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" A REPORT | AND DISCOURSE written by | Roger Ascham, of the affaires | and state of Germany and the | Emperour Charles his Court, | duryng certaine yeares, | while the sayd Roger | was there. "
Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes en vente aux prix marques - Page 7
de Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1897
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Catalogue of maunscripts and rare books, Numéro 251 ;Numéro 257 ;Numéro 260

Myers & co., booksellers, London - 1655 - 334 pages
...ornaments, leaf with Daye's device at end — IBID. A REPORT AND DISCOURSE WRITTEN BY ROGER ASCHAM, OF THE AFFAIRES AND STATE OF GERMANY AND THE EMPEROUR CHARLES HIS COURT, durying certaine yeares the sayd Roger was there. At London, Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate...
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Librorum impressorum qui in Museo britannico adservantur catalogus, Volume 1

British Museum. Department of Printed Books - 1813 - 802 pages
...perfite way of teaching Children to understand, write, and speake, the Latin long. 4° Lond. 1571. the Affaires and State of Germany and the Emperour...duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. 4° J. Day. • A Report and Discourse, written by Roger Ascham, of ——— Familiarum Epistolarum...
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Librorum impressorum qui in Museo britannico adservantur catalogus, Volume 1

British Museum. Department of Printed Books - 1813 - 798 pages
...Report and Discourse, written by Roger Ascham, of the Afiàires am' State of Germany and the Empereur Charles his Court, duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. 4° J. Day. Familiarum Epistolarum Libri très. & Land. 1590. — 12° Hanov. 1G02. 12° Hanor. 1610....
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Censura Literaria: Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of ..., Volume 4

Sir Egerton Brydges - 1815 - 456 pages
...Canterbury, do not, I fancy, now exist. WS AHT. CCLXV. A Report and Discourse, written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany, and the Emperour Charles his court ; during certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. At London: Printed by John Daye, dwelling,...
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Typographical Antiquities; Or The History of Printing in ..., Partie 34,Volume 4

Joseph Ames - 1819 - 676 pages
...15791966. AFFAIRES, &c. OF GERMANY. 1570.* Quarto. ' A REPORT and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his court, duryng certaine years while the sayd Roger was there. At London, Printed 1570 ouer Aldersgate. Cunt Gratia & Priuilegio...
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A Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum, Liverpool

Athenaeum (Liverpool, England). Library, George Burrell - 1820 - 444 pages
...Hafnitt, 1651. 2. Germany, United Provinces, and the Netherlands. * Ascham's (R.) Report and Discourse of the Affaires and State of Germany, and the Emperour Charles his Court. Works, 4to. f Bentivoglio (Card.) Historia della Guerra di Fiandria. Fol. Venet. 1645. f Relatione...
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Athenae Cantabrigienses, Volume 1

Charles Henry Cooper, Thompson Cooper - 1858 - 616 pages the general collections of Ascham's letters. 5. A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his court, duryng certayne years while the sayd Roger was there. London, 4to. (Day) nd Lend. 4to. 1552, 1570. Dedicated...
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The library of ... sir George Grey, K.C.B. [a catalogue, compiled by W.H.I ...

Wilhelm Heinrich I. Bleek - 1862 - 316 pages
...signed Alexander Ross. II. POLITICAL LITERATURE. 26. A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour...duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. At London. ^T Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Alder sg ate. 5T Cum gratia fy Priuilegio Regice...
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The Library of His Excellency Sir George Grey: Philology

George Grey, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek - 1867 - 282 pages
...signed Alexander Ross. II. POLITICAL LITERATURE. 26. A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his court, duryny ce.rtaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. At London. 1f Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling...
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Annual Report, Volumes 1 à 25

Lenox Library - 1871 - 464 pages
...printed by John Daye, 1570. 4°. The first edition. A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour...duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. At London, printed by John Daye. (1570?) 4°. Spenser (Edmund). Complaints, Containing sundrie small...
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