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Alva, 76
AMERICA, Calvin and founding

of, 119, 132-136; Calvinism
and colonial elements of, 120;
Calvinism and republican
principles of, 121, 122, 126-
130; Calvinism the training
school of, 120, 137; national
constitution modelled after
Presbyterian, 140-142; sum-
mary of Calvinism's contribu-
tions to, 142; the Revolution a
Presbyterian measure, 143-
148; work and influence of
Pres. Church in, 148-152
American Bible Society, 196
American S. S. Union, 197
American Tract Soc., 197
Anglo-Saxondom, its Protestant-
ism due to Puritans, 72; Cal-
vin's influence upon, 131
Aristotle, 33
Arminianism, 92, 94, 183, 184,

Arnold, Matthew, cited, 94, 183
Arnold, Thomas, cited, 15
Assembly, see General Ass., or
Westminster Ass.

Attila, 180

Augustine, 13, 87

Bacon, Francis, 16, 33

Bacon, Dr. Leonard Woolsey,
cited, 120

Baldwin, Prof., cited, 151
Bancroft, cited, 72, 78, 81, 82,
90, 91, 96, 121, 122, 127, 129,
130, 136, 143, 144

Baptism, not repeated, 192; in-
fant, 201; mode, 201

Baptist approximation to Pres-
byterianism, 208

Baptist Association, cited, 36
Baxter, 17; cited, 18

Bayard, Ambassador, cited, 152
Bayne, Peter, cited, 64
Beecher, H. W., cited, 47, 62
Bible-readings, 110

Bishop, in New Test. usage, 205
Book of Ch. Order, cited, 190
Bowen, Dr. L. P., cited, 61
Breed, Dr. W. P., cited, 146, 209
Briggs, Dr. C. A., cited, 31, 202,
203, 213
Bruce, Robert, 160

Buckle, cited, 92, 98, 102, 121,
183, 185
Bunker Hill, 135
Bunyan, 17, 59

CALVIN, not originator of Cal-
vinism, 12; C. and Pres. creed,
13; and Catechisms, 25; and
Scripture, 33; and God, 47;

and martyrs, 55, 126; and
Eng. Puritans, 71; debt of
mankind to, 71, 130; C. and
Augustine, 87; and St. Cyran,
88; and free inquiry, 91;
and popular education, 96,
148; and Knox, 98, 130; and
Luther, 100, 135; and America,
119, 132-136; and popular
government, 128-130; influ-
ence of, 131
CALVINISM, assailed, preface,

II; inadequately represented
by the Five Points, preface, is
it dead? preface, hated by
heresy, 11; Pres. Church its
chief representative, 12; ori-
gin of name, 12; Bible its
sole standard of doctrine,
33; true secret of unpopularity,
35; C. and revision of Confes-
sion, 37, 38; tested by its
fruits, 43-153; Keynote of, 44;
C. and God, 44; and duty, 45;
program of, 46; C. and sin, 48;
and grace, 49; array of mar-
tyrs, 54; heroic moral energy,
55-58; appeals to facts, 57;
type of character, 59, 61; cre-
ated English Puritanism, 63-
74; saved the Reformation, 72;
created modern Christian civil.
ization, 74; C. and art, 81;
and religious toleration, 81;
and persecution, 81; in Hol-
land, 75-83; in France, 83-88;
at Port Royal, 87, 88; in New
England, 89, 90; C. and free
inquiry, 91; intellectual supe-
riority, 92; how explained, 93;
most satisfying and stimulat-
ing, 94; "lofty," 95; C. and

education, 96, 97, 148; in
Scotland, 98–103; C. and mis-
sions, 100, 101; in home life,
106-116; in America, 119-
153; C. and revolutionary fore-
fathers, 120; C. and human
rights, 121; a democratic relig-
ion, 121, 122; C. and liberty,
123-126, 132-137; C.'s coro-
nation of individual man as
sovereign, 128, 129; opened
new era, 129; school of self-
government, 137; summary of
contributions to American
Republic, 142; C. and revivals,
150; illustrated in Predestina-
tion and Providence, 157-182;
confirmed by Science and phi-
losophy, 182-186; catholicity
of, 189-215

Campbell, W. A., cited, 209
Caricature, favorite anti-Calvin-
istic weapon, 60
Campbell, Douglas, cited, 75, 77,
78, 79, 80

Campbell, W. A., cited, 209
Carlyle, cited, 45, 47, 63, 97, 99
Castelar, cited, 135
Catechisms, Westminster (see
Shorter, Larger), creed com-
plete in each, 13; predomi-
nantly ethical, 21; their exposi-
tion of Decalogue, 22; labor
bestowed upon, 24-27; VS.
other catechisms, 27; no revi-
sion of proposed, 39
Catechizing, benefits of, 110
CATHOLICITY, of Presbyterian-
ism, shown in Standards, 190;
in fraternal recognition of
other churches, 191-193; in
support of unsectarian insti-

tutions, 193-197; in philan-
thropy, 198; in condition of
membership, 199; in embrace
and emphasis of Christian es-
sentials, 200-203; in liberality
in non-essentials, 204; in grow-
ing Presbyterianization of Prot-
estant Christendom, 206-208;
in number of adherents, 209;
in worldwide distribution, 211,


Choate, Rufus, cited, 134
Church-going, 108
Coligny, 59.

Collier, cited, 15

Common-school system, Calvin
inventor of, 96, 148.
Communion of saints, 190
tion to, 14; ethical quality, 21;
evangelical richness, 22; labor
bestowed upon, 27; revision
of, 37-39; teaching concerning
infants dying in infancy, 39:
catholic spirit of, 190; cited,
32, 45, 160, 168, 174, 176, 178,

190, 191, 199
Congregationalism, 206; approx-
imation to Presbyterianism,

Constitution of U. S. its model,

Covenanters, 86, 143
Cowpens, battle of, 147
Curry, Dr., cited, 19, 92
Creed, purpose and function, 21,

Cromwell, 17, 59, 66

Cyclopedia, Universal, cited, 75
Cyran, St., 88

D'Aubigné, cited, 101, 132

Descartes, 33

De Tocqueville, cited, 121
Doyle, J. A., cited, 121
Dutch Calvinists, see Holland.
Duty and Calvinism, 45, 100
Dyer, cited, 71

Eaton, Gen. John, cited, 149
Edwards, Jonathan, 135
Eldership, Presbyterian, 138, 147,
195, 205

Election and grace, practical
effects of, 56. 122-124
Elliott, cited, 148

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, cited, 93
Encyclopedia Britannica, cited,
62, 83

England, Calvinism in, 20, 59,

63-74; liberties of, won by
Calvinists, 125, 134
Episcopal, Protestant, approxi-

mation to Presbyterianism, 207

Family, the, and Presbyterian-
ism, 149

altar, 107; religious conversa-
tion, 109; Scripture and cate-
chism, 110; happy Sabbath-
keeping, 108-112; parental
discipline, 112; the home Sanc-
tuary, 114

Fatalism and foreordination, 166,

Fisher, Prof. Geo. F., cited, 33,
44, 102

Fiske, Prof. John, cited, 46, 71,
125, 137
Foreordination and fatalism, 166,
and free agency, 167-173;
illustrated, 161-175
France, Calvinism in, 83-88

[blocks in formation]

Hampden, 17

Harrison, Benjamin, cited, 189
Harte, Bret, cited, 147

Hays, Dr. Geo. P., cited, 195,
197, 198

Heath, Richard, cited, 138
Heidelberg catechism, 27
Henry, Matthew, 17

Heresy, hostile to Calvinism, II
Heron, Prof., cited, 205
History vs. fiction, 60
Hodge, Prof. A. A., cited, 148
Hoge, Dr. M. D., cited, 209
Holland, Calvinists of, their suf-
ferings and heroism, 75-77;
by what inspired, 78; leader,
78; mortality, 79; achieve-
ments, 80-82; intellectual free-
dom, 91;
America, 120, 143


Home, the Christian, created by
the Puritan, 73; a Scotch Pres-
byterian, 106–116

Hospitals, Presbyterian, 198
Howe, John, 17

Hughes, Archbishop, cited, 139
Huguenots, character, 83-86;
product of Calvinism, 86; in
America, 120, 143
Hume, cited, 125
Huxley, cited, 184

Independent, The, cited, 70
Infants dying in infancy, 39
Ironsides, 71

James, King, cited, 129
Jansen, 87

Jefferson, Thomas, cited, 143
Joseph, story of, illustration of
Predestination and Providence,

Kepler, 178

Kerr, Dr. R. P., cited, 209
King's Mountain, battle of, 147
Knox, chief aim, 47; character,

59; pupil of Calvin, 98, 130;
creator of Scotland, 99; effect
of his teaching, 122, 123
Kuyper, Prof. Abraham, 184

[blocks in formation]

Lecky, cited, 63, 84, 184
Leyden, siege of, 76; University
of, 97

Liberty, civil, saved to the

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