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goose-quill, or over worn pander, quirking and girding, Was it so hard driven that it had nothing to feed upon but a red herring? Another drudge of the pudding house (all whose lawful means to live by throughout the whole year will scarce purchase him a red herring) says I might as well have writ of a dog's turd, in his teeth sirreverence. But, let none of these scum of the suburbs be too vinegar tart with me; for, if they be, I'll take mine oath upon a red herring and eat it, to prove that their fathers, their grandfathers, and their great grandfathers, or any other of their kin, were scullions dishwash, and dirty draff and swill set against a red herring. The puissant red herring, the golden Hesperides red herring, the Mæonian red herring, the red herring of Red Herrings Hall, every pregnant peculiar of whose resplendent laud and honour, to delineate and adumbrate to the ample life, were a work that would drink dry fourscore and eighteen Castalian fountains of eloquence, consume another Athens of facundity, and abate the haughtiest poetical fury betwixt this and the burning zone and the tropick of Cancer. My conceit is cast into a sweating sickness, with ascending those few steps of his renown; into what a hot broiling Saint Laurence's fever would it relapse then, should I spend the whole bag of my wind in climbing up to the lofty mountain crest of his trophies? But no more wind will I spend on it but this: Saint Denis for France, Saint James for Spain, Saint Patrick for Ireland, Saint George for England, and the red herring for Yarmouth.






At Sanct-Iohnstovn, vpon Twysday the Fifth of August, 1600. Edinburgh, printed by Robert Charteris, 1600. Octavo, containing three Sheets and a Half.

Com Privilegio Regio.

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This is one of the earliest accounts of this remarkable conspiracy, and therefore deserves to be reprinted, not only as it is very rarely to be found, but as it is very clear and elegant, with regard to the dialect in which it is written. In the language, though some passages may appear uncouth, no alteration has been made; both because we would not depart form the fidelity that we promised,

nor, by changing expressions, give reason to suspect, that we take the same liberty with facts; and because the language may be, to some, no less an object of curiosity, than the events to others.

Of this conspiracy, which, though some have questioned its reality, is by most allowed to be proved beyond contradiction, a very particular account may be found in Spotswood.



IS Maiestie having his residence at Falkland, and being daily at the buck-hunting, as his vse is in that season, vpon the fifth day of August, being Twysday, hee raid out to the park, betwixt six and seuen hours in the morning, the weather beeing wonderfull pleasant and seasonable. But, before his Maiestie could leap on horse-back, his Hienes being now come downe by the equerie, all the huntis-men with the houndes attending his Maiesty on the greene, and the court making to their horses, as his Hienes self was; Maister Alexander Ruthven, second brother to the late Earle of Gowrie, being then lighted in the toun of Falkand, haisted him fast downe to ouer-take his Maiestie before his on-leaping, as he did: Where meeting his Hienes, after a verie low courtesie, bowing his head vnder his Maiesties knee (althogh he was neuer wont to make so low courtesy) drawing his Maiestie a-part, he beginnes to discourse vnto him, but with a verie dejected countenance, his eies euer fixed vppon the earth, how that it chanced him the euening before to be walking abroad about the fields, taking the air, solitarie allone, without the toun of Sanct Johnstoun, wher his present dwelling was with the lord his brother; and there by accident affirmed to haue recountred a base like fellow, vnknowne to him, with a cloke cast about his mouth; whome at as he enquyred his name, and what his erand was, to be passing in so solitary a part, being from all waies. The fellow become at the suddain so amased, and his tongue so faultered in his mouth, that, vppon his suspitious behauiour, he begouth more narrowly to look vnto him, and, examine him; and, perceauing that there appeared some thing to bee hid vnder his cloke, he did cast by the lappes of it, and so findes a great wyde pot to be vnder his arme, all full of coyned gold in great peeces. Assuring his Maiestie, that it was in verie great quantitie: vpon the sight whereof, as hee affirmed, he took back the fellow with his burthen to the toun; where he privatly, without the knowledge of any liuing, took the fellow, and band him in a privie derned house, and, after lokking many durres vppon him, left him there, and his pot with him, and had haisted himself out of SanctJohnstoun that day, by four houres in the morning, to make his Maiestie aduertised therof, according to his bound dutie: earnestly requesting his Maiestie, with all diligence and secrecie, that his Maiestie might take order therewith, before anie know thereof; swearing and protesting, that he had yet concealed it from all liuing, yea, from the earle his owne brother.

His Maiesties first answere was (after thanking him for his good-will) that it could not become his Maiestie to meddle anie wayes in that matter, since no mans treasure, that is a free and lawfull subiect, can by the lawe appertain vnto the King, except it bee found hid vnder the

earth, as this was not. Whereunto he aunswered, that the fellow confessed vnto him, that hee was going to haue hid it vnder the ground, but could not take leasure at that time to enquyre any further of him. Whereunto his Maiestic replyed, that there was great difference betwixt a deed, and the intention of a deed; his intention to haue hid it not beeing alyke as if it had beene found alreadie hid. Maister Alexander's answer was, that hee thought his Maiestie ouer scrupulous in such a matter, tending so greatly to his Maiestics profite; and that, if his Maiesty deferred to meddle with it, it might bee that the lord his brother, and other great men, might meddle with it, and make his Maiestie the more a-doe: whereupon the King, beginning to suspect that it had been some forraine gold, brought home by some lesuites, or practising Papists (therewith to sturre vp some new sedition, as they have oftentymes done before) inquyred of the said M. Alexander, what kinde of coine it was, and what a fellow hee was that carried it? His answere was, that, so far as hee could take leasure to see of them, they seemed to bee forraine and vncouth strokes of coine; and, although that the fellow, both by his language and fashion, seemed to bee a Scots fellow, yet hee could neuer remember, that hee had seene him before. These speaches increased his Maiesties suspition, that it was forraine coyne, brought in by some practising Papists, and to bee distributed into the countrie, as is before said. And that the fellowe, that carried it, was some Scots priest or seminarie, so disguised for the more sure transporting thereof. Whereupon his Maiestie resolued, that he would send backe with the said maister Alexander a seruand of his own, with a warrand to the prouost and baillies of Sanct-fohnstoun, to receaue both the fellow and the money off maister Alexanders hand, and, after they had examined the fellow, to retaine him and the treasure, till his Maiesties further pleasure were knowne: Whereat the said maister Alexander sturred meruelouslie, affirming and protesting, that, if either the lord his brother, or the baillies of the toun were put on the counsal thereof, his Maiestie would get a verie bad compt of that treasure; swearing, that the great loue and affection, he bare vnto his Maiestie, had made him to preferre his Maiestie, in this cace, both to himself, and his brother. For the which seruice he humblie craued that recompence, that his Maiesty would take the paines once to ryde thither, that he might bee the first scear thereof himself; which beeing done, he woulde remit to his Maiesties owne honorable discretion, how far it would please his Maiestie to considder vpon him for that seruice. His Hienes beeing stricken in great admiration, both of the vncouthnes of the tale, and of the strange and stupide behauiour of the reporter; and the court being alreadie horsed, wondring at his Maiesties so long stay with that gentleman, the morning being so fair, the game alreadie found, and the huntismen so long staying on the fields on his Maiestie, he was forced to break off onlie with these wordes: That hee coulde not nowe stay anie longer from his sporte, but that hee would considder of the matter, and, at the end of of his chase, giue him a resolute answere, what order he would take therein. Whereupon his Maiesty parted in haste from him towardes the place where the game was. Maister Alexander parting from his Maiestie verie miscontent, that indelaiedlie he raid not to

Sanct-Johnstoun, as he desired him; protesting, that his Maiestie would not finde euerie day such a choise of hunting, as he had offered vnto him; and that hee feared, that his Maiesties long delay, and slowness of resolution, would breed leasure to the fellow, who was lying bound, to cry, or make such din, as would disappoint the secrecie of that hail purpose, and make both the fellow and the treasure to be medled with, before any word could come from his Maiestie: as also, that his brother would misse him, in respect of his absence that morning; which if his Maiestie had pleased to haste, he might haue preuented, arryuing there in the tyme of his brothers and the whole townes being at the sermon; whereby his Maiestie might haue taken such secrete order with that matter, as hee pleased, before their outcomming from the church. But, his Maiestie, without any further answering of him, leaping on horse-back, and ryding to the dogs, where they were beginning to hunt, the said maister Alexander stayed still in that place wher he left his Maiestie; and, hauing two men with him appointed by the late earle his brother, to carrie back vnto him the certaine newes, in al haist, of his Maiesties comming, as heerafter more particularlie shall in this same discourse be declared, hee directed one of them, called Andrew Henderson, chalmerlane to the said earle, to ryde in all haste to the earle; commanding him, as hee loued his brothers honour, that hee shoulde not spare for spilling of his horse; and that hee should aduertise the earle, that hee hoped to moue his Maiestie to come thither, and that hee should not yet looke for him, the space of three houres thereafter, because of his Maiesties hunting, adding these words: pray my lord my brother to prepare the denner for vs. But his Maiestie was no sooner ridden vp to a little hil aboue the little woode, wher the dogs were laid on in hunting, but that, notwithstanding the pleasant beginning of the chase, hee could not stay from musing and wondering vpon the newes. Whereupon, without making anie bodie acquainted with this purpose, finding John Nesmith, chirurgian, by chance ryding beside him, his Maiestie directed him back to bring maister Alexander with him; who being brought vnto his Maiestie, and hauing newlie directed, as said is, one of his men, that was with him, back to my lord his brother, his Maiestie, vnknowing or suspecting that any man liuing had come with him, then tolde him, that hee had been aduysing with himself, and, in respect of his last wordes so earnest with him, hee resolued to ryde thither for that erand in his own person, how soone the chase was ended, which was alreadie begun; lyke as his Maiesty, vppon the verie ending of these words, did ryde away in the chase, the said maister Alexander euer following him at his back; no other liuing being with his Hicnesse, but hee, and John Hammilton of Grange, one of his Maiesties maister-stablers, the reste of the court being all before in the chase, his Maiestie onlie being casten back, vpon the staying to speak with maister Alexander, as is before said. The chase lasted from seuen houres in the morning, vntil alleuen and more, being one of the greast and sorest chases, that euer his Maiestie was at: All which tyme, the said maister Alexander was, for the most part, euer at his Maiesties back, as said is. But there neuer was anie stop in the chase, or so small a delay, that the said maister Alexander omitted to round to his Maiestie,

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earnestly requesting him to haist the end of the bunting, that he might ryde the sooner to Sanct-Iohnstoun: So as, at the death of the buck, his Maiestie, not staying vppon the curie of the deir, as his vse is, scarcelie took time to alight, awaiting vppon the comming of a fresh horse to ryde on, the greatnesse of the chase hauing weried his horse. But the said maister Alexander would not suffer the King to stay in the parke, where the buck was killed, whil his fresh horse, which was alredy sent for, was brought out of the equery to him, although it was not two flight shot of bounds betwixt the part, where the buck was killed, and his Maiesties equerie; but, with verie importunitie, forced his Maiestie to leap on againe vpon that same horse, that hee had hunted all the day vppon, his freshe horse beeing made to gallop a myle of the way to ouertake him; his Maiestie not staying so much as vppon his sword, nor whil the Duke and the Earle of Mar, with diuerse gentlemen in his companie, had changed their horses; onlie saying vuto them, that hee was to ryde to Sanct-Iohnstoun to speak with the Earle of Gowry, and that hee would bee presently back againe before euen. Whereupon, some of the court galloped backe to Falkland, as fast as they could, to change their horses, and could not ouertake his Maiestie, whill he come within four myle of Sanct-Iohnstoun. Others raid fordward with their horses, weried as they were, wherof some were compelled to alight by the way; and, if they had not both refreshed their horses, bled them, and giuen them some grasse by the way, they had not carried them to Sanct-Iohnstoun. The cause of his Maiesties seruands following so fast, vndesired by him, being onlie grounded vpon a suspition they had conceaued, that his Maiesties intention of ryding was for the apprehension of the maister of Oliphant, one who had latelie done a vyle and proud oppression in Angus; for repairing of the which, they thoght, that his Maiestie had some purpose for his apprehension. But the said maister Alexander, secing the Duke and the Earle of Mar, with diuers other of the court, getting fresh horses for following of his Maiestie, earnestlie desired him, that hee would publish to his whole traine, that, since he was to returne the same cuening, as is before said, they needed not to follow him; especiallie, that he thought it meesest, that his Maiestie should stay the Duke and the Earle of Mar to follow him, and that he should onlie take three or four of his owne meane seruands with him; affirming, that, if anie noble man followed him, hee could not answere for it, but that they would marre that whole purpose. Wherupon his Maiestie, half angerlie, replied, that he wold not mistrust the Duke, nor the Earle of Mar, in a greater purpose nor that; and that hee could not vnderstand, what hinder anie man could make in that erand. But these last speeches of M. Alexanders maid the King to begin to suspecte what it could meane; wherevppon manic diuerse thoughts begouth to enter in the Kings minde. But that his Maiestie could neuer suspect anie harme to be intended against his Hienes, by that young gentleman, with whome his Maistie had bene so well acquainted, as hee had, not long before, beene in sute to be one of the gentlemen of his chalmer : so as the farthest, that the Kings suspition could reache to, was, that it might bee, that the Earle his brother had handled him so hardlie, that

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