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time and place at which the proposed meeting of delegates from the different Bible Societies in the United States shall take place; after mature deliberation, and consulting with judicious friends on this important subject, I am decidedly of opinion that the most suitable place for the pro posed meeting, is the city of New York-and the most convenient time the second Wednesday of May next and I do appoint and recommend the said meeting to be held at that time and place.

to which I am now confined, it will afford me the highest satisfaction to attend at that time, and contribute all in my power toward the establishment and organization of a society, which, with the blessing of God, I have not the least doubt will in ume, in point of usefulness, be second only to the parent institution (the British and Foreign Bible Society)-will shed an unfading lustre on our Christian com munity, and will prove a blessing to our country and the world.

Pres. of NJ. Bib. Soc.

Should it please a merciful God to raise me from the bed of sickness, Burlington, Jan. 31, 1816.


Extracts from the correspondence of the British and Foreign Bible Society, since the publication of the Eleventh Report.


Letter of thanks from Mr. Ion Vidalin, sheriff of South Mulè Syssel, in Iceland, in the name f the inhabitants of that district, for the copies of the Icelandic Scriptures sent thither in the summer of 1814* (Transiation.) THAT religion is the fundamental pillar of the state, on which the real welfare of the whole body politic, and of every private citizen, must rest, is a truth which has been acknowledged by the ablest politicians in all ages of the world. To be sensible of the val. ue of true and genuine religion; to venerate its pure and primitive principles; and to endeavor to make all men acquainted with them, must always diffuse among mankind, light, life, and happiness; must promote the true dig nity of man, the noblest use of life, and employments, which may be appreciated in time, but can be rewarded only in eternity. Among these employments is to be reckoned the vig: orous prosecution of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the sole object of which is to promote the circulation of the Holy Scriptures among all nations; whose worthy interpreter and

representative, the Rev. E. Henderson, has brought over to us, poor icelanders, the fruits of its noble exertions in a new and useful edition of the funda-, mental books of our religion, the most Sacred Bible, and New Testament of our Savior Jesus Christ, in our vernacular language. Of these books a considerable number has been sent over by the ships of last season, proving a rich supply amidst the great scarcity which was previously becoming more and more afflictive; and the copies have already been distributed with great pains, owing to the zeal and diligence of the Rev. E Henderson, the interpreter of the noble Society. As a proof of his zeal for the illumination of mankind, he has also visited the eastern coasts of Iceland, and favored us with a personal visit in South Mulè Syssel.

Therefore, in the name, and on the behalf, of all the it.habitants of the a forementioned Syssel, under my jurisdiction, I, the undersigned, return my respectful and warmest thanks to the noble British and Foreign Bible Socie ty, and its representative, the Rev E. Henderson, for their mutual exertions to promote our illumination; and all

Officially communicated through the Hon. Conferenceraad Thorarinson, Deputy Governor of the northern and eastern quarters of the Island, and his Lordship Bishop Vidalin.

we,the inhabitants of South Mule Syssel, do express our most cordial wishes, that heaven would regard, and eternity remunerate, the benevolent exertions of the honored Society. And may our dear friend, the Rev. E. Henderson, be abundantly blessed! May his exertions prosper and be acknow. ledged by the present, and by every future generation; and may his labors be crowned in eternity!

On behalf of the whole population of South Mule Syssel, I have the honor to be, most respectfully,


The constituted sheriff of South Mule Syssel in Iceland. Eskeford in Iceland, Dec. 31, 1814.

From the Third Report of the Finnish Bible Society. Abo, March 28, 1815, Through the goodness of Divine Providence, and under a Christian Sovereign's mild government, the Finnish Bible Society has arrived at the conclusion of another year, during which, in the progress of its well meant endeavors for diffusing a more general knowledge of the Holy Scriptures among the inhabitants of Finland, it has had reason to entertain the consolatory hope, that the Father of lights, who has begun so good a work among us, will perfect it till the day of Christ.

And although it is much to be wished that the Society could have attain, ed the object of the institution sooner, and engaged more actively in the work of distributing the word of God than has hitherto been possible; the Committee are nevertheless convinced that the short Report now presented to the public, will prove satisfactory to all the members of the Society, and confirm them in the joyful assurance, that the Lord is with us, and that his blessing rests upon the work of our hands.

The Society's principal endeavor has hitherto been to complete the octavo edition of the Finnish Bible on standing types. It is with peculiar pleasure that the Committee can state

that, in consequence of the very great liberality of his Imperial Majesty and the British and Foreign Bible Society, as also the voluntary subscriptions of all classes of their fellow subjects, there is every reason to believe, that the funds of the Society are already equal to the expenses of this edition. The New Testament is already printed off, first in St Petersburg, and now here in Abo; 24 sheets of the Old Testament are composed, and partly printed off, in St. Petersburg.

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In the Report for the last year it was observed, that beside the 750. which the British and Foreign Bible Society had presented to the Society in Finland, for printing the Finnish Bibles on standing types, they had most generously presented them with 2007 for distributing Swedish Bibles among the Swedish inhabitants of Finland. With this money, 1350 Bibles have been procured from Stockholm, of which 250 copies have been distributed gratis, and the remainder have mostly been sold at cost prices. The money received for these Bibles is designed as a separate fund for the purpose of procuring a fresh supply, as needed, for this class of our fellow subjects.*

The Rev. J. Paterson, who forwarded the above communication, adds:

"From the above Report it appears, that our Finnish friends are very active; and, considering the poverty of the country, they have come forward with great liberality. The subscriptions amount to three times the sum any of us expected. No part of the Report affords me more pleasure than that concerning the Swedish Bibles. Never were 2001. better employed by your Society. They have made a good use of the talent you entrusted them with. It has awakened a desire in the people to have the Scriptures in their own, the Swedish language; and, poor as they are, they cheerfully pay for them; so that I hope, ere long, every Swedish family in Finland will, by means of this small fund, be furnished with a copy of the Bible.

* Since the Report was drawn up, 600 additional copies have been ordered from different parts of Finland.

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"We have begun the distribution of the Finnish Testament in the Gov ernment of St. Petersburg. I expect ed the edition would have lasted us for several years; but the demand is so great, that we cannot get the Testaments bound quickly enough, and the whole edition is already nearly exhausted. When a quantity arrives in a village, all the inhabitants assemble, and can scarcely be restrained from carrying off the Testaments by force. They have been famishing for want of the word of life, and now they are almost insatiable.

"We have recently received 300 rubles, which have been subscribed by the Ingermanland Russian Regiment, besides 130 rubles from their Colonel, for which they require one Russian and one Polish Bible. This gift is peculiarly valuable, as coming from Russian soldiers. The Roman Catholic Metropolitan has published two pastoral letters to his flock, recom mending the reading of the Scriptures among them generally, and ordering the Clergy to promote the circulation of the Society's editions. This is an important document. Our Committee ordered it to be published in the Gazettes, that it might be as generally known as possible. A copy of it will be sent you by our friend Pinkerton, as soon as he can get it translated for you I hope it will have its effect on the Roman Catholics with you, and in Germany. We have also received from his Imperial Majesty freedom to send all letters and packages free of expense, by post, so that we can now send our Bibles to the remotest parts of the Russian Empire with the greatest facility,"

From the Rev. R. Pinkerton. St. Pe

tersburg, June, 5, 1815.

I think I have mentioned in former letters, that the Bishop of Samogitia had translated the New Testament into that language, that the manuscript was sent hither last year, and received the approbation of his Eminence Sesterinsevitch, the Catholic Metropolitan, and that the Kt. Rev. Translator

had resolved to print 1000 copies of it in Wilna, at his own expense. After our Committee had corresponded with the Bishop in regard to the state of the Samogitians," who were brought over to the Christian religion only in the 15th century, and have never yet had a version of the Scriptures in their language, it was this day resolved to print an additional 4000 copies, at the expense of the Russian Bible Society.

Among the multitude of interesting communications and liberal subscriptions laid before the Committee this day, from different distant parts of Rus; sia, none afforded us so much pleasure as the following most interesting observations, respecting the establishment of an Auxiliary Bible Society in the seaport town of Theodosia, in the Crimea. The communication was written by the Governor of that city, his Excellency Bronefsky, and is accompanied with a list of from 30 to 40 subscribers, of whom six are subjects of the Sultan of Constantinople, and a petition for instructions towards the establishment of a Branch of the Bible Society in that ancient city, formerly called by the Turks Kafa.

"The Theodosian Auxiliary Branch, having implored the blessing of the Most High, will use all possible exertions to promote the object of the Russian Bible Society. The dissemination of the word of God among Christians alone, composes of itself an important part of this Society's undertaking-an undertaking which requires unwearied efforts, and liberal contributions, on the part of its members.

"As the town of Theodosia is inhabited chiefly by foreigners of different religious persuasions, it will be necessary to inform them, that the spirit and rules of the Russian Bible Society do not prevent it from sending the Holy Scriptures to their friends beyond the borders of Russia. The Bible Society has limited the object of its undertak ing to the distribution of the Holy Scriptures in different languages, with out note or comment. The object, in its simplicity, is exalted, and worthy of the spirit of the Gospel.

The British and Foreign Bible Society has granted to the Russian Bible Society 250%. in aid of printing and circulating the Samogitian Scriptures.

"The Theodosian Branch Bible Society will strive to distribute the word of God among unbelievers, having before it a vast field, first in the Peninsula, of the Crimea, and secondly in the neighboring countries of Caucasus and Anatolia, for making known the gospel to nations who still remain in heathen or Mohammedan darkness. But without exactly fixing the extent of the sphere of its operations, it is easy to observe, that it will comprehend particularly the countries ly. ing on the shores of the Black Sea. Abhazia, Mingrellia, and Anatolia, being in the closest commercial connexion with Theodosia, present a wide field for the Bible Society proposed to be in that city.

"It is well known that in former times the Abhazı were enlightened by the faith of Christ, and belonged to the Greek communion, possessed their own Bishops, and were reckoned to the Eparché of Alanie, the seat of which see was Theodosia, and afterwards Ph.nagoria. After the fall of the Greek Empire, however, the nation of the Abhazi, like the Circassians, being deprived of preachers, and not possessing a written language, returned to their heathenish customs, and at length many of them embraced the Mohammedan religion. Monuments of Christianity exist to the pres. ent time among them, in the remains of churches, for which the people have still respect. Another proof of this, is the veneration which they have for the form of the cross.

"The inhabitants of Mingrellia have been more fortunate than their neighbors the Abhazi. They have preserv ed the faith of their fathers in the midst of the heavy yoke of bondage, which

has lain upon their country for several centuries; and, notwithstanding the persecutions of cruel Mohammedans, they still continue to hold the Christian faith according to the Greek confession, and perform their religious services in the Georgian language.

"At length the coast of Anatolia presents itself to view, extensive, and well peopied, mostly, by Greeks and Armenians, who compose the laboring, or what is there styled, the black part of the community. The lot of these Christians, yet our brethren, sunk in ignorance and poverty, under the iron rod of Turkish dominion, surely merits our compassion. Poverty, pro luced by oppression, has deeply rooted ignorance aniong them, and this has at length begotten indifference to the knowledge of the word of God. These poor people are reduced so far, that they have forgot. ten their native tongues, and now pray to God in the Turkish language.

"The Theodosian Branch Society will take upon itself the sacred obligations of promoting these views, having numerous facilities by the central commercial intercourse which the Port of Theodosia has with Abhazi, Mingrellia, and Anatolia. From these short remarks, it is easy to observe, how important and extensive the field is, which presents itself to the zeal and activity of the members of the Theodosian Auxiliary Bible Society. Suc cess and further extended views depend upon God. He, by his omnipotent goodness, will direct all for the best, and will make even impossibili ties possible to contrite spirits, that hunger after his righteousness, Theodosia, April 3, 1815."

Revival of religion in Salisbury, N. H.

A MOST pleasing revival of religion has lately taken place in the Congregational Society in Salisbury, N. H. The work has been remarkably free from noise, enthusiastic zeal and dis order of every kind. The spirit of truth, attending the word, preached with a constant regard to the simplici

ty of divine testimony, and operating as "a still smal voice," has, in a judg ment of charity, brought many souls to the feet of Jesus, where they remain filled with love, clothed with humility, and adorned with a meek and quiet spirit. By an acquaintance with such disciples of our Lord, any one,

who had never seen the Bible, would hardly fail of seeing, that "the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance;" and that "the wisdom which is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." Within a bitte more than a year, seventy persons have been added to the church And more than ever before, we "behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." It is thought worthy of remark, that belonging to four houses in the society, there are no less than twenty-six professors of godliness, all of whom were in infancy, or in childhood, favored with parental and baptismal dedication to the Lord; and that there are now in the church about fifty young and unmar ried persons A nun ber very lately give evidence of repentance unto salvation, who have not yet made a public profession; others are under very serious impressions, and we trust the good work is still progressing. Not unto us, but unto thy name, O Lord, be all the glory. It has been indeed "a revival of love." Salisbury, Jan. 1816.

it was.

Missionary Box.

T. W.

An American privateer during the late war having captured in the Irish channel a sloop from Cardigan laden with coal, the captain went on board to survey his prize. Ob. serving a small box with an apper. ture in the lid, and an inscription on it, missionary box, he enquired what The Welshman, apprehending the destruction of his vessel and property (according to the recent practice of the Americans to burn their prizes) replied with asigla, "Ah! it's all over now! You must know, that I and my poor fellows have been accustomed to drop a penny piece into that box every Sunday morning, to help in sending out missionaries to preach the gospel." "Indeed," said the American, "that's a good thing, a good thing, indeed" After a short pause, he held out his hand to the master of the sloop, and said, "I will not touch a

hair of your heads, nor injure your vessel;" and immediately departed, leaving the astonished and grateful Welshman, to pursue his course un


Mortality in Virginia.

Norfolk, Feb. 5, 1816. WE are assured, that the mortality among the inhabitants of the adjoining counties has, for the two last months, even exceeded the ravages of the fatal epidemic in the winter of 1814 and 1815.

That portion of Nansemond county, which lies eastward of the river. and the lower precinct of Princess Anne county, are computed to have lost more than half the population they contained last summer; and the deaths in the parish of St. Brides in Norfolk county have been awfully great. In other parts of those counties much sickness has beenexperienced, and many deaths have taken place, but bearing no pro portion to the former. Herald.

Massachusetts Peace Society.

In the last Number encouragement was given that this Number should contain a list of the officers of the Massachusetts Pesce Society. The Executive Committee has not yet been elected. The following is a list of all the present officers of the Society:His Honor Wm. Phillips, President. Hon Thomas Dawes, Vice President, Dea. Elisha Ticknor, Treasurer. Mr. Thomas Wallcut, Rec Sec. Rev. Noah Worcester, Corres. Sec. Rev John Foster D. D Rev. Abiel Holmes D. D. Professor L. Hedge, Rev. Daniel Sharp, John Kenrick Esq. William Wells Esq. Rev. John Foster D. D. Rev. Jonathan Homer, Rev. Henry Ware. D. D. Rev. Joseph M'Kean LL. D. Rev. William E. Channing,



Counsellors of the

Cor. Sec'y.

On Wednesday, Feb. 21, the Rev. David Batcheller was installed over the Congregational Church and Socié

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