Orientalia, Numéros 1 à 2Pontificium institutum biblicum., 2003 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 11
Page 227
... Ugaritic the first two have also merged to a single con- sonant ( conventionally transcribed $ ) , while the third remained distinct in part ( transcribed z ) and in part merged with g ; in the Ugaritic abecedary the former is paired ...
... Ugaritic the first two have also merged to a single con- sonant ( conventionally transcribed $ ) , while the third remained distinct in part ( transcribed z ) and in part merged with g ; in the Ugaritic abecedary the former is paired ...
Page 228
... Ugarit for / qôp- / . Presumably as in Hebrew and Syriac rēš , which are unexpected in view of Phoenician / rōš ... Ugaritic abecedary as sa corresponging to 0 and in the old Greek letter name san " . The alternation of a and i in ...
... Ugarit for / qôp- / . Presumably as in Hebrew and Syriac rēš , which are unexpected in view of Phoenician / rōš ... Ugaritic abecedary as sa corresponging to 0 and in the old Greek letter name san " . The alternation of a and i in ...
Page 268
... Ugaritic Studies [ Leiden 1999 ] 33 and passim ) . The palace at Ugarit , in contrast to these private archives , most probably did not include a school , as it housed only a small number of learning materials , but its archives did ...
... Ugaritic Studies [ Leiden 1999 ] 33 and passim ) . The palace at Ugarit , in contrast to these private archives , most probably did not include a school , as it housed only a small number of learning materials , but its archives did ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Ägypten Ajouter Akkad Alara allerdings Amun Ancient andere archéologique auch Ausdruck Bedeutung Belege bibliographie BIFAO blocs briques crues calcaire campagnes précédentes céramique céramologue chapelle complexe construction creditor date dating debt debtor décor découverte dégagé documents dynastie effectué Egyptian égyptologue Emar Empire first fouille fragments funéraire Giddy Gott granite gütig Hebrew Hittite ibid Ifao Iraq Karnak Kawa Kemet Kôm König könnte l'époque L'équipe l'étude l'Ifao l'ouest letter ltpn mastaba MDAIK méroïtique mis au jour mission Moyen Empire name nécropole Newsletter niveau nord oder orientale ostraca Ouadi ouest Period Phoenician photographe puits pylône pyramide Rapport aimablement communiqué restauration ritual royal inscriptions Saqqara Schrift seal secteur siehe sind Sinn sondage Stelle structures Sudan Sumerian survey tablet Taharka temple texts Thoutmosis Thoutmosis III tion tombe topographique Ugarit Ur III Uruk used wohl wurde XVIII dynastie year year-names Zeit zone zwei