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'qui' = 'ce qui'; 'tient' ‘retient'; ‘que . . = Latin quin.


69. 29. pièces; probably the dishes.


70. 5. en humeur, 'I was in the mood.'


6. je ne m'étais senti... 'I had never felt so witty'
lit. 'never felt myself with so much wit.' 'Me' is
possessive dative.


12. que v. n'étiez, 'when you were not.' 'Que' = quum. Cp. Av. III. v.-' Comment voudriez-vous qu'ils traînassent un carrosse, qu'ils ne peuvent pas se traîner eux-mêmes.'

20. feu monsieur mon père? 'the late gentleman-my father?' M. Jourdain is surprised at the addition 'Monsieur.' It is worth noticing that the distinction between 'feu la reine' and 'la feue reine' is quite modern, and was first recognised by the Academy in 1762. The derivation of the word is very uncertain. It has been derived from fuit, felix! (Ménage) functus (i.e. vitâ), and fatutus (from fatum).

21. honnête gentilhomme, 'a very worthy gentleman.' 3. pour 'en qualité de '-' as,' 'in the character of.' 10. marchand, 'a tradesman' in the general sense.

13. officieux, 'kind,' not 'officious.' This passage has become, as it were, a 'household word.'

23. Depuis avoir connu-a rare construction.

72. 11. Le fils du Grand-Turc v. gendre. Notice the repetition of the previous words, while changing their order. This sort of dialogue en écho' was fashionable at the time. Cp. the opening scene of the Fourberics de Scapin.

12. fus, 'I went.' This use of 'fus' = 'je suis allé,' followed by an infinitive, is an idiomatic and colloquial phrase. Without an infinitive the past tenses of 'être' are used for the past tenses of aller,' with the idea that a person has been to a place and returned.


72. 12. que-used to avoid repeating 'comme.' Notice that when employed in this way with 'si,' it is followed by the subjunctive.

14. Acciam, etc. Most of these words are quite unmeaning, though a few seem to present some resemblance to real Arab or Turkish words, e.g. 'Acciam,' perhaps = actchem = my money; Alla = god; Moustapha, a proper name; guidélum let us depart. Most of this Turkish is borrowed from a play by Rotrou, La Sœur (1645).


31. Savez-vous bien, 'Do you happen to know?' For this force of 'bien,' see note on 5, 23.

34. Ma chère âme,, ' sweetheart.'

73. 7. mamamouchi. This word, coined by Molière, has remained in the language as equivalent to 'Turc de Carnaval.'

12. Paladin. A name originally given to the lords who
followed Charlemagne. They were so called because
they dwelt in his palace (Palatium-Palatinus). In
its extended meaning the word = a knight errant—
any chivalrous and somewhat Quixotic person. The
knights of Arthur's Round Table would be called his
'Paladins.' The word 'Palatin' is originally the
same word, derived from the comites Palatii of the
Lower Empire. The dignity conferred certain judicial
privileges on its holder. Covielle's explanation is
something like that of Bardolph, elucidating the word
accommodated.' 'Accommodated; that is, when a
man is, as they say, accommodated: or when a man
is,-being, whereby, he may be thought to be ac-
commodated, which is an excellent thing'-(K. Henry
IV., III. ii.)

14. v. irez de pair, 'you will rank with.'
26. Tout ce qui . 'the only thing . . .'


27. s'est allé mettre. Notice the irregularity in the agreement of the participle. The phrase is really equivalent to 'est allée se mettre . . .,' but has been assimilated to such an expression as 'elle s'est laissé mettre dans la tête. though the constructions are not really analogous.

31. il se rencontre ici, 'There is a wonderful coincidence in the case.


73. 33. à peu de chose près à peu près, 'very nearly.'
Cp. à beaucoup près.'
A.* près must be
taken as equivalent to wanting,' 'failing." Then
'à peu près peu s'en faut' (parum abest). When
a thing wants little of another, it is naturally near it.
74. 1. Salamalequi. Cp. the Arab Salam aléïqui,' a form
of greeting. The French word 'salamalec' (cp. Eng-
lish 'salaam ') = a low bow.

4. soit. Independent subjunctive expressing a wish.
5. obligeantes, 'polite.'

16. Bel-men. Cp. Turkish 'bilmen' = I do not know.
17. Il dit que v. alliez, 'He says you must go.' Subj.
with 'dire,' implying a command.

20. Tant de choses en deux mots? This well-known passage is borrowed from Rotrou's play, La Sœur, Act III. sc. iv.

'Ergaste (à Horace). Siati cacus nain con catalai mulai. Horace. Vare hece.


Vous devinez,

Il dit qu'ils sont entrés dans une hôtellerie,
Où trinquant à l'honneur de leur chère patrie,
Et d'un peu de bon temps régalant leurs esprits,
Son père en a tant pris qu'il s'en est trouvé pris ;
Qu'il n'en a pu sortir sans une peine extrême
Et ne pensait porter ni son vin, ni soi-même.
Anselme. T'en a-t-il pu tant dire en si peu de propos?
Ergaste. Oui, le langage Turc dit beaucoup en deux mots.'

74. 25. Quand



'quand même,' 'even if . . .'



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1. de n. vouloir aider, 'to be good enough to help us.
4. ajusté, rigged out,' 'got up,' = fagoté, bâti, etc.
9. Je v. le donnerais . . ., 'I'll give you many a try to
guess...' This is the full expression. The 'le' is
neuter, and not really necessary in the sentence. So
in 27,19, 'je le donne en six coups. . .' is equivalent


to je (le) donne en six coups aux tailleurs les plus éclairés à inventer un habit. . .'

75. 11. pour porter son esprit, 'to induce him.'

16. la bête . . ., 'You know the creature,' i.e. M. Jourdain.

20. histoire, 'the business,' 'the affair.' Cp. 33, 29.

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16. à la turque, i.e. à la mode turque.

17. Se ti sabir, etc. These couplets are in lingua franca,' a dialect made up of a mixture of Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, in which the verbs are generally used in the infinitive. The following is a literal transcript into French :-'Si toi savoir-Toi répondre -Sinon savoir-Te taire, te taire-Moi, être muphti -Toi, qui être, toi ?-Pas entendre ?-Te taire, te taire.'

25. Dice... =


Dis Turc, qui être celui-là?

Anabatista. The Anabaptists, a Protestant sect opposed to infant baptism, and requiring adults to be baptized again, first appeared about 1520.

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2. Zuinglista. Ulrich Zwingli, the celebrated Swiss Reformer, was born 1st January 1484; died in battle 1531.

4. Coffita. Probably refers to the Copts, Egyptian Christians, belonging generally to the Jacobite sect.

6. Hussita. John Huss, the Bohemian Reformer and disciple of Wiclef, born 1373, was burnt at Constance 6th July 1415.

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Fronista, probably applied to members of some contemplative sect. (Cp. Greek POVTLOTŃs.)


77. 14. Moffina and Zurina are probably fanciful words coined by Molière.

17. Hi Valla (properly Ei Vallah)
18. Como chamara =


'Yes, by God.' "Comment s'appelle-t-il ?'

22. Mahameta . . . 'Mahomet, pour Jourdain-Moi prier soir et matin-Vouloir faire un paladin-De Jourdain, de Jourdain-Donner turban et donner cimeterreAvec galère et brigantine-Pour défendre la Palestine -Mahomet, pour Jourdain-Moi prier soir et matin -Etre bon Turc, Jourdain?'

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78. 1. Ha la ba, ba la chou. As they stand these syllables mean nothing, but Alla baba hou' would, it seems, mean 'God our Father.'


5. bougies. The full phrase would be 'chandelles de bougie.' Bougie is a town in Algeria, from which it seems their use was imported.

7. l'Alcoran, the 'Koran' or Mohammedan Bible. The expression is pleonastic, 'al' being the Arabic article. 12. pupitre, ‘reading desk.' Derived from 'pulpitulum,' dim. of pulpitum (English, 'pulpit'). Cp. chapitre, from capitulum.

79. 1. Ti non star furba? etc. "Toi pas être fourbe ?—Non, non, non-Pas être imposteur?—Non, non, non— Donner turban.'

11. Ti star nobile, etc. 'Toi être noble, pas être fable

Prendre sabre.'

80. 1. Dara... 'On donnera, on donnera-Bastonnade.'

5. Non tener

'N'avoir pas honte-Être le dernier



2. Est-ce un momon

'Are you going masquerading?’ There has been much discussion as to the exact custom referred to here. It seems that a masked party proceeded to a house, and there, without speaking, played at dice for some stake. They were said to 'porter le

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