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1. WHEN I give heed to what we have just | For to speak or the matter as it is, who is read from the apostolic lesson, that the able? I venture to say, my brethren, pernatural man perceiveth not the things which haps not John himself spoke of the matter as are of the Spirit of God," and consider that it is, but even he only as he was able; for it in the present assembly, my beloved, there was man that spoke of God, inspired indeed must of neccessity be among you many nat- by God, but still man. Because he was inural men, who know only according to the spired he said something; if he had not been flesh, and cannot yet raise themselves to inspired, he would have said nothing; but spiritual understanding, I am in great diffi- because a man inspired, he spoke not the culty how, as the Lord shall grant, I may be whole, but what a man could he spoke. able to express, or in my small measure to explain, what has been read from the Gospel, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; " for this the natural man does not perceive. What then, brethren? Shall we be silent for this cause? Why then is it read, if we are to be silent regarding it? Or why is it heard, if it be not explained? And why is it explained, if it be not understood? And so, on the other hand, since I do not doubt that there are among your number some who can not only receive it when explained, but even understand it before it is explained, I shall not defraud those who are able to receive it, from fear of my words being wasted on the ears of those who are not able to receive it. Finally, there will be present with us the compassion of God, so that perchance there may be enough for all, and each receive what he is able, while he who speaks says what he is able.

II Cor. ii. 14.

2. For this John, dearly beloved brethren, was one of those mountains concerning which it is written: "Let the mountains receive peace for thy people, and the hills righteousness. The mountains are lofty souls, the hills little souls. But for this reason do the mountains receive peace, that the hills may be able to receive righteousness. What is the righteousness which the hills receive? Faith, for "the just doth live by faith." The smaller souls, however, would not receive faith unless the greater souls, which are called mountains, were illuminated by Wisdom herself, that they may be able to transmit to the little ones what the little ones can receive; and the hills live by faith, because the mountains receive peace. By the mountains themselves it was said to the Church, "Peace be with you;" and the mountains themselves in proclaiming peace to the Church did not divide themselves against Him from whom

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they received peace,' that truly, not feignedly, do not receive what we are not, but even lose they might proclaim peace. what we are.

3. For there are other mountains which 5. Accordingly, brethren, of these mouncause shipwreck, on which, if any one drive tains was John also, who said, "In the behis ship, she is dashed to pieces. For it is ginning was the Word, and the Word was with easy, when land is seen by men in peril, to God, and the Word was God." This mounmake a venture as it were to reach it; but tain had received peace; he was contemplatsometimes land is seen on a mountain, and ing the divinity of the Word. Of what sort rocks lie hid under the mountain; and when was this mountain? How lofty? He had any one makes for the mountain, he falls on risen above all peaks of the earth, he had the rocks, and finds there not rest, but risen above all plains of the sky, he had risen wrecking. So there have been certain moun- above all heights of the stars, he had risen tains, and great have they appeared among above all choirs and legions of the angels. men, and they have created heresies and For unless he rose above all those things schisms, and have divided the Church of which were created, he would not arrive at God; but those who divided the Church of Him by whom all things were made. You God were not those mountains concerning cannot imagine what he rose above, unless which it is said, "Let the mountains receive you see at what he arrived. Dost thou inquire peace for thy people." For in what manner concerning heaven and earth? They were have they received peace who have severed unity?

4. But those who received peace to proclaim it to the people have made Wisdom herself an object of contemplation, so far as human hearts could lay hold on that which "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has ascended into the heart of man." a If it has not ascended into the heart of man, how has it ascended into the heart of John? Was not John a man? Or perhaps neither into John's heart did it ascend, but John's heart ascended into it? For that which ascends into the heart of man is from beneath, to inan; but that to which the heart of man ascends is above, from man. Even so brethren, can it be said that, if it ascended into the heart of John (if in any way it can be said), it ascended into his heart in so far as he was not man. What means "was not man"? In so far as he had begun to be an angel. For all saints are angels, since they are messengers of God. Therefore to carnal and natural men, who are not able to perceive the things that are of God, what says the apostle? 'For whereas ye say, I am of Paul, I of Apollos, are ye not men?" 3 What did he wish to make them whom he upbraided because they were men? Do you wish to know what he wished to make them? Hear in the Psalms: "I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High." To this, then, God calls us, that we be not men. But then will it be for the better that we be not men, if first we recognize the fact that we are men, that is, to the end that we may rise to that height from humility; lest, when we think that we are something when we are nothing, we not only

1 John xx. 19.

31 Cor iii. 4.


21 Cor. ii. 9.

4 Ps. lxxxii. 6

made. Dost thou inquire concerning the things that are in heaven and earth? Surely much more were they made. Dost thou inquire concerning spiritual beings, concerning angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, powers, principalities? These also were made. For when the Psalm enumerated all these things, it finished thus: "He spoke, and they were made; He commanded, and they were created." If "He spoke and they were made," it was by the Word that they were made; but if it was by the Word they were made, the heart of John could not reach to that which he says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," unless he had risen above all things that were made by the Word. What a mountain this! How holy! How high among those mountains that received peace for the people of God, that the hills might receive righteousness!

6. Consider, then, brethren, if perchance John is not one of those mountains concerning whom we sang a little while ago, "I have lifted up mine eyes to the mountains, from whence shall come my help." Therefore, my brethren, if you would understand, lift up your eyes to this mountain, that is, raise yourselves up to the evangelist, rise to his meaning. But, because though these mountains receive peace he cannot be in peace who places his hope in man, do not so raise your eyes to the mountain as to think that your hope should be placed in man; and so say, “I have lifted up mine eyes to the mountains, from whence shall come my help," that you immediately add, "My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Therefore let us lift our eyes to the mountains,

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from whence shall come our help; and yet it the Lord, who made heaven and earth:❞ let is not in the mountains themselves that our him, then, fill who can. Brethren, this is hope should be placed, for the mountains what I have said: Let each one lift up his receive what they may minister to us; there- heart in the manner that seems fitting, and fore, from whence the mountains also receive, receive what is spoken. But perhaps you will there should our hope be placed. When we say that I am more present to you than God. lift our eyes to the Scriptures, since it was Far be such a thought from you! He is through men the Scriptures were ministered, much more present to you; for I appear to we are lifting our eyes to the mountains, from your eyes, He presides over your consciences. whence shall come our help; but still, since Give me then your ears, Him your hearts, that they were men who wrote the Scriptures, they you may fill both. Behold, your eyes, and 'did not shine of themselves, but "He was the those your bodily senses, you lift up to us; true light, who lighteth every man that and yet not to us, for we are not of those cometh into the world." A mountain also mountains, but to the gospel itself, to the was that John the Baptist, who said, "I am evangelist himself: your hearts, however, to not the Christ," lest any one, placing his the Lord to be filled. Moreover, let each one hope in the mountain, should fall from Him so lift up as to see what he lifts up, and who illuminates the mountain. He also confessed, saying, Since of His fullness have all we received."3 So thou oughtest to say, "I have lifted up mine eyes to the mountains, from whence shall come my help," so as not to ascribe to the mountains the help that comes to thee; but continue and say, "My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”


whither. What do I mean by saying, "what he lifts up, and whither?" Let him see to it what sort of a heart he lifts up, because it is to the Lord he lifts it up, lest, encumbered by a load of fleshly pleasure, it fall ere ever it is raised. But does each one see that he bears a burden of flesh? Let him strive by continence to purify that which he may lift up to God. For Blessed are the pure in heart, because they shall see God."4


7. Therefore, prethren, may this be the result of my admonition, that you understand 8. But let us see what advantage it is that that in raising your hearts to the Scriptures these words have sounded, "In the beginning (when the gospel was sounding forth, "In the was the Word, and the Word was with God, beginning was the Word, and the Word was and the Word was God." We also uttered with God, and the Word was God," and the words when we spoke. Was it such a word rest that was read), you were lifting your eyes that was with God? Did not those words to the mountains. For unless the mountains which we uttered sound and pass away? said these things, you would not find out how Did God's Word, then, sound and come to think of them at all. Therefore from the to an end? If so, how were all things made mountains came your help, that you even by it, and without it was nothing made? heard of these things; but you cannot yet how is that which it created ruled by it, if understand what you have heard. Cali for it sounded and passed away? What sort help from the Lord, who made heaven and of a word, then, is that which is both uttered earth; for the mountains were enabled only and passes not away? Give ear, my beloved, so to speak as not of themselves to illuminate, it is a great matter. By everyday talk, words because they themselves are also illuminated here become despicable to us, because through by hearing. Thence John, who said these their sounding and passing away they are dethings, received them-he who lay on the spised, and seem nothing but words. But Lord's breast, and from the Lord's breast there is a word in the man himself which redrank in what he might give us to drink. But mains within; for the sound proceeds from he gave us words to drink. Thou oughtest the mouth. There is a word which is spoken then to receive understanding from the source in a truly spiritual manner, that which you from which he drank who gave thee to drink; so understand from the sound, not the sound itthat thou mayest lift up thine eyes to the moun- self. Mark, I speak a word when I say tains from whence shall come thine aid, so that "God." How short the word which I have from thence thou mayest receive, as it were, spoken-four letters and two syllables!5 Is the cup, that is, the word, given the eto drink; this all that God is, four letters and two syland yet, since thy help is from the Lord, who lables? Or is that which is signified as costly made heaven and earth, thou mayest fill thy as the word is paltry? What took place in thy breast from the source from which he filled heart when thou heardest "God"? What his; whence thou saidst, "My help is from took place in my heart when I said "God"?

1 John i. 9.

2 John i. 30.

3 John i. 16.

4 Matt. v. 8.

5 Deus.


A certain great and perfect substance was in perhaps tell of less than you can call up to our thoughts, transcending every changeable your own minds. [From this fabric, then, creature of flesh or of soul. And if I say to judge the nature of the Word by which it was thee, "Is God changeable or unchangeable?" made: and not it alone; for all these things thou wilt answer immediately, "Far be it are seen, because they have to do with the from me either to believe or imagine that God bodily sense. By that Word angels also were is changeable: God is unchangeable." Thy made; by that Word archangels were made, soul, though small, though perhaps still carnal, powers, thrones, dominions, principalities; by could not answer me otherwise than that God that Word were made all things. Hence, is unchangeable: but every creature is change-judge what a Word this is.↓ able; how then wert thou able to enter, by a 10. Perhaps some one now answers me, glance of thy spirit, into that which is above Who so conceives this Word?" Do not the creature, so as confidently to answer me, then imagine, as it were, some paltry thing "God is unchangeable"? What, then, is that when thou hearest "the Word," nor suppose in thy heart, when thou thinkest of a certain it to be words such as thou hearest them substance, living, eternal, all-powerful, infi- every day-" he spoke such words," "such nite, everywhere present, everywhere whole, words he uttered," "such words you tell me; nowhere shut in? When thou thinkest of for by constant repetition the term word has these qualities, this is the word concerning become, so to speak, worthless. And when God in thy heart. But is this that sound thou hearest, "In the beginning was the which consists of four letters and two syllables? Word," lest thou shouldest imagine someTherefore, whatever things are spoken and thing worthless, such as thou hast been acpass away are sounds, are letters, are sylla- customed to think of when thou wert wont to bles. His word which sounds passes away; listen to human words, hearken to what thou but that which the sound signified, and was in must think of: "The Word was God." the speaker as he thought of it, and in the hearer as he understood it, that remains while the sounds pass away.

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11. Now some unbelieving Arian may come forth and say that "the Word of God was made." How can it be that the Word of 9. Turn thy attention to that word: Thou God was made, when God by the Word made canst have a word in thy heart, as it were a all things? If the Word of God was itself design born in thy mind, so that thy mind also made, by what other Word was it made? brings forth the design; and the design is, so But if thou sayest that there is a Word of to speak, the offspring of thy mind, the child the Word, I say, that by which it was made of thy heart. For first thy heart brings forth is itself the only Son of God. But if thou a design to construct some fabric, to set up dost not say there is a Word of the Word, something great on the earth; already the allow that that was not made by which all design is conceived, and the work is not yet things were made. For that by which all finished: thou seest what thou wilt make; but things were made could not be made by itself. another does not admire, until thou hast made Believe the evangelist then. For he might and constructed the pile, and brought that have said, "In the beginning God made the fabric into shape and to completion; then Word:" even as Moses said, "In the beginmen regard the admirable fabric, and admire ning God made the heavens and the earth; the design of the architect; they are aston- and enumerates all things thus: "God said, ished at what they see, and are pleased with Let it be made, and it was made."1 If what they do not see: who is there who can "said," who said? God. And what was see a design? If, then, on account of some made? Some creature. Between the speakgreat building a human design receives praise, ing of God and the making of the creature, do you wish to see what a design of God is what was there by which it was made but the the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the Word of Word? For God said, "Let it be made, and God? Mark this fabric of the world. View it was made." This Word is unchangeable; what was made by the Word, and then thou although changeable things are made by it, wilt understand what is the nature of the the Word itself is unchangeable. world. Mark these two bodies of the world, 12. Do not then believe that that was made the heavens and the earth. Who will unfold in words the beauty of the heavens? Who will unfold in words the fruitfulness of the earth? Who will worthily extol the changes of the seasons? Who will worthily extol the power of seeds? You see what things I do not mention, lest in giving a long list I should

by which were made all things, lest thou be not new-made by the Word, which makes all things new. For already hast thou been made by the Word, but it behoves thee to be new-made by the Word. If, however, thy

1 Gen. i.

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