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C'était bien dit à lui, j'approuve sa prudence.
Il était expérimenté,

Et savait que la méfiance

Est mère de la sûreté.

[blocks in formation]

par by

là there


des colonnes de marbre; marble columns;

là there

des portes doors d'or, of gold, des bas reliefs bas reliefs de diamant. of diamond.

Il entra dans He en

tered (in) plusieurs several

chambres rooms

dont of which

parmi among les hommes; men; enfin finally l'histoire the history de don Quichotte, of don Quixote, où where Sancho, Sancho, monté mounted

sur on

son grison, his donkey, allait was on his way gouverner to govern l'île the island

que which
le duc the duke
avait confiée had in-
lui. to him.
Puis Afterwards
il aperçut he noticed
des cages some cages
où where (in which)

l'on one
avait renfermé


shut up des lions some lions et des léopards. and some leopards.

Philippe II. Philip the les tapisseries the hang- Pendant que Whilst


En On

arrivant arriving
il fut he was
surpris, astonished,
car for

il était he was
peu little
accoutumé accustomed
à la magnificence: to
jusqu'alors till then
il avait vu he had seen
ne...que but

ings étaient were

admirables: admirable:

on one

voyait saw there

des chasses, (pictures. of) huntings, des combats, battles, des fables, fables, où where (in which) les dieux the gods se jouaient were sporting


le renard the fox regardait was looking at ces those

merveilles, marvels,
deux two
chiens dogs

du palais of the palace
étranglèrent strangled
l' (for le) him.
Il se trouva mal He
was all the worse
de on account of
sa curiosité. his curio-

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155. A determinative adjective is a word added to a substantive to express its accidental position or relation. There are four kinds of determinative adjectives: demonstrative, possessive, indefinite, numeral.

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Ce is made use of before a consonant or an h aspi

rate, cet before a vowel or h mute.

157.-Demonstrative adjectives are placed before the noun They agree with it in gender and number and must be repeated like the article. (§ 130.)

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158. Ci added to a noun that has a demonstrative adjective before it, means that ce, cet, cette must be translated by this; ces by these. Là means that they must be translated by that, those respectively, as :

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160.-The possessive adjective is placed just before the substantive representing the thing possessed. It agrees with it in gender and number, and must be repeated like the article, (see § 130), as:

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thy uncle, father, and sisters, ton oncle, ton père et tes sœurs.

161.-Make use of mon, ton, son, instead of ma, ta, sa, before a feminine noun beginning with a vowel or silent h, as;

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certain certaine

mainte maints


maint quelconque quelconque quelconques quelconques whatever (no singular) plusieurs plusieurs several, many

163.-Indefinite adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun to which they relate. They generally go before it, with the exception of quelconque, which is always put after.

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