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artist's name was not hitherto known; he must have lived nearly contemporary with the great painter Polygnotos, and his style is a charming combination of archaic freshness with refined skill. If this restoration of his name, which seems justified by the traces of the letters, is correct, it is worthy of remark that an Athenian vase published in Benndorf, Gr. und sicil. Vasen, taf. v. 5, gives us a painter's name Paseias, who may very likely have been one of the same family.1


The third object from this find is a lekythos of great beauty decorated with red figures with white and gilt accessories on a fine black glaze; it belongs to a series of which the best, including this example, would belong to the first half of the fourth century, But the chief interest is in the design, which represents Oidipous slaying the Sphinx with a spear, in the presence of Athenè and other figures; a treatment of the myth which Greek literature had given us reason to expect, but of which this is the first representation in art that has yet come down to us. The figure of Athenè has a special interest here, in that it reproduces the exact type (only excepting the Nike in the hand) of the chryselephantine statue of Pheidias; and to heighten the resemblance, the helmet, aegis, shield, spear, and bracelets have been gilt, while the entire figure and drapery are painted white. A seated figure of Apollo balances that of Athenè, and the remaining space is filled with the figures of Kastor and Polydeukes on one side and of Aineias on the other, all the figures being identified by their names inscribed beside them.

A brief description such as this cannot of course give anything like an adequate idea of the merit of these gems of art, any one of which ought to be sufficient to stimulate public enterprise towards a satisfactory and thorough excavation of this promising site.

Our pecuniary incapacity represents the dark side of the present condition of British archaeology; but fortunately we may congratulate ourselves that the outlook is not all gloomy. The tendency is certainly growing among us to place classical archaeology in its true position of importance wherever an interest is felt in classical literature and the art of all periods. There

1 See Klein, Vasen mit Meistersignaturen, new ed. 1887, p. 49. On p. 222 ibid. he gives a description of this alabastron under the name Jasiades. This does not sound a very likely name, and there seem besides to be actual traces of the on the vase: un

are not wanting plenty of signs which poi to a distinctly hopeful future. The ne school at Athens, which has at length raise Britain to the same footing there wit France, Germany, and America, and whic is now commencing its work, will giv impetus and encouragement to British ente prise. From the days of Dodwell and Leak down to the present times of Bent an Paton, whose patriotic generosity is S handsomely evidenced in the accompanyin list of acquisitions, this quality has neve been wanting in Englishmen, but the presen movement will supply, it is thought, facilitie which could never be obtained by privat individuals, and will minimise the troubl and friction often entailed in desultory undertakings. The Classical Review will, i is hoped, furnish an opportunity for record ing the notes and news of British students at Athens, for which its monthly issue is well adapted.

Coming now nearer home, we shall find the prospect equally encouraging. Arch aeology is not only occupying a recognised position in the curriculum of our universities, but is being largely taken up in the most important of our public schools. Several have already the nucleus of a representative museum, others are contemplating the formation of one; and Mr. Upcott's little handbook of Greek sculpture, which we hope to notice in our next number, is a proof that the interest, at Marlborough at any rate, is not wholly that of curiosity.

This is all as it should be; perhaps when English scholarship shall finally have removed from itself the reproach of dilettantism, we may hope for its obtaining a more practical recognition from the State than has been its fortune hitherto.


NAUKRATIS COLLECTION. - A series from the antiquities excavated by Mr. Flinders Petrie during the winter of 1884-5 at Tell Nebirch, the site of the ancient Naukratis, and published in Naukratis, pt. i. 1884-5. Third Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund.


1. Limestone fragments from the archaic temple of Apollo, including part of what appears to be the necking of a column ornamented with a lotus pattern in low relief; parts of bead and reel and egg and tongue mouldings, with remains of colour; part of base of a column; part of drum of a column, diam. 1 ft. 6 in. with 25 shallow flutings; Naukratis, pt. iii.

2. Marble fragments from the second temple of Apollo. including head and real and anthamini

Greek Inscriptions.

3. Fragment of limestone slab, inscribed in archaic characters, Tεάω ἐμὶ σῆμα; ibid. pl. xxx. 1.

4. Marble block inscribed with dedication of palaestra to Apollo by Kleainetos and Maiandrios; ibid. pl. xxx. 4.

5. Marble block inscribed with dedication, probably of a ram, to Zeus Thebaios (Ammon), by Ampelion; ibid. pl. xxx. 2.

6. Limestone slab, with ten lines of elegiac inscription of sepulchral import and late period; ibid. pl. xxxi. 11.

Fictile Vases.

A series of fragments of pottery representing almost every stage of Greek vase-painting.

7. Among the archaic specimens are many engraved with dedications to Apollo, beside whose temple they were found, such as Φάνης με ἀνέθηκε τὠπόλλων[ι τῷ Μιλησίῳ ὁ Γλαύρο, on the rim of a large krater; this may refer to the Phanes whose story is narrated by Herodotus iii. 4; ibid. pl. xxxiii. 218.

Among the vases with designs, the following may be noted:

8. A series of fragments of a ware hitherto unknown, painted in brown or orange on a creamy-white ground; ibid. pl. v.

9. Kylix of so-called Kyrenè style; ibid. pls. viii.-ix.

10. Kylix, black-figured, on each side, Ulysses tied beneath the ram. Miscellancous.

11. Terra-cotta figures, masks, and moulds for figures, moulds for scarabs, &c.

12. Several figures, fragments of vases, and scarabs, of porcelain.

13. Statuettes and fragments, of alabaster.

14. Statuettes of calcareous stone'; among them, a nude figure of Aphroditè of fivest Ptolemaic work, with ornaments in red; ibid. pls. i.-ii. p. 33.

15. Three fragments of the shell tridakna squamosa, engraved with lotus and Assyrian sacred tree; ibid. pl. xx.

16. Gold bandeau with repoussé figures of Hygieia, Ceres, Juno, and a medallion head of Helios; inscribed in late Greek characters with name Tiberius Claudius Artemidorus; ibid. pl. xxvii.

17. Gold and silver figures and ornaments; ibid. pls. xxvii.-xxviii.

ANTIQUITIES obtained by Mr. and Mrs. J. Theodore

1 In Mittheil. xi. p. 36, Duemmler refers to marble idols in the British Museum found at Naukratis and similar to those from Amorgos and other præ-Greek sites; but no such objects, nor indeed anything of so carly a date, were found there.

Bent IN THE ISLAND OF KARPATHOS; see Hellenic Journal, vol. vi. p. 235.

1. A very rude idol of dark limestone, 26 in. high, representing a female figure of which the arms and legs are not indicated; the nose and breasts are roughly chiselled out, and the style is clearly that of the prehistoric marble idols frequently found in the Greek islands. Acquired at Pegadia (ancient Poseidonia) where, as Mr. Bent says, 'there are evident traces of prehistoric remains.'

A series of objects excavated by Mr. and Mrs. Bent at Bourgounte (ancient Brykountios) on the extreme north of Karpathos; mostly from rock-cut tombs used by successive generations.

2. Large drab lebes, with two vertical and two horizontal handles, containing (3) a mastos of late greyish glaze, studded with oblique bands of pyramidal projections.

.4 and 5. Two large rooftiles (imbrices) of a form new to me, viz. a nearly complete cylinder, which thins gradually to one end, where it terminates in a circular knob, from which again projects a spout. Drab with black decorations of ivy tendrils, rude birds, and florid palmette; probably, like a similar class of ware at Rhodes (Furtwaengler in Jahrbuch, 1886, p. 152), a late local imitation of a more archaic style. Both found in same tomb.

6. Similar in style to the preceding is an amphora with upright handles and a cover (lost), decorated round the body and neck with an ivy wreath; found in a tomb with the following vases, viz. 7. A trefoil oinochoè with late red figures, three ephebi. 13. A plain black glazed kantharos. 14. A ditto patera with graffito ΚΛΕ. 15. A lekythos with late red figure of a crouching panther.

The remaining vases are of the usual late GraecoRoman black and drab ware, including some of the white-faced ware with polychrome decorations such as was found e.g. at Kyrenè. A date for much of this class of objects is afforded by the case of a series acquired by the British Museum in 1859, all found together in a tomb in Karpathos. This tomb contained a large lebes precisely similar to No. 2, two oinochœ of the thin-necked angular shape (common at Kyrenè), some late glass, common Roman jewellery and three bronze coins of Antoninus Pius, Faustina, and Caracalla respectively.

(The remainder of this Report, including General Acquisitions, Reports of British, Roman, and Coin Departments, will appear in the next issue in April.)

(To be continued.)


Mnemosyne. Nova series. xv pt. 1. Lugd. Bat. Brill. (Cobet, who contributed little or nothing to the last few numbers, has withdrawn from the editorship, which has been undertaken by S. A. Naber, J. van Leeuwen, jr. (to whom contributions are to be sent) and I. M. J. Valeton).

Quaestiones Graecae, I. De suffragio senum milium Atheniensi, scr. J. M. J. Valeton. pp. 1-47.-Plat. Theact. p. 1514. J. v. Leeuwen reads συγκομίσαι for συγχωρῆσαι, coll. p. 1490 συγκομιδὴν (and-ῆς). Notulae criticae ad Pausaniam, scr. H. v. Herwerden. pp. 48-74. Many certain emendations e.g. iv 16 7 (and v 26 9) ἐπίσημα for ἐπίθημα. In the oracle viii


42 5 for ἑλκησισταχύων (which should be ἑλκεσιστ. Οι ἑλξιστ.), ἐκ δησισταχύων, retaining ναστοφάγων. Ιn vii 17 3 he retains Buttmann's abou for εὐθύ; in x 32 2'sine controversia e Porsoni correctione edendum fuerat καὶ ῥᾴων εὐζώνῳ ἀνδρὶ <ἢ> ἡμιόνοις τε καὶ ἵπποις ἐπὶ τὸ ἄντρον ἐστὶν ἄνοδος τὸ Κωρύκιον. Homerica, scr. J. v. Leeuwen. pp. 75-119. 'De particularum κέν et av apud Homerum usu.' The former (1230 exx. in Il. and Od.) is alone Homeric; the latter (280 exx. with 80 of ἤν and ἐπήν) is to be corrected in all genuine passages. Only eleven exx. of av are for the present left uncorrected. One of the restorations is due to Oxford. 'Commemoranda est elegantissima correctio, qua doctus Anglus Monro, de Homerica syntaxi bene meritus, persanavit versum M 41:

ὡς δ ̓ ὅτ ̓ ἂν ἔν τε κύνεσσι καὶ ἀνδράσι θηρητῆρσι
κάπριος ἠὲ λέων στρέφεται.

'Vides av cum praesenti indicativi iungi, et sine ullo igitur dubio vitiosum esse. Restituit Monro poctae manum scribendo (Hom. Synt. p. 51):

ὡς δ ̓ ὅτ ἔναντα κύνεσσι.


Aristoph. Nub. 1065 by the same. For πλεῖν ἢ τάλαντα πολλά read πλεῖν ἢ ἑκατὸν τάλαντα, ί.ε. ΠΛΕΙΝ Η Η ΤΑΛΑΝΤΑ, when the second (= ἐκατόν) had fallen out, a scribe added πολλά for the metre. See Lys. 19 45 seq. ὥστ' φοντο εἶναί τινες αὐτῷ (to Alcibiades) πλεῖν ἡ ἑκατὸν τάλαντα and Ael. v. h. x 17.-Serviana, scr. J. van der Nict. (Six corrections of Serv. Aen III). -I. N. Madvigius, ser. C. M. Francken. A graceful tribute, which considerations of space alone prevent us from transcribing. extract from it the following letter written by Madvig, Aug. 1884 in answer to congratulations on his eightieth birthday. 'Ex laudibus, quibus me epistola tua onerat, ceteras nimias esse et benevolentia exaggeratas intelligo sentioque, unam agnosco accipioque, quod indefessum litteras nostras tuendi iuvandique studium mihi tribuis, nec felicitatis praedicationem, nisi impius sim, repudiare liceat, quod mihi et longum operae navandae spatium natura deusque concess rit nec vires senectus etiam longe provecta prorsus subtraxerit. Sed tamen a philologia me sensim et oculi prope novem iam annos sic caligantes, ut et in legendo et in scribendo alieno auxilio utar, removent et animus vitam actam respiciens et, quod instat adventatque, prospiciens ad alia meditanda avocat. Itaque studiorum communium, quae amare non desinam, tutelam et amplificationem vobis, qui me aequalesque meos antiquitatis humanitatisque amore aequatis, viribus et aetatis robore superatis, trado commendoque tuisque propriis laboribus lactum successum precor, sive tu Lucilium ceterosque scriptores Latinos sive Latinorum instituta tractare perges.'

Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift, edited by C. BELGER and O. SEYFFERT. No. 1 (1 Jan. 1887) Reviews.-A. Kiessling, Horace's Satires (W. Mewes). 'Decidedly the best edition of the Satires yet published.'-K. Sittl, Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur bis auf Alexander den Grossen. Zweiter Teil. (E. Heitz). 'Spoilt by hurried work.'-A. v. Urbanitzky, Elektrizität und Magnetismus im Altertume (S. Günther). 'A successful book.'

No. 2 (8 Jan.) A. Gemoll, Die homerischen Hymnen (A. D. Ludwich: continued from No. 1). 'More cautious than the recent edition of Abel, but defective in many points.'-Lorenz, Miles Gloriosus (E. A. Sonnenschein), notes in detail on several passages. A. Terquem, La science romaine à l'époque d'Auguste (S. Günther). 'The real aim of thre book is to answer the question what, apart from the subjects directly treated of, can be learnt from Vitruvius as to the history of other sciences; much to be learnt from the book though it is hardly up to the German standard.' -S. Reinach, Conseils aux voyageurs archéologues en Grèce et dans l'orient hellénique, 'a charming little book.'

No. 3 (15 Jan.) H. Guhrauer, Musikgeschichtliches aus Homer (H. Riemann) 'a stimulating, but too positive, study.'-P. Wendland, Quaestiones MusoniDe Musonio Stoico, Clementis Alexandri aliorumque auctore. (L. Stein); 'much to be recommended.'-G. Bilfinger, Dic Zeitimesser der


Knaack); 'good'-C. Rhomaïdes, Τὰ μουσεία ̓Αθηνῶν, en réproduction phototypique. I Lieferu Fouilles de l'Acropole, texte descriptif de P. Cavval (C. Belger). Reviewer traces the changes in costu and arrangement of the hair.

No. 4 (22 Jan.) U. v. Wilamowitz-Möllendi Isyllus von Epidaurus (G. Schultz). 'A work of and of genius: the author puts forth revolution views on metre.' - E. Schweder, Ueber die Weltka des Kosmographen von Ravenna; Versuch ei Rekonstruktion der Karte. (D. Detlefsen); altogether a success.'-H. Jordan, Analecta graphica Latina (Chambalu) a discussion of th inscriptions.


No. 5 (29 Jan.) E. Brey, De septem fabulae stasi altero (Wecklein); contains a good explanation ὠκύποινον in 1. 729,-E. Bruhn, Lucubrationa Euripidcarum capita selecta (Wecklein), 'methodic and clever textual criticism; in the last chapter discussion of the date of Soph. Electra, -М. Ре schenig, F. C. Corippi Africani Grammatici qu supersunt (J. Partsch) 'an excellent work, particular strong in questions of late Latin style.'-H. Noh M. T. Ciceronis orationes selectae, vol. 3 de im Pomp, in L. Catilinam (J. H. Schmalz) 'good'Original Article: J. Baunack, Cretica (continue from preceding four numbers) linguistic consideratic of some inscriptions from Crete.

No. 6 (5 Feb.) F. J. Schwerdt, Methodologisch Beiträge zur Wiederherstellung der griechische Tragiker (Wecklein) mainly concerned with th choruses of the Agamemnon - 'an accomplishe writer, but the book contains little of value.'-G Hart, zur Scelen u. Erkenntnislehre des Demokr (F. Lortzing). Reviewer does not agree with the results - Strecker, Ueber den Rückzug der Zehntausen (C. Belger). 'The author is a general in the Ottoma service who has travelled much in Armenia. H theories did not recommend themselves to Kiepeat but the little book is to be warmly recommended It contains a large and excellent map.'-C. Meissner M. T. Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis (F. Müller). A excellent school edition, especially on questions c style'.-E. Thomas, Ciceronis in Verrem IV de signi (J. H. Schmalz) 'an excellent school edition'E. Krah, Beiträge zur Syntax des Curtius, Teil I (J. H. Schmalz) 'treats of the cases, very useful 'C. Diehl, Ravenne. Etudes d'archéologie byzantin (G. D.) 'aims and successfully at summarizing re sults.'-B. Deipser, Ueber die Bildung u. Bedeutun der latcinischen Adjectiva auf fer u. ger (K. E Georges), a detailed and complimentary review.

Original articles by A Bōtticher and C. Belger o the Excavations at the Acropolis of Athens (continues from the five previous numbers).

Rheinisches Museum, vol. xlii. Part. 1.

'Leukippos und Diogenes von Apollonia,' by H Diels. An answer to Natorp's paper in vol. xli p. 349. 'Neue Briefe von Julianus Apostata,' by A Papadopulos Kerameus, who re-edits with notes siz letters discovered by him at Chalki. 'Ueber Tempel Orientirung, V.' by H. Nissen. Continued from vol. xl. p. 370. 'Scaliger's und Labbé's hand schriftliche Noten zu den veteres glossae verborun iuris,' by Ingram Bywater. The marginal notes from the original volume, late in the possession o Mark Pattison. 'Die Entwickelung der Ueber lieferung über die Lykurgische Verfassung II. and III.' by Ed. Meyer. II. is on the ῥῆτραι, which he considers unauthentic. III. argues that Lycurgus was originally the same as

Zens Lvceane


Vatican Aristides-codex. 'Die verloren gegangenen Scenen der Plautinischen Bacchides,' by O. Ribbeek. 'Das Wiener Apion Fragment,' by A. Kopp. Die Gladiatorentesseren,' by P. J. Meier. Chiefly on the import of the words 'spectatus,' 'palus,' and 'rudis.' Under the head of Miscellen: - Nonnana, by H. Tiedke. Athenaeus, iv. p. 174. F. Dümmler. Reads Ξενοφάνης for Ξενοφῶν and restores the lines. Diog. Laert. I. 79, und die Chronologie des Pittakos. F. Susemihl. Quintilian, x. 1, 46. E. Wolfflin. Reads 'fluminum' for 'amnium.' Quintilian, x. 1, 79. F. Becher. Removes comma after 'studiosus' and places it after 'compositione.' Apulei Metamorphoses. Joh. van der Vliet. 'Ist Herodot's Geschichte vollendet?' E. Meyer. Decides in the affirmative in spite of vii. 213. Verschleppte griechische Inschriften. K. Schumacher. Ala classiana in Köln, by 'F. B.' A tomb-inscription found at Cologne proving the ala classiana to have been stationed there, probably to cooperate with the fleet. Nachtrag zu vol. xli. p. 640. A. Riese.

Zeitschrift für das Gymnasialwesen herausg. G. VON

H. KERN Und H. J. MULLER. Berlin. Jan. 1887. THE only articles which call for mention here are, (1) On the 'History of the Roman Empire in Higher Education,' by Dr. H. Schiller, pp. 8-21, in which he insists on the importance of this study in the upper forms of schools of higher education, and suggests improvements in the methods of teaching it, by paying less attention to proper names and more to the growth of institutions. (2) Two Jahresberichte des philologischen Vereins zu Berlin, the former a report by H. J. Müller, editor of Weissenborn's Livy, on the literature of Livy during 1885 and 1886 (pp. 1-30), the latter by G. Andresen (pp. 31-48 incomplete), on Tacitus during 1884 and 1885. Besides the 3rd ed. of Weissenborn (Bks vi-viii), and the 4th of Madvig and Ussing which has been revised by Siesbye and Zacharia (Bks xxi-xxv), Luterbacher's school edition of Bks iii and iv with explanatory notes is praised. Two books of criticism are commended, Questiones criticre et palaeographicas de vetustis codicibus Livianis by W. Heraeus, and Prolegomena in T. Livii librum zziii by A. Frigele. The reviewer notices only one English book (L. D. Dowdall, Bk xxi) which he pronounces to be merely a compilation, and one French by L. Duvau, giving an account of a new MS. of the 1st decad, which he considers to be of no importance. He also gives the names of nine English books, four French, three Italian, two Hungarian, two Russian, which he has not seen. Andreson notices seven German books on Tacitus, and names two French and one Italian. He speaks of K. Heraus' 4th ed. of Hist. i ii, and 3rd ed. of iii-v as having been considerably improved.

The Philologus, vol. xlvi., part 1, contains:1. 'Duo commentarii de comoedia,' by G. Studemund, giving the Greek text with the readings of five MSS. and parallel extracts from Valla. 2. PseudoPlutarchus de Metro Heroico. G. Studemund. Edited from codex C. Parisiis. 3. Das Prooemium der Odysee, und der Anfang des fünften Buches, by A. Scotland, proposing to cut them down as follows: 1. 1 14, 11-14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 26; v. 4, 28-31, 43, with some changes in the reading. 4. Beiträge zu Sophocles Oedipus Rex. A. Spengel. 1. 198 reads τελεῖ, 287, puts colon at τοῦτ', 328 f. supplies ἔσται with οὐ μὴ ποτε and takes ὡς = ὅπως, 597-600, ἐνταῦθ' = ἐμοί, νοῦς sc. ἐμός and κακός is predicative, 1221 f. the reference is to the deliverance from the plague, 1512 f. reads εὔχεσθ' ἐμοὶ οὗ καιρὸς ἦ... and construes εὔχεσθε actively, 1526 reads & τις... for

ὅστις and supplies ἦν with ἐπιβλέπων. 5. τις and ὅστις in pronominalen Wiederholungsfragen bei Aristophanes. W. Uckermann. 'The direct, as well as the indirect, interrogative pronoun or pronom, advb. may be used in repeating a question.' 6. Zum Monumentum Ancyranum III. J. Schmidt. The continuation of a critical review of the edition by Wolfflin and Wilamowitz. 7. Laeviana. C. Haeberlin. Collecting the references to this little-known poet. 8. Ueber die römische Aedilitat in ältester Zeit. Ed. Moll. A review and comparison of the works of Soltau, Herzog, and Ohneszeit, on the subject.

Notes on the following also appear :

Tac. dial. de Or. cap 10. (Th. Stangl.) Read 'transisse' for 'transit et.' Minucius Felix Octavius. (A. Eussner.) Theophrastus Char. 29. (G. F. Unger.) Callimachus, Hym. Del. 1. 10. (C. Haeberlin.) Read · Κάρνει ̓ αἰνήσης.' Aristotle, Psychol. (Fr. Susemihl.) Ammianus Marcellinus, xxvi. 6, 15. (Th. Stangl.) Read 'cavationem' for 'cavillationem' and perhaps 'infimam' for 'miciam.' Rhet. Lat. ed. Halm, p. Carmen de figuris, 41 ff. (A. Eussner.) Read 'fama for 'famam.' Aristophan. Acharn. 1095. (C. Haeberlin.) Read


σὺ δ ̓ ἐγκόνει· δεῖπνόν τις εὖ σκευαζέτω. Under Jahresberichte' comes the first part of a paper by H. Landwehr on the researches made in Greek history between 1882 and 1886.

Under Miscellen' appear the following :

1. A contribution to Latin epigraphy, by Joh. Schmidt, on 'cupula,' arguing that in certain African inscr. the word occurs and signifies a tombstone of peculiar form. 2. On Sophocles Electra, by E. Deiter, commenting on 11. 157 f., 466 f., 757 f, 986 f. 3. On the quotation from Polybius in Julius Africanus, ap. Eusebius, Praep. evang. x. 10, 3, by G. F. Unger, who thinks Πολυίστορος should be substituted for Πολυβίου. 4. On the Periplus of the Pseudo-Scylax, by Wiedemann. 'That the Egyptian information is drawn from Hecataeus and not from Hdt., and that it represents Hecataeus more faithfully than Hdt. does; as no personal observation is used to correct him.' 5. Critical notes on Cicero's philosophical works. H. Deiter. 6. The position of March 1st in the old Latin solar year, by L. Holzapfel, who places it on Feb. 24th. A summary of periodicals completes the number.

The Philol. Anzeiger for Jan. 6th contains reviews of the following:

1. Hübner, Römische Epigraphik in Iwan Müller's Handbuch, by Joh. Schmidt, favourable, but contesting many points. 2. Miller, De decretis Atticis, Quaestiones Epigraphicae. 'Disputes Hartel's position, and establishes his own after a careful examination of the material.' 3. Allbracht, Kampf und Kampfschilderung bei Homer. 'Confounds poetic and absolute truth; throws light on Homer, but not on primitive warfare.' 4. Hüttig, Zur Characteristik Homerischer Composition. 5. Seeliger, Die Ueberlieferung der Griechischen Heldensage bei Stesichorus. 'From a narrow, but instructive, point of view.' 6. Ohlert, Rathsel und Gesellschaftsspiele der alten Griechen. 7. Christ, Platonische Studien. Parmenides must have preceded the Sophistes.' 8. Kopp, Beiträge zur Griechischen Excerptenlitteratur, by O. Crusius, who refutes the charge of fictitiousness brought against Miller's Athous. 9. Below, De Hiatu Plautino Quaestionum Prima Pars, qua agitur de hiatu qui fit in thesi. 10. Plessis, Italici Ilias Latina. Very severely handled. 11. F. B. Jevons. The Development of the Athenian Democracy. Dors not agree with the position taken up. 12, 13, 14, 15,

'The 2 vols 8yo 720 pp London Bentley £1168

Bücheler und Zitelmann, Das Recht von Gortyn, Suppl. to Rh. Mus. vol. 40. The text by Bücheler, the subject-matter by Zitelmann; excellently treated. Lewy, Altes Stadtrecht von Gortyn auf Kreta. 'Handy and clear.' J. und T. Baunach, Die Inschrift von Gortyn. With a careful and valuable commentary, mainly philological.' J. Simon, Zur Inschrift von Gortyn. 'Careless and faulty.' 16. Liebenam, Beiträge zur Verwaltungsgeschichte des Römischen Kaiserreichs, I. Die Laufbahn der Procuratoren, bis auf die Zeit Diocletians. 17. Schweder, Ueber die Weltkarte des Kosmographen von Ravenna, Versuch einer Rekonstruktion der Karte. 'The world as a circle with Jerusalem as the centre, divided into 24 hours by lines through Ravenna.'

It further contains a list of publications, miscellaneous notes, and an index to the philological articles in periodicals for 1886.

The Journal of Philology. No. XXX. Macmillan. 8vo. 4s. 6d.

ON Aurelius Victor. By F. Haverfield. - Aristotle, Politics III 22 (Congreve); 12756, 16. By Wm. Ridgeway. Notes on Plautus, Mercator, Prol. 54, and III 1 26 (524). By J. H. Onions. Placidiana (ed. Denerling). By J. H. Onions. ̓ΑΠΡΑΤΟΣ – ΑΠΡΑΚΤΟΣ Pionii vita Polycarpi 8 (Lightfoot's Ignatius and Polycarp, II 1021, 39). By John E. B. Mayor. - Suetonius Augustus, 92. By John E. B. Mayor. -Η ΕΝΕΓΚΟΥΣΑ in Heliodorus. By John E. B. Mayor. - Eunapius Vit. Soph. pp. 477, 35 and 480, 14. Didot. By John E. B. Mayor. -Seneca de Beneficiis VI 16, § 2 Medicus Amicus, Medicus Imperator. By John E. B. Mayor. -Olem. Al. Strom. IV § 62, p. 592 Potter. By John E. B.

Mayor. - Dierectus. By H. Nettleship. -Th of Latin Grammar among the Romans in t Century. By H. Nettleship. Herod Egypt. By D. D. Heath. -Notes on a Fo Research in the Bibliothèque Nationale of Pa Robinson Ellis. - On the Trilogy and Tetralog Greek Drama. By A. E. Haigh. -Plato's later of Ideas. VI. The Politicus. By Henry -William Hepworth Thompson. By C. Me

Expositor, Jan. 1887. In a very interestin which is continued in the Feb. number, Prof. states and examines three theories which he c with the names of Bishop Lightfoot, Dr. Hat Dr. A. Harnack, upon the origin of the C Ministry. Other articles are on Prof. Westec theologian, by the Rev. W. H. Simcox, prophetess Deborah, by Prof. A. B. Davids Difficult Texts of the Old Testament, by Prof. Prof. Cheyne gives brief laudatory notices of nen's Introduction to the Hexatcuch and Dr. Briggs' on Messianic Prophecy.

In the Feb. number Prof. Westcott writes on Lessons from the Revised Version of the New ment; Prof. J. A. Beet defends the literal m οἱ ἁρπαγμός in Phil. ii. 6, translating 'deem his being equal to God a means of (perhaps 'ground for') grasping earthly good for hi Dr. Godet writes on the ep. to Philemon. are also brief notices by Dr. Marcus Dodds c Biblical Texts no. ii, Weymouth's Resultant Testament, Rendel Harris' Fragments of Judacus, and the 2nd ed. of Salmon's Introd to the New Testament, containing a new chap the non-canonical books.

TO FEBRUARY 15, 1887.

This List will be issued regularly with each number, and an attempt will be made to include in it all bearing on the study of Classical Antiquity actually published during the month. New editions-will or chronicled if there is a change either in matter or in price. New periodical publications will be regi on the appearance of the first Number, and a general list of all such as treat of Classical Studies will be at the end of the year.


Acschylus. The Seven against Thebes of Aeschylus, with an Introduction, Commentary and Translation by A. W. Verrall, M. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. xl. 179 pp. London, Macmillan. 7s. 6d.

Caesar. The Gallic War. With Notes, Vocabulary, and Maps. 16mo. London, Rivingtons.

Book J. 48, 48 pp. Map. 1s.

Book II. 72, 37 pp. Map. 18.

Ciccro. Cato Major, de Senectute, edited with Notes by L. Huxley. 16mo. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 2s.

Oratio Philippica Secunda, with Introduction and Notes by A. G. Peskett, M.A., Fellow of Magdalenc College, Cambridge. 16mo. xxiv. 151 pp. Cambridge, Pitt Press. 38. 6d.

Euripides. Andromache. Literally translated from the text of Paley by W. J. Hickie. 12mo. 38 pp. London, Cornish. 18. 6d.

Geare (R.) Notes on Thucydides, Book I., compiled and original. 16mo. iv. 242 pp. London, Longmans.

2s. 6d.

Gretton (F. E., Head Master of Stamford Grammar School). Classical Coincidences. 12mo. 68 pp. London, Elliot Stock.

Head (B. V.) Historia Nummorum. A Manual of Greek

Love Syo lyxy 807 pp 5 plates

Homer. Odyssey, Books I.-XII. Translated English Verse by the Earl of Carnarvon. Post 300 pp. London, Macmillan. 7s. 6d.

Horace. The Eton Horace. Part I. The Odos Epodes. With notes to the Odes. Book J. F. W. Cornish, M.A., Assistant Master at College. Crown 8vo. London, Murray. 38. 6а Jebb (R. C.) Homer: an Introduction to the and the Odyssey. 12mo. vi. 202 pp. Glas MacLehose. 3s. 6d.

Juvenal. Thirteen Satires of Juvenal, edited Introduction and Notes by C. H. Pearson, M sometime Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, H. A. Strong, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Lati Liverpool University College. 12mo. 147, 161 Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Kennedy (B. H.) Latin Vocabulary. New edil revised and enlarged. Post 8vo. 154 pp. Lon Longmans. 2s. 6d.

Mahaffy (J. P.) Alexander's Empire. 8vo. 322 pp. With Maps and Illustrations. Lon Fisher Unwin. 58.

Mommsen (J.) The History of Rome from Caesa Diocletian. Translated with the author's sane and additions by W. P. Dickson. With m

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