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" A general discourse against the damnable sect of Usurers, grounded uppon the worde of God, and confirmed by the auctoritie of Doctors both auncient, and newe; necessarie for all tymes, but most profitable for these later... "
Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes en vente aux prix marques - Page 22
de Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1897
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Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum Printed in England ...

British Museum. Department of Printed Books, George Bullen - 1884 - 616 pages
...Counsell 9 Hen. 7 [to 27 Eliz.], etc. [Compiled by Kir JC] [1592.] 4to. 513. b. 25. C.2ESAR (PHILIPPUS) A general discourse against the damnable sect of Usurers,...of God, and confirmed by the auctoritie of Doctors. [Translated from the Latin by T. Rogers.]... Whereunto is annexed another godlie treatise concernying...
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Catalogue of books in the ... British museum printed in England, Scotland ...

British museum dept. of pr. books - 1884 - 618 pages
...9 Hen. 7 [to 27 Eliz.], etc. [Compiled by fciirJ. C.] [1592.] 4to. 513. b. 25. C-ffiSAR (PHILIPPUS) A general discourse against the damnable sect of Usurers,...of God, and confirmed by the auctoritie of Doctors. [Translated from the Latin by T. Bogers.]... Whereunto is annexed another godlie treatise concernying...
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A Catalogue of Old and Rare Books Offered for Sale

Pickering & Chatto - 1894 - 300 pages
...OF VSUBEHS, grounded upon the Word of God, and Comfirmed by the Auctoritie of Doctors, both ancient and newe, necessarie for all tymes, but most profitable for these later daies, in which charity being banished, covetousnes hath gotten the upper hande, whereunto is annexed another Goalie...
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The Merchant of Venice

William Shakespeare - 1898 - 160 pages consulted for contemporary opinion 1 " A general discourse against the damnable sect of Vsurers, grounded uppon the worde of God, and confirmed by...for all tymes, but most profitable for these later dales, in which, Charitie being banished, Covetousness hath gotten the vpper hande. 1578." . "The Arraignment...
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Choix de périodiques: de bons livres et d'ouvrages anciens, rares et ...

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - 1899 - 462 pages
...gebessert. Franckfurt, S. Feyerabend, 1565. Avec gravures sur bois. fol. d. veau. fJ5> — 522. Caesar, Ph., A general discourse against the damnable sect of Usurers,.... . . Wherunto is annexed another Godlie Treatise concemyng the lawfull use of ritches. London, J. Kyngston, for A. Maunsell, 1578. 2 torn, i vol. 410....
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Notes and Queries

1878 - 578 pages
...sheets. (Entered Dec. 13, 1577: TSR, ii. 322.) M. Crcsar (Philippus), Superintendent at Gottingen. A general discourse against the damnable sect of usurers,...for all tymes. but most profitable for these later dales, in which, charitie being banished, covetousnes hath gotten the upper hande. Whereunto is annexed...
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