| British Museum. Department of Printed Books. Grenville Library - 1842 - 476 pages
...The Apologie or defence, of the most noble Prince William, by the Grace of God Prince of Orange &c. against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the...shall appeare the sclaunders, and false accusations, conteined in the said Proscription, which is annexed to the end of this Apologie. Printed in French... | |
| William Thomas Lowndes - 1865 - 314 pages
...Orange. See OBANOE, House of. The Apologie, or Defence of the most Noble Prince William, &c. agaiust the Proclamation and Edict published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribeth the saide Prince. Printed in French and in all other Languages. Delft. 1581, 4to. In the Grenville collection.... | |
| William Carew Hazlitt - 1882 - 746 pages
...Apologie Or Defence, of the most Noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange, . . . Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the...Spaine, by which he proscribeth the saide Lorde Prince. . . . Presented to my Lords the Estates generall of the lowe Countrie. Together with the saide Proclamation... | |
| British Museum. Department of Printed Books - 1884 - 526 pages
...etc. — See SPAIN. — PHILIP II., King. The Apologie or defence of the most noble Prince William against the proclamation and edict, published by the...King of Spaine, by which he proscribeth the saide... Prince, etc. 1581. 4to. 154. g. 16. (1.) WILLIAM I., Prince of Orange, Stadholder of the Netherlands.... | |
| 1886 - 646 pages
...the proclamation and edict, published by the King of Spaine [Philip II] , by which he proscribetli the saide Lorde Prince, whereby shall appeare the sclaunders , and false accusations , conteined in the saide proscription , which is annexed to the end of this apologie. Delft, 1581.... | |
| Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Netherlands) - 1889 - 624 pages
...uitgavcn dezer Apologie het licht. 5(52 The Apologie or defence , of .... Prince William of Orange , .... Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the...the saide Lorde Prince , whereby shall appeare the sclaimders, and false accusations, conteined in the said Proscription , which is annexed to the end... | |
| Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Netherlands) - 1889 - 624 pages
...dezer Apologie liet licht. 0(52 The Apologie or defence, of .... Prince William . .... of Orunge , .... Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which hè proscribeth the suide I^orde Prince. whereby shall appeare the sclannders, and false accusations,... | |
| Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1899 - 462 pages
...philosophi, et progenitorum defunctorum spectantia, ac apologiam Dommicanorum. 113. Apologie, The, or defence, of the most noble Prince William — etc....in the said Proscription. .. etc. At Delft, 1581. 410. br. Rare. /"«.114. Aquila, P. de, Quaestiones in IV libros sententiarum. Spira, P. Drach, 1480.... | |
| Frank Karslake - 1919 - 690 pages
...been collated and any defects been mentioned, but it will, as usual , be sold waf Apologie or Defence against the Proclamation and Edict published by the King of Spaine by which he proscribeth the said Lorde Prince, mor. ex., ge by Bedford, Miller arms, 4to., Delft, 1581 (S. July 3 ; 882) Dobell,... | |
| Wolfgang Fikentscher, Achim R. Fochem - 2002 - 336 pages
...the lowe Countries, and Governour of Brabant, Hollande, Zeeland, Utrecht, and Frise, and Admiral, &c. Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribeth the said Lord, whereby shall appeare the slaunders and false accusations, conteyned in the saide Proscription.... | |
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