrated in every direction, the markets very particularly how many prophecies of for many miles round blave been visited, the Old Testament were fulfilled in Jesus; and at the melas, or religious fairs, where the manner and the object of his death; immense assemblages gather, the Gospel and how, whilst he did no sin, he died a has been continually preached. Thus a cursed death-thus crowning á life emi. knowledge of the way of salvation has been nently substitutional with a substitutional widely spread.

death-the just instead of the unjust, The church in Sooree numbers fifty that such as believe in him might be saved. members; hat the families of some of Onr inqnirer's mind was much stirred up

that evening. Our conversation was a 1 gical tres from Adam to Christ. He also long and most interesting one, and ou bis read to us a portion of a paper, with which rising to go I gave him a copy of Genesis he meant to incorporate this genealogy, inand of the New Testament, both of which tended to show his friends that Christ wag he promised carefully to read. Two or the only Saviour. The paper was incomthree evenings after, on going to his house, plete, and did not go so far as even to indi. we found he had been reading very dili- | rate his plan; but we were rejoiced to see gently, and had jotted down some ques. that his mind was being so exercised in tions which he requested us to answer. spiritual things, and that apparently he

Not,' he said, 'that I do not think what was quite sincere.I have read is true;' he only wanted ex For many years it has been the earnest planations. While we were explaining, desire of Mr. Williamson to carry the some of his friends came in eight, and he Gospel to the rude tribes known as the instantly hid his paper, leat they should Sonthals, dwelling in the neighbouring see what he was about. This,' he said, hills. Labouring alone for many years, 'is my difficulty: I am singular. So he has not been able to accomplish this far as I have read I think your shastres object; but Mr. Ellis has now entered are true, and I think they will oblige me upon it, and is engaged in the preto become a Christian ; but consider how paratory study of the language. The I shall be hated. The last evening we station will shortly receive the additional aw him he had traced the genealogy of strength it so much needs in the accession our Lord as far as it goes in Genesis, and of the Rev. Isaac Allen, now on his way to then, taking the continuation from the India. Gospel by Luke, had made out a genealo. :



fighting between the Imperialists and Taepings,


with much bloodshed, but without decided advanTHE dull season, which recurs annually, but taga on either side. It is reported that a British which this year is even duller tban usual, has not squadron destroyed a piratical fleet in Hangchow ret quite closed. At home, with the exception Bay, in consequence of the pirates plundering an of a few elections, and some admirable speeches English merchant ship. on the American question by Mr. Henry Ward Two ecclesiastical assemblies have met during Beecher, there has been nothing during the month the month : the Congregational Union, at Liverto interest politicians; and even the Social Science pool, and the Church Congress, at Manchester. Congress, at which Lord Brougham was president, The session of the Congregational Union seems to and which was held this year ia Edinburgh, bas have been especially interesting, not less than 600 left less than the usual residue of facts to excite members having assembled, and many questions consideration and discussion. Two deaths have

of importance having been discussed. The innecurred during the month : those of Archbishop augural address by the chairman, the Rev. E. Whately and Lord Lyndhurst; the former dying Mellor, M.A., appears to have been of especial after long and tedious illness, and the latter more

importance. suddenly, at the great age of pinety-two, Both are

The following statistics relative to the Baptist names that will long be remembered : Arch

churches of the continent will be of interest to our - bishop Whately especially will be remembered,

readers :--There are, in Germany, 50 churches; iu though not so much as an archbishop, as an original

Denmark, 16; in Switzerland, 1; in France, 1; in and independent reasoner and thinker on the

Poland, 1; or a total of 74 united with the Assotheological and moral questions of the age.

ciation which has its centre in Hamburg. The clear We are sorry to state thas war has broken out increase in the German churches was 845 : in the in Japan. According to the news at the time we Danish, 8; in the Swiss, 10; in the Polish, 51 : - write, a serious paval battle has been fought, in while in the French there was an actual decrease

which the Japanese retainers of Prince Satsuma of 9. These churches have, in Germany, no less fought with skill, courage, and fatal results to than 909 stations, where meetings of one kind and eleven of our men, including two of our captains, another are held, and the Gospel preached; in while thirty-nine were wounded. Tbey do not Denmark, 124; in Switzerland, 12; in France, 7;

seem to have desisted from fighting till the forts in Poland, 32; or a total of 1,033. To the opera. - were destroyed, and the city, palace, factories, and tions of the Hamburg church, and the faithful

arsenal were a mass of ruins. War is renewed in labours of twenty years, these encouraging results New Zealand in a manner which seems to render are ascribed. The churches in Sweden are not probable a severe and long, but probably last con- connected with this Union; but there were in that flict. From Ching the old story is reported of i country, at the close of last year, 161 Baptist


at the great aces, and the latter

long be that yohurch, and heated within

ing manto the chor ministryas portion of


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came to his of. We Fon

churches, 5,544 members, and during that period

DOMESTIC. 914 persons had been baptized, and 16 new churches


was held in the school-room attached to ta The annual meeting of Regent's Park College Wycliffe Chapel, Birmingham, on Wednesds was held on Wednesday, October 14th. A. A. evening, October 7th, for the purpose of presenza Cook, Esq., occupied the chair, and addresses ing the Rev. J. J. Brown, minister of the chape, were delivered by the Revs. Dr. Lorimer, C. H. with a testimonial from his congregation, as Leonard, M.A., G. Short, c. Nevile, Dr. Gotch, token of their gratitude, admiration, and esteem and others. Dr. Angus read the report for the and their high sense of his able and zealous ser last year, from which it appeared that forty-four vices as a minister of Christ. The testimoni students had been connected with the college : of consisted of a purse containing a hundred some these twenty-nine had been accepted as students reigns. After tea, wbich was served in the lower for the ministry, four were desirous of entering it, school-room, the meeting adjourned to the ladies and eleven were lay students, preparing for their school-room. The proceedings of the evening degree, or for professional or commercial life. were commenced with prayer and singing. L. Since the last annual meeting seven students had Middlemore then took the chair, and introdgoed settled, and to fill the vacancies nine had been ad. the meeting with some kind and appropriata mitted out of fifteen candidates, and four lay remarks. Alderman Gameson then sidressing students had been admitted, of whom two were Mr. Brown, said, “Rev. Sir, on behalf of the desirous of becoming ministers. The entire num. members of the church and congregation worshipber of students attending the classes, including ping in Wycliffe Chapel, I beg your acceptance of four city missionaries, was forty-four. The pro. this purse containing a hundred guineas, which gress of the students may be judged from the fol they trust you will receive as an expression of lowing facts :- Within the year five students ma their esteem and affection for you personalls, and triculated at the University of London. In July of their grateful sense of your able, faithful, and three passed the first B.A. examination, of whom persevering labours among them. They earnesty all had honours. In June last two students took hope that in the good providence of God you met their M.A. degree, with honours. In the other de. long be spared to work in this portion of his ride partments, classical and theological, thirty-one yard; that your ministry may be increasing's students had attended in all 144 classeg, in fifty of blessed to the church, and be the means of bries which they had obtained first-class places, and in ing many in the neighbourhood within the fold thirty-seven second-class places. The examinations Christ; and that after a useful and happy lules at the close of the session had been conducted by the service of the Great Master, yon may redit M. Foster, Esq., M.D., the Right Hon. Joseph from Him the welcome of Well done, good se: Napier, D.C.L., and the Reve. Dr. Hurndell, B. faithful servant,' to his kingdom above." Air. Pratten, J. Martin, B.A., R. Payne Smith, M.A., Brown then came forward, amid loud and be B. H. Marten, B.A., T. S. Baynes, LL.B., W. tinued applause. He expressed his gratitude bota Webster, M.A., and J, H. Millard, B.A. Several for the gift and for the manner in which it of the reports of these gentlemen Dr. Angus read conveyed, for the kind expression of feeling to the meeting, showing that the examinations had towards himself personally which accompasic resulted most creditably both to teachers and it. Several other speeches followed, and to students. Financially, the state of the college proceedings were enlivened by the singing of soms was on the whole gratifying. The treasurer bad in pieces by the choir of the chapel. hand a balance of £21 9s. 11d. The committee, MILE END, PORTSMOUTH.-The new Bapos however, regretted to say that there was still a chapel, Mile End, Portsmouth, was opened a diminution in the amount of the annual subscrip Tuesday, September 22nd, when the Rev. J. 10, tions, but a more considerable one in the amount

of Reading, preached in the morning from Jobs of the annual collections. For the Fuller scholar iv. 21, with Genesis xxviii. 17: and in the eres? ship £600 had been contributed, and £200 more on from 1 Tim. i. 11. A cold collation was provided condition that another £200 were collected.

at the close of the morning service, and in TDA One of the largest and most important meetings

afternoon a public meeting was held, at which ta ever held at Regent's Park Chapel, London, took

Rev. J. B. Bart presided ; and after prayer place in the spacious school-room there on Friday

the Rev. W. Luke, the Revs. J. Davis, J. Sme evening, October 16th. The meeting was called by

more, A. Tilly (of Cardiff), and A. Jones, de the elders of the churcb, during Mr. Landels's ab.

livered addresses. On the following Thursan sence in Seotland, for the purpose of making

evening the Rev. A. Tilly preached from Acts . * known the particulars relating to an invitation

On Lord's day, September 27th, the Rer. Prep which that gentleman has recently received from

Bailhache, of Salisbury, preached in the morning the missionary committee at Melbourne, Australia,

from Rom. i. 18; in the evening from Isaiah lul. and to elicit from those who attend his ministry

and the Rev. s. Davis in the afternoon, ir their feelings upon the subject. Robert Lush,

2 Cor. xii. 2. On Lord's day, October 4ta, Esq., Q.C., had consented to preside upon the oc

Rev. J. H. Cooke preached in the morning in casion, but was unavoidably detained at Paris on

Eph. ii. 20; and the Rev. T. Cousins (Indere his way home from his vacation term. He came

dent), in the evening, from Col. i. 18. On les in, however, at the close of the meeting, in time

day, October 6th, a public tea-meeting was held to propose the last resolution. The expression of

the Commissioners' Hall, at whicb addresses Fete feeling towards Mr. Landels was most hearty, and

delivered by the Revg. J. Geden, A. Jones, the cburch and congregation at Regent's Park

Cecil, E. H. Burton, G. Arnot, J. Davis, Chapel are determined to do all in their power to

Messrs. Griggs and Keet. The proceeds Fere secure the continuance of his services there. It is

little over £40. The attendance throughout believed, though not formally announced, that Mr.

services was exceedingly gratifying. All Landels will decide to decline the invitation to

ministers who took part in the services ? Melbourne,

congratulated the pastor and people on the poor sion of a building so commodious and be The chapel, which is in the Lombardie stie architecture, has been built under the sun I intendence of Mr. J, E. Smith, who has supplies

for od apple

all the plans, specifications, working drawings, and offered the opening prayer; the Rev. T. R. Morgan inspected the building operations, free of cost. delivered a discourse on “The Nature and Consti. Its present accommodation is 700; when side gal tution of a Christian Church,' and also asked the leries are added, 950. The cost, including pur usual questions, which were satisfactorily answered chase of land and all other charges, will be about by the Rer. S. Howells. Then Mr. Morgan offered £2,000. There will be a debt upon the place up the dedicatory prayer; after wbich the Rev. W. amounting to £1,500.

Walters, of Newcastle, delivered a discourse on CHEDDAR.-On Friday, September 25th, the

the elements of successful preaching. The Rev. Baptist chapel, Cheddar, which had been closed for

J. R. Morgan then delivered a charge to the some time past for repairs, was opened in con

church. Mr. Morgan preached again in the even. junction with a new school-room which has been

ing to a crowded congregation erected during the summer months. The cost of NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON.-On Tuesday, Septhe two undertakings has amounted to about 2600. tember 22nd, the new chapel in the above place The proceedings in connection with the opening was opened for worship. In the morning the Rev. ceremony commenced with Divine service at the T. C. Page, of Plymouth, preached from Phil, ii. chapel. The sermon was preached by the Rev. J. 15, 16. In the afternoon the Rev. J. Kings, of Penny, of Clifton. In the evening a tea-meeting Torquay, preached from Acts xi. 33, In the even. was held in the school-room, which was beautifully ing a public meeting was held, presided over by P. decorated for the occasion, and every available space Adams, Esq., of Plymouth. Addresses were given was densely crowded. Afterwards a public meet. by Dr.'Roe, of America, brethren Webb, of Tiver. ing was held in the chapel and school-room, the ton, Holinden and T. Nicholson, of Plymouth, latter being so constructed that both can be The Lord's Supper was then observed. i'be Rev, thrown into one. H. 0. Wills, Esq., presided. E. Webb presided. About 200 persons of different The Rev. T. Davies, pastor, made a brief state denominations joined in its celebration. The chapel ment relative to the remaining debt on the chapel, is constructed of nobbled limestone with Portland which was now upwards of £200. He concluded stone dressings. It is entered through large double by suggesting that they should make an effort that doors and an inside lobby. The interior is light night to clear the whole of it. The suggestion was and airy : the seats are open and sufficiently wide warmly taken up by the meeting. The chairman, for comfort. It measures forty feet in width, and who had contributed liberally before, headed the sixty-six feet in length. The cost of the building list, and several others immediately offered liberal is about £1,300. The management of the chapel contributions towards the object in view. Mr. pro tem. is in the hands of the Devon Baptist Clark, of the firm of Messrs. Clark and Son, who Association committee. bad already contributed £200, engaged to give a fur TREFOREST, GLAMORGAN.-On Sunday and ther sum of £50, and to collect another £50 by Monday, last week, public services were held in Christmas. The meeting was afterwards ad connection with the ordination of Mr. E. Morse, dressed by the Revs. J. Penny, and E. H. Jones, from Pontypool College, as minister of that Bridgewater; and Mr. Gallop, from Bristol.

church. On Sunday the Rev. T. Cole, of CHARD, SOMERSET.-On Wednesday, October Bridgend, delivered excellent discourses in the 7th, a meeting was held in the Baptist chapel, morning and evening; and in the afternoon the Holyrood-street, Chard, to recognise and com Rev. T. Phillips, Libanus, Treforest, preached in memorate the twentieth anniversary of the pastor Welsh, and the Rev. E. Roberts, Pontypridd, in ate of the Rev. E. Edwards. At five o'clock a tea 1 English. On Monday morning the ordination meeting was held in the chapel. There was not a service took place, when the Rev. E. Roberts gave racant seat. After tea John Brown, Esq., the a discourse on the nature of a Christian church, senior deacon, was called to the chair, and opened proposed the usual questions, and offered the the meeting in some kind and appropriate remarks. ordination prayer. The Rev. Dr. Price, of Aber. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Erlebach. The dare, who was appointed to give the charge to the chairman then, in an affectionate address, pre church, in the unavoidable absence of the Rev. sented to Mr. Edwards, on behalf of his friends, Dr. Thomas, delivered a double charge, to the "The Encyclopædia Britannica,” in twenty minister and to the church. In the afternoon volumes, and a purse of gold, as testimonials of 1 Dr. Price preached in Welsh, and the Rev. T. the esteem and regard in which he is held. Mr. Cole in English: and in the evening the Rev. Edwards acknowledged the gift in an eloquent and J. R. Williams, Ystradyfodwg, preached in Eng. touching address, in the course of which he re. lish, and the Rev. T. Owen, of Penydarren, viewed the twenty years of his ministry, and ex Merthyr, in Welsh. All the meetings were well pressed his thankfulness for the peace and pros attended, and most deeply interesting. perity which had attended it. The Rev. S. Evans,

NECTON, NORFOLK.- The Rev. Mark Noble, of Arnsby, the Rev. Mr. Price, of Montacute.

who has just left the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's College, Mr. F. Gifford, Mr. F. W. Brown, the Rev. Mr.

was publicly recognised as pastor of the above Webb, of Tiverton, Mr. Whitby, gen., tbe Rev.

church on Wednesday, October 7th. In the afterW. James, of Yeovil ; and the Rev. S. Pearce,

noon a large company of the members and friends of Crewkerne, severally delivered congratulatory from the neighbouring towns and villages filled the addresses.

chapel. The Rev. W. Woods, of Swaffham, read MIDDLESBRO', YORKSHIRE.-On Sunday and & suitable passage of Scripture, and engaged in Monday, October 4th and 5th, special services prayer. The Rev. J. L. Whitley, of East Dere. were held in connection with the recognition of ham, gave a very excellent discourse on the nature the Rev. S. Howells, late of Ponty pool College, as of a Christian church. The Rev. S. B. Gocch, of pastor of the Welsh Baptist church in this place. Fakenham, put the usual questions to the memOn Sunday morning the Rev. Mr. Jones, Inde bers and deacons of the church, to which Mr. pendent, read and prayed, and the Rev. D. Lewis, Larwood, deacon, satisfactorily replied. The of Witton Park, preached. At two p.m, the Rev. usual questions were then put to the minister, W. Bontems preached in English, and at six in the who narrated the simple but interesting story of evening the Rev. J. R. Morgan, of Llanelly, his early life, conversion, labours for Christ, and preached in Welsh. On Monday morning the re points of belief. The Rev. J. T. Wigner, of King's cognition took place. The Rev. D. Lewis, of Lynn, delivered a very able charge to the pastor, Witton Park, read a portion of the Scriptures, and I concluding with prayer and benediction. At fivo

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