Lesbians in Television and Text After the Millennium

Palgrave Macmillan, 15 sept. 2008 - 233 pages

Lesbians in Television and Text after the Millennium explores popular contemporary texts featuring lesbian characters, including The L Word, Queer as Folk, Dykes to Watch Out For, and various pornographic videos. Beirne places these works in the context of political and cultural trends of the post-millennial period and compares them to cultural representations of lesbians from the past. Taking up such issues as mainstreaming, feminine lesbians, the male gaze, female masculinity, and sexual practice, this book puts forward provocative readings of texts that have been little explored and offers new insights into the depiction of lesbians in popular culture.

À l'intérieur du livre

Table des matières

Image Sex
Recycling The L
Dressing Up
Droits d'auteur

2 autres sections non affichées

Autres éditions - Tout afficher

Expressions et termes fréquents

À propos de l'auteur (2008)

Rebecca Beirne is Lecturer in Film, Media, and Cultural Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia. She is the author of Lesbians in Television and Text after the Millennium (2008), co-editor (with James Bennett) of Making Film and Television Histories: Australia and New Zealand (2011), and has published multiple essays discussing queer representation in popular culture.

Informations bibliographiques