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" Piazza universale di proverbi Italiani, or a common place of Italian proverbs and proverbial phrases, digested by way of dictionary, interpreted with notes, together with a supplement of Italian dialogues. "
Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes en vente aux prix marques - Page 133
de Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1897
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An Essay Towards a Collection of Books Relating to Proverbs, Emblems ...

William Stirling Maxwell - 1860 - 278 pages
...edition.) London, 1649, title, 3 preliminary leaves, pp. 98. 24mo. [4.6 x 2.4], — sprinkled calf. Piazza Universale di Proverbi Italiani ; or, A Common...Italian Proverbs and proverbial phrases, digested in alphabetical order by way of dictionary, interpreted and occasionally illus'J'ORRIANO (Gio.)—...
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A Hand List of the Early English Literature Preserved in the Douce ...

James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, Bodleian Library - 1860 - 172 pages
...fol. Lond. 1662 Fabrica nova di dialoghi Italiani ; a new fabrick, or set of Italian dialogues. ibid. Piazza universale di proverbi Italiani ; or, a common place of Italian proverbs and proverbial phrases fol. Lond. 1666 The Italian reviv'd ; or, the introduction to the Italian tongue 8vo. Lond. 1689 Mescolanza...
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Bernard Quaritch

Bernard Quaritch (Firm) - 1872 - 1184 pages
...Sinonimi della lingua Italiana, terza edizione, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 5s Milano, 1855 1250 TORBIASO, Piazza universale di Proverbi Italiani ; or, a Common...Italian Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, digested in alphabetical order as a Dictionary, folio, calf gilt, fine copy, £2. 10s 1666 "SI VALENTINI, DIZIONABIO...
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Catalogue de la Bibliothèque publique de Genève ...

1885 - 558 pages
...des proverbes français, par GDB Bruxelles, 1710, 12°. 570. TORRIANO, Giov. Piazza universale de' proverbi italiani, or a common place of italian proverbs and proverbial phrases interpreted, with a supplement of italian dialogues (ital.-angl.). Londres, 1666, 2 t. en 1 vol. fol°....
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Book-prices Current: A Record of Prices at which Books Have Been ..., Volume 2

1889 - 578 pages
...of Sporting Dogs, etc., plates by Howitt, cf., 1823, 8vo. (667) Cunliffe, ^i is. 1949 Torriano (G.) Common Place of Italian Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, Digested by way of Dictionary, with Notes and Supplement, mor. ex., gt. back, paned sides, gt. edge, by Riviere, 1666, fol. (669)...
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Elizabethan Translations from the Italian: The Titles of Such ..., Volumes 1 à 4

Mary Augusta Scott - 1895 - 404 pages
...stato di MFG [uicciardini]. Anversa. 1585. 4to. British Museum. See Quintessence of Wit. 1590. 1666. Piazza Universale di Proverbi Italiani: Or, A Common...Italian Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. Digested in Alphebetical Order by way of Dictionary: Interpretated, and occasionally Illustrated with Notes....
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Choix de périodiques: de bons livres et d'ouvrages anciens, rares et ...

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1899 - 462 pages
...appendices : Ethnographical notes in Tonja ; Specimens of Kafir folklore. Av. de la musique notée. 2758. Torriano, G., Piazza universale di proverbi Italiani,...Italian dialogues. London, For the author, 1666. 2 torn. I vol. fol. veau nat. f 28,— Bel exemplaire, grand de marges. 2760. Tortellii Aretini (Joannis)...
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General Catalogue (no. 293): Periodicals, Standard Works, Scarce and ...

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1899 - 460 pages
...appendices: Ethnographical notes in Tonja; Spécimens of Kafir folklore. Av. de la musique notée. 2758. Torriano, G., Piazza universale di proverbi Italiani,...dictionary, interpreted with notes, together with a supplément of Italian dialogues. London, For thé author, 1066. 2 tom. I vol. fol. veau nat. f 28,—...
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Book Auction Records, Volume 2

Frand Karslake - 1905 - 736 pages
..., front, and ports., old of. gilt, fo., Aruheim, 1615 Pearson, £3 7s 6d S. Apr. 1 Torriano ((}. ) Piazza Universale di Proverbi Italiani, or a Common Place of Italian Proverbs, cf gilt, re, fo., 1666 Voynich, 15s S. May 10 Tourneur (Cyril) Athiesta Tragédie, or the Honest Man's...
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Elizabethan Translations from the Italian

Mary Augusta Scott - 1916 - 660 pages
...Dutch, Italian, and Spanish NR 290 1660 Choice Proverbs and Dialogues in Italian and English PP 291 1666 Piazza Universale di Proverbi Italiani: Or a Common Place of Italian Proverbs Giovanni Torriano IX. VOYAGES AND DISCOVERY 292 1555 The [three] Decades of the newe worlde or west...
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