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Cowley, poetry of, 132–133

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Crawford, Marion, The Italian Novels FARMS, experimental, of Canada,

of, 719-733

Creeds in the Primary Schools, 690–

Creyke (Mrs. Walter), Fancy Cycling
for Ladies, 447-453

Crime, connection of drunkenness with,

does education deter from? 705
Crispi (Cav. F.), The Dual and the
Triple Alliance, 673–677

Cronans, or croons, the Highland, 457–


Crustacea, Curiosities about, 293-

Curwen (John) devises the Tonic Sol-fa
notation, 142

Custom-House Regulations, Our, 636–

Cycling, Fancy, for Ladie 447-453

DANA (James), his theory of the

origin of mountains, 805

Danish View, The, of the Slesvig-
Holstein Question, 918-927
Dante, poetry of, 132-133

Day, John, 549-559

Day, Thomas, 74-86


Fishing, Pass, for Tarpon, 317-325
Fitch (Sir Joshua), Creeds in the
Primary Schools, 690-702

Fleet, Our Reserves for Manning the,


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Hanoverian dynasty, the title of the,

Harrison (Frederic), The Modern
Machiavelli, 462-471
replied to, 532–548

'Haunted' house, an alleged, 225-234
Herzl (Dr.), his scheme for a Jewish
State, 262, 629-632

Heward (Ed. Vincent), Elizabethan
Rejoicings: a Retrospect, 245-259
Highlands, Scottish, poetry and super-
stitions of the, 457-461

Hogg (Mrs.), School Children as Wage-
earners, 235-244

The Fur-pullers of South London,

Holy Alliance, the, 372
Hufeland (Dr. William) on the dura-

tion of human life, quoted, 394
Hume (Major Martin), How the Sceptre
of the Sea passed to England, 426–

Huxley, Thomas Henry, Some Remi-
niscences of, 985–998

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Ladies, Fancy Cycling for, 447-453
Poor, how they live, 161-168
Land and Lodging Houses, 383–392
Land, fertilisation of, by bacteria, 818-

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question in India, 486-492
Lansdowne (Lord) on our Indian
frontier policy, quoted, 858

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Mahaffy (Professor), Modern Educa-
tion, 703-718

Mallarmé (M.), on the art of poetry,

Mallock (W. H.), The Buck-jumping
of Labour, 337-348
Marignano, battle of, as recounted by
Guicciardini, 842

Maxims, duality of, 830

Mayo (Earl of), The Tourist in Ire-
land, 185-205

Metcalfe (Cranstoun), Legitimism'
in England, 362-379

Milk, how infected with tubercle
bacilli, 587-589

Miquel, Dr. von, the Kaiser's own
Man,' 472-485

'Missions,' The Ways of 'Settle-

ments' and of, 775-784

Mivart (Professor St. George), Some
Reminiscences of Thomas Henry
Huxley, 985-998
Moles, 275-279

Monetary Chaos, The, 678-689
Montaigne's judgment of Guicciardini
as an historian, 844

Morley (John), Guicciardini, 821-844
Moscow, 748-751

Mountains, origin of, 799-809
-geographical distribution of, 809

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Pasteur Institute, visit to the, 114-117
Patrick (Saint), the Rick of, 200
Paul (Herbert), The New Learning,

Payn (James), On Conversation, 67–73
On Old Age, 402-410
Pennell (Joseph), Art and the Daily
Paper, 653-662
Petersburg (St.), 746-748

Phillips (Lionel), From inside Johan-
nesburg: a Narrative of Facts, 206–

Philo-Zionists and Anti-Semites, 623-

Plague, the, in the East, 34-39
Playhouses of Elizabeth's time, 251-

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Prison Treatment of Juvenile Offen-Settlements,' The Ways of, and of
ders, 326-335

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Missions,' 975-984

Sight, second, 460-461

Slesvig-Holstein Question, The Danish
View of the, 918-927

Snagge (Judge), Fifty Years of the
English County Courts, 560-580
Snake-bite, the serum treatment of,

Society in America, 44-54

Sol-fa notation, use of, in schools, 143-

Stature, Genius and, 87-95

letters to the Editor, 336
Stebbing (Rev. Thomas R. R.), Curio-
sities about Crustacea, 293-304
Stockholm, 751-753

Strikes, industrial, 337

Sub-editor's Room, In the, 999-1008
Suffrage, municipal, in Ireland, 649-

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