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minds, which they had not before received, and they possessed a faith, before which every peril or temptation, threatening or allure ment vanished into air, and left them in full view of a heavenly world, an everlasting in heritance for the righteous.

A second reflection on the generosity of this primitive church, is, that it was an early, fair, and important exhibition of the generous spirit of Christianity, and the kind of value which our religion allows us to affix to our worldly possessions.-We do not say that this generosity was perfectly unexampled in the world, but this we may say, it was the very spirit and essence of Christianity.

The precepts and the spirit of Christianity are altogether generous, and hostile to the avarice of possessions.-Not only does it forbid every species of injustice, but warns us against an ardent pursuit of these perishable goods. And from what considerations? Truly, because we cannot serve God and mammon-and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches. enter in and choke the word, and no fruit is brought to perfection; because the solicitude of acquiring and preserving wealth is always at tended with a thrall and a torment, which impairs and corrupts the very satisfactions ex-, pected from its possession-and sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof;-because, in fine, those things which nature demands are few, easily acquired, and unexpensive-for godliness with contentment is great gainwe brought nothing into this

world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. Such is the language of the gospel on the subject of the pursuit of wealth.

With respect to its possession and use, its language is also as perfectly temperate and rational. It does not send us to the sea, like some of the ancient philosophers, to throw our wealth into the waves-nor does it require us to hoard or to lavish the abundance with which we may be favored; but we are commanded to minister to the necessities of others; to give to him that asketh of us, and from him who would borrow of us not to turn away;-as it becomes those who believe themselves not the lords of these possessions, but the slewards of him who gives them all things richly to enjoy; for according to our religion, a well bestowed benefit is a treasure of hope, which thieves cannot plunder, nor misfortunes diminish, nor moth nor rust corrupt. In our acts of charity, Christianity requires undissembled good will, It teaches us that the hope of recompense or reputation corrupts our bounty; that its acceptableness with God is lost when these interested motives mingle with the act. To encourage us to the most disinterested and generous kindness, it promises a special care of those who observe these laws of benevolence. It leaves to Christians none of those excuses which we are ready to make for neglect of duty, but on the contrary, points to the ra vens which are fed, and the lilies which are clothed by a kind Providence, that knoweth we have need of all these things.

Such is the language of our religion on the subject of wealth. And did not these primitive Christians understand their religion? Did they not show the power of it more effectually by their generosity and their mutual affection, than the most solemn and reiterated professions could have done?


What remains then but to show ourselves worthy of this primitive community, this parent stock of Christians? Let it not be suspected, that after eighteen centuries, we understand less of the spirit of our religion than the Jews of Jerusalem; or that we have less confidence in our Christianity, than the first converts. If the circumstances of our times do not require the same provision by a "common stock for the poor, yet, our religion demands the same spirit, and our faith can be as well proved by the nature of our generosity, though it may not be so publicly exhibited.

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If I were to enter into the rea sons for munificence, I might suggest to the rich, that many are now struggling with poverty and distress, who are more deserving of God's favors than themselves. I might ask whether we can enjoy with any satisfaction that superabundance which we might easily spare for the relief of those who really need it. I might ask whether our wealth has not already led us into luxury, sensuality, pride and hardheartedness-and whether can better check this tendency, or better make amends for our past defects, than by consecrating a larger portion than ever to the relief of the poor. I might go still further and ask, whether we are all entirely satisfied with the means or the spirit, by which we have risen to our present affluence; and if not, how shall we better repair these mistakes or atone for our rapacity, than by distributing to the wants of God's poor children?




(Concluded from page 89.)

Sigbert afterwards appears in the presence of the king as a per


Sigbert. My long lost Prince! my master! have I found

Thee, Alfred! oh my king? thy fearful frown

At any other moment I might shun,

Yet now I heed it not, to see again

My long-lost Lord.

Alfred. -Peace be thine!

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Anguish so terrible, and past the power
Of words to tell, that how a heart can bear
A load so vast, I knew not till this hour.
Pardon me, Monarch!

Alfred. Sigbert! remember, I am man, not God;
He must the deed forgive!

Sigbert. Most truly! And by wrestling fervently.
His ear hath heard my prayer; and I have faith
That pardon'd in the Almighty's eye I stand.
Do thou forgive me!

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I chid thee, but to teach how harder far

To bear heaven's chiding. Now thy mind is chang'd
And thou dost see how mutable the man,

Who on himself doth rest, when the hour comes,
Of sore temptation-I am yet thy friend.

Sigbert. Monarch, my heart is thine! but to my words
Thou must not look for recompense. Declare,
Oh king! how I may shew my gratitude,
And if I do not shew it, trust not man!-
His vow is vain.


My time,

Important duties claim, but I will stay,
Albeit unwise, one moment to bestow
A passing word, with meek austerity:-
Ask of the world's great Author, to subdue
All evil in thy heart, but chiefly, wrath-
The source of ills unnumber'd, which, around
Spreads direful burdens-making hell of earth,
And fiends of men. Sigbert! 'tis well to know
This shadowy world, this transient state of being,
But ill deserves of man, the sacrifice

Anger requires. What is there here on earth
To rouse our spirits? What below the sky
Worthy a creature's wrath! Few are our days,
And all our little evils, sent to cleanse
Our wayward minds and faculties from dross,
Debasing, and unworthy that high name-
The sons of God. Precious to heaven, is he,
Who sees in mortal things, their real worth
And looks beyond them! Here on earth we sow,
After we reap the fruit. The race is here,
The prize hereafter. Here the ocean raves,
There is our haven. And that man shall find,
Who through this howling wilderness preserves
Spotless his mind, and in a tainted world

Holds converse with his Maker; sees how great
The worth of holiness, and truly knows
How to respect himself, and to preserve

God's temple pure;-that man shall surely find
Life's evils fleeting, and his mind prepared

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For that fruition, full, unspeakable
God hath reserv'd above.

Thou hast slain

A pleading man! I would forget the deed
For, in thy countenance, methinks I see,
Contrition; that to God! and for thy kind
And many services, I hold thee dear.

As once I told thee, now I tell the same—
Thou shalt not war! Profession thou hast made
Of holiness and of devoted heart

To holy ways-flee then the avenging sword!'
If wars must come-f human blood must flow-
Let those who never bore the Teacher's name
Stand forth and combat! but the God we serve,
In most peculiar way, his ministers
Requires to dwell in peace.

Sigbert. As the tall tree catches the sun's last beam,
When all beside is darkness, so may I,

When death draws near, on king, remember thee,
And these thy words! My heart indeed is fill'd
With lasting gratitu le. Thy mild rebuke
On this my mind flashes conviction's light,
And for thy precepts, I am nearer heaven.
I see my frailty, I perceive how wrath,
And most full hatred, to the instruments
God hath seen fit to use, hath fill'd my mind.
Th' Almighty Father asks but penitence
From us his children, and for these my crimes,
That would I feel-1 am an alter'd man.
Point but the path thy servant should pursue,
And he will seek it from this hour, and strive
To merit thine applause-to copy thee.


No. 2. IT was proposed, first, to consider the causes of intemperance. The most prevalent of these, it is believed, is the habit of considering ardent spirits necessary in all cases of manual labor.

Accordingly almost all, who are thus employed, are accustomed, from early life, to drink spirituous liquors, at least twice a day. It requires some practice to become reconciled to the nauseous potion. By degrees a relish for

it is acquired; till what was at first received with indifference, if not with reluctance, is sought with avidity.

There is great danger, that such persons will proceed to excess. Accordingly we find, that immense numbers are not content with the stated seasons of drinking, nor with moderate quantities of the delicious poison. But by free indulgence they excite an unnatural thirst, which continually impels them

to gratify it; and this very gratification serves only to increase the demands of appetite. If this propensity be not seasonably checked, it invariably leads to intemperance.

This vice is sometimes contracted by regarding ardent spi. rits, as a safeguard from the bad effects of the weather. How many, for example, think them selves justified in taking a double portion of spirituous liquors, when they are exposed to the wet or the cold? On these occasions, some, who are temper ate at other times, indulge themselves in drinking too freely. But it has long since been demonstrated, that such a practice greatly increases, instead of lessening their danger. In proof of this, a striking fact occurred, near the commencement of the revolutionary war. In a driving storm of snow, a large vessel with many hands on board was wrecked in our bay. Most of them were enabled to reach the shore. The weather was excessively cold. No human habitation was in view; and there was but little prospect of preserving life, unless aid could be immediately obtained. Several casks of ardent spirits were driven on shore. Those, who considered such liquors, as preservatives from the weather, partook freely of them. The more judi cious drank nothing, but cold water. It has been confidently asserted, that the lives of the latter were preserved, while the former perished with the cold. Many instances of a similar kind might be produced. It has

also been amply proved, that men, working in damp places, are more likely to preserve health and ever to remain comfortable, without than with the use of ar

dent spirits. Away then with

the false maxims of the intemperate, who,, in every state of the atmosphere, and on all occasions. can readily find a pretext for the indulgence of their darling appetite.

The free use of spirits at convivial meetings is a powerful incentive to intemperance. The love of strong drink never tails to multiply such assemblages;\ and, when convened where spr• ituous liquors are at hand, it is too common to indulge in them to excess. Hence the great dan. ger, to which they are unavoidably exposed, who loiter about taverns, and places, where ar dent spirits are vended. PerSons may frequent such places merely to hear the news of the day. or to pass away time, which hangs heavily upon them. But few instances, it is believed, can be produced, of those, who are habitually and unnecessarily at such places, without contracting, to a greater or less degree, an inordinate love of strong drink.

A false notion of generosity, which prevails within the haunts of intemperance, is also favora ble to this vice. Many people seldom meet a friend at a tavern, but they feel bound, even without the least occasion, to invite him to drink. This produces from him a like return; and it is thought unsocial to refuse the inebriating draught, although intoxication should be the result.

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