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aborder, a.v. to accost, to approach; n.v. to land aboucher, a.v. to effect an in


aboyer, n.v. to bark
abreuver, v.a. to water
abri, s.m. shelter
absolu, adj. absolute
absolument, adv. absolutely
abuser de, n.v. to misuse
accabler, a.v. to overwhelm

accaparer, a.v. to monopolize accentuer, a.v. to accentuate accepter, a.v. to accept accès, s.m. fit

accident, s.m. accident, misfortune

acclamer, a.v. to proclaim acclimater a.v. to acclimatize accommoder, a.v. to fit up accompagner, a.v. to accompany accomplir, a.v. to accomplish accorder, a.v. to grant, to allow

s'accorder, r.v. to agree accoster, a.v. to accost accourir, n.v. to run up, to hasten

accoutumé, adj. accustomed accoutumer, a.v. to accustom accoutumer, n.v. to be accustomed

s'accoutumer, r.v. to get accustomed

accréditer, a.v. to accredit accrocher, a.v. to hook accumuler, a.v. to heap up accuser, a.v. to accuse achalander, a.v. to bring cus


acharner, a.v. to excite
acheminer, a.v. to forward
Achéron, pr. s.m. Acheron
acheter, a v. to buy
achever, a.v. to achieve
Achille, pr. s.m. Achilles
acier, s.m. steel

acquérir, a.v. to acquire
acquitter, a.v. to acquit
action, s. f. action, deed
activer, a.v. to accelerate
adapter, a.v. to adapt
additionner, a.v. to add up
adieu, adv. adieu, farewell
adjurer, a.v. to adjure
Admète, pr. s.m. Admetus
administrer, a.v. to administer
admiration, s.f. admiration
admirer, a.v. to admire
adopter, a.v. to adopt
adorer, a.v. to adore
adoucir, smooth, to soften,
to pacify

adresse, s.f. address, skill, ability.

adresser, a.v. to address, to direct.


s'adresser à, r.v. to apply to, to speak to

adroitement, adv. adroitly, artfully.

aduler, a.v. to fawn upon adversaire, s.m. adversary affaire, s.f. affair, thing, business; avoir affaire de, to stand in need of affaisser, a.v. to sink affamer, a.v. to famish affecté, adj. affected, forced affecter, a.v. to affect, to endeavour

affectionné, adj. affectionate affectionner, a.v. to be fond of affermer, a.v. to lease afficher, a.v. to stick up affirmer, a.v. to affirm affliger, a.v. to afflict, to distress

affranchir, a.v. to set free, to free

affronter, a.v. to face Afrique, pr. s.f. Africa affreux, adj. frightful affubler, a.v. to dress out agacer, a.v. to stir up

âge, s.m. age; âge d'or, golden age agglomérer, a.v. to agglomerate aggraver, a.v. to aggravate agile, adj. agile, nimble agir, n.v. to act; qu'il s'agit d'un prince, that it is meant for a prince; c'était bien de chansons qu'alors il s'agissait, they certainly did not want any songs then. agiter, a.v. to agitate, to shake,

to move; agiter les ailes, to flap the wings; r.v. to exert one'self

agneau, s.m. lamb

agrafer, a.v. to clasp agréable, adj. agreeable agréablement, adv. agreeably agréer, a.v. to accept agrément, s.m, amusement, ornament, pleasure agriculture, s.f. agriculture

agrouper, v.a. to aggroup

aide, s.f. help

aider, a.v. to help

Alep, pr. s.m. Aleppo Alexandrette, pr. s.f. Alexandretta

aligner, a.v. to square aliment, sm. aliment, food alimenter, a.v. to aliment allaiter, a.v. to suckle

aller, n.v. to go, to be about to; aller à bien, to succeed alliance, s.f. alliance

allier, a.v. to unite

s'aider de, r.v. to make use of allonger, a.v. to lengthen

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allons! int. Come!

allouer, a.v. to allow

allumer, a.v. to light
almanach, s.m. almanac
alors, adv. then
Alphée, pr, s.m. Alpheus
altéré, adj. thirsty, dried up
altérer, a.v. to alter

amasser, a.v. to collect, accumulate, gather, treasure amateur, s.m. amateur, lover amateur, adj. fond

ambassade, s.f. embassy ambassadeur, s.m. ambassador ambassadrice, s.f. ambassadress

ambition, s.f. ambition

ambitionner, a.v. to ambition

ambroisie, s.f. ambrosia

âme, s.f. soul, ghost

améliorer, a.v. to ameliorate
amener, a.v. to bring
amer, ère, adj. bitter
amèrement, adv. bitterly
Amérique, pr. s.f. America
ami, s.m. friend

amidonner, a.v. to starch
amitié, s.f. friendship

amolli, adj. effeminate

amollir, a.v. to soften; r.v. to grow effeminate

amonceler, a.v. to heap up amorcer, a.v. to bait amour, s.m. love, affection amoureux, adj. loving, fond Amphiclès, pr. s.f. Amphicles amphithéâtre, s.m. amphitheatre

Amphitrite, pr. s.f. Amphitrite amputer, a.v. to amputate amusement, s.m. amusement amuser, a.v. to amuse amusette, s.f. toy an, s.m. year

ancêtres, s.m. pl. ancestors ancien, adj. ancient, old, former

anciennement, adv. anciently ancienneté, s.f. ancientness, antiquity

âne, s.m. ass, donkey anéantir, a.v. to destroy ânier, s.m. ass-driver animal, s.m. animal animé, adj. excited, sprightly animer, a.v. to excite, to ani


anneau, s.m. ring année, s.f. year

annexer, a.v. to annex annoncer, a.v. to announce annoter, a. v. to annotate annuler, a.v. to annul anticiper, a.v. to anticipate antidater, a.v. to antedate antiquaire, s.m. antiquary antique, adj. antique, ancient antiquité, s.f. antiquity antre, s.m. antre, den, cavern apaiser, a.v. to appease, to soothe; apaiser la faim, to allay hunger apercevoir, a.v. to perceive, to


Apollon, pr. s.m. Apollo apologue, s.m. apologue, fable aposter, a.v. to post apostiller, a.v. to add a recommendation

apostropher, a.v. to apostro phise

apparaître, n.v. to appear appareiller, a.v. to pair apparemment, adv. apparently apparence, s.f. appearance appartement, s.m. apartment,


appartenir, n.v. to belong appâter, a.v. to allure appeler, a.v. to call s'appeler, r.v. to be called appetit, s.m. appetite applaudir, a.v. to applaud application, s.f. application appliqué, adj. attentive appliquer, a.v. to apply: r.v. to apply one's self to appointer, a.v. to salary apporter, a.v. to bring apposer, a.v. to affix appréhender, a.v. to apprehend

apprendre, a.v. to learn, to teach

apprêter, a.v. to prepare apprivoiser, a.v. to tame approcher, a.v. to approach s'approcher, r.v. to approach approfondir, a.v. to search into approuver, a.v. to approve approvisionner, a.v. to victual appuyer, a.v. to support après, d'après, prep. after apurer, a.v. to audit aquilon, s.m. northwind arbitraire, adj. arbitrary arbitrer, a.v. to arbitrate

arborer, a.v. to erect arbre, s.m. tree arbuste, s.m. shrub arc, s.m. arc, bow

architecture, sf. architecture arçonner, a.v. to bend a vine ardemment, adv. ardently ardent, adj. ardent, burning, eager, passionate ardeur, s.f. ardour argent, s.m, silver, money; j'aurai de l'argent bel et bon, I shall have plenty of money argoter, a.v. to cut off dead branches

arguer, n.v. to argue argumenter, n.v. to argue Aristée, pr. s.m. Aristœus Aristonous, pr. s.m. Aristo


arme, s.f. arm, weapon armée, s.m. army armer, a.v. to arm

arpenter, a.v. to survey

arracher, a.v. to pluck out, to

grub up (plants) arranger, a.v. to arrange arrêter, a.v. to stop

arrière, int. away

arrière, s.m. stern

en arrière, adv. back, backwards

arrière-neveux, s.m. pl. descendants

arriver, n.v. to arrive, to happen arroser, a.v. to water

art, s m. art; les beaux arts, the fine arts artifice, s.m. artifice artisan, s.m. maker, artist Asie, pr. s.f. Asia Asie-mineure, pr. s.m. Asia Minor

asile, s.m. asylum, refuge assaisonner, a.v. to season assassiner, a.v. to assassinate assemblage, s.m. assemblage, union

assemblée, s.f. assembly assembler, a.v. to assemble s'assembler, r.v. to meet asseoir, a.v. to set, to seat, r.v. to sit, to sit down assez, adv. enough, pretty, rather

assiéger, a.v. to besiege assigner, a.r. to assign assimiler, a.v. to assimilate assister, a.v. to assist associer, a.v. to associate

assommer, a.v. to knock down

assortir, a.v. to match

assouvir, a.v. to satisfy

assumer, a.v. to assume

assurance, s.f. assurance, con


assuré, adj. sure, certain assurément, adv. surely, as

suredly, unquestionably assurer, a.v. to assure astre, s.m. star

Athènes, pr. s.f. Athens attacher, a.v. to attach, to tie s'attacher, r.v. to stick to attaquer, a.v. to attack atteindre,a.v. to strike, hit,reach attelage, s.m. team

atteler, a.v. to put (horses) to, to harness; attelé de, drawn by attendre, a.v. to wait, to wait for, to expect; en attendant, adv. till, in the mean time

attendrir, a.v. to affect, to

soften; r.v. to be affected

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