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quiet, decorum, and attendance on publick worship on Sundays, thau in Boston; and no philanthropist, moralist, patriot, or christian, but must acknowledge the happy effects produced by the observance of this day of retirement and devotion. Without intending to criminate one class of inhabitants more than another, or to pronounce which deports most agreeably to the purposes of the day, I am of opinion that the day is not hallowed as it ought to be by commercial men. Were a stranger to witness great numbers of respectable persons issuing from different churches, converging to the reading-rooms, and devoting a considerable por tion of the day to the perusal of newspapers, and to conversation on commercial topicks, I think he would justly form a most unfovourable opinion of the religion of the inhabitants. He

would suppose they had issued from a Lyceum, Athenæum, or Debating Society rather than from the house of God, that they had been auditors of a political orator or scientifick lecturer, instead of listening to the oracles of heavenly wisdom.

I am not an advocate for the rigid observance of Sunday, held by our ancestors, and by many of the severer sects of christians at the present day; for it has disgusted the minds of young persons, and given an unsocial, frigid, and secluded character to religion. But I am in favour of devoting the day to thought, selfexamination and devotion; I am in favour of detaching the mind as much as practicable, from the

anxieties, cares, and affairs of the present state, and living, by anticipation, in futurity. If I roam abroad in the morning of Sundays, eager after news, inquisitive to find subjects of conversation; if I hurry from the wharf or the news-room to church, and after listening impatiently to the services there, retrace my steps, pour over the newspapers, fresh from the mail, with an intenseness as if I were reading the "words of eternal life," and making myself "wise to salvation," surely I do not hallow the day, nor, in scripture sense, "remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy." Many good men differ in opinion as to the advisableness of forwarding mails on Sundays, or of distributing newspapers and letters at the offices; but whatever argument, there may be in favour of perusing letters, there can be, in time of peace, few or none, in favour of reading newspapers. What time has the busy merchant, whose six days are sedulously devoted to business, to read or reflect on things concerning his eternal welfare, if he gives the seventh also to the pursuits of the rest? In regard to himself, his family, or society, it is irrational, ruinous. There is a calm, serenity, and delight, in the retirement of Sunday, which is delicious to a reflecting mind. It is a sweet respite from the corroding cares, the din of business, and the labours of the busy week. For myself I would not exchange the peaceful hours of Sunday, their tranquillity, and happy tendency for the pleasantest por

tion of the other days. To the christian, other motives should be addressed than the self-satisfaction which a religious observance of this sacred day produces. It is exceedingly unbecoming a Christian to give all his days to the world, to hold no converse with his own soul, the scriptures, or his Maker. I hope these remarks will not be supposed to proceed from a splenetick distaste to the innocent or proper employments of those, who merely happen to differ from me

in opinion on the disposal of their leisure. I delight in witnessing the happy visages of my fellowbeings on a Sunday, and would not be rigid in enforcing the requirements of law, or the precepts of religion. But it is the duty of every one to contribute, by his example and opinion, to the religious observance of a day set apart by God himself for the benefit of the human race, and conducive to the welfare, order, and happiness of mankind. MERCATOR.


BELIEVING, as we verily do, that a Christian education is the most probable means for forming the character of a Christian Disciple, for abolishing vicious and inhuman customs, for reforming the morals of society, and for promoting the peace and happiness of mankind; believing also that the power of education for these important purposes has hitherto had but a very partial experiment, we shall cheerfully exhibit in this work an account of such modern improvements in the modes of education as shall come to our knowledge.

In speaking of the power of education, to produce such glorious results, no thought is entertained, that such means can produce the effects, independent of the agency of him "who worketh all things according to the

counsel of his own will." But we wish to impress these ideas upon every reader, that the minds of children and the earth may be cultivated with equal prospects of success; that, in both cases, it is God who giveth the increase, and that the harvest may be expected generally to correspond to the prudence and fidelity with which we plant or sow.

When children are suffered to grow up to adult age, under the dominion of ignorance, prejudice and vice, there is but a dismal prospect of their being afterwards thoroughly reformed by the preaching of the gospel. Preaching to such persons is, in a great measure, like preaching to convicts in a State Prison, whose habits of vice are almost as fixed as the Ethiopean's complexion or the leopard's spots.

In both cases some good effects have evidently resulted; but, in general, preaching to such people makes little more impression, than the falling of rain upon paved streets.

Possessing these views of the importance of a Christian education, we shall, in this number, present to our readers, a concise

account of several recent institutions, in the hope that it will awaken serious attention to the interesting subject, and to the course of providence, which seems to be directed to the emancipation of the world from ignorance, irreligion, vice, and misery.


A PHILANTHROPIST, by the name of M. de Fellenberg, has established in Hoswyl, near Berne, in Switzerland, a remarkable institution for the education of children, and one which has attracted the attention of the Emperour of Russia.

The most remarkable feature in Fellenberg's institution, is, "the union of instruction, in letters, with the operations of agriculture." It" also unites a seminary for the poor, with a seminary for the rich."

The agricultural part of the establishment, consists of two farms; one is called the model farm, the other, the experimental farm. The first is intended to exhibit a well conducted farm on the best existing methods; on this, the poor class of children are employed. The other is intended to advance the science of agriculture by new inventions and experiments. The rich class are here instructed in the theory and practice of agriculture.

Connected with this institution, there are also work-shops for the manufacture of agricul

tural instruments; one for making for sale, the best instruments now in use; another for "a school of invention and improvement.”

"The children of the laborious class, are not only taught to read, write, and account, but they are attended by their master, a man of liberal education, during their hours of labour as well as of recreation; and are instructed by him in the properties and connections of the objects of nature, and the operations of art. They are taught to observe and to reflect, and to acquire habits of drawing useful ideas from things themselves."

'The education of the rich class, embraces all those points of art and science which belong to a liberal education. The great objects of the Institution, appear to be these ;-to teach the youth how to obtain a comfortable living in the world, and how to be useful and happy.

The effects of this mode of education, are said to be " perpetual happiness and good humour; no quarrels; gentleness, industry, and contentment."

"The encouragement of cheerful dispositions amongst the children, and the attempts to render them good-tempered, alert, and active, are considered as objects of great importance. They are constantly encouraged, and their wants anticipated; every thing invites them to confidence. Verhly, their instructor, always speaks to them with smiles. He works with them; he reads, talks, and sings with them; he entertains them with amusing anecdotes, and is their constant companion.

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Every morning before they go to work, and every evening after it is finished, Verhly talks with the children, and M. Fellenberg is commonly present at these conversations. The plan of the day's work, and suitable admonitions and exhortations follow the morning prayer. In the evening remarks are made on the little occurrences of the day. What is praiseworthy is encouraged; faults are gently reprimanded, and good resolutions strengthened this useful practice is beneficially concluded with prayer."


When the Emperour Alexander was in the vicinity of Swit

These facts relating to M. Fellenberg's Institution, have been collected from several num

zerland, he was informed of Fellenberg's institution and his success. He ordered his minister in Switzerland to make inquiry into the circumstances, and report to him. On receiving the report, he wrote to M. Fellenberg the following letter.

"Sir-The labours of so much importance to the human race, in which, for a number of years, you have been successfully engaged; the great results which they have already produced, and those which humanity may still expect to derive from them in future, could not fail to arrest my attention, and to gain for you all my esteem. I have with satisfaction observed, that your system of agriculture and of education possessed the double advantage of perfectionizing at once cultivation and the cultivator. Desiring to give you a testimony of the interest, which I take in the success and extension of such exalted labours, I create you a knight of the order of St. Wladimer of the fourth class, the decoration of which I transmit to you, and I am happy to give you the assurance of my consideration.

"ALEXANDER. "Vienna, 16th, November 1814."

bers of the Philanthropist, in which may be seen a more copious account. See No's. 9, 10, 18.



In England, they have not Bible Society," but a enly a "British and Foreign and Foreign School Society,"

which promises the most extensive benefits to the human family. The mode of education supported by this Society, is that which has been called the Lancasterian, now British system of education. The British and Foreign School Society is the Lancasterian School Society, with another name and more extensive objects.

In the Philanthropist, for January, 1815, and for April, we have an account of this Society, from which the following facts are collected :

The Duke of Bedford was then President. Samuel Whitbread, M. P. John Jackson, M. P. Samuel Hoar, jun. and William Allen, were the Trustees of the funds. "To the firm, manly, and steady support of the Royal Dukes, this Society, in a great measure, owes its preservation."


"The British and Foreign School Society, is established for the promotion of Schools in all parts of the world." By the exertions of this Society, a great number of schools have been established in England, Ireland, and Scotland; and the system has been introduced into Asia, Africa, and America, by persons trained and qualified in the parent institution. In less than seven years, many thousand children, of both sexes, have been rescued from ignorance, and have been directed into the paths of virtue and piety.

66 One master is sufficient for five hundred or a thousand children; one book will serve a whole

the use of slates, the expense of paper and pens is reduced to a mere trifle. The school is divided into eight classes; and out of each class, the best qualified is selected as a monitor. He has printed rules for his direction, and is responsible for the conduct of the class. Under him are assistant monitors, chosen from lads who have made the greatest proficiency. By taking precedence, and a judicious system of rewards, learning becomes a delight, instead of a drudgery to the children, and a spirit of activity and attention is constantly maintained. In this way it is found, that children will learn more in one year than in the old way in three, and at less than a fifth part of the expense.

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"The expenses of a school, on this plan, consists in the salary of the master, the rent of the school room, the outfit of lessons and slates, and in a trifling annual expense in keeping up the stock, also for fuel for warming the school in the winter."

These paragraphs have been taken from a report of the Committee; and in a note they state, that the whole expense for furnishing a school of five hundred, with an outfit of lessons, badges, medals, and slates, is but about thirteen pounds three shillings and two pence; for one thousand scholars, twenty-three pounds eight shillings and three pence. The Committee say, their object is "NOT TO LEAVE A SINGLE INDI


school, however large; and, by STRUCTION."

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